30 September, 2024

I would be writing more tonight, but I have a date with Kelly Bundy.

Massive Verizon Outage Possibly Leaves ‘Millions’ of Users Without Service Nationwide
September 30, 2024

□ [“Hurricane Helene Leaves Over 2 Million in the Dark Across the Southeast — At Least 95 Dead"]

I've never been that bothered by hurricanes.  They're big storms, that's what they do.  Of course I also don't go to places where hurricanes are expected to happen, so that's understandable.  But the left, on the other hand, is horrified by the concept of hurricanes and infuriated when the government doesn't save everybody.  Anybody remember Hurricane Katrina?

Without even looking for news articles, I bet that no Democrats are outraged by whoever in their party self-identifies as POTUS today.  Kamala Harris isn't demanding that this be fixed and people be saved immediately.  She's not going down to that area of the country and neither is her boss.

□ [“'I Was Commanding!'  Biden Snaps When Asked Why He Was Away From DC All Weekend"]

He was on the phone for two hours!  That's even longer than he spent at a debate which he had to spend a week practicing for.  He was at his beach house, doing what rich people do.  Well, not like Trump, he was actually on the ground helping people, but that's why liberals hate Trump.

Given that I'm rather detached from this, I've seen a couple comments which might show the real lessons learned from this disaster.  For one thing, the hoarders were prepared.  They had food and supplies available when needed and nobody else was ready.

More importantly, the electricity went out.  Even if you didn't have goods, at least paying in cash was still possible.  Anybody who relied on debit cars, credit cards or digital currency was out of luck.  If the government expects to start imposing that, people will just make up their own currency.  They'll have to learn how it works without government backing, but it'll still be there.  What's the government going to do, threaten to shut the electricity off?

No, this doesn't make them look good at all.  It's why rational people want to minimize government as much as possible.

Kamala Harris Pretends to Be Briefed on Hurricane Damages; Her Earphones Aren't Attached to Phone
September 30, 2024

□ [“Hillary Clinton Warns October Surprise Will Upend Election"]

My first response to the headline was that she was predicting something would happen to Trump.  Didn't Biden say something in early July about how Trump was going to be hit by something in the near future?  Hillary's finally found an assassin who will get it right this time.  But surprise, she was saying something would come out about Harris.

“This is dangerous stuff!  It starts online often on the dark web.  It migrates.  It’s picked up by the pro-Trump media.  It’s then reported on by everybody which makes sure it has about 100% coverage and people believe it!”

How is this different from what John Kerry was just saying to the WEF, that people are allowed to see things the government doesn't like.  It's that evil internet!  Something must be done to stop it!

“So I don’t know what it’s going to be but it will be something and we will have to work very hard to make sure that it is exposed as the lie that it is.”

If she doesn't know what it is, how does she know it's coming out?  Maybe she's fallen for the lies that she claims to oppose.  Those who fell for the fraud are likely to push it forward just to keep themselves from feeling bad about their own failure.  So how 'bout some details, Hillary?

My guess would be video of Harris with P. Diddy and whoever else was involved with those.  *If* those ever actually come out, the elite will need to do anything they can to stop it because... They spent all those years promoting sexual freedom?  Or something?  Anyway, it may not involve P. Diddy himself but it'll probably cover the same subject matter.

Pete Rose, Major League Baseball star, age 83September 30, 2024

Democrats Sound The Alarm in Michigan, Warn Kamala is ‘Underwater’ in Internal Polling
September 30, 2024

□ [“Netanyahu warns Iran:  There is nowhere we cannot strike"]

Iran's probably dumped their pagers and anything else that might have the same effect.  As fantastic as that was, by doing it, Israel probably limited any possibility in that realm.  That said, the fact that Israel had been able to set that up in the first place indicates that they probably have other options.  God only knows why they haven't just used them yet.

This is the main part of WWIII at this point.  It's ready to break out everywhere, but obviously Israel is always first in line.  There's China in the Pacific, Russia getting all the attention, the Red Sea and Venezuela, but that's just a start.  That's just the things that have become actual war.

There's also the way this war has been taking place without nations actually declaring war on each other.  To an extent, I think that's the effect of the War on Terror, which is why Iran is now more prominent than it's ever been.  Islam has never had to form an organized religion so they've never had a reason to distinguish from the nation.  Israel, obviously comes from the opposite side of that.

Then there's just waiting to see what's happening with Puff Daddy.  I'd assume he was an Iranian pawn although he could be used by Israel too.  Or the Clintons, I dunno, but for the last few decades, black Muslims have been making a lot of connections among the rich and famous by providing security for any black celebrities, so they certainly knew Diddy, one way or another.

This *is* part of the war, which connects to Hollywood by extension and the *woke* agenda.  I'm not sure if Israel or Islam would be more likely to be behind it, but one or both of them are.  This shows that it's all part of God's plan, we were expected to reach this point, for whatever reason.  Now we have to figure out how long we'll survive.

Whistleblower Reveals Information on Tim Walz’s Ties to the CCP
September 30, 2024

Kris Kristofferson, country musician, age 88September 28, 2024

Biden-Harris Regime Exploiting $5 Billion Medicare Fund to Manipulate Election Outcomes
September 29, 2024

Leftist Fran Lebowitz Tells Bill Maher She Wants Joe Biden to ‘Dissolve’ the U.S. Supreme Court
Septembe r28, 2024

□ [“With Midnight Strike Looming, Unions, U.S. Ports See 'Movement' in Talks"]

We'll know tomorrow if the ports are closed.  If they are, that will cause supply problems for the nation.  The unions want a massive pay raise and to stop automation.  Of course they claim there's been "movement," that's always said about talks to prevent a strike, regardless of what happens.  We do know that this is why Joe Biden isn't involved, because this is important and they don't want him around.  He'd just make things worse.

And where are those who want the government involved in everything?  They should be outraged that Biden is ignoring this, even though they voted for him (probably.)  The supply/logistics field is very complicated, and that's not including the requirements for actual production.  Once upon a time, America used to produce its own goods, now we need to bring them in from overseas.  Only the government grows, at the cost of everything else.

I would think this is part of of the elite's plan to impose tyranny, but it still makes no sense.  Ok, they can make everyone so desperate that we'll agree to anything just to end starvation, but that doesn't mean the survivors will actually accept that agreement they were forced to make.  It doesn't mean they'll continue to obey the masters in the future.  There's idolization of unions and then there's creating a disaster for its own sake.

Kamala Harris Goes to FEMA Headquarters, Reads Script for Five Minutes, Runs Away Without Speaking to the Press
September 30, 2024

□ [“The View Co-Host Sunny Hostin Says Trump Preparing His Own ‘Kristallnacht,’ Precursor to Nazi Holocaust"]

If Trump promised to get rid of everybody who makes this idiotic claim that we've had to put up with for eight years, he'd be POTUS forever.  Seriously, at what point do these people need to point to some actual proof of this?  It's not just The View, this runs across all of leftism.

They never get tired of this.  They never decide to take a break and stop pretending they were all slaughtered the last time he was in charge, just like the last Republican POTUS did, and the one before that.  They obviously don't have an audience that would point this out to them, so it must work somehow.

This is how they promote the assassins that have been going after Trump, with help from Congress and the Secret Service.  This is somehow about promoting mindless collectivists as the ideal citizen, and getting rid of everyone else in the process.  But their mental instability just keeps growing.

Biden Tells Americans Suffering in Flood Disaster Zone “No.” No More Resources Coming “We’ve Given Them All We Have”
September 30, 2024

29 September, 2024

Oh make up your own title...

BioLab Chemical Plant in Conyers, Georgia Ignites in Flames – Shelter-In-Place Order and Evacuations Underway
September 29, 2024

□ [“Iran Targets Trump Force One, National Security Apparatus Shows Little Alacrity"]

So Iran thinks Trump is the real threat.  Not a single Democrat is asking why they side with Iran.  Nor are they asking why Joe Biden isn't considered a danger to Iran.  Or that chick, whatsername, that one who's in pix with Biden, you know who I'm talking about, why doesn't Iran see any threat from her?

I'm not sure how this happened, but it somehow looks like Trump is POTUS in everything but name at this point.  Those who want to destroy America are united against him.  It's things like this that make it look like even the election theft is doomed to failure.  I'm sure I'll change my mind soon but right now, there you have it.

