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17 April, 2023
Dear God, please give me a title for this post
Chicago Mayor Elect Johnson Tells Chicagoans Not to “Demonize” Teens Who Terrorized and Unleashed Violent Chaos on the City
April 17, 2023
Teens Riot in Chicago Days After Democrats Choose City for 2024 Convention
April 16, 2023
□ [“More Unanswered Red Flags Regarding Jack Texeira"]
More comments about the low-ranking Air National Guardsman who somehow managed to steal tons of classified documents and post them on the internet for months with nobody bothering to notice. There's the suggestion that he stole from multiple sources which there's no way he'd have access to, and description of how difficult it would be to gain access to any of these sources, much less all of them. The unit doesn't have missions 24/7 so he'd be surrounded by everyone else who comes in once or twice a month, unless he breaks in on his own time which would immediately be noticed.
This is a deliberate set-up, that much is clear to anyone with any experience with classified information. It's not even a case of 'once you sneak your way past the guards at the door, you can get away with anything.' There's a reason some information is classified at various levels and they have ways to keep track of anyone who wants to get their hands on it.
I'm wondering if the set-up is aimed at the actual enemy. There was the Mar-a-Lago raid last fall, there's no way that could happen without Biden's approval, even if he just signed whatever paperwork he was told to sign. You can't just do that to the POTUS and that applies to Trump at least as much as it applies to Biden. That's the standard you're setting and consider that one of the POTUS' jobs is to be in charge of the military.
That's not something you can set standards for and then ignore them. Biden stole classified information as a Senator and stored it in his garage since then, the standards have to apply to him as well. There's also Hillary, Mike Pence and probably others, none of whom actually claimed to hold the office of the Presidency. Hillary and Pence's status was probably specific as First Lady and Veep, but ignore that for the moment.
By pretending to be POTUS, Biden is part of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the same rules that apply to the lowest-ranking newbies. If he gets to ignore it, they get to ignore him. That makes war with Russia difficult, not to mention imposing your will on the populous, but there's still a lot of men-with-guns out there who are really pissed off at him and have already organized.
This is probably just blind hope on my part, hoping that something is being done against our tyrants. One the one hand, they could have done this two years ago, but on the other hand, it is a very long and complicated task. Biden's already surrounded by his sycophants and forces like antifa, not to mention whatever China or the WHO have sent in. So it's not quick fix. Hell, it may not even be happening at all, but I've got nothing else.
Half of Illegals Flooding New York City Are Not Vaccinated Against Potentially Deadly Poliovirus
April 17, 2023
Biden’s Push for Biometric Measuring “Smart Guns” Is Quietly Taking Shape
April 16, 2023
Democrats continue to be annoyed by Dianne Feinstein. She won't quit her job and she can't be replaced on committees without 60 Senators voting to dump the bitch. Obviously there are quite a few Republicans who would vote to help Democrats as much as possible, but getting that many votes would still be difficult. Feinstein and Fetterman were the Democratic majority and Mitch McConnell is still out sick too.
This is where innovative Democrats could speak out. It obviously wouldn't apply to the Senate as a whole, but the leaders of the party could vote for a rule that all members of their party has to get out of office once they reach a certain age. That could work, they've got a lot more young Democrats than old ones, don't they? Just make it a new party rule that you have to get out of office immediately if you've had your 72nd birthday. That's a fair age, right? Make it 75 if you really want to.
Ok, that would be 16 Senators and 37 in the House with five having their 75th birthday parties this year. Of those, 42 of them are Democrats and that's not counting people like Bernie Sanders. So if the Democrat Party really gets together and wants to send off those old farts, they might even inspire the Republicans to do the same thing.
Ok, there are a couple problems. The old fogies might not want to leave and they're the ones in charge of the party, so it might be hard to pass a rule that they oppose. But that's what inspiring the next generation is all about, isn't it? Democrats always say they want to do that so, here you go. Set the example.
Here Is What They Won’t Tell Children About Trans Surgery: No Ejaculations, No Typical Climax, Excretions from Skene’s Glands, Bizarre-Looking Penis, Very Atypical Orgasms
April 17, 2023
□ [“Biden Calls a Lid First Thing This Morning, Hasn’t Been Seen in Days Since Returning From Ireland"]
Spending most of his time on a plane, then taking the weekend off, then first thing to do Monday morning is say nothing else will be done today. How encouraging that is. Even if you pretend to respect Biden, the fact that he just quits right away should be disturbing. This will fight inflation how? This will stop Russia how? This promotes the transexual virus how? Everybody else can see these problems which are much worse after he took charge, but he's just going away.
Someone suggested that this is why he has Hunter around now and keeps him nearby for public appearances, as one of the few people he remembers and can still recognize. That's extremely believable and a sign of how degraded our nation's leadership has become. Probably can't have his daughter around anymore, she's busy doing drugs and won't shower with him anymore.
The other two kids are dead, although I hadn't realized that Naomi died as a 1-year old in the same car crash with Biden's first wife, Neilia, right before his career got really going. He had been elected to the Senate but hadn't taken office yet.
Anyway, this is one reason I don't really believe that there's an impersonator in place. They'd want to keep him from looking worse on an ongoing basis. It could be debated if they should make him look better but the whole point would be to keep him from looking worse, so an actual impersonator would be the same as having the real Biden. Or having him on vacation, but you get my point.
Dazed and Confused Fetterman Returns to Capitol Hill After 2-Month Absence Looking Like a Slob
April 17, 2023
NY Announces Arrests of Two New Yorkers for Conspiring to Act as Chinese Agents
April 17, 2023
□ [“Disney Lost Over a Quarter of a Billion Dollars on Two Woke Failures in 2022"]
This is just two movies from a year ago, obviously they've had plenty of other failures since then. Disney is a perfect example of why I think these things are being done deliberately because there's no other reason to keep pushing this nonstop. If you spend hundreds of millions of dollars to make a movie, it has to be a movie people will pay to see, and they keep failing at that. Considering the economy, movies really are luxury items, so maybe it's a bad idea to spend that much to make one in the first place. But if you do and you insist on making it "woke," it's a guaranteed failure. That goes for all the other movies in your franchise.
Something can be done about it. Warner Bros. made a point of cancelling
and it was basically finished. We can only speculate why cancelling it was a better option than just putting it out and letting it be forgotten. So why is Disney having these problems? As far as I know, animation takes more time to produce than live-action movies, but considering most of their big-budget failures are cgi anyway, that's not very convincing. Disney's style is different than other studios, ok, but wouldn't someone somewhere be able to say they should make movies that appeal to people?
To an extent, they can hide this by putting it on the tv networks, but that doesn't really help. It gets publicity but one Disney outlet paying another Disney outlet for the rights to a Disney product isn't bringing any money in. There's also the fact that they aren't coming up with any characters that work for toys or whatever other media they have, video games or something.
Would people be willing to see this movie if it wasn't part of a large franchise? If the answer is 'no,' then cancel production now. Or make the "woke" employees pay for production out of their own pockets. You can even point out that they'll get to keep the profits, but that still requires a movie people want to see. For some reason, leeches never think of that.
So that's why I think this is part of the plan, even though I can't imagine what the plan is. No one anywhere is going to say 'stop' and until that happens, they'll keep going down.
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