15 October, 2020

Somewhere over the rainbow there's a cloud. But that only makes sense.

Working a lot on my "History project."  There's a good chance I'll finish the first (very long) step this weekend.  Then it'll be a while before I finish the second (very long) step.  Then I can finally get started.  Maybe at some point I'll even figure out what I'm doing.

By the way, it's been almost four and a half days since I submitted the final copy of the new book to the Amazon printer and they haven't responded yet.  I really miss when this used to be through Createspace.  They were nice and helpful.  Amazon isn't.

More news about Hunter Biden came out today.  I'm still not paying much attention, but the part I noticed was that he had texted his daughter Naomi:  “But I don’t receive any respect and that’s fine I guess. Works for you, apparently. I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It’s really hard, but don’t worry, unlike Pop (Joe Biden) I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

And that explains what Biden has been doing all these decades.  The money goes to his kids so it isn't on his taxes and the kids give him part of it as a 'gift.'  I've heard - without evidence - that Biden actually does own multiple mansions, he's just known for being in the same house for all these years for public knowledge.

In other news, Trump and Biden are both doing tv tonight to make up for the debate that isn't happening.  Of course famous people are mad that Trump gets to go on NBC while Biden's on ABC.  They insist that it should be some other time, as though tv networks hadn't spent decades thinking about how scheduling best works and understand that both candidates have to get the best time and day, obviously Thursday at whatever time it's happening.  [It may be over by now, at least for Trump who was only doing an hour, Biden's time was listed as 1.5 hours, 2 hours, not clear.]  The main question is who's going to get the higher ratings, possibly Biden if people want to watch him for a change, probably Trump otherwise, but both candidates will probably claim to have won.

Of course the NBC leftists are upset.  We'll see what they pull next.

I do find it amusing that almost everything about Trump having the virus seems to have vanished.  Can't mention that and still demand everything in society be shut down.

Leftists Slam Rapper Ice Cube After They Find Out He Helped Craft Trump’s Platinum Plan
October 15, 2020

Southwest Airlines Removes Black Trump Supporter From Flight (VIDEO)
October 15, 2020

They do know how to treat blacks.

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