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30 September, 2023
Can the collapse hurry up? As soon as possible?
OSHA Head Now Says ‘We Didn’t Demand That Anyone Be Fired’, Denies a Vaccine Mandate for 84 Million Americans
September 29, 2023
Kidnapping Danger for Americans Surges Under Joe Biden
September 30, 2023
□ [“US Government Shut Down Averted – House Passes 45-Day Stopgap Resolution"]
We all knew this was coming. The only surprise is that they didn't just have Democrats write the bill so they could all vote for it, but they might as well have. 90 Republicans and 1 Democrat voted against it, that's all. I assume the Senate will be passing this more-or-less unanimously by the time I finish writing this. The unipaty never gets tired of winning.
To prove they were in charge, Democrats even made sure to pull a couple stunts because that's how seriously they take this. They made a futile attempt to adjourn Congress before the vote. Maybe that was just a hissy fit, maybe they were trying to make Republicans afraid that things might shut down if they don't obey. It obviously worked for them.
The did have to adjourn quickly because D-NY Jamaal Bowman pulled the fire alarm. That's illegal and certainly none of those sitting in prison since January 6 2021 didn't do such a thing, but of course he won't be punished. He lies and says he did it "accidentally" but doesn't bother to explain how anyone could "accidentally" pull a fire alarm.
It's just showing off that they can get away with anything. Just more examples of why we need to go on strike.
ABC News Reporter James Gordon Meek Only Sentenced to Six Years in Child Pornography Case Involving Infants and Toddlers
September 30, 2023
□ [“Democrat Jamaal Bowman Pulls Fire Alarm in Cannon Building – Obstructs a Federal Proceeding – Shuts Down Congress!"]
They're even making a point of showing off how stupid their people are. They've already got Fetterman, can they set another record with this guy? Granted, his skin color protects him from being punished for committing felonies but how can Congress just shrug and ignore that? We know they will, but how to justify that?
Bowman claims he was in a rush to get to a vote. So that means he stops and pushes a button? Does he have no clue what a fire alarm is, even after performing fire drills as a middle school principal? Has he ever seen one before? Is this is first day in Congress and he magically thinks that their fire alarms look completely different? Is this the first vote he's ever gone to so he thinks you have to stop and push a button before you get to do that and nobody has ever told him otherwise? Does he think that he's black so it doesn't matter?
There's no way he can commit a felony in Congress and get away with it without insisting that is very very stupid. Either that or just admit that the rules don't apply to those type of people. Every Democrat will defend him for that and, as we've seen, so will most Republicans. Only their inferiors have to obey. That's how the masters want it.
Just a thought, I'm sure this has long been standard leftist policy but I've always that it became public with Hillary's speech about her inferiors, "deplorables" was the specific word she used. They never permit the inferiors to get away with anything like liberals can do. We saw that with the way Hillary treated classified information and it's just kept going from there. But they need people who are stupid enough to insist this means "equality" and there's the leftists for you.
424-1! Dems Join GOP to Kill Biden’s Anti-2nd Amendment Scheme on Hunting/Archery Classes
September 29, 2023
Gingrich: GOP Race is Over, Trump ‘Will Be’ the Nominee
September 30, 2023
□ [“Donald Trump: Shoot the Looters"]
Well, yes, that's the only option. If you don't shoot the invaders, they'll do whatever they want to you. This doesn't just apply to illegal immigrants on the southern border and it doesn't just apply to people who take whatever they want from a store. They can do whatever they want and nobody will protect you. At least Trump is capable of admitting this.
It's also an indication of why no one's even paying attention to the Republican primaries. I suppose it's possible they've mentioned the looters and nobody's reported on that but they obviously didn't think in terms of self-defense. That just shows how little interest they have in the lives of voters they're trying to win over. It's almost like he gave them a script that instructed they needed to avoid anything that anyone else.
Anyway, it's a clear sign that the elections are irrelevant. We can see this by the fact that no Democrats are remotely worried about the looters, or to what might happen to the voters. They're the last ones to pay attention to. At least they need to pretend a bit of support for law enforcement, after the last few years of defunding the police, but the voters are irrelevant.
Jack Smith Cites Trump’s Comments on Mark Milley in Renewed Push For Gag Order
September 30, 2023
Somehow we've gotten through another Federal Fiscal Year. I really didn't expect that. The collapse is all around us, I'm really surprised that it hasn't hit yet. The tyrants just keep seizing more power and everyone is getting more and more desperate. The economy, the invasion, the war. The WHO is planning to put all the unvaccinated in concentration camps, are we just going to go along with that?
And that's what's really depressing, it's looking like that's exactly what'll happen. The entire world is only a step away from being literally in changes and our masters will decide everything forever, but nobody's actually standing up to even try to stop it. The rulers aren't really as powerful as they portray themselves, you would think that would be obvious to someone, but everyone is just obeying every day.
So now we get to start preparing for Halloween. Our masters are becoming more and more obvious about their blatant worship of demons and that's going to be relevant in the next several weeks. Maybe it's just the region I live in but for the last couple years, people have been putting up Halloween decorations early, I mean early August and they're already up. Are they just going along or is that part of the cult?
What will it take to get a resistance movement started? How long will it take? It's going to be a cold, dark winter.
McCarthy Lied Again – Cut a Side Deal for Ukraine Funding with McConnell and Biden
September 30, 2023
□ [“Senate Votes 88-9 to Avert Shutdown"]
And there's the uniparty playing with itself, that's the game. Those 9 were Republicans but it's entirely possible that they just voted against to make it look like there's some sort of diversity among our rulers. Or maybe they were throwing a tantrum. I'm probably just being negative but they really have no reason or motivation to side with the people.
And they'll do it again in a month. The only difference is that more members of Congress will vote for the next round because they've all gotten what they want, taking it away from us. They need to keep everything from falling apart because then even they might be targets and they'd really prefer it if the rest of us are the only targets. Whether or not these orders came from China or whoever, that's what our masters have always wanted.
A line needs to be drawn. No further. I don't know how the budget works, but it's quite possible that prices will skyrocket next month. I can't remember if that happened when I was ordering supplies for my supply room but the new fiscal year always brought forth new changes. So here we go, nothing to stop the collapse. And, apparently, no one willing to fight against it.
New York City Residents Display Sign Over Freeway: CLOSE THE F***ING BORDER!
September 30, 2023
U.K. Prepares to Send Boots on the Ground to Ukraine
September 30, 2023
29 September, 2023
And then the government got a vaccine and was magically healthy again...
Dianne Feinstein, richest member of the Senate, age 90
September 28, 2023
Wyoming Town’s Entire Electric Bus Fleet Breaks Down
September 28, 2023
27 Year-Old Mystery Solved: Police Arrest and Identify Man They Say Murdered Rap Legend Tupac Shakur
September 29, 2023
□ [“General Mark Milley to Step Down as Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman"]
Is it just a coincidence that he waited until the last working day of the Fiscal Year to announce it? Makes me wonder if he's going to taking charge of the 'private army' or whatever you want to call antifa/BLM. Or maybe he'll be working with the invaders across the southern border, the Chinese would probably pay him well. Milley already said he'd support them against the US.
The rulers need some plans. They've been purging the military for years and have forced the actual troops to focus on poison-vaccines and pretend-genders. The whole point is to make them easy to defeat but then you still need men-with-guns to impose the master's will on the subjects. Are they ready with back-up forces or are they just obeying Russia/China/etc. and breaking everything down?
The only way the military could improve is if it was taken over by people who used to be in uniform back when it actually meant something. If I had a way to do it, I'd be trying to get together patriots who used to be in service and start forging competent units, enlisting the young who really want to serve. It would probably have to be done quietly but far more effectively than what these forces are doing now. There's a reason nobody wants to join them.
Newsom Signs Law Protecting Doctors Who Mail Abortion Pills to Women in Banned States
September 29, 2023
So what excuse are Republicans going to make when they agree with Democrats on funding the government? As I write this, they have less than 30 hours left to cave in (in the Eastern Time Zone) and we know they will, so how long will they wait? Then they can brag and say they cut the spending increase by .00001% so they're guaranteed to win the elections next year.
