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27 August, 2022
You'll enjoy Rococo Coffee even more when it's delivered by sharks with laser beams attached to their heads.
Federal Judge Strikes Down Texas Law Banning Adults Under 21 From Carrying Guns
August 26, 2022
Federal Court Strikes Down Biden Rule Forcing Doctors To Perform Gender Transition Procedures
August 27, 2022
Judges have been turning down Biden's law. I assume it's just to give leftists an excuse to get rid of the court system. They don't like the Supreme Court or anything else that doesn't tell them what they want to hear. They're already doing that with Congress.
Hundreds Of Conservative Websites Were Purged From The Internet To Stop ‘The Next Trump Situation’
August 27, 2022
17-Year-Old Girl Dies After Suffering Unknown Medical Episode During Army National Guard Physical Training
August 27, 2022
□ [“Liberals Threaten Manchin’s 'Side Deal' Promised By Biden, Schumer And Pelosi"]
He trusted them? How stupid do you have to be to think that this time they're telling the truth and they'll stand by whatever promise they made to you in exchange for a vote? Have you ever met these people before? All they want from you is your vote. Once they get that, they're done with you until the next time they want your vote. They owe you noting and you deserve nothing.
So what was the promise for anyway? Concessions to the oil industry. If you believed that, you are too stupid to be anywhere except Congress. You just have to hope your constituents are even stupider.
Your leaders know how to sucker people with obvious lies. Maybe someday you'll be one of them. Why does one get the impression that this was the whole plan, he'd pretend to dissent from his leaders until it was time for him to blatantly go along with them. If that was the plan, what would they have done differently?
□ [“New Mexico Man Arrested for Allegedly Trying to Establish ISIS Training Center in the State"]
And there's a lot more like him out there. Are our rulers actively supporting ISIS or are they just demonstrating to the world how the infidel behaves?
There are time when I think this was part of the long-ranged plan after 9/11, to show how leftists openly support terrorists. I actually believe that although obviously I have no clue how it works other than they always side with anyone who wants to destroy America.
I really get the impression that the left has crossed some sort of line and now they're blatantly obvious about pretending that whatever they believe at the moment is absolute reality. They've always been like this but something about it seems more intense these days.
Tennessee Man is Seventh American to Die Fighting for Ukrainian Regime in War with Russia After Arriving on Front Lines 5 Weeks Ago
August 27, 2022
□ [“Axios: Biden and team stunningly unprepared for their trillion-dollar Academia bailout"]
Well that's believable. They've been talking for years about how they would ignore debt but apparently never made any actual plans or preparation for this. They haven't worked out who's actually qualified for this removal of debt or have any clue how many people there are so they don't know how much it will cost.
No one can apply for this removal of debt because they haven't even set up a website yet. Throwing a way a trillion dollars and they haven't even gotten around to working out how it's done yet despite talking about this for a year and a half? Even the estimate of a trillion dollars is just an estimate since they haven't looked at the actual data.
It's like they're trying to demonstrate the idiotic nature of tyranny and how it's fundamentally leftist. [I still don't think the term "leftist" is appropriate but the more I say that, the more I use that term. Go figure.] People are far too complicated to be so simple to define and they're willfully ignoring that to pursue whatever nonsense they're going after at the moment.
What other possibility is there, that this is just hype to help them in the midterms? How delusional does one have to be to think everyone will ignore the torment you've inflicted on us all this time because you give perks to those who can't be bothered to pay their debts at the cost of those who can? At least saying they're fundamentally tyrannical is respectful at some level.
Mark Zuckerberg Claimed Under Oath that Facebook Did Not Censor Hunter Biden Content — A Blatant Lie
August 27, 2022
□ [“How Much Trouble Is Warner Brothers In?"]
Been thinking about this one. The article most covers problems with the media and the superhero movies, ending with a theory that WB might be literally broke. Not sure about that and obviously I don't pay remotely enough attention to any pop culture to have a clue how well any of their countless suboutlets are doing these days, but I am interested in the detail on DC Comics.
DC has always lost money for a very long time but given their expenses and the benefits to the intellectual properties, it's been easy for WB to ignore that. But the new owners are auditing DC. Maybe they're just looking into everything. Maybe WB has no money so they're looking at cutting everything that doesn't bring in a profit.
I've always had the theory that comics were one of the most fundamental bricks in the foundation of the corporate empire. Never come up with any proof or even a decent explanation, but I've always thought that. Then again, if we're going to have corporate-owned comics, I see no problem with using them as a 'loss leader.' Batman has brought in more money than Batman could spend, let the comics creators keep doing their thing.
Ok, fine. But they're leftists and are all about throwing out what makes things work in favor of anything else they can get their hands on. I'm also trying to figure out how the hell the superhero genre has become the major factor in movies, the way it was for comics over all these decades.
Right there is a convenient example of why the corporate-owned mentality doesn't work. Just look at how comics have become promotion/submission for movies, and they've dumped the thought balloon!!!
One of the greatest assets comics storytelling has is the use of the thought balloon. Different characters can think whatever they think for whatever reason is relevant to the story, how can you get rid of that just because you don't know what some highly-paid actor is thinking on screen?
The example I always use is to take a generic boy-meets-girl story. Ok, they talk to each other, we get that part of it, but they can each have thought balloons! They can react to each other or to themselves and the reader gets to see it. Maybe one is obsessed with the other and the other is thinking about what to have for dinner tonight. Maybe they're cautious, or aggressive, or flat-out lying to each other. Thought balloons add this potential to even the simplest of stories.
You can have one panel where some character is walking in the background and also gets a thought balloon. Maybe it's a witty comment on the story, maybe a random joke, maybe it's a plot element which the main characters will run into a few pages later but now the reader already knows about it.
There's all this potential to the stories in this medium and they dump it to sell out to movies???
Hopefully I'll think more about DC in the near future, I just wanted to bitch about that.
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