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18 February, 2023
No, the Candy-Man can't!
□ [“Just Moments After Trump Declares Trip to East Palestine, FEMA Announces Reversal on Ohio Disaster Aid"]
Maybe I just go a little far in the old saying, 'never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity,' but I'll assume this is just a coincidence. It is possible that Trump's visit being announced was the final straw, but I would assume our masters had been looking into how to help their helpless subjects in crisis. Just to, you know, make it look like they care an' sh*t.
But as usual, it doesn't make them look good. We can just say they waited until the *real* POTUS gave orders. We can say they actively support the death of a county which absolutely did not vote for Biden. Of course that would lead us to question if this happened deliberately. You got a better explanation for why they denied requests for help all this time and finally decided to change their minds?
Despite its name, the National Transportation Safety Board does not fall under the Department of Transportation, meaning Chairwoman Jennifer Homendy is allowed to criticize Pete Buttigieg, although she doesn't cite him by name. He had claimed it was Trump's fault that a rule on electronically controlled pneumatic brakes wasn't imposed and she calls that "misinformation," tweeting a list of how this rule had started and been altered since 1994 and how the Department of Transportation had been required to find a replacement.
Homendy is a Trump-appointee who hasn't been purged yet - she was also working for Democrats when she got the appointment - but obviously has some leeway which Buttigieg can't publicly do anything about. We don't know what they do behind the scenes, but we'll see how many vacations Buttigieg keeps taking and how much time he spends in interviews on skin color and every other leftist topic that isn't related to his job.
□ [“Kamala Harris Forced to Fly Military Cargo Plane Back to DC After Air Force Two Breaks Down on Tarmac in Munich"]
Probably more comfortable than the C-130s I've travelled in, but they aren't known for passenger comfort. What sort of mood was she in when the plane landed?
Could this be used against Buttigieg? This isn't even the first time for Harris, a "technical issue" forced the plane to turn back with her on it in June 2021. Obviously I don't know who's involved with these aircraft. The DoT probably has something to do with maintenance and the fact that it flies, but beyond that, there would only be whatever they can steal credit for. The Secret Service would probably get a say, as well as the Air Force unit actually maintaining the aircraft.
I could see it being used against Buttigieg even if he had nothing whatsoever to do with it. What's the alternative, pointing out that the units Biden's in charge of can't do their job and here's another example? We don't care about all the deaths in the train wreck, Kamala Harris had to sit on a C-130 for several hours! Like, omigod!!!
She could just stand up, hook up and shuffle to the door
Jump right out and count to four!
Her chute would work as well as the plane, right?
Canadian Justice Sides with Trudeau and Rules War Act Can Be Used to Quash Anti-Government Protests – Seizing Bank Accounts, Imprisoning Peaceful Protest Leaders Approved
February 17, 2023
Former President Jimmy Carter in Hospice Care, to Spend “Remaining Time at Home”
February 18, 2023
The Talking Points Have Gone Out: John Fetterman Is ‘Brave’ For Checking Into Hospital For Depression
February 17, 2023
Claiming Racism, California Lawmakers Want To Ban Use Of Police Dogs For Arrests And Crowd Control
February 18, 2023
□ [“Roald Dahl books rewritten to remove language deemed offensive"]
We all keep pointing to the example from 1984 but that's literally what they're doing. It strikes me as fundamentally collectivist, helping themselves to someone else's work. At least if Dahl were alive, he could at least fight back, but now all we can do is make sure we have printed copies that (God willing) can be passed to the future. Because that's what they want to control.
My guess is their first targets are people they hate to get them banned and people they like because leftists aren't very loyal to their idols. They'll get to the rest of us when they get around to it., but those are the first targets. This makes me wonder where Dahl fits in. I'm pretty sure I've read
Chocolate Factory
James and the Giant Peach
is the work of his that I know I've read.
I have seen the
Chocolate Factory
movie and it did nothing for me, I don't have a clue why this one has been so idolized for decades. Just the fact that it was remade by Tim Burton and Johnny Depp is creepy enough. Then there's the title of the book, named for the child, being changed for the movie to the magical wonderful adult whom all children love. The Candy Man can do what ever he wants.
□ [“Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Boasts About $400M to Battle Soaring Crime But Study Reveals Little Progress"]
Did the money actually go anywhere or is she just funneling it to her people? Because at this point, it looks like that's what our rulers have been doing for the last three years, and that's just from the virus. There's all the 'global warming' and race-based funding and that's probably what non-profits are there for as well.
If Chicago has any highly-placed mob members in the vicinity, they might see an opportunity as well. So what are they all doing with the money? I'm sure they're laundering as much as they can, but the officials-in-charge need to verify that it's going to a technically-legal recipient. Well, ok, a *normal* official-in-charge would need to do that, but you know what I mean.
Partially they're just helping themselves to the loot but they might also be involved in the plan to get rid of money. I'm just speculating, they certainly aren't being given bundles of cash, but it's possible they could be transferring the money to somewhere that can cash it, then they hold on to the cash so nobody else can get it. I'm not an economist so I have no clue how that would work, but I am certain they're doing something along those lines to force everybody onto cybercurrency that they control.
George Soros Pushes Dangerous Technology to Cool The Earth and Stop “Climate Change” – Could Lead to Massive Number of Deaths
February 17, 2023
□ [“Interior Department Now Offering ‘Ecogrief’ Training For Employees'"]
This is what the "leisure class" really is, people who have nothing to do with their lives so they focus on mindless emotion and get other people to pay for it. Actual elites have to spend time and energy being in charge of whatever they're in charge of. They're wealthy enough that there's no sense of need but they're unproductive enough that they see no reason to do anything other than whatever they make up, realistic or not.
Actual rich people need to run their businesses, they need to focus on their employees and even their mansions. If they ignore a problem, it won't be fixed. They avoid military standards like fixing a problem so the commander never learns about it and the military isn't paid well for doing that. But they have higher goals, which the servants and sycophants among the rich don't.
It's probably an example set by rich families. The old man had to do the actual work to reach the top. His sons watched him doing it so they have an example. The grandkids were born into wealth without the slightest effort on their part so collectively they have nothing to do and only as exceptions can any of them work as individuals. The term "leisure class" came from England in the late 1800s which is probably the last time those individuals were notable for trying to improve the family every generation.
And now these creatures are being paid to waste time focusing on emotions about a made-up problem. That's all they're capable of. And that's how the leisure class wants it.
□ [“Biden Gives Power to Susan Rice for Sweeping 'Racial Equity' Makeover of the Federal Government: 'Agency Equity Teams' to Be Established to Run All Departments, Reeducate Workers"]
Hunter Biden’s Art Dealer Refuses to Provide GOP Committee with Requested Documents on Hunter’s Illicit Art Sales
February 18, 2023
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