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31 December, 2022
You call that a year? I could shit better than that!
24-Year-Old Flight Attendant at Air Albania Collapses and Dies Suddenly from Heart Attack Shortly After Landing in London
December 30, 2022
□ [“Text and Email Evidence that Pelosi Staffers Secretly Decreased Security at US Capitol for Jan 6 While Pelosi Was Organizing Film Crew that Day"]
It was obviously a set-up, an excuse to harass whoever they don't like, imprison people for years without charging them with a crime and just seizing more power. This is what they've always wanted to do and they aren't happy about having had to put it off this long.
They've had to avoid basic concepts of security to let this happen. The capitol has three sets of doors. If you go through one, the one behind you automatically locks. You can't go through the next door unless nobody is permitted to follow you through the previous door. This whole system had to be turned off just to allow people to enter the building, and who's in charge of capitol security? The same lady who doesn't have any security for her very-expensive house filled with very-expensive possessions and had that broken into again, the most recent time was a couple months ago and nobody seems to be bringing that up anymore.
Were any actual Trump supporters involved or were they all government agents? It probably doesn't matter that much, just curious.
Benedict XVI, first pope to resign in 600 years, age 95
December 31, 2022
Australian Family Doctor Who Faced Backlash for Vaccinating Children and Adverse Reactions Dies Suddenly
December 31, 2022
Court Finds Florida’s School Bathroom Policies to Separate By Gender Are Not Discriminatory
December 31, 2022
NC State Football Announcer Gary Hahn Suspended Indefinitely After Saying “Illegal Aliens” During Bowl Game
December 31, 2022
□ [“Second ABC News Producer Dies Suddenly by Undisclosed Causes"]
At what point are even the people who demanded everyone get the poison going to come out? I get that they're paid to lie and pretend they're right about everything, but just the increasing numbers would start affecting some of them.
Basically at some point they'd need to be aware that they're in a death cult to keep pushing this, and you'd think that would require them to promote the deaths as a good thing, instead of just ignoring them. Human nature being what it is, some of them would have to see how wrong this is.
Nobody's even looking into the causes of death, at least not openly. That defeats the point of learning and medicine and every other benefit. Even if only the elite get to survive, they'll have to clean their own toilets and maintain their own airplanes to transport food. I rarely use terms like 'human ingenuity' but it's becoming way too obvious that there are serious problems and they're headed for disaster, even our rulers have servants who would start demanding a change of direction.
Judge Temporarily Blocks California Law Forcing Restaurant Chains to Raise Fast-Food Wages
December 31, 2022
Pelosi Raises Salary Cap For House Staffers to $212,100 as Bidenflation Hurts American Families
December 31, 2022
□ [“California Laws Take Effect January 1st – Including Punishing Doctors For Covid 'Misinformation'"]
They just keep pushing for tyranny more and more. The government will decide what's true and punish anyone who disagrees. They never see any way this could go wrong, probably because they think they'll be the ones making the decisions and are never wrong about anything.
Are they making these new stupid laws up as they go or have they always had them prepared? I could go either way. I do think their plan for the 2020s was written out and they will be doubling down in the new year. They've gotten away with it this long, it's not like they have any reason to slow down or rethink things. That's what's so depressing about modern life. It'll just get worse.
What would it take to actually get a resistance started? We can't each produce our own food, shelter, defense, medicine, etc. Sooner rather than later, we require interaction with others. Building something now will make it easier for our masters to fall away sooner.
U.S. Court of Appeals Rule MAGA Hat Is Free Speech
December 31, 2022
□ [“Biden’s New 'Green Truck' Rules Will Hurt U.S. Trucking Industry And Increase Inflation"]
Otherwise they're just tearing down anything that works to replace it with their insane fantasies. Only the big rich companies can even consider going along with these rules and everything else will be shut down, which includes all the supplies they transport.
One thing that's necessary is to start working out which supplies are crucial and which ones can be produced locally. At this point, there probably aren't that many, so unfortunately it would need to be determined what we can live without.
I don't know if the rulers are trying to destroy everything or if they actually think this stupidity will work, but there's going to be suffering, even more than there already is, and we need to push it onto our rulers as much as possible. And their servants.
How long until the truckers quit? Not long enough, but days? Weeks? This can't go on. As the say goes, everything that can't last forever stops.
So what's going to happen in the new year? I have no clue. My guess is that our rulers have already planned to double down on the schemes that have worked out for them so far. I really hope there is a resistance somewhere but there's no clue of that.
Beyond that, I dunno. I've basically given up all hope for the future and don't see any options. If there was someplace to run, ok. If there was some resistance to work for, fine. Otherwise I just focus on writing about this stuff and maybe it'll be found worthwhile by someone long after I'm dead. Depressing I know, but that's the world we live in.
Will there be a war? A fake one, probably. A real one? No idea. More viruses? Sure, they can make up whatever they want and impose their will on the rest of us. Economic collapse? Probably. What form will that take, will there be riots? I'd hope so but that's the sort of thing I'd rather not see, much less live through. It really looks like we're one bad day away from utter anarchy and we know there will be bad days in the very near future, like, tomorrow.
I can't take away the belief that our rulers have a lot of this planned. Just the number of people I see going around with cloth on their faces indicates how many obedient servants there really are out there. So stand and fight them.
We can't lose any more than they're already taking from us. How many want another year as wonderful as 2022, which very quickly made 2021 look like a great year, which had very quickly made 2020 look like a great year, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016... They can't be stopped, not peacefully.
30 December, 2022
The grocery store is running low on Soylent Green :(
Chinese Fighter Jet Came Within 20 Feet of American Military Aircraft
December 29, 2022
I have put together a collection of everything I've written about the virus in the last few years. My goal is to re-write everything just to have it all as one complete narrative, but in the event that doesn't happen, I decided to just put everything together now. If it goes anywhere, yay. If I can do the re-writing, yay+1.
It's available on kindle and printed editions. I couldn't make it work with smaller words, so it takes up more pages than any other book I've published. That's gotta count for something. Safe to assume I'll be immediately writing more stuff about the virus so that there will immediately be similar work that isn't included.
30-Year-Old Chicago West Side Arts Organization Leader Dies Suddenly from Complications Due to Cardiac Arrest
December 30, 2022
Protests Erupt Outside Drag Queen Story Hour in NYC After AOC Encourages Comrades to ‘Protect’ Event
December 29, 2022
□ [“Bolsonaro Rules Out Military Intervention in Brazil, 'I Have No Support from Other Institutions to Act Against Lula!'"]
So he quits. He drops everything and runs away, assuming he hasn't already. He's betraying the millions of people who supported him to stand up against tyranny. This begs the question if he was *always* secretly on the side of the rulers or if he's just a wuss.
Yes, you can say the same thing about Trump. We can still go on strike, even as individuals, but we what we need most is a unified resistance and that requires serious leaders. All the accounts I've seen say that Brazil was ready to fight for its freedom, just as the rest of us should, and now what?
I am not someone who believes in the 'end times' but if we're actually in them, can we please be told? Or is this just wiping out hope and freedom for its own sake and we'll all live long lives after it's gone?
Bolsonaro has fled to the US. His veep says there will be an announcement within 72 hours but the resistance movement should not stop. We'll see. I'm not optimistic.
Bolsonaro Leaves for USA, Vice President Mourão Takes Over and Schedules Announcement
December 30, 2022
□ [“
Scientific American
: Telling Black Women to Lose Weight is Racist"]
Black women are stupid enough to fall for this, it's proven science. If they weren't,
Scientific American
wouldn't be pulling this nonsense, much less thinking everyone else would go along. Who else do they think will go along with it?
Ok, it's not like black women would actually be reading this, but maybe in an upcoming issue, they'll prove that reading is racist. They've got to keep lowering the standards somehow.