□ [“GOP-Controlled House Approves Security Assistance to Ukraine"]
And they can keep funneling money to whatever their other interests are. Nobody keeps track of what's being sent to Ukraine so that's not a problem. Are they filling up their own private bank accounts and front companies or just investing in solid gold and silver? Are they paying their own private armies to be ready to hit the rest of us? Or is the money just going straight to China? It could be some or all of this and more. But they're so worried about the US government.
□ [“House Republicans Fail to Pass Short-Term Spending Bill as Government Shutdown Looms"]
Just let it shut down. Hollywood just saw that people got by just fine without it, the government needs to learn that too. They need us more than we need them. As you see here, Republicans couldn't even get their own side to go along with this attempt to cave in, that's how pathetic they are. It's after work-hours in DC already so now is when it's time to give their leftist masters everything.
Plagued by Sexual Harassment and Assault, US McMurdo Station in Antarctica Stops Serving Alcohol in Bars
September 29, 2023
□ [“Sen. Dianne Feinstein Passes Away at 90"]
She's been gone for years but apparently nobody noticed that. She still get paid though and will continue to vote Democrat. I have to wonder if she managed to take her wealth with her of if the government will ever get an opportunity to get its hands on any of the money she's horded all her life. Probably not, those laws don't apply to rich white people like her.
Of course Newsome will pick a replacement according to skin color and of course Republicans have already announced that they'll let her take Feinstein's position on Senate committees. Just another way to show who's really in charge, another example of throwing out the rules and expanding their power. That's what Feinstein spent her life working for, or at least following orders of whoever really wanted that.
Feinstein hired a Chinese spy just after she started her first term in the Senate and kept him around for decades. She got very rich in the process and wasn't remotely punished for anything she passed along from the Intelligence Committee. And now she'll be replaced, just as Kamala Harris was, so California will have 0 senators they elected. That's how they want everything to operate.
Globalist President Emmanuel Macron Deals With Separatism From Corsica, Offers ‘Limited Autonomy’
September 29, 2023
□ [“Sweden Prime Minister Calls on Armed Forces to Help Fight Out of Control Gang Violence"]
You let these people invade, that's what you get. Didn't have this sort of violence before the invasion. 20% of the people in Sweden weren't born there and their numbers will just keep going up. These governments have spent all these decades failing to protect their people and it's just getting worse. Like
, it appears that
Camp of the Saints
was actually a training manual.
And this is just one country in Europe. I'm really wondering if it's not a joke that these novels were training manuals, but they were genuinely the rulers telling their subjects 'this is what we're going to do to you and there's nothing you can do to stop us.' Because that is what's being done and as we see, no one is standing up and refusing to defend any part of civilization. And that's just Europe.
The US has more territory and more people with guns, but we certainly aren't doing anything about this either. If nothing else, you'd think people would start putting up walls like cities used to have once up on a time, to keep the invaders out. But even that wouldn't work, they're already here.
3% of San Francisco Restaurants Say They Were Not Victims of Vandalism or Property Crime in the Last Month
September 29, 2023
□ [“‘Ultra Right’ Beer Featuring Trump’s Mugshot on Track to Become ‘Most Sought-After Collector Beer Can in American History’"]
So is this for real or is it another hustle? On the one hand, it does seem like an obvious move and I can't believe more people aren't trying to do things like this. But on the other hand, for basically the same reason, the rulers could be behind this to snag everyone who might disagree with them. That's one of the many problems we have these days, there's no way to know who to trust. For all we know, this beer contains the latest fake-vaccine, would we know if it didn't?
I haven't heard anything specific, but there seems to be more negative press about alcohol in general, so maybe they'll be trying to get back to Prohibition. They'll need something to keep their Muslim voters in line. They also probably get a lot of bribes from drug dealers so they may see a need to prevent people from getting drunk. Alcohol has been around for thousands of years so it must be bad, that's does line up with the rulers' basic mentality.
But whether this beer is involved or not, it could help inspire an underground trading movement. We need one of those, given the economy and the worry everybody has about being able to afford supplies. If I could find a way to be part of one, I'd join and I'll be a lot of other people would go too. Even the elite use underground trading to find cheaper stuff, as we've seen in communist dictatorships throughout history.
Black Michigan Student Attacks High School Teacher With Chair Thrown at Back of Her Head
September 29, 2023
You Can’t Make This Up: California Town to Recognize “Animal Rights” Starting with Elephants
September 29, 2023
28 September, 2023
People would be a lot happier today if you'd bought Rococo Coffee. But you didn't, so this is all your fault.
San Francisco Mayor London Breed to Require Drug Testing for Homeless Who Want Government Services
September 27, 2023
Democrat El Paso Mayor Starts Bussing Migrants to New York, Chicago, and Denver
September 28, 2023
□ [“Trans Male Student Brutally Beats Defenseless Girl at Woke Oregon Middle School"]
This is the third person born with a vagina beaten up at school by this person born without a vagina. Obviously there is no punishment for beating up people born with vaginas, at least not in Oregon. Did I say vagina? I meant "bonus hole." That's what we call it now. Anyway, if you want to beat up a person born with a bonus hole, no one will stop you. It's not against the law and might even be a good way to kill time in school.
Nobody gets involved to stop the violence. The students don't want to be accused of transphobia by interfering, so the beatings are going to continue. Notice the end of the video where the victim with a bonus hole cries out "he hit me!" It's against the rules to misgender someone, she'll need to be punished. That's how a totalitarian state works, you can beat up whoever you want and nobody will get involved, only the victim gets blamed.
All the rulers support this, from city and state officials to the school board to the principals to the teachers. Going after the children is always the goal of leftist rule and they've spent decades making their way through every part of the system. It's about raping and mutilating children so they don't know any other way and can carry that on to the next generation.
Arizona School Board Member Files First Amendment Lawsuit After Being Banned From Quoting Bible Verses at Meetings
September 28, 2023
□ [“Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Finally Apologizes – To Zelensky!"]
At this point, what could they say that would prove that there was nothing deliberate about this? He can't apologize to Canada, the Canadian buck doesn't stop with him. He can't apologize to Parliament, they all supported the Nazi too. All he does is say that the media fury will die away. Well, yes, you control the media and you can forbid them from telling the truth. That's what your government is about, as were the predecessors.
Zelensky hasn't been asked why he supported a Nazi. He censors media too, so that's understandable.
□ [“'Day of the Dead': Neo-Nazi Azov Brigade Conducts Torchlight Rallies All Over Ukraine"]
And this may be why Canada suddenly decided to celebrate a Nazi at the highest levels last Friday, Sunday would be the Ukraine Nazi's holiday. We all know what a big deal the autumnal equinox is and they've got a lot of US money to spend, time for a party. That's probably what Trudeau was ordering Canada to celebrate in obedience to Ukraine.
Is there any chance this timing and ignorance is all just a coincidence? I suppose so, it's not like anything will be done about it either way. The Nazis have won and our rulers are showing their obedience to the real masters.
California Gov. Newsom Raises Minimum Wage for Fast Food Workers to $20 Per Hour
September 28, 2023
Apparently there was a Republican primary debate last night. This goes to show how much chance any of these people have to win an election, I had no idea. Doesn't sound like it got much attention, I've only seen a couple articles covering it on the sites I look at. Sounds to be standard by-the-numbers, the moderators were leftists and asking leftist questions. There was nothing about China or the upcoming virus, little that would actually convince people to vote for any of them.
It's like they're all aspiring to be how Democrats want them to be and nobody even seems to ask if that's actually a good idea. Problematic as Trump is, I think he's at his weakest when he's trying to conform to these weak standards. At least in his case, it's understandable because there times where he needs to show that he's going along with the rules, these people are all tied to them and guarantee a loss even in a fair election.
This all seems like a pose, like they're just there to play a role and admit defeat by the time it's over. That is absolutely not what the public wants, but it's all they have to offer. I really can't figure out how these people ever made it to such a high position in the first place, but that's the sort of thing that suggests it's been going on for a long time and our masters want to keep that going. It's almost depressing to look back and wonder when there were politicians who actually supported freedom?