They've got their agents, they've got their allies, they're bringing in weapons.  From the Secret Service on down, they've got government assistance. like they didn't have enough of those already.  This is looking more and more like the war that it is, but still hasn't gone kinetic.

Austria’s Right Wing ‘Freedom Party’ Receives Most Votes in Today’s Election – Exit Polls
September 29, 2024

□ [“SNL Is Finally Allowed to Make Fun of the Bumbling, Ignorant Presidential Placeholder"]

What order have come down from the higher-up?  And why the hell did they get Dana Carvey?  And how the hell did they get Dana Carvey, shouldn't he be working on a Garth spin-off?  He did ok, as did the chick playing Harris.  The writing was horrible, no jokes whatsoever, but it could have been entertaining.

And they even made fun of Walz.  Now there is the obvious point of who they *aren't* making fun of - as far as I know, it's not like I'll watch the other available clips - but the fact that this could be done at all is bewildering.  Why didn't they do this four years ago?  What's changed?

The one slightly-amusing line even made a point, when "Harris" thanks "Biden" for handing over the reigns and he snaps "I didn't want to!  They made me!"  We knew that all along, but the left denied it and except for this, still does.  Their servants can't keep bouncing around from Biden being totally able to run for office to ignoring him to admitting there was a coup and mocking him for losing.

Taxpayer-Funded Minneapolis Food Pantry Bans Whites From Accessing Resources
September 29, 2024

□ [“John Kerry Derides First Amendment as Major Roadblock to Government"]

This is a WEF meeting, he's just telling the other rulers how the peasants must be silenced.

”…I think the dislike like of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing and growing, and that’s part of our problem particularly in democracies — in terms of building consensus around any issue, its really hard to govern today.”

That's government is only needed for basic tasks defending the borders.  They're the ones creating their own problems by demanding more power.  At no point does he see any of this from the perspective of the governed.  Nobody is permitted to point out such things around him.

“The referees we used to have to determine what’s a fact and what isn’t a fact, it kind of, you know, been eviscerated to a certain degree…”

He's ignoring his fellow leftists who insist that each of them gets to decide what is or isn't a fact.  Leaving that aside, this is just an automatic assumption that anybody is capable of deciding that for anybody else, much less authorized.  The guillotine is too good for John Kerry.  By the way, he's referencing to the internet here, which he claimed to have created in the first place, but he's probably not accepting any blame for his own actions.

“…And people go and people self select where they go for their news and for their information, and then you just get into a vicious cycle. So it’s really, really hard, much harder to build consensus today than any time in the 45-50 years I’ve been involved in this.”

The queen bee doesn't permit the slaves to self-select anything.  They will accept what they are told and obey.  Choice does not exist.

”Look, if people go to one source and the one source they go to is sick and, you know, has an agenda and their putting out disinformation, our first amendment stands as a major block to the ability to just hammer it out of existence.”

That's why the first amendment exists.  Using ridiculous terms like "sick" and leftist rhetoric like "agenda" and "disinformation" shows that he's falling a very narrow line of unquestioning belief and wants to destroy anything that doesn't follow that line.

“What we need is to win the ground, win the right to govern by hopefully having, winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change.”

That's not governing, that's tyranny.  Although Kerry's done a lot to push this for the last fifty frikkin years, he's interchangeable.  He was born elite and knows nothing else, that's the way he likes it.  We need to implement change on him.

Islamic Fundamentalism in Spain:  A Growing Reality
September 28, 2024

Kamala Harris Torched For Wearing $62,000 Tiffany Necklace During Border Visit Photo Op
September 29, 2024

□ [“MSNBC Admits Harris Campaign Struggling With Men: ‘Young Men, Older Men, Men of Color, White Men’"]

Because they don't know anything about men.  Hot young chicks know how to get them, but that's not who they're going for.  Their side has spent decades diminishing men of all kinds, and that's how they've installed Harris, who's not even hot or young.

I hope this is what Trump is aiming at.  Even if he's not, he's not in charge of men, they're still going to refuse to take part in this.  When the economy collapses, you can't rely on them.  When the kinetic war reaches our shores, they won't defend you.  That's the way you wanted it, there you go.  But at least you got a prostitute for POTUS.

Even the sane females (if there are any) don't want any part of this.  They know men won't go where men aren't wanted and that's what this cult is based on.  Even if they have no male relatives, friends, neighbors, co-workers, they would realize who builds the houses and maintains the plumbing.  They don't want to do without that so they're going to stay away too.

Never saw it, but what I've heard of the Survivor tv show, one of them, was that it started with men and women being separate on an island.  In a very short time, the men had worked with each other and had food, homes, and the like.  The women didn't.  That's what we're headed towards, thanks ladies.

MSM Demand Zelensky Admit He Can’t Win the War
September 29, 2024

□ [“Thousands Of Iraqis Storm US Embassy in Baghdad For Hezbollah Leader’s Targeted Killing"]

This is unusual, usually Arab countries don't pay much attention to other Arab countries.  This suggest that Hezbollah, and probably Hamas, have been spreading their influence, probably with Iran's help.  That's the only way this makes sense.  'On no, Israel just killed Hezbollah leaders!  To the US embassy!'

So it looks like Iran is handling this part of the war.  I would think China and Russia are helping them in this, but I don't get the point.  What benefit would they get?  Iran will still expect Islam to take over the rest of the world and this doesn't really even make sense as a distraction.  You could say they're setting up a trap for Iran, but then every other member of BRICS would wonder what's in store for them.

Doesn't sound like Harris will even mention this, and nobody bothers to ask what Biden's doing these days.  They could be overseeing Benghazi 2.0.  No wonder they want Hillary to get involved.

28 September, 2024

This is not the joke you're looking for. Move along.

DOJ Sues Alabama for Removing Noncitizens on the Voter Rolls
September 28, 2024

□ [“Diddy Accuser's Lawyer Says Tapes Now Circulating in Hollywood Black Market"]

But of course she - and of course it's a she - doesn't name any of the people that are very visible on these tapes.  Of course not.  She wouldn't be teasing the audience if she put this information out in the open.  Then if she drops dead tomorrow, no one will ever get to know.  Those who are on the tapes will be safer than they are now.

Until proof to the contrary, I'll assume Kamala Harris is in a video.  Probably Obama and the Clintons.  Face it, wouldn't surprise me if Trump is there too.  And if you have any favorite actors, musicians, celebrities, assume they were all part of this until there's evidence that they aren't.  For one thing, they'd want to go public immediately saying they had nothing to do with this and as far as I know, nobody's saying that.

The legal snowball is starting to build.  One Texas lawfirm is preparing a lawsuit on behalf of over 50 victims.  There's going to be more, Diddy was at it for a long time.  Then there's all the other celebrities who were involved.  Then there's people who aspired to reach that level of fame and fortune but hadn't reached it yet, so they had to find lower-level ways of enjoying themselves the same way.

Or it'll just go to the protected files like Hillary's emails, Jeffrey Epstein's visitors, Hunter Biden's laptop, Anthony Weiner's laptop, and anything else our masters want to keep hidden.  The way these people are teasing about it, looks like that's what they'll do.

Abortion Business Sues Pregnancy Health Center – for Stealing Its Customers
September 28, 2024

□ [“Is Zelensky Making Impossible Demands to Scapegoat His Western Allies as ‘Traitors’"]

I doubt it, he gets his other demands so why would he stop now?  Might as well tell Ukrainian men not to die when he sends them to the front lines, if they disobey him, it's their problem.  He is a leftist, or at least very very willing to associate with rich and famous leftists to get things from them, so effectively it's the same thing.  That means he'd be willing to turn on them for whatever reason.

Now Putin had to deal with this since he was born and has much more experience in the matter, so he would probably recognize when/if Zelensky is desperate to negotiate peace.  Not exactly winning Zelensky over so much as "encouraging" him to turn against his former allies, the ones who've been funneling tons of money, equipment and weapons to him.
But it's still just theory.  Ukraine's not going to go for peace until every man in the country is dead, a way to guarantee there will never be any new Ukrainians.  Zelensky's allies want that too, and perhaps so does Putin.  "Population reduction" claims another victory and didn't even need to change Ukrainian laws on abortion, marriage or how many genders there are.