They're already encouraging black women to ruin their health and shorten their lives, which is what obesity does. It even makes you more vulnerable to the virus, but here a famous scientific magazine is promoting that a certain skin color and gender do exactly that.
□ [“CDC Pressures Teachers to Increase ‘LGBTQ Inclusivity’ in Classroom Instruction"]
And another example. They're making diseases up to expand their control. LGBTQ isn't related to disease (unless you count AIDS which nobody has made a cure for in 40 years like they did with covid) but they're just sticking their shaft in and ejaculating flued.
It's about blurring everything together to eliminate individuality and always picking whatever is 'normal' to eradicate in the process. Or 'decent,' 'sensible,' 'helpful,' any of those. It's a basic example of collectivist mentality, that everything is part of everything else and anything that disagrees is bad.
□ [“Economist Zoltan Pozdar Warns of End of the Current US Dollar Dominance"]
Which is what the rulers want, it's what they've been pushing for. The best way to make that happen is to shut down everything this country can do and promote everything our enemies can do, so it looks like they're moving on schedule.
I'm still trying to figure out what to do. I notice gas prices have bounced up and down the last several days, at some point they're just going to stay high. There's no way farmers can plan to grow food in this economy, at least more than they and their neighbors need. They're trying to shut down the dollar and somehow switch everything to digital, which won't hold up to reality but they ignore that fact.
I would prefer to stay in America but I have seriously given thought on where in the world there is to flee to, and nothing comes up. I've even looked at Antarctica, but the global warming would probably kill me immediately. The whole world is on fire. As much as I want to say God will sort it out, which is true, that's not something we can rely on.
□ [“Pelosi and House Drop Trump’s Tax Returns Resulting in One Big Nothing-Burger"]
Six years of tax returns, four of which were negative income, roughly about $50 million. Is that supposed to mean something? Let's see Nancy's tax returns, since she's the one who wants everything public and she's totally willing to expose others to public scrutiny. She could even include her family members who've become very very very rich around her.
Trump complains about it but at this point, there's not much to expect from him. Inspiration, maybe, but that's about it. If you're going to do something, do it! We can't wait, we're losing more and more every day.
Elon Musk To Media: Info Coming Out of Twitter Has ‘Only Just Begun’
December 29, 2022
29 December, 2022
You can learn something new every day if you're not careful.
The release of G'n'R's
Use Your Illusion
albums is closer to the Beatles hiring a new drummer (Pete Best) and their first Hamburg residency than it is to today. It would still be a couple years before the Beatles hired a replacement drummer and started recording albums.
The release of
Spaghetti Incident
is closer to the Beatles ending the 1964 tours and releasing their fourth album,
Beatles For Sale
, than to today. It's closer to the release of the Rolling Stones' second album than today, which had three whole songs written by Jagger/Richards.
The day Axl Rose was born is closer to the day Bing Crosby was born in 1903 than to today. Bing was over a decade older than Frank Sinatra and Sinatra was over a decade older than Elvis. When Axl was born, Elvis was still in his 20s. In a very short time, Axl's birth date will be closer to the 1800s than to now.
And what has he done? Another year older, a new one just begun.
Children Spotted at Orlando Drag Show Where Queens Are Sexually Dancing to Song Dubbed ‘Screwdolph’
December 28, 2022
Brazilian Socialist Dictator Lula da Silva intends to Increase Gun Control in Brazil
December 29, 2022
□ [“In the Name of 'Equity' Virginia High School Withholding Academic Awards"]
'You're not here to learn anything and we're not here to teach you anything.' Schools are all about indoctrination, nothing else. An argument can be made that they always have been, but at least in previous centuries they had to include something useful in their teachings, to look good if nothing else. Now they aren't even bothering with that.
I think it's just based on collectivist mentality. The pawns have to train new pawns to grow up to be pawns and that's the limit of their insight. Sure, they believe in the inevitable collectivist utopia, but that's why they get so much wrong. They'd be proven wrong much faster if they permitted thought or dissent, which is why they ban it.
Actual standards would cause the same problem, some students are better at things than others. This contradicts collectivism, therefore all standards must be lowered so anybody can pass and nobody can stand out as exceptional.
Pelé, Brazilian soccer legend, age 82
December 29, 2022
Travel Hell: Southwest Cancels Another 2,300 Flights
December 29, 2022
Woke Military Struggling To Recruit, Will Now Accept Recruits With ADHD And Other Behavioral Challenges
December 29, 2022
□ [“China to drop COVID-19 quarantine requirement for incoming travelers"]
Ok, this is odd. China's official goal is zero covid but they're dropping their own mandate to quarantine all incomers? And this is the same time that our masters are enforcing their rule that people coming *from* China must prove they don't have the virus.
This is one of those things that just makes everything muddy. I don't see any plus or minus for any of this, beyond China's rulers looking humiliated if they give up on their official goal. That's a good thing (for us) but what does it even mean? Are they giving in to the protests? Ok, but that's not likely to stop the protestors.
□ [“Vaccine Salesman of the Year: WHO Chief Says Covid Boosters 'Are Used by Countries to Kill Children'"]
Yes, we know. Kids are basically immune to viruses. That's why chicken pox and the measles are so famous, because kids can get them. The tyrants showed their real objectives with how they rushed to shove a long hard shaft to ejaculate fluid inside every child and didn't need any permission.
This is who they are, this is their true self. They're not hiding it any longer. Even when they're not pushing it hard, they're supporting those who do. Now, because of them, we've lost trust in the medical industry, we don't know what or who's coming next, and all of this is to inflict their tyranny onto children, and the rest of us.
We don't need a 'war crimes' trial, maybe that'll come later. What we need is everyone in the world to rise up, go to the rulers' homes and begin executions. That's the only way we're going to stop this and bring back sanity. Then we can start locking their supporters away forever and the rest of us living in peace and prosperity.
‘Largest Satanic Gathering in History’ to Take Place in Boston, April 28-30
December 29, 2022
□ [“Out With A Whimper: Disbanding Jan 6th Panel Drops President Trump Subpoena"]
So yet another investigation of Trump that came to nothing. They had everything ready, all they had to do was make up the crimes, but they couldn't even do that.
At this point, I'm getting certain that they keep running into things that will tear themselves apart if publicly released and they can't figure out any way to go after Trump without that. It's just an example I made-up, but I always cite Hillary's emails. They keep running into those and seeing that she did the same things, much worse, and didn't even have Presidential authority, so they can't complain about the so-called 'crimes' that much if they're so supportive of others committing them.
This really is proof that they didn't know what they were doing. At the very least, they'd demand to humiliate Trump in public, or at least they would if they were competent. It's not like they have to worry about future elections.
Democrat Senator Ben Cardin: “If You Espouse Hate, If You Espouse Violence, You’re Not Protected Under the First Amendment”
December 29, 2022
Proposed Arizona Bill Would Prohibit Teachers From Using Students ‘Preferred Pronouns’ Without Parental Consent
December 29, 2022
Biden Signs $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Bill – Gives Ukraine Another $45 Billion
December 29, 2022
Actor Sean Penn Says Being Unvaccinated Is A Criminal Offense
December 29, 2022
□ [“Comic Book Fans Shun Superheroes’ Woke Makeovers"]
It's long been an established point that the decades-old characters are what they are, if you want some different character, make them up now. But of course our masters don't want that. They want to destroy Superman, etc. They don't want to create anything.
What we need are people making their own strips. And for God's sake, DROP THE CORPORATE-OWNED SUPERHERO NONSENSE!!! I was in my teens when Image started and for all the negative complaints, it was a good example of how you can do other things with this wonderful medium. Do romance, do funny animal, do comedy, history, fantasy, secret agents, people sitting around and talking. Enough with the guys-in-tights punching people!
