03 October, 2022

When is the government going to issue me a funny headline?

□ [“Study Finds Young Adults Moodier, More Prone to Stress, Less Cooperative, Less Responsible Following Fauci’s Pandemic Rules"]

This was a conscious desire to cut everybody down as much as possible, and as you might expect, they aimed at young people more than the rest.  They've already been trying to turn children into clay, I have to wonder if they consciously included that in this plot or if it's just a standard effect.

They always look to the next generation and they have to tear everything away from the kids, expecting turn them into mini-me's.  They always think that's going to work and it never has yet but look at the pain and suffering they're spreading across the entire population for generations to come.

No Names or Pictures Given Of Two 17-Year-Olds Arrested For Stabbing Death of Asian Store Owner in Downtown Los Angeles
October 2, 2022

□ [“Metrolink and Amtrak Suspend Service Between LA and San Diego Indefinitely Due to the Ground Shifting"]

The ground is shifting.


Ok.  Is this normal for the region?  Does southern California regularly shut down train service because... because the ground is, uh, shifting?  Is that a common occurrence?

A tropical storm caused an ocean surge and that shakes up the land.  Uh-huh.  I guess you'll save a lot of gas this way, it's not like people are going to be allowed to drive cars to make up for the lack of railways and it's not like they're rich enough to buy one of those electric cars the rulers love but never use.

Trains are useful for transporting supplies as well as people, will there be any problems there?  You can understand why I'm so concerned about the people who live there.  Are they properly vaccinated?

Australian Bureau of Statistics Reports Increase in Excess Deaths in 2022 Which is Above Historical Average
October 3, 2022

□ [“Executive Producer Billy Eichner Lashes Out at ‘Straight People’ and ‘Homophobic Weirdos’ For All Gay Comedy “Bros” Flopping at Weekend Open"]

This sort of mentality really does seem central to the enemy.  Ok, it sucks to put a lot of work into stuff that nobody's interested in but you're the one who chose to do something nobody wanted to see and you want to negate their own decisions.  Why not just force everybody to buy a ticket no matter what?

Name a single person on Earth who has no interest in seeing your movie but isn't evil.  Can't do it, can you.  And everyone around you agrees with that.

This is part of the collectivist mentality, which I don't pretend to understand although I spend a lot of time thinking about it.  It's all about opposing anyone who thinks differently and demanding to be in charge of everybody so they can't disagree.  But how do you deal with people like that when you're not the one in charge?  Is there some sort of comfort to being watched over?

The only example I can think of that makes sense is that the majority of us were probably children at some point in our lives.  It's natural for kids and makes perfect sense.  They don't know anything and their parents brought them here so that's part of the arrangement.  But other people didn't agree to go along with that.

Kamala Harris Ignores Reporter Asking About her Claims Hurricane Ian Relief will Prioritize ‘Communities of Color’
October 3, 2022

Biden Speaks Gibberish in Puerto Rico: “New York Sent Not Only a Congresswoman, One of the Most Congresswoman in Congress”
October 3, 2022

□ [“Biden Secretary of State Blinken Says Nord Stream Explosions 'A Tremendous Opportunity' for Europe to 'Remove Dependence on Russian Energy'"]

So they can depend on US energy?  Or is the point to stop them from using energy in the first place.  Either way, you're obviously quite happy about it.  Good thing the pipeline was shut down violently or you wouldn't be so happy.  That gives no clue whatsoever about how the pipeline was sabotaged.

“And we’re now the leading supplier of LNG to Europe to help compensate for any gas or oil that it’s losing as a result of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.”

Any stock of LNG companies you'd like to mention?  They're still killing the earth with that and more pollution will be required to transport the fuel to Europe, any complaints about that?

Just tell Germans looking forward to this winter how wonderful this opportunity is for you.  Not for them.  You get the chance to break any contract LNG has made for the next year and seize their fuel without any permission.  It's not like it's just sitting around, waiting for someone to load a vehicle with it.

They plan these orders out for a year or two and you're glad that Europeans get to suffer without energy.

University of Chicago Student Organization Hosts No-Whites- Allowed Race Discussion
October 3, 2022

Satanic Temple Sues Indiana Over Abortion Bans – Claims It Violates Their Religious Rights
October 3, 2022

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