Diddy’s Lawyer Blames Racism For His Client’s Downfall, Deliberate ‘Takedown of a Successful Black Man'
September 28, 2024

□ [“Harris Barely Bothers to Speak During Her 1st Visit to the AZ Border"]

I guess she actually went through with this, I guess I'll give her credit for that.  She barely spoke long enough to fill a 30-second soundbite and a few pix, rhetoric about how the administration needs to fix the border yet somehow it's better now than when they took over.  Blatant lies that no sane person can believe, and that's all she had to offer here.  Or anywhere else.

This won't help her.  I still assume the election theft is already in place, but they're going to need to pull a lot of weight to make that happen.  She's not going to get any kudos for this visit, barely anybody noticed it.  I had to see if it actually happened and am only writing this just to put it on record that yes, she did actually do this briefly.  In a week, I'll probably have forgotten and say she's never been to the border.  That's how meaningful it was.

□ [“Kamala Harris Plans to Fly Banner Plane Over Stadium and Run TV Ad Begging Trump for Second Debate"]

Not sure she went through with the banner plane.  Trump went to a football game, that was the stadium in question here, but the ads for another debate are hilarious.  Trump offered three debates, she rejected all but one and kept trying to set up new rules for that one, which got turned down.  Sometimes women will do that sort of thing to get more attention from a man but that's not really healthy.  Even if she doesn't know that, Trump would.

And her ad was idiotic.  "Champions" don't say "any time, any place," that's why they can be champions.  Because they plan ahead of time.  Harris could have taken the previous challenges if she thought it was "any time, any place."  And now she's the one asking 'why isn't he calling?'

“Creeping Christian Nationalism”: Mother Jones Editor Triggered by Flight Attendant Wishing Passengers a “Blessed Night”
September 28, 2024

□ [“Netanyahu Gives Fiery Speech to UN Declaring Israel Has Had Enough"]

The western nations are anti-Jew, pro-Muslim.  Or at least sucking up to Iran.  The US won't even strike back after they take out our naval ships and the Red Sea, obviously Netanyahu knows he's not going to get any help from us.  So now Israel has been going after Hamas and Hezbollah.

Which is fine, although it's just going to get pointlessly accused of "genocide" as has happened for the last 70 years.  It looks lie they're going after the leaders, which is either a good move or bad.  It depends on how organized Hamas and Hezbollah are with leadership.  If they have junior leaders ready to take over, then that's a problem, and it gets worse since much/most of the population is unofficially part of those groups, so they'll fall in line.  But if the leaders were firmly in place and made sure they have no successors, then it's a good plan.

As Arab organizations, it's probably the latter, but they've been fighting for decades and have obviously learned from previous mistakes.  It's unlikely that either organization is run like the PLO, which is still on its second leader in the last 45 years.  [Looking it up, I'm surprised to see Arafat wasn't the founder or original leader, he was the third Chairman in the PLO's first five years.]  Don't know how qualified they are, but they definitely have lower ranks ready for promotion.

□ [“Western Media Praises Hassan Nasrallah:  'A Father Figure, A Moral Compass', 'A Revered Muslim Scholar'"]

This is how Israel knows that we're not on their side any longer.  Safe to assume they've made plans in preparation for such a thing.  It's another example of how the world order is broken and western media helped make it happen.

Arizona State University Scholars Condemn ‘White Ownership’ of Shakespeare
September 28, 2024

□ [“MSNBC Wacko Joy Reid Warns Trump’s Victory Would Result in ‘Hitlerian Dictatorship’"]

Oh give it a rest, you nutjobs.  If he was Hitler, he should have had you shot when he was in office last time, since you called him Hitler then too.  And you deserve to be shot, whether or not you call him Hitler, because you are just that annoying.  Grow up for a change.

How can these people get megacorporations to pay them tons of money to go on screen and repeat this crap for decades?  Most likely they themselves are too stupid to know what they're doing, but how can anybody else fall for that?  

Former British PM Boris Johnson Reveals He Planned to Invade Netherlands to Steal Five Million Covid Vaccines
September 28, 2024

27 September, 2024

Oh snap!

It's been several months and I still haven't heard anything from DC about getting Sydney Sweeney to do a Power Girl movie.  Do I have to think of everything?20240927

Arizona College Student Walking Into Class Stabbed by Black Female Classmate – Saw Victim as ‘Easy Target’
September 27, 2024

□ [“Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Can’t Wait to Testify in Explosive Federal Sex Trafficking Trial, Says Lawyer"]

You had me until "says lawyer."  Not sure what guarantees he could trust, but at least some part of Diddy should be thinking that his best option is to start listing all the names of people he's partied with over the last few decades.  It's also the quickest way for him to die of "suddenly," but what other options does he have?

Put him on camera 24-7 and broadcast it live.  The state governor or someone is there at the start, on screen, explaining that this is official, it is monitored and anybody who can shut it off will be tracked down.  Then Diddy can start talking for however long it takes.  Given what else he's been doing, he probably wouldn't be too shy about using the toilet or things like that when he's not talking.

But this coming from his lawyer just makes it look like a stunt.  Diddy will stay completely silent until the trial comes around years from now.  Don't worry, he'll be totally safe until then.  All the other videos he's made are also safe, you can trust... whoever has them.

Border Czar Kamala Harris to Visit Southern Border in Douglas, Arizona on Friday – RINO Mayor Reportedly Considering Endorsing Harris
September 26, 2024

Minneapolis Police Department Swears in First ‘Non-Citizen’ Officer to the Police Force
September 27, 2024

□ [“Trump Meets Ukraine’s President Zelensky at Trump Tower – 'Time to End This War'"]
□ [“British PM Starmer Has Dinner With Trump at Trump Tower"]

Zelensky wasn't scheduled to show up, but maybe he wanted to film some political ads.  We know that Democrats have no objection to foreigners doing that.  Starmer is having his own political problems too, so maybe these two just needed some advise.  Actual help from the actual POTUS, not pretending any longer that the puppets are in charge.

Or their security has some information to give to the Secret Service about how the next assassins will operate.  The previous ones have failed, so they need another attempt.  I can understand Trump being polite, I could even accept him meeting some sycophants, but is there any reason to trust these guys getting together at this point?

□ [“Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted — Nine Surface-to-Air Missiles Smuggled into U.S."]

But Jill Biden is the one getting most of the protection.  These invaders have been coming in for years, this probably isn't the only time weapons like this have been brought in.  Now it's true, there are other possible targets but Trump would be high up on the list of targets.  Or it could be used against the assassins themselves.

Seattle Police Will No Longer Respond to Security Alarms Without ‘Supporting Evidence’
September 26, 2024

Kamala’s Husband Doug Emhoff Says Trump ‘Definitely’ Anti-Semitic, He'll Target Jewish Americans
September 27, 2024

□ [“The Kamala Harris Interview With MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle Was a Ratings Dud"]

1.8 million people watched it.  It wasn't even the most popular show being aired at the time, Nielsen ratings show that whatever Fox was airing got 2.2 million views.  Trump did a tv interview last week which got 5.5 million.  She's so popular and beloved and inspirational that almost nobody wants to watch her, and a lot of those who did are probably right-wingers looking to comment on it.

Things like this do show how even the rulers and their servants are breaking apart.  They can steal the elections, we know that, but no one else will believe them.  How do you fake a majority of votes for a candidate nobody wants to watch?  It's not like she's flooding the system with interviews, this was a rare opportunity to listen to her and few people bothered.  You expect all the illegal immigrants and dead people to make up for that at the ballot box?

Some Democrats saw a problem with going with her in the first place.  They were willing to stick with Biden, or else look for a popular candidate.  But instead they went along with those in charge and this just keeps getting worse for them.  The Titanic could say that wasn't a real iceberg in front of them, there was nothing to worry about, but that didn't help in the end.

 Some of them are just going to keep going, no matter what, but how many?  There's got to be more and more people who can see the problems and don't want to get caught in the disaster, including people who are required if the election theft is going to work.  Then what do they expect to do to everyone else?  They can help China or whoever take over and destroy everything, literally, but there's no way they can come out the winner on this.

