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08 June, 2023
Just so you know, George Clooney appears in the Flash movie. That's the surprise ending.
Departing Nigerian President Apparently Created Fake Airline as Final Act in Office
June 7, 2023
Pat Robertson, preacher, former Presidential candidate, age 93
June 8, 2023
Los Angeles Times Makes Major Cuts to Newsroom as Advertising Slumps
June 8, 2023
□ [“The Ukrainian Counteroffensive – Heavy Fighting in Zaporozhie – Kiev’s Forces Taking Massive Losses"]
Did the media get tired of reporting Ukraine's constant triumphs for the last fifteen months? I haven't found anything on that. At most there's the same 'yay Ukraine' and even that's not giving any information on how and where these victories are taking place. Maybe the media is bored with it but you'd think at least their fans would want to know what's going on. Well, I guess they know their fans better than I do.
Something about the media coverage just seems different suddenly. There's still no mention of the troops lost while failing to protect the worthless Bakhmut, but it does seem like something has been lost there, a "fortress of morale" of some sort. The "spring offensive" is just coming off as desperation and not exactly as threatening as the Battle of the Bulge. The Germans lost that battle in about ten days, by the way, although it took another month to finish them off. They also lost a lot of the best units they had left at that point in the war, which doesn't count dealing with Russia.
Anyway, what is the point of this other than putting on a show of desperation for the world? I assume Ukraine has taken some ground in places but nothing stands out and most of what I see is them attacking and Russia repelling them. We've been waiting all this time and this is all they can do? What happened to the massive victories of the last year and a half?
Seattle City Council Rejects Bill that Allows City Attorney to Prosecute Drug Possession and Public Drug Use
June 8, 2023
□ [“Reporter Asks Joe Biden About 'Evidence in an FBI File' Showing He 'Sold Out the Country'"]
So the House Oversight Committee was given an excuse to not hold FBI Director Chris Wray in contempt, they got to go into a scif and they saw documents that Biden took bribes. This was in regards to getting the Ukraine prosecutor fired for investigating Hunter. Why Biden would need a bribe for that is unclear, but maybe it was just part of doing business, he threatened Ukraine with denying them money if the prosecutor wasn't fired.
Ok. So what? This is why I would say just throw the information out there, who cares if it's classified? Did this help our rulers get tied deeper into Ukraine or something because otherwise it just comes off like a bribe like every other member of Congress gets. They're not going to prosecute him so why bother?
Otherwise the only part that stands out to me is that this is specifically part of the incident Biden bragged about to an audience, his bullying Ukraine into ignoring the law if they knew what was good for them. I assume these people had just as many dealings with Russia, China or a bunch of others, so this is an interesting coincidence but I don't see much beyond that.
Biden's response is "where's the money?" Wherever Ukraine funneled it, duh! I must say his response was less incoherent than usual, whatever that's worth. But we're tired of waiting for this and our rulers don't seem remotely interested in doing anything about it.
France: Syrian Migrant From Sweden Held in Mass Stabbing Attack on Children in Park
June 8, 2023
Saw an interesting theory about the Canadian forest fires going on currently. Apparently they don't resemble actual forest fires and the suspicion is that they were started with chemicals, the ammonia nitrate stolen from a train last month to be specific.
Well it's believable, I'll give it that. There's a lot of fires and they all started at roughly the same time so it's definitely deliberate. The left is already insisting this proves we need more rules on global warming, as if forest fires aren't natural in the first place and starting forest fires has nothing to do with the climate. What are they going to do, stop people from stealing chemicals from trains and using them to burn trees in another country? That'll stop dozens of fires from being started at the same time across hundreds of miles?
It's definitely deliberate, although if I have to guess, I'd say it's probably the foreign military-age males who've been entering the country thanks to Biden. Possibly domestic environmentalists but I can't see them as smart enough to pull this off on their own. If nothing else, the train would have records and cameras showing what they did. Or it might be some other stolen chemicals in the first place.
□ [“Satellite Imagery from College of DuPage Meteorology Department Shows Over a Dozen Fires in Quebec Start Up at Almost the Exact Same Time"]
And after I'd written the above, I saw this article. There ya go.
NASA Warns of Solar Wind Causing an Internet Apocalypse that Will Disable Internet for Months
June 8, 2023
□ [“Salute to the LBGTQ?? San Francisco Police Record Viral Video Saluting the Pride Flag"]
Well until something better comes along, I'm going to assume this is the official flag of the "new world order." The rulers will probably keep changing it on a regular basis just to show they can. It's already a crime to burn it, not like the American flag. Perhaps San Francisco expects to be the new capitol city of the region.