I've been pondering if superheroes matched the comics medium or vice-versa. The stories were crappy but the cheap color printing looked awesome and it was just a couple of guys sitting down and drawing pictures that it took a long time to even remotely approach in any other medium. Now Disney can do that at ridiculous prices and people will pay to sit and watch the screen for several hours.
And now they just use comics as storyboards for movies. Can't have thought balloons because you can't see movie characters' thoughts. Big deal, you can't see the movie characters in page layouts either, that's why it's a different medium!
Anyway, now they're trying to establish the "multi-verse." I assume they're building up to Avengers/JLA, which took 20 years to do in comics. They're probably also trying to bring in every other franchise, I notice they seem to be using a lot of the same actors for Marvel and DC movies.
I also wonder if they're trying to build up the crappy-70s comics, deliberately having a bunch of Marvel movies that either fail or at least don't do as well as you'd expect. Are they planning to build up to the X-Men in the MCU? Maybe, but they're also doubling down on their woke garbage. At least Claremont's X-Men were interesting, that's what fiction is for.
28 December, 2022
Haven't seen enough misery today, so I'll look up current events to get more.
Bob Marley’s Grandson, Reggae Artist ‘Jo’ Mersa Marley, Dies Suddenly at 31
December 27, 2022
□ [“Biden Says Ending Title 42 is “Overdue” Before Leaving For Vacation in St. Croix"]
If there was any sort of respect for the law, the government trying to end the rule that prevents
immigration because of a virus would understand that the same government is still insisting the virus is a deadly threat and we'll all die if we don't wear cloth on our faces and get jabbed with poison. A rational person would see the contradiction, but that's not how our rulers operate.
The invasion is going to happen, it's just a question of 'when?' Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if our leaders just invite everyone in now regardless of what the Supreme Court said. They're the ones who want to ditch the Constitution, what better way to prove that? No wonder Biden needed yet another vacation.
□ [“Boston Public Schools May Bring Back Mask Mandate After Christmas Break"]
They really enjoy the power, they can do anything they want to children's bodies. I'm sure a lot of parents are pulling their kids out of public school, but they need to become a majority. We already know the teachers are trying to take full ownership of children.
They're just doubling down on this insanity. The vaccine was supposed to prevent it, remember? Now they're going back to the cloth that didn't work either, and few people are stupid enough to wear when they aren't required to anyway. So the rulers will force it on kids for a few hours here and nowhere else.
US Government Mulls Covid Restrictions For Travelers From China
December 27, 2022
EPA Finalizes Rules to Decimate US Trucking Industry and Send Consumer Goods Prices Soaring
December 28, 2022
Travel Hell: Another 2,500 Southwest Flights Cancelled… Now Luggage is Lost
December 28, 2022
Migrant Crossings “Plummet” After Texas National Guard Expands Barbwire Fence
December 28, 2022
□ [“Dartmouth College’s $100 Million STEM Program: White Men Need Not Apply?"]
'Whites Only' organizations are just as legal, so might as well bring those back. Our masters really care about skin color and want everybody to determine how to treat people based on their skin color, so let's go with that. If they actually held any other standard, they would recognize dumping people who don't meet the standards for intelligence or ability, but that has to be ignored for STEM.
So what's the backdoor for those who self-identify as the approved skin colors? If you can self-identify as a made-up gender and not need any evidence, there's no reason to be born with a skin color that you're never allowed to change.
Obviously there's going to be lawsuits. In a free society, these rules would be immediately thrown out, but that probably won't happen any longer. Our rulers love judging people based on skin color and they'll never change. But the lawsuits themselves will take up time, making me wonder if they have to ban everybody from access to these STEM programs until the verdict comes out. Then only the skin colors who are most devoted to skin color over ability will be going through this program, ensuring that it falls to pieces quickly.
Minnesota University Reportedly Declines Contract Renewal of Professor Who Showed Ancient Prophet Muhammad Images
December 28, 2022
□ [“Ukraine Calls for Peace But First Russia Must Face Prosecution for War Crimes"]
Victorious nations set up courts to put the losers on trial however they want, it's not something they have to beg the losers to go along with. Winning means you decide, losing means you don't, that's pretty simple. So why is Ukraine calling for peace in the first place since they've spent all this time winning? It would be more likely to say they'll head straight for the Kremlin and see how close they get before Russia surrenders
en masse
. Or Ukraine gets a fancy new palace, that's win-freaking-win.
It's been very strange how the self-appointed Ukraine supporters have never acknowledge any of this after all these months. For all the losses Russia was supposedly having in April and July and September, you'd think the war would have been over for months. Have the military just shoot any Russian who gets close and spend the rest of their time playing on their cellphones, or whatever they do when they're bored. The only alternative is that Russia hasn't spent all this time losing, yet they won't even acknowledge the possibility.
At least I'm willing to accept the possibility that Ukraine's won 100% of the time all along, so I ask why they aren't just taking over Russian territory like every other victor would. I don't think Ukraine is remotely winning 100% of the time, but I also recognize that media reporting on a warzone is, by definition, completely untrue.
There are other problems closer to home, why does these Ukraine supporters never give them the slightest attention? The US invaded Syria on September 22, 2014, how's that going? Are we ever going to get around to taking Assad out of power, since that was one of the primary goals and he's still there, dying of old age. Is Congress ever going to declare war?
What is it about Ukraine that deserves all the attention and everything else must be ignored? Laundering money for cybercurrency? Biolabs? 10% for the big guy?
Zelensky Agrees to Continue Using Blackrock to Invest Ukraine Funds
December 28, 2022
Globalists Assemble! Zelensky Says Ukraine Will Attend WEF Meeting in January
December 28, 2022
Iran Threatens to “Raze Tel Aviv to the Ground” if Israel Strikes Nuclear Sites
December 28, 2022
Michelle Obama Says She ‘Couldn’t Stand’ Her Husband Barack For 10 Years
December 28, 2022
For that matter, why is the US military having such problems with enlistment if we're at war with Russia and leftists totally support that? Why aren't they volunteering or pushing their children to volunteer? It's not like the US military is limited to only two genders like Ukraine is, so where's the line of volunteers? Are they going to wait for a draft?
Oh, right, they're leftists. Of course they'll wait for a draft. Everybody else must be dragged along with them, no matter what. And *that's* then they'll promote their made-up genders and people chosen by skin color, because nothing could go wrong there.
As always, I point out that the military is the closest to workable socialism, but it does so by establishing rank and solving as many problems as possible at the lowest level. You want to avoid getting First Sergeant or SGM involved. The NCO creed specifies that officers must be giving maximum time to accomplish *their* duties, not ours.
Because the military learns from experience, there are times when lower ranking soldiers have the position of authority. Everybody's in uniform and works by the same rules. That's not how the civilian world operates and when pushed, that's why leftist rulers impose a military structure on their subjects.
So why aren't our masters who totally believe we're fighting Russia trying to do anything about it? Why aren't their subordinates demanding more people sign up? Why don't they even notice what's missing? This just makes it clear that the Russia/Ukraine thing is not actually what wars have been for all of human existence, it's something else. I think it's a fraud, but whatever it is, that's not how wars work.
27 December, 2022
Thinking again? What's wrong with this guy?
□ [“Russian President Dimitry Medvedev Releases 2023 Predictions: Oil will Reach $150 per Barrell and US Dollar will Lose Its Status as Global Reserve Currency"]
Like it or not, Russia's rulers just come off as having a better understanding of what's going on than our rulers do. That's not a complement to Russia. Remember, our masters still insist we're not in a recession and they aren't changing their minds about that any time soon. They say the supply chain is doing fine. On one day for Christmas weekend, over 2500 flights were cancelled just for one airline, and our so-called Secretary of Transportation was nowhere to be found. This isn't the first time that's happened.