Rep. Gosar Introduces Groundbreaking Bill to End Big Pharma’s Liability Shield for Vaccine Injuries
September 27, 2024

□ [“Trump Goes There:  Nancy Pelosi 'Should Be Prosecuted' for Her Insider Trading"]
□ [“Naomi Campbell's Charity Money Spent in Luxury Hotels, Spa Treatments, Room Service, Cigarettes"]

Another part of the war going on among the elites is how they've been getting and wasting money.  In Nancy's case, her husband obviously gets inside information and has profited a lot by knowing when to buy and sell stock.  Nancy might be completely ignorant of it, but her husband knows what's going on, when he's not drunk driving and bringing strangers in their underwear home with him.

In Naomi's case, it's just an example of how the elites run these charities and non-profits.  Probably just one random celebrity doing this, but they all get applauded for how compassionate they are and never need to spend their own money, despite already being so rich.

□ [“Hunter Biden to Undergo Seven Hour Psych Exam to Prove He Was ‘Emotionally Damaged’ by Corruption Allegations"]

Then there's this guy, who might just be doing this for legal reasons.  Or because he's going through what the 'big guy' had to do for just as long, prove he can stay coherent in an interview.  Or he's just being interrogated and this is the excuse they're using.  He's gained and spent a lot of money through his life, more than most of us ever see, and wasted it.  Naomi used to be a hot chick, she's got an excuse, Hunter was just not aborted in a lucky family.  So now he's got to struggle.

And because they're elites, it might be useful to see who they're connected to in private.  Looking up Naomi to see how the hell I know her, she was with Robert De Niro, P. Diddy and Jeffrey Epstein.  We'll have to see who Hunter and Mr. Pelosi are attached to.

Harris Rushes to the Border, But Arizona’s Black Voters Are Saying, ‘We’re with Trump!’
September 27, 2024

Michael Cohen Says Trump Win Would Force Him to Leave The Country and Create a Fake Identity
September 25, 2024

Hillary Clinton Doubles Down on Infamous ‘Deplorables’ Comment, Says It Was ‘Too Kind a Word’
September 26, 2024

ICE Report:  Biden Allowed 13,000 Murderers, 15,000 Rapists, and 425,000 Convicted Criminals Into USA
September 27, 2024

Israel Targets Nasrallah and Hezbollah Leadership With Massive Airstrike on Terror HQ in Beirut
September 27, 2024

26 September, 2024

I want you to tell all your friends about me. I self-identify as Batman.

British PM Starmer in Turmoil:  His Own Labour Party Rejects Plan to Cut Winter Heating Subsidy for Pensioners
September 26, 2024

□ [“US Navy Oiler Runs Aground and Is Partially Flooded off the Coast of Oman"]

There are no available spares.  No fuel is getting to the Abraham Lincoln Strike Group, so none of their equipment that uses fuel can operate, such as airplanes.  The crew cannot function, but I'm sure they know all the correct pronouns of those in charge.  It would probably have been worse if anybody was shooting at them when this happened.

Our masters are showing off to the world how incapable the most powerful military on earth is.  There's Afghanistan, there's the Red Sea, the inability to build a f*cking pier in Gaza.  There's showing off how we can't even handle the logistics like moving fuel around the world to power our forces.  There's the way China is dominating the Pacific.  And that's just naval, the rest of the services are having just as many problems, even as our rulers rush to WWIII.

The *woke* don't win wars and our rulers are perfectly fine with that, they aren't in this war to win it. They think it's discrimination to keep the boats off land.  Meanwhile the rest of the world realizes that we can't do anything to help them anymore, so they need to find their own allies.  It obviously took a long time to make this happen, but it all falls apart in just a few years.

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Just Became Crypto Fraudster Sam Bankman Fried’s Prison Bunkmate
September 25, 2024

Panama’s President Says Biden’s Open Border Leaves Trail of ‘Decomposing Corpses’ in His Country
September 26, 2024

□ [“NYC Mayor Eric Adams Indicted for Bribery, Wire Fraud, Soliciting 'Donations' From Foreign Agents"]

He has not been arrested.  The feds raided Gracie Mansion this morning.  Adams has made a public statement that he's been targeted by the federal government because he's defending NYC from illegal immigrants.  I guess I'm surprised he didn't say they're doing it because he's black.

There is a connection to the illegal invaders but I'm skeptical that that this is the actual reason.  It does match the timeline, the first raid on Adams' people was on November 2, 2023, the same day he was headed to Washington DC to complain about the illegals, and he turned around halfway when he heard about the raid.  The timing is too specific to not be connected, that's definitely true.

Maybe it's just me trying to think of other options, but as a lifelong Democrat who was fine with illegal immigrants before, I'm not sure this is why he would have changed and I'm skeptical that it's why senior leadership would turn against him.  His connections to other countries seems more likely.  Not that our rulers have anything against that, it's just that you need to have the *right* connections.

What seems more relevant just as a general principle is that the rulers will always need to purge people they don't like.  Don't know who has any particular problem with Adams or why, but they'd find an excuse and illegal immigrants is as good as any.  Maybe he wants to run for governor of New York and Hillary Clinton doesn't want him installed there, that would make as much sense as anything else.

North Carolina Election Board Successfully Sued to Remove 750,000 Ineligible Voters from Voter Rolls
September 26, 2024

□ [“MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Blames ‘Misogyny’ For Kamala Harris’s Bad Polling Numbers"]

This is why women should be forbidden from answering polls because they always give answers that other women don't want to hear.  She even says the poll results are too hard to quantify, but not hard enough to keep her from rushing to "misogyny" instead of any other reason, like the fact that few people actually want her.

She even mentions things like "inflation" and nothing Harris has done against that in the last several years.  We didn't have that problem before she got here.  Probably a reason for that, but this chick isn't paid to think, she's just there to say what she's told to say in front of a camera.  A man would do a better job.

Maybe I'm just out-of-touch, but it does seem to have been a while before someone rushed to claim "misogyny" was to blame for anything.  There's still a consistent blame of "racism," but even that seems to have diminished, in favor of "transphobia" and the other *woke* fads.  For several years, we've heard how women need to shut up and take this stuff without complaining, but now it's suddenly about hating women.

When the elections get stolen, the left is going to go utterly bonkers with how denying reality has worked out for them.  If they had lost - or even if they only won through a fair election! - they'd have to stop and consider that maybe they don't know everything, they might even be wrong about something, once in a while, by pure accident.  They're more desperate to push Harris to victory than they are to actually having her around.

Argentina Issues Arrest Warrants for Maduro and Cabello, Sparking Diplomatic Conflict with Venezuela
September 24, 2024

Leftist London Mayor Sadiq Khan Urges Americans Not to Reelect Donald Trump
September 25, 2024

Illegal Aliens in Phoenix, Arizona Being Registered to Vote, Express Interest in Voting for Harris
September 26, 2024

□ [“Russia Announces Changes to Nuclear Doctrine: Western Missile Strikes Deep Inside Russia Will Trigger an Atomic Response"]

It still specifies 'western missiles.'  Ukraine can still use whatever they want because they're at war, that only makes sense.  But Ukraine has never bothered to join NATO or the EU so those organizations don't get any leeway.  Sensible people would want to see if there's a way to avoid this conflict but that's not who we have in charge of us.  This may be why Congress is now working out back-ups if a bunch of them die from "suddenly."  They've probably already approved sending in rockets and are shipping them over now.

NATO is starting to prepare for actual war, although they probably aren't including their citizens much more than the US is.  Apparently Russia's going to invade any minute now, but ignore that and we'll let you know when the nukes show up.

Meanwhile Zelensky is in the US doing ads for politicians and appearing on ABC's Good Morning, America.  Not sure how that's going to protect Ugledar which is falling to Russia now, but notice how no Ukraine-supporters seem in the least bothered by that.  This is why they're willing to go to war with a nuclear power and see no way that could go wrong.

□ [“Democrat Stacey Plaskett Calls Hungary a 'Dictatorship,' Compares It to North Korea and Iran’"]

As we see here with a member of the House, who will turn on our own allies in favor of those who aren't.  This is the leftism that always rushes towards wars and purges in defiance of reality.  No one around her will tell her to shut the hell up, they all agree.  The peasants must be punished and that includes Eastern Europe.