Senate Unanimously Votes to Restore Dress Code in Humiliating Rebuke to Chuck Schumer and Slob Fetterman
September 27, 2023
New York Democrats to Distribute Flyers to Illegals at Southern Border Warning Them ‘You Are Better Off’ Somewhere Else
September 28, 2023
□ [“Federal Judge Strikes Down Texas Law Banning Minors From ‘Sexualized Performances’ Including Drag Shows"]
□ [“Judge Blocks Montana Law Banning Sex Change Surgeries For Minors"]
The child molesters have been taking over the institutions for a long time. As with everything else, they use this to pervert their successors and future generations. It's probably also why leftists are so determined to take over the courts. Elections they have to go through the motions and steal, but with the courts, they can give orders and force everyone to obey.
There's also an opposition to the family, anyone who might say 'you can't do that to my kid.' But as far as I know, there's no recognition to the fact that the alternative is to make everybody government property. That is slavery and it's an active part of leftists goals. It's also how collectivism works, as well as feudalism ensuring that most people realize that they will never be permitted to be anything other than slaves to the day they die.
With all this, it doesn't really matter if there's any demon-worshiping cult calling the shots or not? You think atheists aren't capable of doing this? These people have obviously spent centuries making their way through the Catholic Church, and probably every other religious institution. I'm still trying to figure out how to define what this enemy really is, but it is clear to all thinking people that this is who the enemy is and this is who we need to fight.
Conservative MP Calls on the UK’s Only Right Wing TV Broadcaster to be Shut Down
September 28, 2023
□ [“Burkina Faso Military Junta Foils Yet Another Coup d’état – Population Takes to the Streets in Support for Captain Traore"]
One thing that's basically impossible to pay attention to is how much of this is going on everywhere else in the world. As Americans, it's naturally to not pay attention to other countries unless we're at war with them, but that's also human nature. We focus on our homes, our neighborhoods, our towns, our regions and states, as well as our nation.
Even this much is limited. We might know what our neighbors do, but we don't keep track of everything in their lives, and then there's the other neighbors we don't know. There's no way any human being could remotely conceive of everything else. Even if God didn't exist, the very notion of Him would be totally natural, just to conceive of a being who *can* keep track of all this.
[By the way, I decided to believe in God a long time ago and have never had a reason to doubt that. My reasoning is probably not remotely original, but I came up with it on my own, so that's something. Basically, if there is no God, it doesn't really matter if you believe or not. If there is a God, not believing is a bad idea, and the whole point is we don't know for sure, so there's only one good answer.]
Anyway, we're seeing these conflicts and struggles going on all across the planet. Everybody is suffering from these self-appointed 'new world order' tyrants. Naturally we're too far away to have a clue which side, if any, is good or bad, and the choice whether or not to be involved is on us. That's how it is for everybody. It's always been this way, but it has never been so clear to everybody. This is going to be a long, difficult struggle.
Humanitarian Crisis Declared After Unmarked White Buses Drop Off Thousands of Illegal Aliens on San Diego’s Streets
September 28, 2023
West Point Goes Full Woke, Pushes ‘Diversity & Inclusion Studies’
September 28, 2023
Illegal Aliens Use Cardboard to Shield Themselves From Razor Wire as They Cross into El Paso, Texas
September 28, 2023
27 September, 2023
I would say take a hint, but I already paid that for taxes.
CVS Pharmacy to Close 900 Stores by the End of 2024, Citing Shoplifting as Major Problem
September 26, 2023
‘Unprecedented Levels of Theft Coupled With Rampant Crime’ Caused $112 Billion in Loss For Retailers Last Year
September 27, 2023
□ [“10,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Surrender Using Special Radio Frequency to Escape Meat Grinder"]
If it was just one or two giving up, that wouldn't mean anything. But this is a sizeable percentage of forces. The winning side doesn't surrender by the thousands and if Russian troops were running away like sissy girls, that would have been publicized everywhere. Why do you suppose that isn't happening?
And keep in mind, it's only been a few days since news about this radio was released. That's a much higher percentage than their failed "spring offensive." The soldiers on the front lines are the ones that really matter and they want no part of this. But they're the last ones Ukraine supporters will give any thought to. Still can't find any of them acknowledging any of the troops stranded in Bakhmut.
Under any other circumstances, I would think this will mean the war will end any day, but given what else is going on, maybe they'll find some other way for the fraud to continue. They have to keep that money laundering going on and that won't happen if the war stops on the dubious notion that one side has run out of soldiers. The media could just say Ukraine has magically found millions of brand-new troops and gone back to the constant victories.
Stores Looted in Philadelphia by “Large Crowds of Juveniles” i.e. Blacks
September 26, 2023
74-year old Bruce Springsteen Cancels Rest of 2023 Tour After Peptic Ulcers, Bouts With Covid
September 27, 2023
□ [“Slob Fetterman Backs Down on Senate Dress Code"]
Something about this is off. All that determination to lower the dress standards and suddenly he'll go back to wearing a suit and tie. But only when he votes. Otherwise he'll dress like any lower-class slob. Then what's the point of this in the first place? If you want to break the rules to dress down, then stick with it.
I think there is something going on backstage. There are the Senate clerks who will be fired if they don't live up to the dress code, so they're probably complaining why their bosses don't have to do that too. There's also the elitist beliefs which were probably responsible for formal dresscodes and standards in the first place. We've all forgotten why they exist in the first place but they're there for a reason.
There's also something going on with Fetterman's people. His messages all come on twitter but suddenly they've become coherent. Not intelligent or interesting, but legible English. There's no reason to think he's suddenly discovered consciousness - unless he's trying to be 2024's Veep candidate - so safe to assume someone is handling that for him, and probably making the decisions on what clothes he should wear. That's probably another policy that has existed for a long time which most people would never conceive of, that if you can't dress yourself or write legibly, you're not making any decisions and the rest of the Senate has to deal with whoever's making them for you.
Black Autoworkers Blast Joe Biden Over His Forced Transition to Electric Vehicles
September 27, 2023
□ [“Poland to Seek Extradition of Former SS Nazi Fighter Honored in Canadian Parliament During Zelensky Visit"]
O Canada, will you stand with your long-time NATO ally or will you side with the Nazis? Poland is having problems with Ukraine these days, who has never bothered to join NATO, so whose side are you on? We already know the answer but do you have the courage to admit it in public? Probably not, but that still leaves them having to decide how to protect the Nazis from that evil nation. There's so little to be entertained about these days...
Ideally this would be the perfect time to start releasing all the secrets our rulers have been holding onto for decades, which side they were on in WWII, what they've been doing to Ukraine, the biolabs, the money laundering, the human trafficking... Then they could reveal how this has benefited the elites across Europe and the rest of the world. I'd like it if that info comes out, but it probably won't.
But it is another example of how everything is breaking down, even international alliances. People who want to ditch their long-time allies in favor of their new bestie and are too lazy to even look at their new bestie's history, but they think they're qualified to rule, and they really don't like being disagreed with.
I'm curious why the Nazi himself isn't getting any interviews after being honored in Parliament. The media could ask him what he thinks of Trump.
Ukraine’s Former Defense Minister Stole As Much As $1 Billion USD Before Fleeing Ukraine
September 26, 2023
Melt Down on Social Media After a White Woman is Named Miss Universe Zimbabwe
September 27, 2023
□ [“Naked Transgenders Explain Their 'Sex-Changing' Surgery to 10-12 Yr Old Children On Netherlands Kids TV Show"]
Recently there's definitely been a retreat by the promoters of imaginary genders, but then there's stuff like this. There will continue to be until we have a complete purge. Every one of these child molesters, everyone on the crew of the tv show, and the tv station, and the advertisers. Anyone who made this happen has to go permanently.
It will be interesting to find out how many people's defense is that 'I was just following orders.' It's above my paygrade to determine how effective an argument that is but deliberately or not, these people made the suffering happen, so they're going to need to suffer. At best, they can start listing the names of everybody above them who caused this, that would probably the best defense in my opinion.
□ [“Author of School Districts’ Most-Challenged LGBT Book Speaks Out: ‘Parental Rights Really Anger Me’"]
You're an emotion-based subhuman creature, we really don't care what does or doesn't make you angry. Beasts like this are the next level up of imposing their will on their slaves, and they really want more slaves. Things like him are among the tools being used to destroy civilization and everything that it's brought, like biology. More directions for the purge, his publishers, their staff and marketers, but book sellers, the teachers and libraries... Population reduction is real.
