25 May, 2022

Never drink *and* drive. First you drink, then you drive.

□ [“Buttigieg calls for a Marshall Plan-style rebuilding of Ukraine"]

First of all, the so-called Transportation Secretary's job is not to focus on rebuilding other countries.  His job, and he gets paid more money than most of us will ever see, is to focus on transportation in the United States.  What, is he saying that everything is totally fine, nothing he can do, so he's totally paying attention to something else?

Second of all, does this mean the war is over?  If so, that would mean Russia has won, so we'd be rebuilding stuff for Russia.  If not, then shouldn't the war end first before we start focusing on rebuilding?  That just makes more sense, unless you really want to give Russia more targets.  Which maybe he does.

Third of all, that sure puts Europe in their place.  They're right next to Ukraine and Russia, don't they have any interest?  Or are they too busy buying fuel from Russia and sending baby formula to the US?

North Korea Fires Off Ballistic Missile After Joe Biden Departs Tokyo
May 24, 2022

Out with the old, in with the new: Last public pay phone removed from New York City
May 23, 2022

Biden Admin Wants Kids to Starve if Schools Don't Let Boys Use Girls Showers and Bathrooms
May 25, 2022

“Please Help Me” – White Woman Begs For Help As Black Man Grabs Her Hair, Shouts Threats on New York Subway - No One Helps
May 25, 2022

Over 500 Military Service Members Sue the Government for Mandating a Vaccine that Was Not FDA Approved and Should Not Have Been Administered
May 25, 2022

Montana Bans Transgender from Changing their Birth Certificates Even After Surgery
May 25, 2022

Red Pope Francis Joins Democrats In Calling for More Gun Control
May 25, 2022

□ [“Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Postpones Gun Control Legislation – Does Not Have the Votes"]

This doesn't mean much, Democrats are very clear that the executive branch is the only one that matters.  Biden will declare that anything he doesn't like about the Constitution is now gone and never consider what that means to his authority.  Or whoever tells him what to say, anyway.

Failed WHO Chief and China Puppet Tedros Re-elected to Second 5-Year Term
May 24, 2022

I think the best option would be for those of us who able to re-ratify the Constitution, this is what we're standing by, you self-appointed dictators are irrelevant.  I very much like the idea but I don't think it's doable for a while.  How would it work, whatever groups we have send in a representative to vote?  I do think it should be done live, not just online, but of course that causes extra problems.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

A Declaration of Freedom would be a better place to start.  Re-write it a bit to be less 18th Century and more specific to our current tyrants.  I'm not sure who would be voting on it but as a standard to follow, it's good.

Joe Biden Creeps on George Floyd’s Daughter After Signing Executive Order — Rubs Her Cheeks
May 25, 2022

Biden: “So Many Black Americans Wake Up Knowing They Could Lose Their Life… in the Course of Just Living… Jogging, Shopping, Sleeping”
May 25, 2022

There's more to write about but I'm not sure what I'll get done tonight.  Word is coming out about what the world rulers will be able to do to us, there's some report that they depended on Ukraine to win and that's not happening, and there's even a bit of info about Biden's failure in Afghanistan.  Regardless of the law, they're still holding off on actually reporting on who was left behind or, for that matter, who they brought here.

But they just handed everything over to the Taliban, whom some of them have been dealing with since 1979.  No wonder they don't want to tell us what's going on.

The military knew it would fail immediately if we ran away like little girls, the only question is if any of them had the courage or decency to tell the administration or if they obeyed for the sake of obedience.  My guess could go either way.  At this point, it's easiest to just assume that the military who stay in are total suck-ups and those who had any conscience got out.  I might be wrong about that [I hope I'm wrong] but it's better than assuming they're great and they'll stand up for American freedom.

Biden’s DOJ Releases New Guidance on Use-of-Force Policy for Federal Police
May 25, 2022

□ [“Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell Says Republicans Are Facilitating Mass Shootings 'By Design'"]

It's all about projection for these people, almost like the definition of their personalities is to think of themselves and blame someone else for it.  We knew this was going to happen right before the world government took over.

Remember, they'll be able to control anything they declare to be a pandemic and they're the only ones who get to decide what a pandemic is.  Guns will obviously be their first target, then there's free speech and anything they call "racism."  They're also planning to install digital IDs on every single person on the planet.

Nobody gave them the authority, they obey whatever China wants, they see nothing wrong with any of this.  They'll need the men with guns moving in as harshly as possible.  This won't be pretty.

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