□ [“Trans Male Oklahoma Student Illegally Allowed by School to Use Girls’ Bathroom Assaults Female Student"]
And this is what they want all across the world. Every big strong woman-with-a-penis is entitled to beat up any sissy girl-with a-vagina for any reason. You'd better show this penis some respect, girlie, or you'll get what you deserve. Show it some respect, right now! I'm waiting!
The rulers are trying to impose this on all children. It's a natural result from getting rid of real men as fathers. That's the only way civilization can exist and they're willing to get rid of it in favor of their own made-up fantasies which always result in violence, especially against females. That's liberalism's ultimate goal, as shown by the fact that they never ever resist this at any point along the way.
□ [“'Non-Binary' Influencer Has Meltdown After President Trump Features Him in Campaign Ad"]
Just an odd idea I had when looking at this article. First of all, "influencer" seems to be some sort of new version of advertising, trying to get through the internet. It was an "influencer" who gave Bud Lite all the promotion they deserve. Do any of the people with that job description have the slightest clue how many real genders there are or do they all think the same exact way?
Second of all, looking at the pictures of this guy, I suddenly started thinking of the "Leave Britney Alone" guy. Remember 2007? Britney Spears had reached legal age a few years ago and was getting all the attention a sexy drunken slut should expect. Ok, fine, famous people do that, but this guy made a youtube video whining like a little bitch about her getting the attention she deserved. And he got a lot of publicity for it.
So, having not thought of him for fifteen years or so, it turns out he has a wikipedia page and as you can probably guess, he has a new gender. He also spent sometime in gay porn. And I have to wonder if this is a direct result which our rulers intended. Pop music had died in the 90s because the companies promoted boring stuff, Britney helped bring it back because girls like hearing catchy tunes, no matter how horrible, and the ultimate goal may very well have been to inspire creatures like this whose whole life had been on the internet to push for the brand-new genders.
Could this have been the point, using pop culture to push this onto children? On the one hand, I'm sure that's the evil goal with everything and the megacorporations are just throwing enough sh*t at a wall until something sticks, but I have to wonder if this actually met the goal every step of the way. I always blame Nirvana's breakthrough album for killing whatever rock music was worth, and it came out from Geffen Records one week before the company released Guns'n'Roses' follow-up to their smash hit, which was itself the culmination of the glam hard-rock movement, itself built from the earlier glam-rock movement - as well as others, I'm trying to simplify the concept as much as possible - like David Bowie and Queen.
All of these bands and more held high status for what brought us here today as well as ruining civilization. And as far as I know, absolutely none of them (that are still alive) disagree with the transgender movement at any point, or the "new world order" as a whole. There are certainly earlier examples - the Velvet Underground being an obvious one - and you can point to some bands that don't really go along with all of it, Metallica or whoever.
Obviously I'm missing a lot of points here as well as other aspects like Hollywood and the invention of the internet. If Britney never existed it still would have happened the same way, but I'm writing this just because it looks like I've gotten a glimpse of a direct path through the decades and this random creature who whines about Trump inspired it.
California Senate Passes Bill Preventing Employees to Confront Shoplifters
June 7, 2023
Biden Tells UK Prime Minister a Rambling Story About the Truman Balcony, Forgets Winston Churchill’s Name
June 8, 2023
□ [“Muslim-Led Coalition Protests in Montgomery County Against LGBT Books in Schools"]
This is a pleasant surprise. I've long assumed that Muslims side with leftists because they know how to manipulate the infidel for however many decades it takes to bring the Muslims to the forefront. And maybe that's what's happened, that Democrats have ruined themselves so badly that they can't even steal elections in Democrat regions without Muslims taking over.
And maybe that's part of it, but I'd like to think that at least some of them really aren't going to put up with this any more. They don't want their children poisoned by this any more. The left either needs to force Muslim submission or give them special privileges which are denied to everyone else. Or they can treat everybody equally and admit that all parents have those rights, but we know the left would never do that.
I assume the media and Democrat leaders will completely ignore this, especially those who are Muslim. They're thrilled when white Christian parents are arrested for this exact thing, it's not like they can call Muslims "white supremacists."
I also get the sense that we're seeing a very subtle change with regard to slavery. Muslims have owned slaves since Day One and no liberal will get far if they criticize Muhammed for that.
India not planning to invite Ukraine to G20 summit in September
June 8, 2023
Georgia’s WEF Puppet Governor Brian Kemp Rolls Out Digital IDs for All Citizens
June 8, 2023
Twitter Mass Deletes Videos of Syrian Asylum Seeker Who Stabbed Children in France
June 8, 2023
New York City Sues Kia and Hyundai, Claiming Some of Its Vehicles Are Too Easy to Steal
June 8, 2023
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