UK Study: Puberty Blockers Given to Teens Worsened Their Mental Illnesses Rather Than Abating Them
September 27, 2023
□ [“Colin Kaepernick Sends Wistful Letter to NY Jets Hoping for a Job"]
This is the mindset we face. At his best, he was a mediocre player with nothing special that a football team would want, and that was years ago. He became a free agent in March 2017 six and a half years ago, more time than he'd ever spent as a professional player in Fall 2011. Dude, even Al Bundy found something else to do with his life, his family and a new job.
But Kaepernick is stupid enough to think he can return to his low status once again. He could just be spending the bajillions of dollars he was given for whatever advertisement he did a couple years ago, but for some reason, that isn't enough. He was never that good and now he's old. I don't know anything about football but by the time players reach their mid-thirties, I'm pretty sure they're having problems. Looking up the Pro Football Hall of Fame on Wikipedia, it doesn't appear that even the very best lasted much more than a decade. Kaepernick has already finished that decade, and he just wants more.
He's mega-rich. He's gotta be surrounded by groupies and sycophants who tell him what he wants to hear, but don't any of them see any incentive in pointing out that he's too old to return to the mediocre career he worked so hard to get out of? Well, no, probably not. They have the same mentality he does and they get paid plenty if he stays right where he is, whining about being oppressed.
A Confused Joe Biden Stares Blankly as His Handlers Shoo Away Reporters
September 27, 2023
26 September, 2023
Please help me.
Michelle Obama to Rake in More Than $700,000 for One-Hour Lecture on “Diversity and Inclusion” in Munich
September 25, 2023
Doddering Old Biden Shuffles Around Confused on Michigan Picket Line For 12 Minutes – Then Takes Off to California For Ritzy Fundraiser
September 26, 2023
□ [“Aldermen: Let Voters Decide if Chicago Should Stay a Sanctuary City"]
The voters didn't get to decide Chicago could be a sanctuary city, why would you bother to ask them now? Chicago has known for a long time that they don't need to hear what the people think, they'll just obey. The business, the politics, the mafia, the lakes, the railroads, the cattle, the whole city has been created to make everybody their pets and the rulers have done very well for themselves.
Or, we can pretend that they actually want to get a vote, will they limit that to US citizens or will the invaders get to vote too? Because that's going to make a difference and we already know which side the rulers are on. Even if we're really deluded enough to think the masters will want a real vote only from citizens with the legal right to vote, how will they determine who is authorized? And they'll need to know each and every person on the ground checking every voter's ID, when has Chicago ever been able to do that? It would be like checking to see if they had tuberculosis, not gonna happen.
This is just a sideshow to fool the peasants. These leaders have devoted their careers to keeping the cattle chained up, they'll keep going. There's no way this is going to be stopped unless we actually strike back. Like it or not, I definitely don't expect Chicago to do that.
Illegals Sleep on Floor of NYC Hotel as NYC Hits Deadline for “Stay Limit”
September 25, 2023
Illegal Aliens Run Into US in San Diego Through Construction Site on Border Wall
September 26, 2023
□ [“Anthony Rota, Speaker of the Canadian House, Resigns after Honoring Nazi Fighter in Parliament"]
Another meaningless show. He's certainly not leaving Parliament, he's going to keep that paycheck for any of this. It's just a meaningless apology for something he couldn't be bothered to look into before going through with it. No real shame, no regret. At worst he got caught. And none of the many many Canadians who publicly applauded the Nazi are even going to go that far. Just an "oops, my bad!"
And this will probably be the last we hear about any of this. Our rulers have spent the last several
years being more and more honest about how willing they are to degrade civilization for their own benefit, and the media is totally obedient, so that'll be that. What incentive to they have to learn anything from this?
In theory, Canadians themselves might learn something and revolt, but what are the odds of that? With every day that passes by, it becomes more and more clear that nobody in the world is going to actually stand up and fight these tyrants. Maybe I'm just depressed but nobody can point to where any actual resistance is taking place. At most there's some talk somewhere that's not as bad as the rest, but that's about it.
Customs And Border Protection Cuts Barbed Wire Barrier, Allows Illegal Aliens to Flood Into Eagle Pass, Texas
September 25, 2023
Target to Close Nine Stores in Democrat-Run Cities Due to Rampant Theft, Violence
September 26, 2023
□ [“‘Tampering, Manipulating Data’ – Hunter Biden Sues Rudy Giuliani For Trying to ‘Hack Into’ Laptop From Hell"]
They just keep doubling down because they know no one will dare to stop them. Anybody who's paid attention to this has know that Hunter insisted it wasn't his laptop, so by definition you can't sue someone for tampering with your property or manipulating your data on your property if you've already said it wasn't your property in the first place.
And by definition, it wasn't, because Hunter had never picked it up from the repair shop and he had signed an agreement that if he didn't bother to pick it up within a certain time, it was their property. If there was any semblance of fairness in the legal system anymore, this would be dropped immediately. But then, the people around Hunter would have known that and told him not to bother, so we can see why he's going through with it. It's just another case where the court's verdict is already determined.
It's also an example of the rulers having everything both ways. It's not Hunter's laptop when he says it is and it's not when he says it isn't. Special counsel David Weiss made sure to delay the investigation of Hunter until the statute of limitations was up and leftists defend this by saying the laws apply to everybody and Weiss was a Trump appointee anyway. Suddenly they trust Trump appointees, that's not how you apply standards and it is having it both ways.
As Americans Struggle With the Cost of Food, Biden Vows to Take on the High Price of Concert Tickets
September 25, 2023
Biden’s German Shepherd Commander Bites Another Secret Service Agent; 11th Attack
September 26, 2023
□ [“World Economic Forum with John Kerry’s Daughter Vanessa Suggests Using 'Emotion' from Pandemic and 'Storytelling' To Advance Climate Crisis Narrative"]
The weak point of all elites is their daughters. Emotion-based and never having to actually work for a living, they think they can make up whatever they want and everybody is required to obey. Men actually learn about that in puberty but that's what civilization has always been about building from. These elites don't know any of that and their daughters are the worst.
I think that's probably why they end up going towards witchcraft and demon-worship. The girls hit puberty too and they always go for the bad boys. Our ancestors knew this and had to fix it, which is exactly what's been torn down by leftists for decades. It's a long term goal, and ultimately it's always in favor of God's adversary.
This explains why they oppose thought and reason. It's why they think they can self-identify as anything regardless of reality. It's also where girls turn against their parents for the sake of rebellion and never know what they're getting into until it's too late.
There's no proof, but I've always wondered if there's some of the elite rulers who actually have figured this out and worked out a way to use it, so that only their white men run everything and every other white man is crushed, ensuring that women and non-whites can never progress any further. No way to know if that's the case, but it's quite believable.
Bitter, Hateful Rep. Maxine Waters Claims Republicans Want to ‘Destroy America’
September 25, 2023
Oklahoma Residents Spot Bizarre Mushroom Cloud Resembling Nuclear Blast
September 26, 2023
So why does Egypt keep showing up in where I think so much of the evil in the world first became known? Really it's because there's the fact that it's been an unbroken civilization since it started, thousands of years ago. You can point to cites in Mesopotamia or China or Persia or wherever, but they've been broken up over time. The pyramids are still right there after all this time.
Beyond that, there's the fact that it's so close to most of the other major civilizations. The Nile reaches the Mediterranean, there's the Arab world leading to the Indian Ocean, Africa to the south. Other advancing civilizations came from them, or at least stopped by. It also spent a large amount of time with the Greeks and Romans. A lot of the famous Greeks actually came from Egypt, or were there after Alexander the Great conquered it. It was part of the Roman civil wars and the legend of Cleopatra has been part of pop culture ever since.
Just to account for Cleopatra, everybody needs to pretend the incest of Egyptian society wasn't relevant, although we'll never know if it was widespread or just for the rulers. But that's the sort of thing that makes me believe their pagan beliefs have survived ever since. Or even if the beliefs themselves didn't survive, the mythology crafted around them by the following centuries. As important as Israel is to Jews, Egypt is where they had to escape.
Sarah Palin Says Michelle Obama Will Be the Democrat Presidential Nominee
September 25, 2023
Illegal Alien Bites Off NYPD Sergeant’s Finger
September 26, 2023
25 September, 2023
Oh, go ahead and play with electrical outlets, kids, I don't care anymore.
