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14 February, 2023
Roses are red, violets are blue. That's racist!
I go back and forth on whether these new "objects" are from China teasing us or if our rulers are just putting them up to look good by shooting them down. Both options are just as likely, and yes, it might be Russia or someone else teasing us as well.
One argument that our rulers aren't faking this is because these make it too obvious that the borders need to be secured and that includes the southern border. You think China can't put a balloon in through Mexico? From there it's very easy to recognize that the enemy could send in other "objects." Or "people" for that matter.
There's too many people involved with our rulers who have to at least pretend to know what's going on. They would at least have to be specifically forbidden to talk about sealing the borders, which would let them know what our masters want. The only way this would work is if everybody's on China's payroll and they all know it.
□ [“Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein Announces Retirement at End of Term"]
□ [“'I Haven’t Made That Decision – I Haven’t Released Anything' – Dianne Feinstein Disputes Her Own Retirement Announcement!"]
I haven't found if the statement was something she said in public or if it was just a press release from her office, but either way, it's basically a trap set for her. She's not capable of doing anything and if she really did make the public statement herself, she's proving it by not having a clue about the big decision she just announced. That would be the sort of thing that she really should step down for right now.
It works the same way if she had nothing to do with the news going out that she wasn't running again. It's not like she has any way to prove the decision was made without her. I would guess her people are the ones who released the statement, although it's an open question whether they did it on their own or if the orders came down from whoever they actually work for. It's certainly possible that Feinstein's office had nothing to with it, the orders were given to NBC directly, but that seems unlikely because Feinstein's office would put out that they never said such a thing.
But I do think the pressure to quit now will be increasing. Those who steal elections have the most knowledge and biggest worries about someone else stealing them and even some leftists must recognize that keeping rich old white people in charge contradicts what they pretend to believe in. As always, this may be part of the plan. She steps down and is replaced by some brand new person who brings in wonderful totalitarian laws that leftists in both parties immediately vote for because they wish they all could be California.
California Might Bar Schools From Suspending Disruptive Students Because It’s Discriminatory
February 13, 2023
□ [“The State of New California Sends Delegates to Washington D.C."]
Not in favor of this, but just for the simple reason, I like 50 states. You want to add one than you should have to cut one out and regardless, you should focus more on taking over the state you're already in. But other than that, the basic idea is fine.
What I really don't like is happening up north, I think it's part of Oregon trying to join Idaho, or something like that, I might be wrong on the specifics. But you're part of one state, you aren't willing to form your own, you want to just join another pre-existing state? It might be workable if it's part of one country voluntarily joining another country but even there, most countries exist because that's who they are. States are *parts* of a country, it doesn't work that way!
But they're going to do it, it's not like they want my opinion (yet.) This sort of thing is going to be happening a lot more and not just in the US. We all know the decades of rhetoric Canada has with Quebec, or the centuries of attacks the civilized English have faced from those drunken bogtrotters, but more of that will be coming soon. Everyone's going to learn that Sheep shagger Lives Matter! Or, y'know, whatever they're called in your particular region, because they're going to demand their own country.
Hate to say it, but this is probably another aspect of civilization our rulers have planned for, in a 'heads we win, tails you lose' sort of situation. Any new nation that forms will be desperate for attention and respect, which would most likely come from the self-appointed world government. That's going to happen, no matter what.
MSNBC Guest Suggests FOX News Viewers Are In A Cult And Need Deprogramming
February 13, 2023
Woman’s Severed Head Found in Paris Park on Valentine’s Day
February 14, 2023
Canada Tells NYC Mayor Eric Adams To Stop Sending Them Illegal Immigrants
February 13, 2023
MSU Mass Shooter a Black Male – 3 Killed and 5 Injured – Suspect Shot Himself in Head as Police Were Approaching
February 13, 2023
Klaus Schwab on AI, Chatbots and Digital Identities: “Who Masters Those Technologies – In Some Way Will be the Master of the World”
February 14, 2023
□ [“Former DNI and Liar James Clapper Says He Never Called Hunter’s Laptop Russian Disinformation"]
Something must be going on here which we aren't being told about it. He's waited two and a half years to suddenly claim 'I never said that! It's a media lie that I said that!' He could have immediately tried to clarify the matter, posting on the internet or giving other interviews to more trustworthy media outlets. Yet for some reason he didn't.
Clapper and 50 other people who claimed to be intelligence officers went around saying Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation and none of them had bothered to speak out about being misinterpreted until now. They were so trustworthy when they called it "Russian disinformation," what's changed? You could have at least told the media reporting what you said that you weren't 100% certain you had any idea what you were talking about. It might be real and you wouldn't want them to get into trouble for the "disinformation" you provided them.
Apparently Congress is trying to interview all of these people, who knows if that will go anywhere? As far as I know, none of the media is reporting on this. If you want to know the truth, they aren't there to help. You'd think decency would encourage them to report that they were completely wrong on what they'd previously reported, but no. That makes no sense, if anybody finds out elsewhere that they were wrong, they'll be unwilling to trust them in the future, so being upfront and honest about it would be the best option, but none of them choose that.
Damar Hamlin Refuses to Disclose the Official Reason Doctors Gave Him for His Heart Stopping: “That’s Something I Want to Stay Away From”
February 14, 2023
□ [“Ukraine and Russia Are Violating Ban on Chemical Weapon Use in War – Is It Accelerating?"]
Based on this, Ukraine is sending in drones to spray riot-control gas against Russian troops and Russians are using something similar on the front-lines. As little reason as there is to trust any front-line media, it is a little more believable when they have video of both sides doing the same thing to violate the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention.
But then again, it might be a relevant point that Ukraine may never have signed the agreement, so they can use chemical weapons as much as they want. They wouldn't have all those labs if they didn't get anything out of it. Ok, looking it up, they both signed the agreement, so the issue is does that matter to anybody? Do we really think *any* nation who signed has stopped making them?
There would be some requirements, don't use them except as a last resort, or only in situations where you can 100% guarantee you won't be caught. Or maybe just because you can and it's not like the rest of the world will do anything about it. This is how wars get bigger. We'd all be better off if we'd just shrugged and let Russia/Ukraine handle their own problems, but one side is really not willing to do that.
Biden's UN Ambassador Accuses Hungary of “Antisemitic Vandalism” Which Occurred in Sweden
February 14, 2023
Biden: “There is No Rationale For Assault Weapons and Magazines That Hold 50-70 Bullets”
February 14, 2023
NY Times Reporter Asks if Biden is “Embarrassed” as He Remains Silent on Object Shootdowns
February 14, 2023
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