Obviously there's no trustworthy sources, but if there were, it might be interesting to see what percentage of required tasks and responsibilities Russia's rulers are actually capable of accomplishing. Basic things like making sure citizens can travel and buildings have working heat and electricity. Until they started stealing every election they could, America's leaders were expected to make sure those supply systems worked or they would taken out of power.
Now some of the other predictions are more iffy. At least I hope they're iffy. I'm fine with the EU falling apart, but why would Britain re-join the EU? Poland and Hungary will take over parts of Ukraine, Germany will combine with other Eastern Europe regions? This doesn't really match up with war between France and Germany or Ireland shaking up. Civil War 2.0 in the US, that I've been predicting for years so no point there, but all the big economic systems will collapse so the world will basically all go digital.
I said it was more realistic than Biden, that doesn't mean it's realistic on its own merits. I didn't even bother citing a couple of these predictions. At least if we had coherent leaders, there would be a basis to shrug it off, 'no chance of that happening.' But we don't, so like it or not, there's a very sensible reason to ponder what Medvedev knows that we don't. That's what our rulers have given us, that's how they want it.
Cross-Dressing Man Arrested for Photographing Woman in a Texas Bathroom, Threatening Witness With Pepper Ball Gun
December 27, 2022
In Manhattan, grand larcenies are up as thieves are confident they can get away with it
December 26, 2022
Joe and Dr. Jill Celebrate Kwanzaa – A Phony Holiday Created by a Violent Felon Who Tortured Two Naked Women
December 26, 2022
□ [“MSNBC Guest: Indict Donald Trump Or America Becomes A 'Banana Republic'"]
Black woman is too stupid to know that we already are and she's been doing everything possible to make it happen. They've been trying to indict Trump for anything they can make up for all these years and have completely failed. A banana republic will just keep doing it over and over, which is what these people are doing.
This is just repeating the mindless rhetoric that only affects those who are incapable of questioning it, people like her. The rest of us need to step back and away from them. Let them pretend to themselves, at least for as long as the food and light holds out. We should have nothing to do with them.
Massive Tent Erected at Border as Title 42 Sets to Expire Tonight at Midnight
December 27, 2022
The Crackdown: Brazil Stasi Issues Arrest Warrants for Opposition Leaders
December 27, 2022
□ [“Secretary Pete Buttigieg AWOL as Massive Southwest Airlines Cancellations Creates Holiday Travel Hell Across Nation"]
He texted a celebration of Kwanza, what else could he possibly have to offer?
One odd detail is that this is happening to just one airline. Other airlines did have cancellations but far less. Why would Southwest suddenly go incompetent on one of the busiest weekends of the year? It's similar to the suggestion that the string of attacks on our power-grid are actually some form of resistance. There are certainly government tyrannies that are specific to an individual industry which the rest of us laymen don't know anything about.
I am paying attention to this one more than normal. Won't give any details but I have a reason to be looking at the problems with Southwest. Haven't travelled on planes much for a few years but back when I did, Southwest was usually what I went with and I'd noticed that something about them seemed different from other airlines in my experience. Not enough experience to know what's difference and it's why I'm guessing that it's some sort of industry-specific tyranny. Or maybe all the employees are just going on strike, which would be kinda cool.
Or maybe the government is just trying to stop airflights for everybody but them and Southwest just happened to get hit first for whatever reason. They've been given over $7 billion from the government since the virus started, could that be relevant?
Feds Force West Point To Remove General Robert E. Lee Portrait
December 27, 2022
“Our Administration is Working to Ensure Airlines Are Held Accountable” – Biden Targets Airlines After Polar Vortex Causes Flight Cancellations
December 27, 2022
What, Me Worry? Biden To Leave for Warm Virgin Islands While Americans Freeze
December 27, 2022
16-Year-Old Minnesota Hockey Player Dies on Christmas Day After Suffering Multiple Stroke
December 27, 2022
Supreme Court Extends Trump-Era Title 42 – Will Hear Case in February
December 27, 2022
□ [“'Make Sunsets' Startup Releases Particles into The Atmosphere to Stop 'Climate Change'"]
They have the power to control weather by releasing sulfur and they don't need anybody's permission to do it. What could go wrong?
What are the odds they're actually just releasing poison? This 'global warming' stuff is just hype, they're really after mass-murder and have been inspired by Doctor Doom's schemes? This is probably our ruler's plan for next year.
Of course, it we're going to go that far, we might as well assume that the "vaccination" is supposed to be an immunity to whatever poison they're inflicting on the rest of us. Wouldn't that be a hoot? Biden did promise the unvaccinated "a winter of death."
Well this is just depressing. At this point, I'm far too worried that I'm totally right. Moving on...
□ [“Stanford University Walks Back Plan to Eliminate ‘Racist’ and ‘Harmful’ Words Like ‘American,’ ‘Grandfather’ After Backlash"]
They're just pretending to walk it back, they are still going to erase any part of the language they don't like. They just wanted to see what got the biggest pushback so they can go to whatever the next step is.
I keep saying it but this is either specifically planned or our masters have gotten a lot closer to the primary goal - totalitarianism and death - and everyone else on their side is rushing to join in. They want to wipe anything they don't like from our minds and the more they look, the more they see that they don't like.
Corrupt and Criminal Speaker Pelosi to Release President Trump’s Tax Records for No Legal Reason or Constitutional Right on Friday
December 27, 2022
Just an idle thought, something to ponder, but could ending birth itself be seen as the adversary's primary goal? Only those who self-identify as women can give birth and only then if they get the seed from an actual man, a blatant metaphor for God's relation to all of us and to the earth.
By giving birth, there's more of us, every individual to be dealt with on their own terms and then they get the chance to reproduce even more. But by ending birth - no matter how late-term you get - that's that. No more. Let the older generation die out and that'll be the end of the whole show.
So our rulers want to end birth, they want to erase gender, they delude themselves into think they're right at all costs. And as a back-up plan, it's women who are actually divine, so just go with that. It takes one child to raze a village, or whatever the saying is.
Probably not a remotely original idea but it popped into my head, so there you go. There's a thought. Raise it, love it, marry it, reproduce with it.
26 December, 2022
If I write something here, that counts as a Christmas present.
Saw an interesting idea that the strikes on substations and food factories are actually part of resistance. Not even necessarily-connected, just people showing the rulers and their subjects what could be lost.
I certainly like the idea. I also suspect they are unified just because so many of these are happening at basically the same time and place, but an actual resistance movement would start in very small pieces, often by only a single individual. That's the confusing part, they couldn't be going on so close together a the same sort of places to just be coincidence. They don't have to be an actual united resistance but there would need to be some connection for this to keep happening.
I totally support getting a united resistance. Of course the people actually doing this would be silent operators, whereas I am obviously going on-and-on about this stuff on the internet. It's similar to my experience with a security clearance. Obviously there's stuff that I can't talk about but beyond that, I wrote whatever I was thinking about because, however right or wrong I was, I was making it all up. At most, it was a lucky guess. I was very good at not learning anything that wasn't relevant to my job in supporting the operators, so that helped.
Devastated by Winter Storm, Buffalo Contending with Looters
December 26, 2022
□ [“After Banning Women From Universities, Taliban Now Prevents Women From Working at NGOs"]
This is an example of leftism proving it doesn't know anything and can't learn from its mistakes. The Taliban won. The winner gets to run things how they want. The side that dropped its weapons and ran away crying like little girls does not get a say in the matter. The people in charge of the losing side got what they wanted, they don't have to pretend to oppose the Taliban anymore, yet they're still complaining.