Mexican Cartels Rank as Fifth Largest Employer in Mexico – 175,000 People Employed by 150 Groups
September 24, 2023
Nearly 250-Pound Bronze Buddha Statue Worth $1.5 Million Stolen From Los Angeles Gallery
September 25, 2023
□ [“What Is Wrong With Canada?"]
For the last year and a half, leftists have completely ignored how Ukraine sided with the Nazis in WWII, and has long supported their heroic resistance against evil Russia. It's very easy to learn about and many people who really don't to be involved the Russia/Ukraine thing has pointed out how Ukraine is still supporting Nazis to this day. But pointing this fact out somehow makes us Putin's puppet or something, even citing Ukrainian troops with swastikas. It's just so darned complicated.
So now, while Zelensky was visiting Canada, he and Justin Trudeau made a big deal in a speech to Parliament in honor of a 98-year old Ukrainian who fought that evil Russia in World War II and ran to Canada after losing. The guy was still alive, they hugged and did whatever to standing ovation that crossed party lines. If you fight Russia, you're on our side.
Only afterwards did someone get around to looking up who Russia was fighting during that war and which side the 14th Waffen-SS Grenadier Division was on. They weren't draftees, they were volunteers. The guy was within arm's link-distance from the leaders of two nations and nobody bothered to check his background information. The Canadian secret service-equivalent is only on the lookout for enemies and none of these people would see a nazi as the enemy.
Was this Nazi support deliberate? Parliament is blaming Trudeau. He has put out a statement apologizing for this but security had to have looked into this and they had to inform the people in charge who they're bringing into be honored at this speech. Nobody is demanding an investigation of security's failure to protect everyone and everyone else's failure to have a clue what they're doing. Doesn't it seem more likely that they'd rather apologize afterwards than ask for permission beforehand?
They're also not saying anything bad about Zelensky letting this happen either. One of these Canadians might wonder if he knows anything about Ukrainian history, like who helped them oppose Russia in WWII. But they may realize that he doesn't know anything about that faraway country. They certainly don't want to get more criticism for saying bad things about him. The people in charge wouldn't like that.
So they could be showing what side they're really on and what side their predecessors were on, knowing that it'll all be forgotten after a few days of so-called apologies. I'm not sure which would be better, if they really knew the truth and wanted to foist it on everybody because they knew they'd get away with it or if they really were too stupid to make even the simplest of investigations onto someone honored by their highest-ranking politicians.
Even better, they can still keep accusing anyone they don't like of being Nazis. Canadian politicians did just that with the trucking convoy last year - which happened just as the Russia/Ukraine thing started - but they're totally fine with getting to meet the real thing. This is shown by how Trudeau just announced that this was "Russian disinformation," showing which side he's on.
El Paso, Texas Shelters So Overwhelmed That Hundreds Of Venezuelans, Including Children, Are Sleeping on the Streets
September 24, 2023
Gavin Newsom’s California: Over 200 Oakland Businesses to Strike on Tuesday Over Crime as City Reports Over 10,000 Stolen Cars So Far This Year
September 25, 2023
□ [“Revisionist History: New Children’s Book Now Claims Stonehenge Built by Blacks"]
This isn't just revisionist history, this is trying to make everyone so stupid that they'll actually believe this nonsense. Stonehenge has existed for thousands of years, yet somehow only blacks were capable of going thousands of miles away to build this site. They couldn't be bothered to build one closer to home, or they just destroyed it soon after and nobody bothered to remember it.
Apparently a lot of Romans were black too, at least the ones who conquered England. This has to be another example of deliberate fraud, assuming that everyone will just believe this. People are able to look at Stonehenge, and Roman sites, ever since they were built. They wrote about these ruins across the centuries. Africa has done none of that but now they're claiming they did everything.
No doubt all these inferior races were somehow able to erase any record of their superior's achievements from anywhere. Didn't do that with the Egyptian pyramids but apparently those weren't special enough to wipe out of existence. Didn't do that with the
Epic of Gilgamesh
which was written thousands of years ago and only discovered in the mid-1800s. Rome actually tried to wipe out every hint of Carthage's existence and there were still existing pieces people found over the centuries.
The way to prove you're inferior is to claim your superiority has been magically erased by your inferiors. That's what they're doing with this.
U.S. Offshore Wind Plans Are Utterly Collapsing
September 25, 2023
□ [“Covid Drug Manufactured by Merck is Causing 'Unintended' Virus Mutations, Potentially Fueling Covid’s Spread"]
This was totally intended. The goal was to poison as many people as possible and mutilate the survivors. Notice that the young and healthy are dropping dead quickly. Notice that women are having serious problems with reproduction. The only question is how high up these decisions were made and how are the rest of us going to punish them?
I don't know if it officially qualifies as "genocide" yet but it's definitely a deliberate attempt at exactly that. I don't see any way of getting this started, but the ideal would be to simply send armed forces around to the doctors and medical sites and see who will give the 'I just followed orders' excuse. From there, work our way up the line. We basically know who the despots are, this would just be a good way of heading towards them and taking down everybody in front of them.
Want genocide? Want population reduction? That's how to start. I don't see any way to make this a direct assault at the people on top and even if it was, we'd need to get a complete list of who else was involved. Honestly, I don't see any way we'd be able to avoid just taking down anyone in the room with them, family or servants or whoever. At this point, I'm not even sure it could be justified. We are at war and that means causing maximum casualties on the opposing side.
Defiant Menendez Says He Won’t Resign After He Was Indicted on Bribery and Corruption Charges
September 25, 2023
□ [“Illegal Invaders From Venezuela Plant Venezuelan Flag on Texas Island Near Eagle Pass"]
They're showing this is really an invasion. They're going to take everything and announce their own rulership of it. The invaders are military-aged males, they're obviously going to operate like gangs and tribes. The main worry is if they're actually part of a united army with actual leaders and strategy. That would explain all the Chinese coming in with them.
□ [“Chicago Denies Request for Records on How $57M Was Spent on Migrant Shelter Staffing"]
Then there's all the money being laundered. Maybe this is being used to fund the invaders, maybe it's just bribes for the Chicago officials. Maybe it's just a way to tear everything down, which would explain why Chicago is keeping this information secret so nobody dares to learn what they're doing. No transparency here.
How can this city put up with this? Their rulers are bringing in people to replace them with, how can they not see anything wrong with that? And lying about it and hiding any explanation of what they're doing. How can these people just go along with that? This is the sort of thing that worries me about liberalism, that they really can delude their slaves and make them stupider.
Biden Goes Off-Script, Says Black People will Suffer if US Government Shut Down Occurs
September 25, 2023
24 September, 2023
This would be more fun if there was an 80s soundtrack.
Joe Biden: “I Started Off as a Kid in the Civil Rights Movement in Wilmington, Delaware When I was in High School”
September 23, 2023
Meat Grinder Tops 80,000 Casualties Against “Colossal Anti-Tank Mines and Enemy Forces”
September 24, 2023
□ [“Russian Forces Have a New Radio Frequency to Inform Kiev’s Troops How to Surrender, 800 Troops Have Done So"]
I'm surprised this hasn't been happening a lot longer and getting a lot more to desert. You'd think Russia would have led with that when the invasion started. I dunno, maybe Ukraine was ready for that and had some way to block it. Russia is known for having units in the rear that will shoot down anyone who tries to desert.
It's the men on the front line who make the decision on whether to surrender or not and it sounds like a lot more Ukrainian men are prepared to do that. This is where you need a Disney movie where a woman refuses to surrender and defeats Russia single-handed. Or you could just do real life where the losers refuse to fight any more.
What's the alternative, grow up to be cannon fodder to protect US biolabs and funneling money? I'm pretty sure all the former have been found by now and other nations are finding a way to get the money, so there's not really anything in it for Ukraine anymore? Are they still planning to have elections or have the glorious leaders decided they don't need to risk losing?
