01 November, 2021


I just did something I thought I'd never do.  Not take a shower, I do that once a year without fail.  I watched TV.

Ok, not actual TV, it was just from a DVD for a show that went off the air over 30 years ago.  I know because it was the final episode.  I was working on the book as always and something made me think of something else which led me to something else which eventually made me think of Newhart.  I think that's a common occurrence, perfectly natural.  Much like the show itself.

So I put on the final episode.  I own the complete series on DVD so obviously I'd watched it before, since the reruns, and of course I saw the final episode when it aired on May 21, 1990.  It's obviously a different world today and that's not a compliment.

One thing I wasn't expecting was that it was immediately grabbing and entertaining.  I do remember most of the characters but the series' final seasons did add more and some were very unfamiliar.  Much of what you needed to know about the characters would only have come from watching earlier episodes, yet it didn't matter for me.  The show is part of my life to a point where I still know what they do and it was far more about the 20+ minute story they were telling this time around.  It just so happened that this was the final episode and they got to have big changes that wouldn't have happened earlier.

I still can't get over it, everybody was really entertaining.  The dialogue was hilarious, the wackiness was just plain fun, the story itself was decent, the ending was definitely a surprise in a good way.  I assumed it was filmed live, how the hell do you keep the audience surprised for that?  And how do you go without them blabbing the surprise long before the episode is aired?

Yes, I will put more episodes in.  I really want to know what the Jazztones are doing these days and just looking up which season it was in, see another couple episodes that are tempting.

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