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15 October, 2022
Whoever put the bomp in the bomp-bomp-bomp, I will find you and I will cut you!
It's been a few days, I notice we don't seem to have heard much about Ukraine beating up Russia everywhere with one hand tied behind their back. We also haven't heard anyone trying to defend Biden not having a clue when or where his son died. You'd think somebody somewhere would at least try to make excuses, or just admit that there aren't any to make. But no, there's just silence.
How much more proof do you need that they've got the next elections already stolen? It's been 633 days since Biden took office. 633 days before that was April 29, 2019. The biggest news in the world at that point was an
movie, nothing to do with a virus killing people and Biden had a plan to end the virus on day one.
More Deep Thoughts from Kamala Harris: “The American People Have a Lot of Burdens on Their Lives Right Now Including the Cost of Life”
October 15, 2022
Minnesota Medical School Students Recite Quasi-Religious “Woke” and “Anti-Racism” Pledge
October 15, 2022
I think "individualism" and "collectivism" are more close to being accurate. It's not self-love, it's that the individual can distinguish between 'this is what I do' and 'this is everything else that has no connection to me.' The collectivist simply can't perceive that difference, everything is about them and vice versa.
At least the individual can recognize when he was wrong about something. 'Oh, that was actually relevant, I should have paid attention to it.' The collectivist can't even move in that direction. Everybody must be interested in whatever they are personally interested in.
And this is the fundamental explanation of why it never works, leftism, communism, whatever you call it. You can't construct a building or perform brain surgery if you're uncapable of focusing on your own thoughts and actions.
There's only 24 hours in the day, many of which have to be spent on sleep, eat, poop, etc. It's literally impossible to connect to everything but it *is* possible to delude yourself that you've done that and be surrounded by sycophants who agree with you.
As an example, take someone deluded enough to oppose the 24-hour day. [I'm sure they exist, there've been people who oppose the 12-month year.] You can design and follow your own clock with however many hours you want in a day, nobody will stop you. You will need to be able to translate that when communicating with people who recognize 24 hours, if you want anybody to understand you.
But that's not what the people opposed to a 24-hour day would do. They would demand everyone else obey their superior measurement of time or be punished. The relevance of how many hours should be in a day is completely irrelevant compared to imposing their fantasy on others. It wouldn't even build a working clock which would require an individual capable of building one.
That's as good of an explanation as any of the 'what' they're doing, but it still doesn't get to the 'why.' We see depressing news headlines every day about their latest attempt to impose this delusion on everybody, particularly children, but it needs to start somewhere before it can be spread around the world.
The best explanation I can think of is 'children who never grew up.' They made a point of associating with the same type as they grew older and thanks to the modern age, can make a good living that way. That would definitely explain a lot and be able to cover for generation-after-generation that just becomes more insane.
I'd be able to go with that as 99% of the explanation needed. It just seems like at some point even these creatures have to recognize when they make a mistake and given that they remain in groups, that would need to be shared with the group.
As always, the military is the example I cite. The collective unit *is* the point, the individual is expendable. But the military specifically learns from its mistakes and has long-known how the individual works.
The most obvious example is how they work to solve problems at the lowest level, precisely so higher-ranking people don't get involved. It saves time for the higher-ups to focus on their own tasks. It's also respectful to the individual being punished by people who know him and know what he did or didn't do wrong and anything else that's relevant.
Yes, it's more complicated and more things can go wrong, but (a) that's reality and (b) the individuals involved are able to perceive this. Having to ignore reality to show how 'woke' one is is the best way to ruin anything and the military needs people who can actually survive face-to-face combat. You can't do both no matter how much you try.
Even outside of the military, one would think there are problems with perpetuating this insanity and never becoming adults, or self-identifying, whichever. And maybe there are. To the extent these creatures actually look for work, they aim for jobs that don't require any real product, the media or the human resources department. Individually it's possible for them to grow up but the collective remains dominant.
□ [“'Those of You Who Think the Vaccine Kills People Can Use Me as a Test' – Bodybuilding Icon and Author Doug Brignole Passes Away At 63"]
“Those of you who think the vaccine kills people can use me as a test. If I die, you were right. If I don’t die, and have no ill effects, you were wrong, and should admit it (at least to yourselves). Better yet, you should admit that you were misled, and tell the world who misled you, so other people can benefit by avoiding those fearmongers.”
Doug Brignole, April 4, 2021
So, what do we get if we're right? Are you willing to admit, at least to yourself, that you were wrong? Will you tell the world who misled you so other people can benefit? Or is this a one-way thing and you'll happily die never admitting any of that, much less helping others to avoid whatever killed you?
I'm a little ambivalent on this deal. You're rich and famous enough to mandate everybody else obey you on something that you might be wrong about. At the very least, we need to know who misled you. What are you going to say, at least the virus didn't kill you?
Let us know, I'm really not sure I want to agree to this deal.
Biden on His Plan to Lower Inflation and Help Struggling Families: “If You Buy an Efficient Coffee Machine You Get a Tax Credit”
October 15, 2022
Election Software Firm Used in Swing States Gave ‘Superadministrator’ Privileges to Contractors in China
October 15, 2022
Texas Vaccine Policy Symposium Declares Unvaccinated People a Danger to Public Health
October 15, 2022
Apparently a railroad union has rejected the deal, they may get back to going on strike. Just get it over with, obviously neither side has anything to gain from postponing the inevitable and neither side has enough to offer. The workers need more help and the companies have to stay afloat in this economy. The government will only make things worse because they insist on pretending the economy is good.
London Eco-Protesters Glue Themselves To Road and Block a Patient from Local Hospital
October 15, 2022
Woke New York School District Superintendent Claims 9/11 Remembrance “Caused Concern and Harm” To Some Members of Community
October 15, 2022
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