07 February, 2021

Trying to figure out our betters is really difficult

Today John Lennon has been dead just as long as he was ever alive.  It's safe to say he wouldn't recognize the world he knew.

□ [“Government waste critic: Deceased will get stimulus checks under Biden $1.9T stimulus plan"]

I've assumed that people in government bribe their supporters pretty openly and this just sounds like more of that.  It's what the nomenklatura do.  We can see this is the purging of the military, they need to get rid of everyone who isn't 'one of them.'

But it is odd that the left in general isn't going with that.  The media's not declaring "We are All Socialists Now" and confidently predicting "Forty Years of Democratic Party Rule" like they did.  Beyond having men with guns impose his will and ignoring Congress, he's not acting like someone who won an election.  Maybe he knows something that the rest of us know too but we're not allowed to say.

There's the old line from Charles Krauthammer, "Conservatives think liberals are stupid, Liberals think conservatives are evil" which definitely has a sound of truth, but there's also the idea that it's not an actual leftist belief, it's 'proof' of superiority in social settings, a social badge.  Which does make sense, they are against the concept of the individual and this would be how to show that off to others in the know, not an actual belief to follow through good and bad times.  It's possible they aren't even capable of recognizing it because doing that would acknowledge the individual in themselves and, by extension, in other people that they hate so much.

□ [“Pelosi Under Fire For Breaking Her Own Rules, Evading Metal Detectors When Entering House Chamber"]

They're not even capable of noticing this, it's beyond their comprehension.  This could be why their own rules are irrelevant to them.  I think there's also a part of them that, both as individuals and as part of the in-crowd, they do enjoy showing off to their fellow elite/nomenklatura how special they are compared to the peons.

But even there they would be surrounded by informants and snitches.  Perhaps that's why they're so unhappy now.  As I said, Biden doesn't act like he won and none of his living supporters are either.  Time Magazine has even released an article about the conspiracy to steal the election, being pretty open about it aside from pretending it wasn't a fraud.  Is this showing off for their peers?  Is it believing their own nonsense and they're now a vast majority?  Is it desperately going to the left to try to win back an audience?  Some or all or none of the above?

“Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy”
- Winston Churchill, May 28, 1948

SOFREP: You may have been identified as an extremist within the ranks and have no idea
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Trump impeachment lawyer says he'll use video of Dems' own remarks at trial
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You Knew It Was Coming: AOC, Bernie, and Earl Introduce Bill to Declare National Emergency on Climate
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“Burn it Down!” – BLM-Antifa Terrorists March Through DC, Assault Police Officers, Harass Outdoor Diners
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TeslaCam Catches Highway Robbery in San Francisco in Broad Daylight
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“Bait And Switch” – Leftists Hammer Biden Over Broken Relief Check Promise
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Pelosi and Democrats Break Over 200 Years of Precedent and Ban Minority Party Member from House Committees
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George Shultz, Reagan's secretary of state, age 100
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