Walz to Hold Segregated Retreat for Minnesota’s Librarians, No Whites or Heterosexuals Allowed
September 26, 2024

□ [“Major US Marshal Manhunt Underway for Nathan Wade – Fani Willis’s Lover Boy and Trump Prosecutor"]

This is the Trump court case I've been paying least attention to, and it's not like I've paid a lot of attention to the others.  But it also seems to have been the most obviously a kangaroo court, with the judge and prosecutor having an adulterous affair while going after Trump together.

The guy was supposed to testify in Congress tomorrow, but he's suddenly gone missing.  Dead men tell no lies, or he might have turned himself in to get away from the crazy bitch.  Maybe he's just on the run with no clue where to go, but this is yet another weird thing to happen.

When is the left going to say they want an actual court case which undeniably finds Trump guilty of whatever they accuse him of, instead of letting the jury pick which guilty votes to use and not mentioning any actual laws he broke.  The sentencing keeps getting pushed back further and further.  This is a guy who supposedly led an "insurrection" over three and a half years ago, can't you do anything about that?  Does someone have to shoot this guy to finally get rid of him?

Well, given the kind of people you have leading the attack on Trump, probably, yes.  And this is something I do have to give Trump credit before, I think he really did see this was the sort of thing they would do against him, yet he is still willing to stand against it.  You could totally hate the guy and should still be willing to respect that, but then you wouldn't be a leftist.

FEMA Chooses 4 NFL Stadiums As Disaster Shelters for Pandemics and Extreme Weather Events
September 26, 2024

25 September, 2024

Am I writing to you? Am I writing to you? Well you're the only one here, so I must be writing to you.

Kamala Harris Agrees to Solo Interview with MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle – But It Won’t Be Aired Live
September 25, 2024

□ [“Biden Claims He Abruptly Dropped Out of the 2024 Race Because He 'Had So Much Success'"]

And yet barely a week before he dropped out, he insisted "I'm not going anywhere."  His staff said they were just trying to keep him "stitched together" until the election.  His pet media insisted there would be "payback" on the Democrats who were criticizing him.  George Stephanopoulos said he could make it another four years and then had to apologize for saying that.  Does this sound like someone who's had too much success?

He had to start doing press conferences and meetings with other Democrats which had to be shut down as soon has he started talking like Joe Biden.  I mean that in a negative way.  An increasing number of Democrats and media admitted his problems that they'd been hiding all this time.  This all came just from scanning through the news reports I had covered and none of them were about how he had too much success, much less that he was aware of anything.

Then there's all that's come out about Nancy Pelosi giving him three weeks to do it the easy way, along with discussion with Obama and the Clintons.  This is a lot of work going into dumping someone for his success.  Although thinking about it, it does seem to be a standard leftist trope, that nobody except the elites can have any more success than anybody else.

Although thinking about it, this is vague but it does look like he's talking about being kicked out against his will.  It was his "success" that made him forget he had promised to be a place-holder to begin with.  None of the people around him could get through that shell.  They had to unite against him, which is more than Republicans could do.

Muslim Immigrant in Alabama Arrested by FBI, Tried to Hire Hitman to Kill Wife, 6 Kids
September 25, 2024

□ [“Commerce Secretary Calls On Democrats to Deal with Trump:  'Let’s Extinguish Him for Good!'"]

They're trying to kill him, they're ordering people to go out and do it now.  Notice they never add a statement that they don't advocate violence.  The audience they're aiming for would ignore that anyway, but it's good for legal protection.  I always cite the precedent of leftists insisting that Sarah Palin gave orders to an attempted murderer through, what was it, some gif or something that was apparently a blatant command nobody could ignore.  And here they are doing that and more.

One thing that makes me wonder if this was all planned by high-up officials to resist our tyrants is because this is all pouring out at once.  There has to be an end-point and this stuff just makes it look like they're getting much closer to it than the rulers expected.  It just comes across like they wanted this to wait but can't hold on any longer.

We see this with the FBI agent assigned to investigate the latest assassination attempt, he hates Trump.  Who else could be trusted to get to the bottom of this scheme?  Someone had to decide to appoint this guy and it probably needed to be approved by others.  No one anywhere along the line said this was a bad idea so they all stand together.

If we had a real POTUS, she'd be 10th in line for succession fer cryin' out loud, and she's going out to push this assassination.  What's next, someone decides that they can take some civilian casualties and starts working out how drop bombs?  It's obvious the individual assassins aren't working out although as we see here, she's trying to send in more.

Biden-Harris Regime Prepares Another $8 Billion in Military Aid for Ukraine During Zelensky’s Washington Visit
September 25, 2024

□ [“Tax Documents Show The Acolyte Budget Was $230 Million"]

It was supposed to $180 million which already sounded insane for an eight-episode tv show nobody wanted, but that was undercounting the real amount.  This doesn't count marketing or anything.  And none of it showed up on screen.

Clearly the money was laundered.  We don't know where it went yet.  Obviously the executives would help themselves to part of it, that's common for such schemes as this, so where did the rest of it go?  It would be nice to think that Kathleen Kennedy and a few others are just sitting on piles of money, but that seems unlikely.

My guess is that it went to Ukraine and/or China and/or is funding the invading forces in the US and possibly Europe.  They already self-identify as having their own 'new world order,' that needs funding, as do their own government organizations.  The FBI is still going after people like P. Diddy, even if they haven't gone after Epstein Island visitors, they probably have their own hidden economy.

It may be why the show was cancelled so quickly and Disney even announced the cancellation, which isn't normal.  They had to steal as much money as they could get but once it was going to be public, they needed to say it'll never happen again.  Better to ask forgiveness than permission.  It's not like they had any worthwhile franchises to keep functioning.

Explosion Occurs at Santa Barbara California Courthouse, Caused By “Explosive Device”
September 25, 2024

□ [“Secret Service Agent Accused of Sexually Assaulting Kamala Harris Aide After Drunken Night of Partying – Passed Out in Hotel Hallway"]
□ [“Armed Man Came within Inches of Barack Obama Sitting in Back Seat of Vehicle"]

Amazing how this comes out at the same time and just happened recently.  No dates given, but the Obama incident was "last weekend" and the Harris incident was "last week" when she was campaigning in Green Bay, Wisconsin.  It's like they're trying to put out a message, 'See?  Trump's not the only one who has horrible Secret Service!  Nothing special about him!'

Obama was parked at a restaurant, a bar mitzvah was going on nearby and a security guard from that event checked out the car, without being noticed by the guards of the car.  No clue if the guard was Jewish but they might have shot him if he was and it wouldn't make the news.

In Wisconsin, apparently they're allowed to party.  That doesn't seem to be a sensible way to handle this job, but if the point is to show that their standards are much lower than their reputation, there you go.  And for that matter, the chick might have been the one going after him, because equality, and she's just blaming him because he wasn't interested (or was but was also too drunk.)  This is why there are jobs where you shouldn't be allowed to party until you've finished the mission and departed.

Obviously if this is true, the Secret Service doesn't look good, but they already have that by helping assassins get close to the target.  That's why this comes off as just putting out news that might not be fake, but is basically worthless.  Biden's probably the easiest one they've ever had to guard, he doesn't go anywhere or do anything.

Ex-New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Accused of ‘Inappropriately Influencing’ Former Staffer
September 25, 2024

□ [“NYC Mayor Eric Adams Indicted by Grand Jury in Federal Corruption Probe"]

Reportedly Turkey was giving him money for his election campaign.  It's New York City, why would Turkey be the only one willing to do this?  But Turkey has been an important freeway for other nations to pass through for many centuries, so that may be what's happening here.

Just have his staff say they're only going after him because he's black and that'll end everything immediately.  Gotta admit, as curious as I've been about the recent investigations of people around Adams, at the moment, I just get the impression that this will go nowhere.  Doesn't matter what he gets into, someone higher up will just say ignore it and go after Trump instead.

It's rumored that he'll be arrested tomorrow.  That's absolutely not going to happen, there would have to be something major going on for that to even be an option.  And if something that big was happening, he might as well just defy the law, what are they going to do about it?  No, they'll just find some other target and he'll get back to raking in foreign money.  He's a liberal, that's what they do.

Illegal Immigrants Rape Children in Elite Liberal Enclave Nantucket – ICE Forced to Step In
September 25, 2024

24 September, 2024

I said "War! Hooah!" Then I grew up. But the left still thinks it's good for something.

