30 November, 2020

Do unto others what they've been doing to everyone for four years.

A couple rumors have come out today, obviously no proof now, maybe never.  If there's actually an overall plan to keep the election from being stolen, one rumor says Biden actually asked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to help get a pardon from Trump for him and his family.  That actually came from a Chinese news show, cannot find the name and obviously no reason to believe it even if I did.  Another rumor says that the female head of the CIA has just died of "natural causes."  Not the virus then?  At least she didn't break her leg like Biden.

Definitely not seeing any reason for hope.  It would be nice to have some.  Obviously the left has wanted to demoralize us all year, is it because that's just their thing or out of fear their schemes were being caught?

I've finally found a glimmer of, not hope or leadership, but at least a direction to head next.  In hindsight, it's probably believable that it would take a few weeks to think of something.  We may have even had similar thoughts but I haven't seen them put into simple words yet.  The websites I've seen - and have been following precisely because I needed it - have been reading like the plan would come to fruition any moment and Trump would continue his Presidency.  I still hope that happens but it was indistinguishable from Democrats saying the same thing when they lose.  Of course they don't lose because the election was stolen but they think they did and that's the effect here.  The rumors posted at the top came from such sites.

But this comes off as a basic direction and view to keep going with, there are concepts that can be used in practice.
□ [Instapundit: #Resist]

Using game theory, it has been determined that the proper way to respond to defection from optimal behavior between two parties, is to match any bad behavior by equal retaliation. Acquiescing in bad behavior without consequences simply gets you more of it.

So, the only rational rational response for Trump supporters, after the last four years is to respond to Biden exactly as Trump was treated:


First, no one who voted for or supports Trump will recognized Biden as legitimate. Second, everyone who voted for Trump will believe and continue to proclaim that the election was stolen, in this case with far more factual basis. Third, Biden will not be given any deference or respect due to his office, but will be given only contempt and profane disrespect. Fourth, there will be no prospect of cooperation but only opposition, in every lawful way, to everything he says, does, or proposes, all day, every day, until he is gone.

At some future date reconciliation may be possible. But not until the last four years has been repaid in full.

And the foregoing is on the presumption that Biden will be sworn in as President, which he should not be, and which may not happen.

This is understandable.  We already have a lot more proof of what they've done then they ever had.  The only thing they can do is destroy things and give orders, the orders that there's no reason to obey.  I do assume their pretension to "equality" will be one of the first things they ditch, they cannot permit their inferiors to have any of the rights they claim, the builders, those who know how to deal with reality, or men with guns.

The left is in a somewhat-similar position, they're finally starting to get around to thinking about how they could have unquestionably believed in the "Blue Wave" and been so completely wrong.  How are they supposed to keep their promises if they lost House seats and will have to steal the Georgia elections just to get 50% in the Senate?  Where did they get the notion that they'd win big time?  Every poll, every interview, every media article, all insisted that this would happen, no if's, and's or but's.  Hell, Trump even got more votes than every other Presidential candidate in history except one and he didn't go through graveyards for his.

How are Democratic leaders supposed to continue the propaganda that got them their voters when it totally didn't work?

I don't know where we'll be four years from now, only one way to find out.

Georgia Dem Senate Candidate Ossoff Says We Need a One-Party Government During Pandemic Crisis
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Former FBI Special Agent Finds 17,514 Georgia Voters with Out-of-State Forwarded Mail Addresses
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Star-studded "Time’s Up" charities spent big on salaries, little on helping victims
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Ben Bova, science fiction author, 88 years old
November 29, 2020

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