28 January, 2021

Hope is not approved by the government, that's why people no longer have any.

It occurred to me last night that we should probably expect a fake bombing or assassination attempt soon, something like that to impose the left's complete control.  It would get them a perfect excuse to flat-out drop Congress from the equation and the Democrats would totally support it.

If they can't impeach Trump - and I still assume they will regardless of what the Constitution says - they'll need to get to 'show trials' as soon as possible to make up for it.  After all, they're following in Stalin and Mao's footsteps.

□ [“Dictator Biden Signs Two Executive Orders to Restore Obama’s Failed 'Affordable Care Act' – Refuses to Answer Questions From Reporters"]

Funny how no one ask Congress to do anything.  Maybe that's what the questions he wouldn't answer were.  So now we're back to Obamacare, forcing you to pay companies for products you don't want or you'll be punished.

There's something going on in the stock market but I don't pay much attention to that, I just want to make the reference of something happening, it's called "GameStop."  Don't worry, rich people are asking for government bailouts.

The push to make DC a state is still going on.  Obviously Texas could split into multiple states but they'd all vote for Republicans so Democrats would oppose it.  So could other states.  At least they have the option, the Constitution specifically states that Washington DC is a district, not a state, there to hold the federal government and nothing else.

Oh wait, who cares what the Constitution says?  Our totalitarian rulers sure don't and they're the only ones who matter.

I'm assuming books like 1984, Animal Farm, Atlas Shrugged and similar works are coming back.  Well, until they're banned anyway.  But they spent a few generations describing the totalitarianism we're facing now.  I know I've been thinking of them more often.  Since my memory problems didn't remind me of details of the Russian 'show trials,' I had to go through memory that still remains of the similar scene in Animal Farm.  Haven't looked it up yet for specifics, but that's an example.

Antifa Riot at Portland ICE Facility Overnight, Throw Mortar Explosives at Federal Police Officers
January 28, 2021

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