Biden Goes Off-Script, Calls Black Hip-Hop Singer LL Cool J "LL J Cool J" and “Boy”
September 23, 2023
Daughters of the American Revolution Causes Revolt by Allowing Transgender Members
September 24, 2023
□ [“Elites Enjoy Lavish Dinner at Palace of Versailles While Discussing Climate Change"]
I doubt global warming was a major topic of discussion. They all know it's a fraud and they don't even bother pretending to follow the rules they demand to impose on everyone else. Their feast wasn't made of bugs and they didn't use solar-generated vehicles to cross the world to arrive here. Pretty sure none of the servants believe any of this either. At most the few media who were permitted to see anything and repeat what they were told might believe in it.
Did it need to be Versailles? One of the most historical and elite places in history, these ridiculously rich people needed to show off how special they were. Why does it need to be here? Can't you just get together in somebody's mansion somewhere? Are they trying to prove they're worthy of the history they're tearing down? Obama is in one of the pix and Mick Jagger is listed as one of the attendees, so I'll guess this is just a big meeting of the self-appointed rulers of the world.
That's why global warming would be all that relevant of a subject. It might be mentioned in passing as a tactic to use against the peons but it's not like they'd believe that the world's going to end in whatever the latest target date is. I think this is preparing for the next step in the plan.
Climate Change Hypocrite Al Gore Attacks Fossil Fuel Companies at NY Times Event
September 23, 2023
California Gov. Newsom Signs Law Requiring Foster Parents to Support Children’s ‘Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity’
September 24, 2023
□ [“Biden’s Latest Nadia Comăneci Moves On Ukraine"]
I don't get the reference in the title, but Biden is sending MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) just a year after saying he would never do such a thing because the Pentagon and NATO members opposed it. The use of them would escalate the war, so of course that's what he's doing now.
Sounds like this is another reason that Poland and other NATO members are turning against the whole notion of giving Ukraine any more support. Who's more important, the loyal partner who's spent decades at your side or the new hotty? Well, the western rulers are making it clear which they pick, all to expand a war they claim to oppose.
Does Ukraine know how to use these missiles or will we have to send in people who handle if for them? I assume Republicans will cave on the government shutting down next week but this may be why the Pentagon insisted on making sure Ukraine funding was maintained. We may not be able to pay any soldiers to use the missiles we promised not to send, but at least they can pay to send the missiles.
I'm blanking on what that other thing Biden promised last year not to do in this war but then did a few months ago, anybody remember? It's not like we can ask Biden, he doesn't have a clue what he said about anything.
Mayo Clinic Website Now Says Hydroxychloroquine CAN Be Used to Treat COVID-19 Patients, Previously Claimed It Was Not Effective
September 24, 2023
□ [“Rep. Clyburn Says Kamala Harris’s Unpopularity is Due to Racism and Misogyny"]
Doesn't cite anything competent about her, he just falls into simplistic descriptions of people who disagree with him, that is, doing exactly what he accuses them of doing. What a common thing to see from that sort of person. They have absolutely nothing to bring to the table in terms of thought, so all they can do is falsely accuse everyone else of hatred.
This is what they've been doing for decades. You can understand why, it's always worked for them, and they certainly aren't going to look for a new tactic now. But it's also why sane people are sick and tired of this nonsense and have long-noticed that it's only these elites who cling to it. They've been whining about being oppressed for several generations, no matter how much power they seize over everybody else.
Every other skin color had to fight oppression and they managed to get through it. Seems only one specific skin color is incapable of accomplishing anything without government doing it for them. They have to make up new genders to claim oppression because even women started realizing that there was only so much success they could be handed and still claim men controlled them. These people are doing more to prove white men were right all along than anything else and people are tired of hearing that.
“I Vaccinated the Nation and Rebuilt the Economy!” – Old Man Joe Biden Starts Shouting Out of Nowhere
September 24, 2023
□ [“Macron Folds: France Withdraws Diplomatic Presence in Niger – Security Agreement Also Over, French Military to Depart"]
Another step in the war although it's an example of not knowing who's on what side. This is a major reason why 'let these people solve their own problems' is a valid decision. Which side do you want to lose more? Why bother trying to pick, that's a waste of time and effort, not to mention encouraging both sides to bribe/threaten you.
Macron refuses to acknowledge the new government so he'll probably continue to insist that his side has won, but pulling out the French troops indicates otherwise. The only alternative, which is unlikely, is that the military has an actual plan to carry out before they run away in the next few months. We'll probably be hearing a lot of jokes about the French by then.
I have no idea what Niger will do about this. Will they go straight to collapse or show some ability and build up as a nation? Or will they just become another pawn for Russia/China/etc.? Regardless, I assume they'll be getting rid of all the white people by any means necessary. Africa seems to be doing that a lot these days, and then breaking down into war and starvation.
National Cathedral Installs ‘Racial Justice’ Themed Stained-Glass Windows
September 24, 2023
23 September, 2023
Send an email to the main office, tell them that I tweeted ow!
Three Confirmed Cases of Tuberculosis Reported Among Illegal Immigrants in El Paso Sector
September 22, 2023
New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid Covid Vaccine Harms from the Public
September 23, 2023
□ [“Big-Time Lefty Actor John Cusack Slams Dem Party – ‘Sold Out the Working Class for Decades’"]
The working class has known that for decades. And they didn't like you, so that's why you had to start defining everyone by their skin color. Then it becomes too obvious that you rich white people were just seizing power without giving up your wealth or whiteness, so you needed to start pushing these made-up genders.
You've had all these decades to question this but only get around to it now? The fact that it's taken you this long to notice indicates how limited you are in thought or viewpoint, although I assume you're surrounded by servants and sycophants who know they have to agree with you or else. That's why my guess is that the people in charge of you told you to say this because they can actually see problems doing this.
And then he just gets into the standard leftist rhetoric of complaining about people who are richer than him while pretending he's speaking on behalf of people who are poorer than he is. Somehow this justifies them in assuming they know best what the rest of us should do but they aren't *too* rich. Him and the rest of his rich and famous family from a well-known actor.
This doesn't really mean anything, just an anecdotal example that the ruling class is seeing a problem but don't have a clue what to do about it. So they send out this worthless twerp.
Striking UAW Members Beat Man, Assault His Wife Outside Stellantis Plant For Hurling ‘Racial Slurs’
September 23, 2023
□ [“Gavin Newsom Vetoes ‘Transgender Affirming’ Child Custody Bill"]
Of course he doesn't say anything about how hideous the notion is, he'd probably get in trouble if he dared to say that. He just mumbles that there are already laws covering this, like that ever matters when Democrats want more laws. You've already got laws against guns but that doesn't stop you from getting more.
Obviously this is just a show to make him pretend to be 'middle-of-the-road.' It's doubtful anyone outside California will fall for that, but he's going to keep pushing this. He might even cut down on the private-plane trips to complain about global warming. Ok, probably not, they all believe everybody agrees with them on that. But this is obviously how he's going to justify being Biden's replacement in the next stolen election.
So did he make the legislature pass this bill so he could veto it or was it a spur-of-the-moment decision on his part? Well, political life so it's probably a little from column A and a little from column B. Or his masters made the decision and they all just obeyed.
I do find it interesting that he doesn't have any competitors yet. In 2016, Hillary had only made it a few weeks before Bernie announced his candidacy. In 2008, most major candidates announced in December 2006 or January 2007, Obama waited until February. But I guess they may want to wait until Biden drops dead. I think it's clear that he's not going to do that voluntarily. He may even disobey orders to stand down.
UK Government Contract States That Illegal Immigrants Must Have 3 Star Hotel Rooms or Better
September 23, 2023
□ [“Zelensky asks Satanist Marina Abramovic to be Ukrainian Ambassador"]
A 76-year old Serbian demon-worshipper will be the ambassador. Ok, ambassador to where? The article cited just says what she'll be doing to Ukrainian children (who obviously don't have any fathers around to protect them) but an "ambassador" is supposed to be representing your country to other countries. But I guess this is where demon-worship is relevant.
□ [“Pentagon Exempts Ukraine Funding From Possible Government Shutdown"]
And this is where the payoff comes from. The DoD is not going to keep its own soldiers paid but it will continue to fund another nation which isn't even an ally. The priority is to fund a corrupt nation over your own men who will die under your orders. It's always about lowering the standards wherever they can, and this is always the result.
