18 November, 2020

So now we know why Biden never bothered to campaign, it's not like he was bothering with real voters.

It's been run by Democrats for decades, they haven't had a Republican mayor since January 2, 1962.  As Joe Biden said, you're not black if you don't vote for him.  Those are votes they can throw out and blame Republicans for.

I'm trying to find a list of how long Democrats have run various states and cities.  Making one for Governors/Senators/Congressmen was easy and already disproves the notion that evil racists all left the Democratic Party and joined the Republicans in the 1960s.  I'd like to find records of state and city parties but I can't find much out of Wikipedia which only has some info.

Regardless, it's easy to find that Democrats have run for decades these cities full of riots claiming racism.  LBJ promised to keep blacks in their place for centuries and this is what he's done, now they're officially not black if they try to get out.  What's higher on the Democrat platform, gay marriage, abortion and gun control or blacks who disagree with all of that?  Democrats are trying to get the Muslim vote and they aren't in favor of any of that either.  The leaders get what they want, their voters just have to obey even against their own will.

Blacks have been the control experiment for leftist destruction of the family and attaching everyone to government income.  So why wouldn't they wouldn't they get their votes stolen and Democrats project the blame on Republicans?

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