So now anybody who wants to learn from the experience will look at what the Taliban did to win, and they weren't devoting their time to made-up genders. They recognize what the real genders are and stay with that, that's a benefit no matter how you look at it. Unless you're one of the losers, in which case you'll just double-down on promoting the made-up genders over everything else, which guarantees future military failure.
This is just advertising for the Taliban and everyone on their side. They must be doing something right if they can reduce the most powerful nation in history to this and they're devoted to staying down that path. A healthy US military would be looking at what they got wrong, that's not what this one is doing. Thinking people will look into it, the people in charge will not, but they will stay in charge no matter what.
Legendary LPGA Golfer Kathy Whitworth ‘Passed Suddenly’ While Celebrating Christmas Eve, Age 83
December 26, 2022
Brazil: Indios Storm Supreme Court to Demand Chief’s Release, Left Prepares Crackdown
December 26, 2022
DC-Area Sheriff Stops Cooperating With Federal Immigration Agency After Attending Leftist Event
December 26, 2022
□ [“China Sends 71 War Planes In the Skies Around Taiwan in 'Military Drill'"]
And where, oh where are the leftists of the world standing up against this? Taiwan has declared its independence for a lot longer than Ukraine ever has, but one country is full of white people and the other isn't, so guess which one gets all the attention from leftists.
China always moves at its own pace for whatever reason, so in a sense, this doesn't mean anything, they're just showing off. They could move in tomorrow, they could wait for 2049, or whenever the 100th anniversary of Taiwan's independence is determined to be. [A specific year varies depending on what you're looking up, and of course, China has never recognized its independence.] They're not going anywhere.
So where's the attention for this? China and its ally Russia have spent a long time manipulating their own citizens and infiltrating other nations, they've got a lot of experience to draw from, both ruling a giant nation and dealing with leftist servants, plus a lot of assets to use or withdraw as they see fit. They can just ban the production of rare metals for other countries any time they want, and what will the leftists who are already banning fossil fuels do about that?
Taiwan ranks very highly on the production of semiconductors, do those get used anywhere or should we just let China add to its own high-ranking production? Not answering is itself an answer.
□ [“Rising Power Prices in Europe Are Making EV Ownership More Expensive"]
The rulers who think government needs to decide how energy works are getting the opposite of what they want, even helping to take down the very energy production they've been paying to develop for decades. Their own actions are making it cheaper to buy fossil fuel than solar/wind-power, but they won't change their stance on the matter, so everything will get worse for everyone.
They could have just established EV production that actually works, this is what sensible people would do. But no, they only picked ways that require government intervention over everything else to guarantee suppression. That never leads to a good outcome but they ran for it immediately. What does it take for them to recognize and acknowledge that their screw-ups are the cause of all these problems?
The more they get into this, the more it becomes clear that global warming is just a myth they have imposed on the world as an excuse to seize power. As a myth, it works quite well, no doubt about that, but it requires oppression to function in the real world. That's where the real interest is. The end is always only a few years away unless they seize absolute power now and get everything they want.
ABC News producer Dax Tejera dead at age 37 from a heart attack
December 25, 2022
What's the next step in the supply crisis? I've noticed gas prices have gone down a bit in the last month or two but there's still lots of empty shelves at the stores I frequent. This can't last. What are they going to do to make it worse and what are we going to do to get away from them and rebuild?
I keep saying this over and over, but going on strike is the best option. That's where it will become really obvious to everybody how important productivity is. Everything else is trying to make it one more day, which is what our masters want so they have more time to impose their tyranny. If those who are actually productive just stop, that would change our ruler's whole strategy. They'd suddenly risk going without which they would never accept, and they would turn on each other as the most convenient targets.
I'm not sure where to start but in a 'keep it simple, stupid' sense, I would think we need to start working out what supplies are most required and what materials are needed to make those products happen, and how. Once there's a workable list, even if it gets added to over time, it can be organized by subject matter and importance. Food, medicine, fuel, weapons, what is of the best use in the most areas, what is less important, how difficult is it to produce and deliver these supplies?
This is the sort of thing that needs to be worked out before it's too late. Remember, the rulers and their servants will have a lot more access to supplies, so they'll have much more leeway to attack the rest of us. They've got all the time they need. We have none.
25 December, 2022
I wish my father was here, I haven't seen him all day. Santa Claus is drunk again and I'd like some help getting him out.
Winter Storm in Western New York Leaves At Least Seven Dead
December 25, 2022
Liverpool Soccer Star Under Fire From Muslim Fans for Daring to Post Christmas Message on Social Media
December 25, 2022
□ [“Three Busloads of Illegals Dumped on Kamala Harris’ Lawn on Christmas Eve"]
So she sent them to a church instead. Why don't other government officials get to do that? Why do they have to keep claiming they're all about love and support and all that stuff, even provide for people they want nothing to do with? Kamala Harris claims the same thing but she's obviously not going to do that.
For that matter, why doesn't anybody ever exclaim about how dangerous it is to just have *those people* around. They might be carrying weapons or infected with disease, how *dare* they be permitted anywhere near the so-called Veep!!! She's surrounded by men with guns to protect her but they might not stop the killer in time! Better to just leave *those people* around other Americans if anything bad an happen.
This is how the people who installed her want things and that's what they're going to get.
Gaffe Prone Biden Not Allowed to Take Calls From Children About Santa After Last Year, Jill Has to Fill In
December 25, 2022
US Energy Department Declares Grid Emergency in Texas Amid Polar Vortex
December 24, 2022
□ [“Thousands Lose Power After Three Substations Sabotaged in Tacoma, Washington"]
These are the attacks that are getting to me. There's no way it's all coincidence, but there's also no clue who's causing them or why. The "why" is obviously 'misery for as many as possible' but there's no details beyond that. It's winter and I've heard it can get cold up north. Shouldn't somebody be doing something about this?
How do they even get there? How do they break in? How do they know what to take down? This definitely seems like a location where you get men with guns guarding the area and shooting anybody who doesn't have proper ID.
The attackers must have government support but who and how?
□ [“CCP Controlled Chinese Health Authority Will No Longer Publish Daily Covid Case Numbers"]
They're expecting up to a million new cases a day and they're not going to report it because they've spent three years requiring a "zero covid" goal? That's not the right way to go. So in addition to keeping their people locked up, as they've done for three years, now they won't even be informed on the latest statistics.
And China is who our rulers want to be more like. It may or may not also be relevant that China is where the virus came from. There's no way they can just say the virus is over. They've pushed this too hard for too long.
As with everything else, I wonder if there are multiple operations going on. The virus could have been a deliberate attempt to influence the US and the rest of the world to expand China's power. It could have been a conspiracy of some Chinese rulers to manipulate the others into failure. It could have been foreign agents doing the manipulating, the CIA or the World Economics Forum or Marvel Movies or someone. It could be some or all of these at once.
Is there an end-game for this? The leaders of every side seem to insist that war is the only option and they're not the ones who will have to do the actual fighting, keeping them even further apart from their subjects and any acknowledgement of reality. They didn't get to this point by accepting that A is A and they're not going to start now.
□ [“Why Is Zelenky’s Ukraine Attacking the Orthodox Church?"]
Because the world rulers have finally taken over the Catholic Church and now they're going after the runner-up. The leftist laughed at persecution of the church throughout the Soviet-era and they can finally pick that up again. Christians were willing to help against the Muslim assault, now they too either side with the enemy or just sit back and watch.
Great, now I have to wonder if this was the main goal or just a bonus. I do think it's guaranteed to fail although obviously there's nothing to point to, but just the idea that they would so eagerly jump on this chance is mind-boggling.
And none of the people supporting Ukraine see anything wrong with this, at least not enough to say anything. Without exception, they applaud the banning of political parties and censoring the media, now they delight in shutting down the church. They don't point to any previous positive examples of this happening but Ukraine has only won for the last ten months so it's just on a roll and they want to take part in this.