When did the Pentagon get the right to decide who does or doesn't get funded? I was under the impression that Congress decided that. Ok, we know that Congress will see nothing wrong with this, even as their own employees don't get paid during a government shutdown, but you'd think someone would at least bring up what's going on, that the Pentagon makes its own currency, or at least the executive branch does that. Otherwise it looks like they're ignoring the laws of their own country on behalf of another. That's who they really work for and they aren't going to hide it.
Globalist Pope Francis Absurdly Claims EU Is NOT Facing a Mass Immigration Emergency
September 23, 2023
Education Secretary Cardona: Parents Concerned About Education Are “Misbehaving in Public and Acting Like They Know What’s Right for Kids”
September 23, 2203
□ [“
New York Post
Sends Reporter to Restaurants Dressed Like Sen. John Fetterman - He is Refused Entry"]
Can't go to court dressed like a Senator either. That's why they're trying to get standards lowered, so everyone else's will go down too. Of course these restaurants would probably have served the actual Senator if he was the one who showed up, whether or not he was dressed. The lower the standards get, the more important it is for the elite to stand apart from everyone else and if they can't do it with clothes, they can do it by defying rules.
And they had to have a white man dressing like a slob. Sure, they could tell blacks to dress that way and blacks would probably obey, but that wouldn't lower the standards enough. He wouldn't get any attention, that's expected for blacks. But a white man who can't dress himself, that's what liberals want to see.
There's the rumors that this is an imposter taking Fetterman's place. It's believable, but I don't think so. The same claims are made about Biden and my response is the same, why would they want an imposter who is as blatantly stupid and incompetent as the guy he's replacing? Couldn't make him totally competent and it might be tricky to determine the right in-between, but take him out of public attention and just give him a few words to say here and there and he'll be generally ignored. Fetterman too.
West Point Sued After Director of Admissions Brags About Discriminating Against White Applicants
September 23, 2023
□ [“Polish MP Delivers $23 Billion Bill to Ukrainian Embassy"]
Anybody else thinks this is just a convenient way to get their share of the money coming in? They've been fighting over the import of grain and Poland said (supposedly) that they're no longer giving Ukraine weapons, but could this be the actual goal? Probably not, but as the standards continue to get lower, that's depressingly believable.
Otherwise, a few nations are finally realizing that this Ukraine thing is a sham. Mostly eastern Europe, but even some American media are finally admitting things aren't working as well as they've claimed for the last going-on two years. Zelensky didn't get much attention in Washington DC or any of the other global elite meetings he's gone to, at least not publicly.
This is one reason I have to wonder if the whole war was a fraud. There's no way they can beat Russia and none of the other nations have actually declared war so they just get the propaganda without actually having to get into a fight. They've also tried to give more authority to the global elites for the 'new world order,' just as they did with the virus for the last few years.
“There is No American Tradition of Limiting Ammunition Capacity” – Federal Judge Strikes Down California’s Ban on High-Capacity Magazines
September 23, 2023
McCarthy Backtracks, Says He Will Keep $300 Million of Ukraine Aid in Pentagon Funding Bill
September 23, 2023
22 September, 2023
The internet is annoying. I mean more than usual.
British PM Rishi Sunak Rolls Back Multiple Environmental Policies in ‘Pragmatic’ Move, Worries About Financial Impact on Families
September 22, 2023
□ [“Polish PM Morawiecki Warns Zelensky ‘Never to Insult Poles Again’, as Grain Ban Feud Intensifies"]
Step-by-step, WWIII gets closer to being open. We never would have thought Eastern Europe would start moving to the side of Russia but darnit, the western rulers just keep doubling down to make sure that happens. This is the sort of thing that would make rational people question what mistakes they've made and try to turn around as soon as possible before going over the cliff. But those people are not in charge of our side.
I do wonder how much of this shift is coming from dealings with Russia. On one hand, Russia obviously has decades of experience Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, so they would probably know how to manipulate them. On the other hand, they also have decades of experience dealing with western leftists, so it's quite possible that Russia just pointed out that 'the west will respond this way' and were proven right.
Eastern Europe really doesn't want to be 'woke,' they had to put up with too much of that crap in the 20th century. They have every incentive to be turning away from westerners now that we aren't living up to all the decades of inspiration we provided them.
Vegas Teen Brags He will Be ‘Out Jail in 30 Days’ After Mowing Down Biking Retired Police Chief
September 22, 2023
□ [“German Razor Company Features Trans Individual with Double Mastectomy Scars as a 'Model'"]
Anheizer-Bush is a German company, haven't these Germans heard about the major problems they've been having with this stupid idea all year? Yet they just decided to do it anyway? How can these people be so stupid and still put in charge of companies?
At least it would be believable if these companies had all pushed this out at the same time. Or if they waited a long period of time between each addition so one day, you finally realize that you're surrounded by these made-up genders and had never noticed it before. But here they're just holding off long enough to annoy everybody and then the next one comes along to aggravate people even further.
I'm sure it takes companies a while to figure out their advertisements and it's probably different for each company in each industry, but how do these companies not have anyone anywhere who will say 'let's *not* destroy our company'? They have to know that's what they're doing. Yet they just keep pushing down on this insanity.
Leaked Images Show What Biden Admin Plans to Hand Out to Illegals at Border
September 22, 2023
□ [“New Report Suggests Disney CEO Iger Wants to 'Quiet the Noise' Surrounding Culture War 'Not Healthy for the Company’s Business'"]
He's lying. He's said this sort of thing before and was lying then. The guess is that he's just trying to keep his job to give him more time to ruin Disney as he's been doing. Lucky for him, most of the chief stockholders have the same goal. They're going to keep pushing the 'woke' agenda. At most, they'll try to hide it a little more, no idea if that will work at all.
The thing about damaging a brand is that once it's been ruined, it's very difficult to get back. Off the top of my head, the only exceptions I can think of are sports teams where they have to replace the players every decade or two, so it's obviously a new team even if it has the same trademarks. Disney was very important to many people and they're not getting that back, and that's not counting the damage they've done to Lucasfilm, Marvel or Pixar in little over a decade.
Did the people in charge actively think this would be successful or was the whole goal to tear it all down? If it was the former, they were obviously failing right away so you'd think someone would have turned them around. If it's the latter... I don't know, I still can't conceive of how people like this get anywhere in life, much less to the top of a mega media corporation.
I have been wondering if this is part of the decades-long attempt to burn everything down while achieving power. I'll just make up a simplified example to prove my point since I don't know business or taxes and even if I did, couldn't explain it to others who didn't already understand it. But here we go:
We always hear leftists complain how profitable companies are and their chief executives. The company profits don't include expenses but the executives were hired for their negotiation abilities. Think about it, you're hiring someone to negotiate on your behalf, do you expect them to do a bad job when you hire them and work out a contract to pay them?
These people also understand tax laws so they would look for the benefits. You're the company, I'm the negotiator you want to hire. If I say you have to give me $100 million cash before I show up to the job interview, it's guaranteed that you won't hire me. But what about if you buy a mansion and in ten years you sell it to me for $1. You get a tax break because you never did maintenance on the mansion, I get a tax break because I'm buying a dilapidated mansion and since I was already living there for ten years, I hired the maintenance.
As I said, that's a made-up example, but is it too far out of line for what the elites are able to get away with over stock options and taxes? Especially when you consider how many different levels these huge companies operate on. Understanding of how that works would be helpful for me or any other negotiator you hire.
Then there's the way our leftist friends can work for the government and let us know how the perks work. Look how many rich politicians and their families run "non-profit" companies. I definitely don't understand how those work but it's clearly a way to avoid the rules that competent workers and employers have to function under, and the fact that they're so wealthy and complain so much about *other people* having money basically tells us what they're going for.
So this is the result of decades of twisting the tax laws for rich leftists. We do know that most tax laws don't apply to most people because we're not remotely rich enough to ever deal with them. It's the people who hire lawyers who get to find creative ways to keep their money while claiming to be non-profit. I think that's the basic virus that's been used to take over all these companies and make them *woke.*
Resistance strikes the Senate over the new dress code
September 22, 2023
□ [“Senator Bob Menendez [D-NJ] and His Wife Indicted on Corruption Charges"]
Who in their right minds would bribe the guy who runs the Foreign Relations Committee? They even paid him in cash and gold bars, don't they know how digital currency works? By they way, is there any proof that these bribes were going to the senator? Maybe it was all to his wife for her wonderful paintings or her skills at natural gas production in Ukraine, ever think of that? But no, they charge this politician for no reason. How racist!
