23 July, 2012

"Life and Polonia" (2011)
"Double" (2012)

From October 2010:
I don't know what Democrats are so worried about. They’re not all having tough elections. You don't hear about any sudden upset ready to happen in Nancy Pelosi's district, do you? No awkward stories of someone from her campaign looking foolish.

I don't know what Democrats are so worried about. Look at the long list of legislative achievements they’re able to brag about, and the way they triumphed over the filibuster under such heroic circumstances.

I don't know what Democrats are worried about.  By now most people have gone through two or three divorces, so they know what it's like to buy a house and lose it to someone else.

I don't know what Democrats are so worried about. They should have expected there would be tough fights for seats in long-time battleground states such as Massachusetts, Illinois and California.

Any other President? Woodrow Wilson had a stroke trying to get his agenda implemented. FDR looked horrible by the fourth term. Kennedy was shot! And they all had wars to run too. They had a world in flux, nation in crisis, economic problems, the usual crap. But a guy who hasn't made it to his first mid-terms suffers more than any other President, according to his oldest surviving predecessor?
Like I say, I don't know what the Democrats are worried about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BTW Allen Montgomery is not his full name.

His full name is Walter Allen Montgomery and he is 43. His phone
number is available and the listing refers to a phone in Savannah.

I think people at comicon should start calling him Wally.