Border Czar Kamala Harris Announces She Will Finally Visit the Border This Week
September 24, 2024

□ [“Congress Prepares  for ‘Mass Casualty’ Event, Push Constitutional Amendment to Undermine Election Integrity and Control House Vacancies in a ‘National Crisis’"]

To an extent, this is just preparing for the 'new world order' so they don't need to lose power regardless of what the elections say.  They can also use propaganda about 'January 6' to push this through.  Those are probably both relevant, but my impression is that someone finally got around to telling them what Israel demonstrated with their recent attack on Hezbollah.

This form of attack isn't going to be limited to pagers and more than Israel is going to be capable of it.  For all we know, every member of Congress just got a text from Russia or China on their cellphones and not the usual kind, but saying they could have pushed a different button and the phone would have exploded instead.

That's the sudden worry I think Congress has right now.  They probably even know who's behind this but can't tell the rest of us because after all these years, they've never bothered to declare war against whoever it is.  You can mock Russia and Trump without any problems so it probably isn't them, so who can't you make fun of?  That's the real threat.  At least Russia has always been Russia, Trump could have had you all arrested for whatever excuse he made up because he's such a dictator.

It does help wipe the Constitution away by throwing out how replacements will be appointed, so there's definitely some of that going on.  Elites have known for a long time that they can't let the commoners make decisions, especially regarding government.  But that itself is another part of the war they're looking at.

End of an Era: The Last Full-Size Kmart in the United States to Close
September 23, 2024

Ohio County Sheriff Urges Residents to Record Harris Supporter Addresses for Illegal Immigrants
September 24, 2024

□ [“Diddy’s Ex-Bodyguard Claims Rapper Has Secret Tapes of Top Politicians at His ‘Freak Off’ Parties"]

What???  A rich person has cameras to maintain accountability of their valuable possessions?  That's the most unheard of thing I ever heard of.  Yes, we know Diddy has all this blackmail footage he can use on famous people.  What we don't have are the names of those he did this with and this guy, amazingly enough, isn't adding any names.

I'm being slightly sarcastic, he does cite New York mayors, politicians and officials.  Didn't know Diddy was from New York, although he was 'east coast' so maybe I should have guessed.  And this comes out just as the NYC Covid Czar gets revealed to having orgies with unnamed people.  Probably didn't go to the same parties, probably did have people who were with each of them.  And I'm still waiting to hear how Neil Gaiman was involved.

□ [“FBI Expands Investigation Into NYC Mayor’ 2021 Campaign, Suspicious Foreign Ties to Six Countries"]

And there's more in New York, even connected to people around the world.  Turkey, Israel, China, Qatar, South Korea, and Uzbekistan are listed.  They've already been raiding other New York officials, there's no way to deny that something is going on here, and probably elsewhere.  And at this point, can't we assume some of these people are involved with Diddy too?

Gotta admit, as I look at the news today, it all looks like aspects of WWIII.  It's speeding up.  We can assume everything will have crashed by early November.  Are these battles between whatever the sides are or just lower-level thugs grabbing what they can while there's time?

Indiana Judge Rules Sicko Who Murdered His 11-Month-Old Stepdaughter Must Be Granted Transgender Surgery
September 24, 2024

□ [“Former New York Judge Kills Himself As FBI Arrive to Arrest Him"]

More of the news about the war.  The FBI was going after him for "corruption" but they gave no details because the case is still ongoing.  Riiiiiight...  The judge's town was in southern New York, an hour from NYC and not far from where P. Diddy is from.  I'm not saying they were directly connected but there are layers within layers going on, so they were all part of that at some level.

□ [“FCC Fast-Tracks George Soros Purchase of 220+ Radio Stations Before Election"]

Then there's taking over media.  If you're going to throw out your rules and policies, wouldn't a rich old man be the one to do that for?  Nothing suspicious about that.  This might be an example of just grabbing what you can while there's still time, but why would anyone want radio stations at this point?  It might be about crushing them for their own sake, it might be that the internet is going to go down soon so there will be very few ways to communicate to lots of people over long distances.

□ [“U.S. Capitol Hit by Large-Scale Dark Web Cyber Attack"]

Less destructive, so far as we know, but this was leaking passwords by over a thousand staffers.  Specifically the passwords they use on porn sites and dating apps, which obviously is very important to congressional staff and employees when they're at work.  And this comes out with the news about P. Diddy and the New York Covid Czar.

Basically it's suggesting that all the people in charge are part of a sex cult.  Notice where they all stand on abortion and transgenderism.  It's only been a couple since gay marriage was supposed to be unimportant to anyone else and now they want to force this onto everyone from birth.  There's no evidence that I can point to - because the elites want to keep it secret - but the fact that nobody's saying they want to get the hell away from these perverts is about all the proof we need.

These are the sort of events that look like they're all part of the same war and the fact that they're all coming out at once shows that it's all being pushed faster and faster.  It's all running off the rails.

American Airlines Flight From Dallas to South Korea Turns Around After 5 Hours without Explanation
September 24, 2024

□ [“Son of Would-Be Trump Assassin Ryan Routh Arrested For Child Pornography"]

Two assassination attempts in two months and the left just keeps doubling down on wanting Trump dead.  We're starting to get hints of how they manipulate their pawns to make this happen.  There's still no clue what side the Secret Service is on, but this could even explain why they're making it so easy for the wanna-be killers.

□ [“DOJ Says Letter Written by Would-Be Assassin Was Written Months Ago!"]

So far, this guy seems to have been totally insane, so who was he writing to?  Probably to others in his network, knowing that somehow it would get out to them.  And here it is.  It took a long time for him to plan this and obviously didn't get very far.  He may have been rushing after the last shooter failed.  It's like both sides are trying to push these people out as much as possible, either to get rid of Trump or to show everyone else what these lunatics are like.

So of course this family sees nothing wrong with child porn, it's a natural part of life for them.  Probably has been since they were little kids.  Say, you think there's a connection there?  They don't get to attend elitist orgies so commoners need to find their own satisfaction.  But this sort of people are the ones going after Trump and blaming anything they can for their failure to stop him so far.

I don't get how you would organize all this insanity and aim it at one person, i.e. Trump, but that looks like what they're doing.  All of the sides in this war are pouring out all their forces and getting hit, even as the rest of us struggle through each day of this war.

Biden Can Barely Speak, Slurs His Words in Last UN Speech, Attacks Russia and Pushes for More War
September 24, 2024

□ [“Dominican Republic Outraged Over President Abinader’s Participation in the UN 'Summit of the Future'"]

We're starting to see some nations trying to break out of the binds our masters have tied on us.  Dominican Republic sees the same problems everyone else does, the lack of sovereignty as the *woke* agenda is imposed.  They probably also see major problems with their next door neighbor, Haiti, which is one of the ideals our rulers has for everybody.

□ [“Czech President Pavel Says Ukraine Has to ‘Be Realistic,’ Conquered Territories Will Be Part of Russia ‘Temporarily’"]

Czech joins Hungary and Poland as not agreeing with their masters about Russia.  This is the war most people are focused on, or were before Israel came along.  It's also an example of how alliances are breaking up as individual nations refuse to go along with the 'new world order.'  I have to wonder if BRICS is designed for that purpose, that it'll work together when needed and eventually break up.  Don't know why they'd do that, but it's a rational tactic in this war.

We see another example with Poland still remembering the Volyn massacre, where Ukrainian Nazis slaughtered over a hundred thousand Poles.  That's a lot of people to slaughter and no liberal has ever complained about it, go figure.  Poland is willing to keep Ukraine out of the EU until they acknowledge this, Ukraine just demands that it gets to join NATO and the EU now and doesn't care what anyone else thinks.  Of course the elites will side with Ukraine on this, funny how that works.

Meanwhile Zelensky is here in the US doing political ads for Democrats, flying around on Air Force jets to see all the rich and famous people.  Democrats are bringing in foreign assets as a political weapon and why?  Because he doesn't have enough of our money and weapons yet.  He's probably not even paying for those military jets out of his own pocket, the taxpayer money is going for it.

Zelensky is also firing more of his cabinet and shows no signs of getting around to running for office any time soon.  Like Kamala Harris, he just fails upwards and the uinparty adores that.

Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Dumps Over $500K in Visa Stock Weeks Before DOJ’s Antitrust Lawsuit
September 24, 2024

□ [“US announces it's sending troops to the Middle East and warns Americans to leave Lebanon"]

We have no reason to be in the Middle East, yet we're sending troops there anyway.  War ships are going to the area but, so far as I've heard, not the Red Sea.  We're no longer allowed there.  The troops are reportedly a "small number" from the 101st Airborne, which doesn't do this in small numbers.  Either they're sending much more or the small number are attached to Special Forces, which seems much more likely.

And as Americans get told to leave Lebanon, China is telling its citizens to leave Israel.  This looks like another aspect of worrying what decision your pager is going to make, but the chaos is ready to start overall and these aren't places you want your people to be when it happens.

Biden and Harris still haven't mentioned any mistakes they've made, even up to the point of claiming that no US soldiers have died in a warzone under them.  This is the delusion we're stuck under.  Our enemies may have their own delusions, but they're definitely not taking part in this one.

Even worse, there's a good sign of who our masters report to.  Russia openly endorses Harris and Walz probably hasn't gone to China recently, but they're still in regular contact since his honeymoon.  This was is looking very one-sided when you put it like that, and we're caught in the middle.

Haitian Non-Profit Files Criminal Charges Against Trump and Vance for “Baseless and Malicious Comments” About Haitian Migrants in Springfield
September 24, 2024

23 September, 2024

I will post when the cat tells me to and not before.

Married Kentucky Democrat Lawmaker Groped Strippers While Drunk, Offered Money for Sex
September 23, 2024

Writers and Academics Applaud Brazil's Censorship in Open Letter
September 20, 2024

□ [“Janet Jackson Claims Kamala Harris Is Not Black"]

Now here's someone we don't hear from very much since she converted to Islam.  I have no idea if she even does interviews anymore or if she was sent out to say this, but she did this time, saying Harris was indian, not black.  Ok, fair enough.  It's enough to get her banned in modern media but Janet is black so she gets a pass.

But then someone who claimed to be Janet's spokesman apologized and said Janet was spreading "misinformation."  Then Janet spoke out and said she's not apologizing, she said what she said and this guy is not authorized to speak for her.  A little later, the guy stated that he had been fired by Janet (and her brother Randy) for this.

This seems like the sort of thing that could go deeper than it appears on first glance, precisely because Janet is a black female muslim in a very influential family.  The Jacksons go back to the days of Motown and Muslims have been involved at least since they surrounded Michael for support during his later years.  At least one of the Jacksons is also a Muslim, not Randy, but not sure which one.

So was this guy one of that group speaking out automatically to protect Janet?  Was he a distant connection, someone she's never heard of before?  Or was he a poser and was even lying about being fired since was never hired?  Any of those are possible.  Then there's each of these people, regardless of family or race, must be having their own internal conflicts on how stupid they have to be to support Harris who has nothing but her light skin color to stand on.

Volkswagen is Halting US Electric Vehicle Production Until at Least 2025
September 23, 2024

□ [“State Dept Just Issued Level 4 Warning to US Citizens—Do Not Travel to Haiti!"]

Things like this give the impression that even our masters are admitting that yeah, Trump's in charge.  Sure, mock him for saying Haitians eat cats, but then actually look into it and find that they actually do that and more.  The more you look into it, the more you realize that a dangerous place Haiti is and what kind of people live there, as well as those who move to the US.  So the only safe option is to tell Americans not to go there because of how dangerous it is.

It would be easy to point out how the executive branch was ready to make such a statement, they just hadn't bothered to get around to it yet.  And then Harris was so busy attacking Trump for the telling the truth about Haiti that no one could tell her about this.  That's how serious they are about avoiding danger.

So to get anything done, they have to listen to the last guy in charge instead of pretending to listen to the guy who pretends to be in charge now, or his side chick.  Biden and Harris don't even have a clue what's going on and no one's going to ask about this.  They would just repeat the simple-minded narrative of how we need to bring these cat-eaters here to help us.

Violent Mob Rampages in Philadelphia, Attacks Police Officers and Patrol Cars as Lawlessness Reigns Supreme
September 23, 2024

□ [“UN Votes on ‘Pact for the Future,’ Agenda Against Sovereignty With Digital Controls, Climate Mandates"]

This is another level to establish the 'new world order,' just piling a bunch of pacts on top of each other.  These people were never elected, they just assume they're in charge.  They've never had to point to where they get this authority, all they know is that they're special.  This is the fundamental concept of elitism, it just comes automatically.

Just look at how deluded they are from reality.  They're promising "a sustainable, just, and peaceful global order – for all peoples and nations," ignoring how many are going on right now that they're doing nothing about.  I don't think it's a coincidence that the philistines got to get one last anti-Israel bill for a vote before this came along, that was probably part of the plan.

Beyond that, there's just claiming that Africa and developing countries will give us more orders than before.  The list is all about giving everyone else's money to poor nations - not individuals, of course not - with global warming and standard leftist tropes for an excuse.  They control the young people so young people will make the decisions too.  And women, for some reason only one gender gets mentioned out of dozens and dozens, but they're special.

The top-down believers have a lot of advantages, no denying that, but the bottom-up builders have more in the long-term.  I keep saying this, but it's why we need to go on strike, as a way to organize the resistance.  There is going to be one and they will eventually win, but it'll be a lot easier for all of us if this gets started sooner rather than later.

Gavin Newsom Signs Legislation Banning Plastic Bags in California
September 23, 2024

□ [“DOJ Releases Second Trump Assassin's Letter Offering $150,000 to Anyone Who Can 'Finish the Job'"]

Yes, if he fails to kill Trump, you have the chance to make money doing it yourself.  The DOJ refused to release the journals by one of those transgender shooters because it might be dangerous, but telling people they'll get money for killing Trump is totally safe.  How unbiased can you get?  Maybe the first assassin offer the same deal.

Or maybe he never wrote such a thing and the DOJ is faking it.  Who's going to stop them?  We still don't know how he even knew where to find Trump, yet he was somehow waiting at the golf course for hours without being seen by Secret Service.  Two assassination attempts in two months that the people who are supposed to be protecting the target went out of their way to help the would-be assassins, and now they're trying to get more.

If by some miracle we make it to November and even more unlikely that Trump wins by such a landslide that there's no way the people in charge can fake it, he's not going to make it to take office in January.  If nothing else, one of the Secret Service will volunteer to 'die for him' since that's the job anyway, if they can't find anybody else.

I'm also surprised this guy is still alive.  The longer he lives, the more people will want to ask him why he did this and the more chances he'll have to explain.  Is it going to be hard to find out where he got the needed information to carry out the mission?

Israeli Military Raids Al Jazeera’s Office — Confiscates Equipment and Orders 45-Day Closure in West Bank
September 22, 2024

Biden Says Staff Won't Allow Him to Have “Young Girls” With Him on Stage But He’s Going to Do It Anyway
September 23, 2024

□ [“Nancy Pelosi Accused of ‘Straight Up Lying’ When Confronted About How Kamala Became Nominee"]

“You had reportedly said you wanted a sort of an ‘open primary’ if Joe Biden stepped down.  Did you change your mind because you saw all the excitement around Kamala Harris?”

“No, I didn’t change my mind.  We had an open primary, and she won it.  Nobody else got in the race.”

I get that they need to deny reality but are they serious?  Where are the ballots from this so-called "open primary"?  How many people voted?  This is just claiming that they know best and everybody else has to obey orders, which applies to Harris too.  Is Nancy drunk again?  She turns to focus on the crowd during her answer and they are commanded to start applauding.  This is who these people are.

As the election theft takes place, and it's already started in case you hadn't heard, we're going to find out how many of these mindless drones there really are.  We'll also see who isn't going to go along with this any longer.

No one on either side is going to accept the election results if they actually happen.  There will be resistance and the leftists will find themselves without any back-up supplies.  Advantages to our rulers will be that they've pushed the poison-vaccine on as many people as possible and invited in tens of millions of military-age foreign males.  It's possible that the point is to replace us.  Maybe they're just disposables because it won't end without a fight.

But Nancy gets to stay in her little room pretending there was an open primary.  Nobody got in the race against Biden, not Harris.  She really can't tell the difference.

