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19 February, 2024
No superheroes are coming to save us.
James Biden Used Joe Biden's Name to Promote a Bankrupt Company Paying Him for Influence
February 19, 2024
□ [“Eritrean Migrant Gangs Cause Major Riot in the Netherlands, Burn Police Cars"]
Haven't heard anything about the strikes going on from the farmers in Europe, but now there's the invaders. Not sure how much is true, but it's been said that the actual reason for supporting illegal immigrants - at least in the US - is to bribe them with government subsidies and then when the economy crashes, they'll riot. Not sure who would plan that, but it is believable.
In this case, the economy is bad, they say they aren't accepted by the society they invaded and conquered - my ex-girlfriend used to say that - and now this is two separate gangs fighting each other. They could do that at home, but now
is their home because the rulers wanted that. And Eritrea - located on the Red Sea - doesn't have to put up with them anymore.
Nations take a long time to build but not that long to erase. That's what our rulers have been doing for decades. How many people would actually fight for the Netherlands now? Or the rest of Europe, which has done most of the work to form nations in the first place. Basically everywhere else in the world only recognizes what the concept is because we taught it to them. So then they take advantage of that and come in to destroy us.
WHO Chief Tedros Ghebreyesus Warns of Inevitable ‘Disease X’ Pandemic — ‘A Matter of When, Not If’
February 18, 2024
Albanian Prime Minister Praises Trump while On Stage with Spineless Tony Blinken
February 19, 2024
□ [“Black Chicago Activist Calls for Moratorium on Migrants: Poor and Homeless an ‘Afterthought’ in Their Own City"]
That's what you voted for. The poor and homeless don't matter to the people in charge so they'll focus on their priorities who will replace you. They just said it to get power, now they'll move on. Don't worry, your taxes will be increased to pay for it, and so will the businesses you buy food and supplies from.
So what are you people going to do about it? I can't figure out why anybody votes for Democrats but obviously a lot of people disagree with me. But if there's anything that would be making people turn against them, it's what we've been living through for the last three years. For that matter, it doesn't take much effort to see how it was built up for the last[fill in the number] decades before that. I've been looking through some of my older material, covering then-current events, and it's clear they were working towards this all the time.
It's definitely something that's focused on cities. Just the sheer number of people requires massive amounts of food, supplies, water, electricity, transportation, etc. Then there's the way individuals can get together in large numbers with little effort, which didn't exist for most of humanity through most of history. It's the only place you can live and not have to accept reality.
Biden Border Crisis: Military-Age Syrian Men Illegally Cross Into San Diego
February 18, 2024
Houthis Sink British Ship in Red Sea, Shoot Down US Reaper Drone, Attack Two US Ships in Gulf of Aden
February 19, 2024
□ [“Green Tyrants Get Horrible News as Finance Giants Pull Out Left and Right"]
When one part of the structure starts to collapse, others quickly follow. So that's starting happening here. The government has been imposing this crap that nobody wants and businesses are finally tired of it. They've all been tied up under government agencies like the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau which is about unifying all the forces so it's easier for the government to control.
I see this as the highest level of what we see going on with the truckers and NYC. They've devoted their time and money to these businesses and aren't willing to put up with this any longer. From top to bottom, they have to deal with stuff that most of us wouldn't know about, even if we're experts in our particular field.
They all work on multiple levels and operate with companies and units across the specter. We can even see that with the Trump verdict where there's a New York law that he has to either pay the $355 million upfront or file a bond before he can even appeal. If they can do that to him, they can do that to anyone else.
So yes, they're all whores, but there's still a need to survive. If the NYC strike happens, other leftist cities will get it too. If nothing else, they'll respond to NYC and get that reaction. The banks are also having problems, so who's going to finance this stuff? Many more structural blocks will be crumbling and some will be unknown to the people trying to break this down.
California Bill Forces Homeowners and Renters to Disclose Firearms to Insurance Companies, Gov't
February 18, 2024
Israel Launches Airstrikes Against Targets in Lebanon
February 19, 2024
□ [“Global Study on 99 Million Vaccinated People Shows Neurological, Blood, and Heart Conditions Increase with Covid-19 Vaccines"]
Denmark, New Zealand, Argentina, Ontario, British Columbia, Finland and parts of Australia. Funny how several important countries aren't included, but they're the ones who demanded the poison vaccine be taken the most. Well, they all did, but at least this is a start. Almost 100 million people is a significant number.
It counts how many of which company's vaccine was given and the actual study probably has numbers for the actual injuries imposed. I'll wait for easy-to-read data charts, but this is something that's going to hit hard. Too many people were trying to force this onto everybody else and didn't have the decency to require permission.
This is why there's the "I was just following orders" stereotype. So far, the elites continue to insist that they're independent and don't get told what to do, but they're going to have to change their mind, or be so obviously insane that no one's can believe them. I think it was Arnold Schwarzenegger who made a statement about how we don't have freedom, just get the jab. But now he says he was just controlled by his emotions and had nobody around him who would keep him from looking so stupid. Not in those words, but that's what he says.
There's going to be a lot more of that and it's not going to work, unless people really are obedient sheep. Of everything that's going on, that's what's most depressing, the thought that this might be the truth and very few will stand up for freedom.
□ [“Huge Line of Illegals 'As Far as the Eye Can See' Traverse Down Steep, Rocky Mountain After Crossing Into San Diego"]
They'd have to be military-age males to make that trip. That's what they're being brought in for. Maybe they're just gangs and traffickers expanding their business in the US, or maybe they're here to get orders.
One suggestion is that Congress is trying to push through a law putting illegal immigrants into the military, which has always been forbidden before. There's no reason to think this law won't pass, which would mean they get to put on uniforms and boss around everybody else, just like it's done in their home countries. Meanwhile Biden's puppetmasters are trying to get the US involved in wars all over the world, so who do you think they'll deploy first?
I'm skeptical about this as a plan. No doubt some rulers are trying to get to exactly this, but I still have to think it's more about the chaos and destruction than anything else, along with their bribes from the traffickers. But this is why walls exist, to keep people out.
Elizabeth Warren Stumped When Asked Why Americans Say They Miss Trump’s Economy
February 19, 2024
Embalmer Video of Removing “Strange White Fibrous Clots” from a Dead Body — “I Didn’t Start Seeing This Until Early 2021”
February 19, 2024
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