25 September, 2020

Subway saboteur caused nearly $1M in damages derailing MTA train
September 25, 2020

Los Angeles BLM ‘Protesters’ Attack Car, Try to Pull Person Out of It
September 25, 2020

After Hiding in His Basement All Day Yesterday, Joe Biden Ignores Reporters After He Deplanes in Washington DC
September 25, 2020

Nap Time for Sleepy Joe: Biden Campaign Calls Lid After Attending Ginsburg Memorial – Media Getting Concerned
September 25, 2020
This is how the guy is working to get a job, what does anyone expect him to do if he actually gets it?  He won't show up every day to run for President, why would he show up at all if he wins?  He'll get paid regardless.

And it's not like the media will complain about it.  He wouldn't be happy if they did that and he'd talk to them even less than he does now.

China Forces Tibetans into Mass Labor Camps
September 25, 2020
If you've ever wondered why Democrats seem to love China so much, there you go.  They don't even need to pay to get slaves, they just take them and that's that.  They got half a million more slaves in the first six months of 2020 and it's not like they just started doing this.

There's also news coming out that more has been released regarding Hunter Biden's adventures in Ukraine.  That's fine but this is getting ridiculous.  At this point I don't expect anything meaningful to happen.  I'd love to be wrong, but he can get all the drugs and money and slaves he wants and Democrats will always support him because of his last name.

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