Ex-NYC COVID czar fired from job after copping to drug-fueled sex parties during pandemic
September 23, 2024

Six Black People Slashed After Massive Brawl Spills From House Party Onto Brooklyn Street
September 23, 2024

22 September, 2024

Yes. I've seen the rain. Now stop asking.

Secret Service Agent “Accidentally” Shoots Himself with His Own Weapon
September 22, 2024

□ [“UN General Assembly Votes to Make Old Jerusalem Jew-Free – Orders Jews Out of the Old City"]

"No Jews Allowed" has always been a popular liberal belief.  The only time Jews can be permitted are when they give up everything that makes them Jewish.  But that's typical for leftism.

For some reason the Philistines get to put bills up for a vote in the UN now, and of course this was the first one they went for.  They'll get around to Yemen or the Russia/Ukraine thing eventually but now their only goal is to order Israel to go back to 1949 borders which they didn't accept in 1949.  Sounds like a contradiction to me but they're going to ignore that.  The vote was 124-14 with 43 abstentions.

I would say Sarah's cave is the true birthplace of Israel but Old Jerusalem is almost as relevant, and much bigger.  This was the capitol back in the day, the center of the kingdom.  Israel better not give this up again.  They did something similar in 2005, pulling off of the West Bank and look how that's worked out.  Frankly I think they should be sending every UN official a message on their pagers.  

Still haven't seen a list of who voted for or against, or abstained for a show of who's on what side.  It won't be perfect, I'd assume the US voted against it and we know our rulers want Israel destroyed, so there's obviously room for hiding the truth in this vote.

Speaker Mike Johnson to Bring Resolution for Government Funding Without the SAVE Act
September 22, 2024

□ [“Kamala Quadruples Trump’s August Fundraising, Now Has Over $400 Million Cash on Hand"]

Because the economy is doing so well that poor people have lots of money to throw around or is this because she's spending so much time in private with rich old men who wish their taxes were higher?  Probably the latter.  In fact, I'm wondering if this is what Disney has been doing with all the extra money it claims to have spent on tv shows that doesn't appear on screen.

□ [“Kamala Harris Advisor Offers Pathetic Excuse Why Candidate Is Avoiding Interviews"]

She's too busy?  Ok, that's a vote for the 'spending lots of time with rich men' answer.  Every other Presidential candidate in history has managed to do more campaign promotion than Harris, who can only handle one pre-written interview a week.  And those people can still have busier jobs than the so-called vice president.  Either the fix is in or they desperately want to believe it is.

□ [“Tim Walz Creates New Ad for the Trump Campaign:  ‘We Can’t Afford Four More Years of This!’"]

Harris was there to make Biden look smart.  Walz is really trying to follow that example, but I don't think it's working that well.  He self-identifies as male and wants to look like he's doing something, so he actually goes out and talks.  Not well, but he's a leftist, but that just comes off better, even as a failed attempt.  People are going to wonder if he's the one calling the shots, like how marriage should work.

They do not get how to use rhetoric and under pressure, will always fall back on what little they do no.  Basic political skills like not giving your opponent quotes to use in ads against you, don't forget that you've been in charge for the last four years, things like that go out then window when you get stressed.  And these are leftists, they can claim they've worked under stress but they really haven't compared to normal people whom they want to be in charge of.

Walz was actually talking about banning guns but this means ignoring Harris' claim that they both own guns.  That's what I mean, there's no communication or long-range planning, they can only use the obvious memes of the day and ignore everything else.

Kamala Harris Too Afraid to Attend Long Standing Al Smith Dinner  Tradition for Presidential Candidates
September 22, 2024

□ [“'Uh, Who Am I Introducing Next?' – Biden Completely Forgets Who He’s Doing a Press Conference With"]

This was at a "Quad meeting," the PM's of Japan, India and Australia coming by for a chat.  Probably trying to figure out whether or not they should just save time and give in to China now.  This is probably a strong indicator of which direction they will go, given who's going to be installed next after Biden.

The White House press had already been complaining that there wasn't much coverage of this.  Have they ever heard of Joe Biden before?  Do they know anything about him?  This is why you're not allowed to cover him.  This is why he's had so little to do in public for years.  And I must admit, this is why he's been so easy to forget.  It was just a couple months ago we were told he was strong and healthy and totally committed to running for election again.

□ [“Why Does Jill Biden’s Signature Appear on Joe’s Official Legislation Folders?"]

It's slowly starting to come out that this is how things have been for years, and possibly longer than we'd even expect.  This is why there were few cabinet meetings under Biden and Jill just took over the one last week.  For all we know, she's been doing this since he was a Senator, the 'power behind the throne.'  I've even wondered if that's how a lot of Washington elites operate.

Hunter might also be doing that, just without officially listing his signature with the others.  He might even be handling negotiations without getting others involved, because he can handle these things himself.  Just get it done first, then put it out to the executive and legislative branches when he gets around to it.  The press will just continue to say everything is normal.  Which, in some ways, it is.

Dozens of Black Youths Ransack 7-Eleven Near Beverly Hills, California
September 22, 2024

□ [“Deal Struck:  Government Will Remain Funded—for Now"]

We knew they'd do this.  It's just a three-month delay but they'll do this again around Christmas.  Or maybe they have the next version already made and will just make it official around then.  Just kick the can a little further down and pretend they're getting away with anything, then those who actually own our debt will finally crush us.

We know it'll be almost unanimously supported by Congress.  If there's any of them who aren't simple puppets for the actual rulers of the world, then they at least have 'controlled opposition.'  When the time comes, they'll know which side they're really on, and it's not ours.

I don't see any way out of this.  Nuremburg Trials 2.0 seem like the best option but there's getting to that point, and even then there will be a lot of other crimes to expense justice on without the national debts.  My guess is this is one reason the rulers are trying to impose digital currency on us, although that hasn't worked out very well.  Notice that we don't hear much about that anymore, probably because at some point those in charge realize that they won't be rich if they give up money and someone else can take it from them if they abandon their own nations.

There will still be a push for this, delusion by the globalists as well as power-lust for the nationalists.  But even there we've seen that they want to install it in our heads, which is a non-starter for everybody who doesn't aspire to be an expendable puppet.  Israel has shown that you can make explosions happen on people at a whim, so who would volunteer for that?

This really isn't what we expected a World War to look like, but anybody who remembers the previous ones are dead.  Still no clue when it's going to go kinetic or how, but that's caked in.  It will happen before it's over. 

At Virtual ‘Catholics for Harris’ Event, Nun Places Devotion to Liberalism Ahead of Protecting Life
September 22, 2024

□ [“Disney Star Wars Dealing With Their Next Disaster! | Rey Movie On Hold, May Be Cancelled"]

Gotta admit, I'm still surprised at how much more interested in Star Wars I am these days than I've been since I was 8 years old.  I don't even have to see any of it, it's just fascinating how the franchise is crumbling.  It's been almost five years since I've actually watched anything new in the franchise and they still haven't gotten around to making an actual movie.

Aside from whatever blackmail she has over the people in charge of Disney, the thing that probably keeps Kathleen Kennedy in place is that no one wants to replace her because then they'd be responsible for what happens to the franchise.  Anybody with ideas for a space-fantasy movie would rather do that without the logo if they want a chance of succeeding.

It's been two years since they started planning this movie and a year and a half since they announced it, but they still don't even have a working screenplay.  Shooting is supposed to start next year but now it's on 'hold,' along with all the other movies being planned.  IIRC, Kennedy did announce a couple months ago that all projects were on hold, but that seemed to be more about the problems at the top of Disney.  No idea what problems or how/if they were resolved, but as far as I know, that's where it really stopped.

There is some tv show coming out at the end of the year but odds are against it succeeding.  Maybe they've intentionally tried to do something people *want* to see, instead of what they've been doing for years, but few people still have any trust in the results.  I have to wonder if Kennedy and maybe a few others were just trying to launder money to other elites, like the Clintons or the Harris campaign and let the rest die.

741 Security Officials, Former Military Brass, and Warmongers Sign Letter to Endorse Kamala Harris
September 22, 2024

Illinois Lawmaker Introduces Legislation to Criminalize Registering Noncitizens to Vote
September 21, 2024

Feds Seize Materials From Home of Interim NYPD Police Commissioner
September 22, 2024

Chipotle Starts Replacing Workers With Robots to Bypass California’s Minimum Wage Laws
September 22, 2024