In which I explain everything for free.
US Energy Department Declares Grid Emergency in Texas Amid Polar Vortex
December 24, 2022
UFC Hall of Famer Stephan Bonnar Dies Suddenly at 45
December 25, 2022
Executive Producer of ABC’s ‘This Week with George Stephanopoulos’ Dies Suddenly at 37
December 25, 2022
Why aren't those who believe in climate change insisting on only flying in planes powered by solar or wind energy? They want to ban everyone else from using them, why don't they set an example? This is what shows us what they're really after and it's not about saving the earth. It's about forbidding others.
I still think that it's essentially earth-worship. It's basically Earth trying to find any excuse to not worship God and focusing on her is a good example, especially as it gets rid of all the small creatures running around on her. Notice that they can never really form anything that qualifies as a religion people would believe in for centuries.
Periodically, God does give her a lesson on how that works. Judaism, Christianity and Islam can't be the only beliefs in a god, but they have obviously stood out for meaning and relevance, as well as connection to each other. Jesus Christ was Jewish. Mohammad specifically states that he is the last of God's prophets after Moses, Abraham and Jesus. All three of these religions came from the same part of the world, leading to each other as 'beginning-middle-end' of God's message to us, and to the earth.
The connections of Judaism and Christianity are well-known, with the division point being that Jesus is also God. The very first line in Islam is "There is no god but God," adding that Muhammad is His prophet. It is contradictory, as is religion in general, but I think it's possible to recognize connections. Allowing Jesus to be worshipped as God is part of the lesson God was teaching the adversary/Earth. Technically it's wrong but God will permit that here and, using humans as examples, explain why. This is why, despite there being only one God, the Koran quotes God speaking in the first person-PLURAL.
We aren't God, we're not capable of comprehending this stuff. But there's obviously enough there that many people have been devoted to for many centuries. As individual humans, it's best for us to pick a spot and be as faithful to God as we can be. We're each part of the lesson, even if it comes down to 'don't do this.' We're even capable of faithfully opposing each other, which God can comprehend and, by the Last Day, so will the adversary. I think it's natural for religions to turn on each other. That's life.
So are we at the end of the process now, with earth-worship reigning supreme over us all, or is this just another step in the process? I don't know, none of us know. Maybe we'll find out when we're dead, maybe we'll just be gone forever, maybe dying is just another step in the process. I sometimes fantasize that the dead line up and the results vary. "You, heaven. You, hell for eternity. You, hell for 5000 years. You, you'll be reincarnated as a toad. You, just sit outside of heaven, we'll call you when we have an opening. You, reincarnated in Brazil, try to avoid drunk driving this time. You, move to the front of the line, we'll take you to the special room."
Atheists and pagans might have their role to play, as individuals or groups. God permitted humanity to exist for thousands of years without even knowing about Him, I doubt they automatically got sent to hell for something they had no control over. It also wouldn't surprise me if there are devout atheists who wake up in heaven with a note from God saying "I wish I had more like you."
The point is to make the best of what we can where we are. Faith isn't everything, but it does go a long way and provides the meaning, inspiration and devotion we so desperately need, now and for all of time. I think we're all breaking down these days and faith is the best option we have, perhaps the only option.
24 December, 2022
Dear Santa, could you bring everybody a copy of my new book?
Highly Decorated Navy SEAL Team Commander Found Dead in His San Diego Home Took His Own Life, Officials Say
December 24, 2022
BRAZIL UPDATE: Military Movements Continue – “The Armed Forces Have to Act”
December 24, 2022
□ [“Top Thai Neurologist and WHO Expert Panel Member Warns of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Link to Fatal Heart Problems"]
There are an increasing number of medics who have spoken up about the poison, but have any been American? I'm sure there are more than I've heard of but it's just a very bad sign that they've all so silent about this. Hell, they should be out in arms about being told to stay silent about this.
It's not a case of 'you need government approval to provide health care so you're just going along with the rulers.' No, if you don't provide health care, no one else will. Make them go public that you have to obey and they don't care who it hurts. Make them give up this "soft tyranny" that's one of their best weapons.
As it stands, we don't even know how many are dead or dying from the so-called vaccines and it doesn't look like doctors do either because they aren't looking into this and sharing that information. If they do, they're keeping it secret from the rest of us with exceptions like this.
Indiana-Michigan Power Customers Told to Cut Electricity Usage, Face Rolling Black Outs During Sub-Zero Freeze
December 24, 2022
Protesters at Drag Queen Christmas in St Louis Face Off with Bussed-In Counter Protesters
December 24, 2022
□ [“Scientists Develop New ‘Vaccine’ Against Fentanyl"]
As it is, I think part of the plan is to make people distrust medic in the first place. Just the fact that so few of them are going 'stop before it's too late' shows that we have little reason to trust them and it's not going to get any better. The emergency rooms better get ready because they're going to have a large increase in people who only go to a doctor when it's time for an emergency room visit.
We've already had three years of doctors saying cloth on your face will stop a virus and two years of doctors saying this untested chemical will prevent you from getting the same virus. How much worse do you want it to get?
□ [“San Francisco Enacts Anti-Pollution Order – You Can No Longer Burn a Wood Fire to Stay Warm"]
Isn't this the city that started the cliche about 'what you do in your own home is your business and nobody else's'? Even if it wasn't, they've certainly been in on that rhetoric for a very long time, and this is what it leads you. They will spy on your home to make sure you're not doing what civilized humans have done for thousands of years. What next, they'll prevent people from putting their bodies next to each other?
They're obviously all supportive of the government deciding what you can do in your own home and they'll invent any excuse to get away with it. They're known for popular cult leaders like Jim Jones, the Manson family started there, it was the hip place to be.
And now they will put you in jail if you use a fireplace. This is where the 21st century meets the stone age for what they'll permit you to do. They're the priests of the earth-worshipping tribe, the only ones with any say and all the use of force. For instance, if you have the skin color they prefer, you can burn down a Seven-Eleven and not be punished at all.
Jan 6 Report Hides Any Mention of Pipe Bomber Who Was Cause of Shutting Down Congress That Day
December 24, 2022
Despite WaPo Reporters’ Worship, Kamala Harris Complains About Her Media Coverage
December 24, 2022
□ [“Democrat Senator Chris Coons Admits He Doesn’t Know What’s In the $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Bill"]
A representative of the people he works for would be expected to know that, but you won't even bother to find out on behalf of the people who voted for you. They are out masters, not our representatives. They don't work for us, we need to stop having anything to do with them.
We need to just turn away from these robbers. Let them fend for themselves and their supporters. They can fund their human trafficking and devil worship by themselves, without us. They probably even included the next virus in the budget so they can expand their power still further, and they definitely picked their favored men-with-guns to impose their will on the rest of us.
You don't except 'ignorance of the law' as an excuse to disobey you but you bank on your own ignorance of what you impose on us. That needs to stop.
□ [“Secret Back Channel Between FTX and White House Closed the Day After FTX Filed for Bankruptcy"]
So this was part of the plan all along. Cryptocurrency is probably intended to let our rulers ban printed money and of course they'll skim off as much as they can in the process. As always, it's still debatable if there was always an agreement with Russia on this. Obviously our masters can use the Russia/Ukraine thing as an excuse to tyrannize their subjects, I'm just up-in-the-air on whether that was always intended or this was just an excuse that came along.
Remember how grateful European leaders were as their subjects suddenly got cut off from Russian fuel and now face the cold winter that has arrived. Russian state media just released a video showing that it's going to get much worse for Europe by next Christmas if this keeps up.