This is the third time he's been charged with corruption after 2015 and 2018, but somehow the charges keep being dropped there too. Like Dianne Feinstein's Chinese spy and whatsisname banging a Chinese spy, we can assume this will all be dropped quickly enough to keep him in office.
I'm sure it's embarrassing to leftists but it's just another example of how oppressed they are. Think we'll ever even find out who's paying him the bribes? Probably not. If Menendez can get paid, so can everybody else. They're just teasing us with the notion that this will go anywhere.
Biden to Install Anti-2nd Amendment Activists in White House
September 22, 2023
21 September, 2023
Perhaps Not
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Signs $29 Million Contract to Build Illegal Immigrant Camps in the City
September 21, 2023
Senator Bob Menendez [D-NJ] and His Wife Under Investigation for Accepting Gold Bars for Favors
September 21, 2023
Seattle City Council Passes Ban on Public Drug Use
September 21, 2023
Biden Says “No Alternative” But For Congress to Support Ukraine Aid as Zelensky Begs For More US Taxpayer Money
September 21, 2023
Third IRS Official Confirms Biden DOJ Blocked US Attorney David Weiss From Charging Hunter Biden
September 21, 2023
18 years ago today, I enlisted in the Army and would be assigned to a unit that was founded 62 years ago today.
NYC Mayor Appears to Snub Biden Multiple Times as President Visits City
September 19, 2023
FBI Lost Count of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the Trump Crowd on January 6
September 19, 2023
Former Capitol Police Chief Sund Testifies He Had 3 Calls with Pelosi on Jan. 6 – Pelosi Said They Never Spoke – But Sund Says He Has the Receipts
September 19, 2023
Meeting with Brazil President Lula, Biden Almost Knocks Over Flag, Fights with Earpiece, Wanders Off Stage
September 20, 2023
□ [“Fetterman Arrives to Senate Looking Like a Slob in Short-Sleeve Shirt and Shorts"]
He's suddenly getting a lot of attention. I can think of a few possible reasons for that. For one, it might have been made clear backstage that he's almost as incompetent as Biden, and this is just being leaked out to the public. For another, there's the struggle of trying to make everyone respect someone who's not capable of dressing himself. They keep lowering the standards but there are people who understand standards exist for a reason and they're degrading the Senate by insisting on this.
Then there's the deliberate attempt to degrade the Senate, not much different from Caligula and his horse Incitatus. Historical records were vague on why this was done, but Rome had as much insanity and cult-worship as we have today. Jesus Christ had only died a few years before Caligula took the throne, there was definitely a lot of thought in that direction those days.
[And every day. Just looking up Caligula on wikipedia, a brief glimpse of his life looks similar to Biden's theft of the throne. It's still surprising to notice that, but I've long thought of it as every human being lives according to God's will, whether we accept that or not, so the results generally end up the same as others, even if we're not famous historical figures.]
I go back and forth on what Caligula's point was in doing this. Insanity, perversion, degradation? He was Augustus' great-grandson, born when he was nearing the end of his reign. He was young and only knew existence in the brand-new highest level humanity had ever reached. Add the cults to that and think, whatever his specific motivation happened to be, he was just doing it because he could and didn't know any better.
But Fetterman was brought into this by similar cults who have a couple thousand years of Caligula-envy to build on. Maybe the demon-worship is directly descended from ancient Roman times, maybe Bob Guccione and Gore Vidal came up with it one night with a lot of drugs. I do think this depravity is following the same lines as 2000 years ago but have little interest in how deliberate this is. The demons you worship get a vote too.
Biden Regime To Offer Free At-Home Covid Tests Starting Next Week
September 20, 2023
Experts and Media Wrong! COVID Vaccine mRNA Ends up in Mothers’ Milk
September 21, 2023
□ [“Did Poland Just Torpedo NATO And Ukraine?"]
Poland's refusing to send more weapons, Hungary has already started turning away. That's two NATO members who are not in favor of going on with this war - three, counting Slovakia refusing to buy more wheat - on behalf of a nation that has never bothered to join NATO. The rulers really don't seem to notice that they can't just decide whatever they want, up to and including war. They need people who go along with them.
Zelensky is currently vacationing in the US, begging for more money. I'm sure he'll get paid but at this point, I'm skeptical if he's ever actually in Ukraine. He could just be using a greenscreen somewhere, would anybody notice a difference? Even leftist media is starting to admit that they really aren't getting anything from the money and weapons coming in from the west. They're even admitting that the "spring offensive" was a failure.
I still wonder if that was the whole point. A distraction and an excuse to suck away as much money, equipment and weapons as possible from western militaries so that Russia/China/etc. have more advantage when that war finally becomes hot. And our side is the one turning against our own allies in favor of a non-ally, never a good move.
State Test Finds ZERO Students Proficient in Math at 40 Percent of Baltimore High Schools
September 20, 2023
□ [“New York’s Democrat Gov. Hochul Blasts Illegal Aliens: 'If You’re Going to Leave Your Country, Go Somewhere Else!'"]
That's the point, you stupid woman, they did leave their country and go somewhere else. You can prevent them from coming to your state but that means you need control over them. You need borders and guards to ensure that no one can come in without your permission.
But less than two years ago, you said “Our message to the world is, send us your people, send us those who need the cloak of comfort that we can demonstrate as New Yorkers with big hearts and open arms and we will provide a safe haven." Were you lying or did you just have no clue what nonsense was coming out of your mouth? Either way, you're the one who claims to be in charge so live up to your own rules.
For instance, Texas has admitted this is an invasion and is preparing to build a wall. Any thoughts on filling that example or are you one of those Democrats who will ignore the consequences of your own decisions no matter who suffers? Notice how as many invaders as possible are being sent to red states so they can be bribed to vote Democrat and you don't have to put up with them.
□ [“Biden Struggles to Make it Across South Lawn After He Repeats Same Story Word-for-Word Just Minutes Apart at Campaign Reception"]
He's clearly getting worse regularly now. These reports come out regularly and gives one the impression that he's the horse installed by the modern Caligula. He's already been in the senate so that makes sense, right? You'd think competent rulers would want a front man who's at least coherent, but it's like they despise him as much as we do, and as much as they despise us. But then why pick him in the first place?
I started thinking of Caligula today based on some other news articles about Biden supposedly saying he'd be dead soon. There's no proof of accuracy, it's all third- or fourth- or fifth-party, and even in context, his comments were supposed to be that he'd be dead before Hunter's legal problems were over. Well, yes, unless Hunter dies first, that's going to happen, even if you pardon him right now.
But this sort of thing started me wondering about the urge for human sacrifice practiced by pagans and undoubtably by people in the White House right now. As I keep saying, my theory is that this came directly from ancient Egypt, but if you want an American version, there were the Aztecs. So even though there's no evidence whatsoever, I've got the notion that they're getting ready to do exactly that to Joe Biden. Sure, even if I'm 100% right, it's not like we'd be told that's what happened and we'll be too distracted by the immediate chaos and disaster to give him any thought.
Gavin Newsom flew from Calif. to NY to tell the UN that burning gas is destroying the planet
September 21, 2023
□ [“Anybody believe the WH's reason Biden and Zelensky aren't having a press conference?"]
Ok, I'm surprised to think Zelensky even tried to meet Biden. There's no reason they would even be in the same room, it's not like they have anything to talk about. And wouldn't Zelensky's schedule be full trying to talk to people who actually make decisions? Something about that seems a bit off.
But the White House's excuse was that this was based on what was best for Ukraine. Ok, that's just funny. It's best for Ukraine to not have a press conference with a senile rich old white man. Well when you put it like that, I guess it makes sense, but it also suggests that there's not much else of use that Ukraine is going to get out of this trip. Zelensky wanted to speak to both Houses of Congress and that was turned down, so why get the pretend-POTUS either?
Could Biden and Ukraine both be at the end of the line? It sure looks that way, although it's looked like that for quite a while. But for the next week, my guess will be that the end of the federal Fiscal Year is where it crashes down. At this point, I don't even care that much if I'm right or wrong on that, it's coming very soon and then we can expect complete chaos. Except from our tyrants who made it happen, they'll be ready.
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