There's also rumors that this is becoming a problem for Europe. They really aren't willing to fight and the US really needs their support if our masters are going to take on Russia *and* China. We've been hearing for months how Russia has run out of ammo and weapons, you'd think that would have stopped the fighting at the time. Or at least they'd have been completely defeated already. Now it's Europe complaining that they don't have any more to give.
Despite all the devastation, the US military still has the power. What it doesn't have is the correct use of pronouns and it would rather spend its time on that, not actually fighting. Biden ordered more troops to invade Syria on his first day in office, how is that going? Have we ever gotten around to accomplishing whatever we invaded Syria for? That's going to take away from fighting Russia *and* China. What's the other option, go straight to nukes?
So either this is the plan, or it's intended to look like the plan and distract us, or the rulers really don't have as much control as they think they do and are willing to make things worse for everybody. In previous wars, the people were out marching in support of going to war. They aren't doing that these days. Only our rulers and their minions want this.
At a guess, I would say their primary goals are Ukraine to handle cybercurrency (and bribery) and using Russia to cut off oil and natural gas. No way to know if Putin is in on the plan or if he's using it for his own goals, with or without China. But I notice that all the war-advocates seem completely focused on Putin and none of them ever even ponder his replacement, whoever that might be.
You'd think everybody who's worked for him long enough to be a successor is at least as much of a Russian nationalist as he is, if Putin dropped dead tomorrow, there's no reason to think Russia's goals would change. If Joe Biden drops dead tomorrow, do you really think Kamala Harris would defy the orders? No, the destruction of the US would continue on schedule and Russia would still be declared the enemy.
Sam Bankman-Fried Seen Chillin’ Like a Villain in the Business Class Lounge at JFK Before Flying Back to Parents’ Home
December 24, 2022
Japan Embraces Nuclear Power, Cancels Phase Out Plans
December 23, 2022
23 December, 2022
If you can read this, you'd pay me for it. Well, I guess that explains that.
Democrat Urges Two Liberal Supreme Court Justices To Retire – So They Can Be Replaced By Younger Versions
December 22, 2022
Maine School Social Worker in Maine Pressured Teen Girl to Flatten Her Breasts and Not Tell Her Parents
December 23, 2022
New Israeli Goverment Wants Death Penalty for Terrorists – Secret Document Reveals EU Funding PLO in Land Grab
December 23, 2022
□ [“Pelosi Brags About Having 'Awesome Power' in Her Last Weekly Press Briefing as Speaker"]
I go back and forth, is this any actual sort of defeat for her? At this point I would assume the incoming Republicans would vote for her as speaker and I'd certainly expect them to follow her orders. That's obviously who we have in Congress now, as seen by passing multi-trillion dollar spending bills they can't even be bothered to read.
If they were representing us, they would have to find out what they're voting on before they go along with it but obviously that's no longer the case. They are not our representatives and we should start acting like it.
It seems unlikely, but I would also want to suggest there's at least a possibility that even Nancy realizes she's too old to do anything. She certainly can't quit and wouldn't dream of having a younger person sit in her seat, but it's more of a ceremonial position for her to get all the credit while letting everyone else do the actual work. She can sit around doing nothing and her family can get all the details on where to invest money.
Then again, for all we know she expects to be the Speaker again in two or four years.
FBI Hid Hunter Biden Laptop, Refused to Investigate It, Said They Lost It… And Now Say They Did Not Push Big Tech to Censor It
December 22, 2022
Christmas Counter-Coup? Bolsonaro Signs Order to Sideline Corrupt Supreme Court
December 23, 2022
9-Year-Old Boy from Ontario Dies Suddenly After Suffering a Blood Clot in his Brain
December 23, 2022
“Oh Ya, She’s Working It” – Joe Biden Creeps on Little Girl During Holiday Visit to Children’s National Hospital
December 23, 2022
Violence Erupts in Paris After 3 Killed, Several Injured by Kurdish Gunman
December 23, 2022
□ [“Here It Is: Sham January 6 Committee Recommends Banning Trump From Public Office in Final Report"[
You know they're all going to vote on it unanimously. Whether it's done in the lame duck session or if Congress waits until the new term, they'll enjoy going along with it. Can't tell if this recommendation includes banning Trump from running for office but we can also assume Congress will add that too. It's not like there's any rules to follow, or even common sense.
They spent two years investigating this and haven't even gotten him for an actual crime. But that would require actual proof and recognition of actual laws. I'm really starting to think he had Hillary's emails in the Mar-a-logo SCIF, or something along those line, so they couldn't go arrest him without going after their own people. Was the raid just a show or did they think there was really something there?
Doesn't matter, they'll just ban or destroy anything they don't like. They aren't our representatives and we need to stop pretending that they are.
□ [“Mitt Romney Says He Voted For Pelosi-Schumer $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Bill Because He Doesn’t Trust GOP-Led House with Crafting Budget"]
Another example, Romney will vote for something he can't be bothered to read as long as it's done by the party he pretends to oppose and not the ones on his side. That tells you everything you need to know about him.
I wonder when the Uniparty really started forming. In some ways, it's probably normal, people who get paid to tell everyone else what to do have more in common with their opponents than their voters. But there does seem to be some deliberate line here. It's a standard Democratic cliche that all the evil racist Democrats ran to join the Republican party, even though they can't point to very many. It also says something about blacks that they were owned by Democrats for decades, then they were segregated by Democrats for decades, and once they finally got to vote, they only vote Democrat.
This may be what started the Uniparty, finding a way to keep blacks in line and never let them consider leaving. Somehow they figured out how to reword the standard policies so it's not "segregation," it's "black's only." They are allowed to own guns as long as they only use them against each other, and the idea of marrying your baby momma has been gone for just as long.
But somehow in the last decade or three, Democrats double down on this. Can't figure out how, but somehow the only Republicans who get to be prominent in the party are those who obey Democrats. Mitt Romney's another rich old white guy who's always gone along with Democrats and isn't going to be leaving any time soon, no matter how much it costs us.
GOP Sellouts Gave Biden Regime $11 Million to Target Gun Owners in Repulsive Omnibus Bill
December 23, 2022
California County Prohibits Landlords from Conducting Criminal Background Checks on Applicants
December 22, 2022
Biden Regime Delays Paychecks to National Guard Members for Christmas After Announcing Another $45 Billion Giveaway to Ukraine
December 23, 2022
FTX’s SBF Out of Jail and Off to Parents’ Mansion in California – Judge Jeanine Says His Chances of Going to Trial Are Slim to None
December 23, 2022
□ [“Thoughtcrime: UK Police Arrest Pro-Life Woman for Silently Praying Outside an Abortion Clinic"]
They're all doing this. They're all just going straight for tyranny with no hesitation. I get that Britain is a Muslim country ruled by a prince of leftism but this is just mind-boggling tyranny. Yet again, they're living up to the
example, their goal is to have their feet on your face forever and that's it.
Where does this desire even come from? How is it possible to think of as little else as possible just to do this? No idea, but that's what they're doing. They're all going along with each other and against us.
It's one of those things where they probably have some made-up goal, but they'll ignore that any time it gets in the way of their power, like flying planes and driving cars all around the world to tell people to stop using gasoline, or ignoring those sissy girls with vaginas because your idea of women's rights is a big strong woman with a penis. Or never putting cloth on your face as you tell everyone else to put cloth on their face because the virus will kill them otherwise.
It's like the more in control they are, they less they accept reality. Yet they always wind up in control. All we can do is pray and get punished for it.
□ [“Harvey Weinstein Found Guilty of Rape in Los Angeles Sexual Assault Trial"]
So it's been a few days and I haven't heard much in the way of response to this. Where are all the actresses who were paid a lot of money to work for Harvey, why aren't they cheering that he was convicted of rape? Were they too busy bragging in public about how bold and strong and defiant they were? Or were they just too busy spending all the money Harvey gave them?
We know Harvey's not remotely the only Hollywoodite doing this, he's just the one with the most people begging to work with him. They'll do anything for that chance. You'd think someone would at least want to go outside the lines and brag about how often Harvey got his way with her, just to be shocking. But they're not even doing that.
They already have to do mental backflips to convince themselves they're so loving and compassionate while despising all the inferiors, you'd think someone would be able to make that one extra turn and go public about this. Or are they too busy talking about how brave they are? There's always something more interesting to do than criticize a rapist you work for.
22 December, 2022
I could have made it this far but I didn't want to. Why are you here?
UK Model Dies Suddenly at 25-Years-Old, Just Before New Baby’s First Christmas
December 22, 2022
Winter Bomb Cyclone Prompts Flight Delays and Cancellations Ahead of Christmas Holiday Weekend
December 22, 2022
Highly Decorated Navy SEAL Team Commander Found Dead in His San Diego Home
December 21, 2022
□ [“Sam Bankman-Fried’s Ex Girlfriend Caroline Ellison is Cooperating with Prosecutors After Pleading Guilty to Charges of Fraud and Conspiracy"]
How noble of her. She got all that money from a guy who could have paid for much better looking females and then turned on him only when it came time to save herself. What an amazing relationship they must have had.
Unless this was a complete set-up, which is entirely believable at this point, there's something here that's not right. Simply running a mega-billion dollar company for any length of time requires some minimum level of ability. Ok, maybe the elites just picked the stupidest pawn they could find for this job, but it still doesn't make sense.
You'd have to at least be able to sign your name to whatever your 'advisers' tell you to sign so there'd be some basis for questions and/or learning. If there wasn't, they wouldn't need you in the first place. He wasn't born a mega-billionaire so that growth process would be an experience.
This is where it comes off as more of a cult that no sane person could remotely comprehend. That's the only excuse I can think of to get to this point, especially when he's voluntarily chained himself to this 'self-identifies as female' creature. Poor people know how to deal with hot chicks, especially if they're cheap. This guy could go to Hollywood, knock on the door of whoever the current sexpots are and tell tell them 'I'll pay for whatever movie you want to make, what are you going to do for me?' and he'd write a check for a few hundred million soon after that.
This has got to be a set-up. I'm just guessing about the specifics but this is something unlike anything else we've ever heard of.
□ [“Leftist Actor Tim Robbins Now Regrets Adhering 'Orwellian' and Politicized Government Mandates During Pandemic"]
Once upon a time, I would think that this was a sign of learning something. Unfortunately I now assume it's just some pose until there's evidence to the contrary. There were people who didn't go along with your 'Orwellian mandates' and you opposed them. Now you should be saying they were absolutely right while you and every single other person on your side were wrong wrong wrong!
And yes, you need to start giving names. All the people you said were wrong and all the people you agreed with. So let's hear it. Otherwise we might trust these people on other issues that they are just as right about, and ignore the ones you opposed.
What else do you unquestionably trust the government about? Anything else there, or is this the first time they were ever wrong about anything? You're the one who's been demanding more government control over everything for decades and never considered they might be wrong, so you'd better start making some lists or you're just going to stay in the exact-same position, rich and famous and expecting everyone to go along with you or be punished.
So *if* you really want to be forgiven, start listing who you listened to who were just as wrong as you and who you tried to silence who were completely right.
ABC News Journalist Breaks Her Silence, Reveals She Developed Heart Condition Due to Covid Vaccine
December 22, 2022
□ [“Biden Realized His Mistake With Kamala Harris Very Early On"]
I doubt this will go anywhere either, but there's some new book out covering Biden's early days in the stolen office and realizing that he made a very bad decision on who his replacement would be. Harris only got anywhere through sex with a married man. As attorney-general, she totally imprisoned people for things she claims to support, like drug use. She claims to be black but you couldn't tell by looking at her skin color.
This is the only reason she was even an option and she couldn't even get anywhere in the Democratic primaries, she quit running before the first votes were cast. She's obviously only surrounded by people who say what she wants to hear and can't even accomplish anything there. Remember when she was sent to Europe in February 2022 to Russia and Ukraine from getting into a fight? Look how that worked.
Things like this make me ponder what conflicts are going on under-the-surface with leftists. In 2008, I was always baffled by why Obama didn't pick Hillary as veep and frankly, she'd have been a better choice for Biden too. It's like leftists spend decades demanding equality and fair treatment, then when it's their chance to pick someone, they always always always go for the incompetent above anyone else.
I always assumed Harris was a deliberate contrast to the 'pick someone who can't replace you' stereotype of choosing a Veep. Frankly, I suspected nobody who's actually in charge expects Biden to survive one term, so the point was to pick a replacement. Now you have to wonder what kinds of fights are going on behind closed doors. Biden's masters make the calls, the federal agents work for them and Harris has a lot of contacts with Californians whom she decided not to put in jail but told them '“someday, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me...'
Republican Senators Hold Presser, Accuse Biden of “Intentional” Border Crisis – Then Vote for $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill with No Money for Border
December 22, 2022
□ [“Putin Vows to Improve Readiness of Nuclear Arsenal as US Uniparty Votes to Donate $100 Billion More to Ukrainian War Efforts in US War on Russia"]
Russia's 2022 military budget was 65 billion [dollars?], the US alone has sent of $100 billion for a war that Russia has supposedly been defeated on every step of the way for ten months now. What sort of person notices that and just keeps throwing more money away? They don't even suspect that there's anything going on with this. Is Congress really just investing in cryptocurrency now that it's so cheap? Or funding all our biolabs in the region?
Russia's a firm member of the international 'new world order' organizations, how come none of them bother to do anything? None of their supporters even question this. It's all a put-on that they unquestionably believe and anyone who doesn't totally agree is the enemy.
The same people believe that the vaccine will prevent us from getting the virus and there's no long-term problems from it. They opposed Trump telling Europe to stop depending on Russian fossil fuel which these same people want to ban anyway. They don't even thank Putin for taking it away from Europe.
These same people want to defend a nation of white people that only drafts one single solitary gender into their military, calling transsexuality a psychiatric disorder. The Ukrainian constitution specifically states that marriage is between a man and a woman. And every liberal on the planet supports them. By the way, abortion in Ukraine is illegal after the first 12 weeks, tell all your friends.
But all these people want to relive the days of Vietnam and silence anyone who disagrees. Silencing the media, the church and the opposing political parties, they see nothing that can go wrong with that.
While New Yorkers Suffer, Democrats In Albany Vote for 29% Pay Raise Making Them Highest Paid State Legislators In US
December 22, 2022
One thing I've noticed when arguing with leftists is how they seemingly-always go to insisting what you actually believe and why without ever taking the possibility that they might be wrong. Moreover, keeping quiet about that gives you an advantage that the opponent doesn't recognize, you've already figured out what their motivation is so you can use it to your advantage, or amusement.
Otherwise, it's giving the enemy an asset. You're being blatantly obvious about what you're doing and why and they can respond without telling you what they've seen. These people always use immediate mindless rhetoric, how you *love* something or *applaud* someone. Why do you assume emotion has anything to do with what you're supposedly responding to? The person who's responding to you may be using rational thought. Your accusation of their emotions (which only exist within your own mind) can lead you in the wrong direction.
It's like a move in chess, you can see a way to take the bishop and put the king in check but you have to move other pieces in the process, and you don't want the opponent to know what's what you're doing until you're ready. That requires strategy and thought, not simplistic emotion-based tactics.
This is why we can't live with these people any longer. At least a kid can learn chess and decide they're no good at it, they'd rather play checkers. These people spend their whole lives thinking theirs is the only way to go and will do anything it takes to invent what they're opposed to, while revealing their tactics in advance to everybody.
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