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09 April, 2023
Me-sa thinken that new Star Wars movie will be poo-doo! Prova me wrong!
Parents Are Turning to Easter Potatoes Due to High Egg Prices
April 8, 2023
Andrew Cuomo Facing New Lawsuit Over Nursing Home Deaths During COVID
April 8, 2023
□ [“Years After ‘Scr*w Your Freedom’ Statement, Arnold Schwarzenegger Issues Public Apology: 'I’m Sorry for Saying Those Words'"]
He's a rich and famous politician, attacking people's freedoms is just automatic for them. He will never defend anyone else's rights. He's one of the people who made be realize that a lot of Democrats self-identify as Republicans. You can say it's California, what else could Republicans do, but look at how he opposes freedom without the slightest hesitation, not to mention spending money, banning guns and fossil fuels and all the other leftist stereotypes.
He also led me to start wondering about the leftist gay movement, given that gay men usually try to look good for other men, especially if they're social climbers. Arnold started out as a European weight lifter and would marry a Kennedy. No proof obviously but if he's not actually in the cult himself, he knows a lot who are.
He's on the side who pretends cloth can stop a virus and promoting the poison-vaccine because people will die if he doesn't. People have been dying from exactly that and all he can say is that he should have communicated better about how to remove other people's freedoms. That's what he's been doing his whole life, he's not going to change now.
Trump Cheered At UFC Miami Event, Crowd Breaks Into “USA! USA!” Chant
April 8, 2023
□ [“French President Macron: Europe Must Reduce Its Dependence on United States"]
This is what he got from out of trying to convince China to turn against its ally Russia and save Ukraine. All that fossil fuel he burned and this is the only result he's willing to tell the world about, that they need to get away from the US. What does Ukraine get out of that? He could have done that on the telephone!
I pointed out just a few days ago that he wouldn't get anything from this except getting away from those annoying Paris riots. I'm probably not the only one who saw this coming but I'm not on the French payroll. Even worse, falls back on the old idea that Europe needs to be a "third superpower," and adding a new stupid phrase, “strategic autonomy.” That was the sort of rhetoric they used decades ago when they were making a "European Union," look how that worked out. They can't even get Ukraine to join and they'd been talking about that since 2005, although for some reason they suddenly applied for membership at the end of February 2022.
All he did was prove that he's as much a pawn of China as Biden is, or at least a tool of whoever's really running these things. Was this always the point of the trip or was he really going for further instructions? If there were any real French left, they'd be getting the guillotine ready for him, but his people got rid of them a long time ago.
Biden’s Digital Reelection Strategy: Deploy ‘Army of Influencers’ Who Will Have Their Own Briefing Room at White House
April 9, 2023
□ [“Budweiser Has New Ad with Dylan Mulvaney Since the Last One Did So Well"]
The *why* they're doing something so stupid and just doubling down on it has been figured out. The Human Rights Campaign, obviously named after Hillary, is behind it. It's a non-profit advocacy group founded in 1980 which has been pushing itself deeper and deeper into Democrats and businesses ever since.
In 2002, they started a Corporate Equality Index (CEI) to judge businesses on whatever social matters they made up at the moment. Not being elected or having any actual role in the business, the CEI score affects a businesses public appearance and is part of the Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) “ethical investing” movement.
It definitely affects laws, Biden has vetoed a Republican bill to eliminated ESG investments. There's little doubt that other regulations are affected by this group, things that normal people never hear about but are quite relevant to operating a business, particularly one big enough to show up on CEI scales.
This is how fascism works, the government imposes its will on so-called "private industry." They have to obey or else, and what the customers actually want is completely irrelevant. Don't know if it's true, but I've heard Budweiser is doing quite well in the stock market these days, despite advertising that their customers should look elsewhere for beer. The rulers are giving orders and getting paid for it to push this leftist agenda no matter how much gets torn down in the process.
It's about destroying everything that gets in the way of their bully tactics. They get massive funding by groups like BlackStone and George Soros to censor anybody who says anything they don't like. How long until businesses start advertising that they refuse to take part in things like this? It would get them a lot more customers, although it may have to be an underground market.
□ [“Merchandiser Claims No One is Buying Anheuser-Busch Products"]
Anecdotal but amusing. He gets paid to sell Anheuser products so he won't be able to feed his family if customers don't start buying. I certainly hope more products are getting hit by this. I glimpse at the beer section in stores when I pass by but that doesn't tell me anything. It may have been completely empty five minutes before I walked in but someone restocked it.
One thing that would definitely help is if most people start looking for more local sources of food, and other requirements for that matter. I would assume a lot more people are planting gardens this year than in previous decades because they don't know how long the grocery stores will be open. If I was able to do that, I would. [I live in apartment. I also can't start an indoor garden although I was surprised to see how productive that could be.]
One possibility that could be looked into is, not exactly a collective garden, but employment of that sort. I don't know how it would work with feet on the ground, but there should be a way where people can help the garden owner produce food and get paid in food. No idea how it could be worked out or who is trustworthy. Maybe write down a given dollar value for each hour worked and in the autumn, the worker is paid in crops for the total number of hours worked.
It wouldn't take long to start growing grains and hops to make beer either. Just a thought. Feed your family and get paid for it.
Transgender” Terrorist Who Wanted to Blow Up Colorado Middle School is an Avowed Communist and Deranged Trump Hater – Planned More School Attacks
April 9, 2023
HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Says Biden Regime will Ignore Trump-Appointed Judge’s Abortion Pill Ruling
April 9, 2023
Two Florida Black Women Arrested After Livestreaming Themselves Taunting and Abusing Elderly Woman with Dementia
April 9, 2023
‘Yeah, I Was Wrong’: Dr. Anthony Fauci Says He Was ‘Misled’ on Masks, Should Have Made People Wear Them Earlier
April 9, 2023
For some reason, I'm still paying attention to the announcement of new
Star Wars
movies. Not sure why, it's not like I have any interest in seeing them, but I've been thinking about them lately. It's quite possible Disney just needed to announce something to cover for the CEI score. That's totally believable. There's also the fact that they really don't look good these days, having destroyed some of the most profitable franchises in history, so they need to at least pretend they're making good decisions.
The actress playing Rey Palpatine [congrats to whoever came up with that joke] hasn't had much of a career other than these movies so it's understandable why she'd come back, but to do what? She already knows everything and never fails, so what's the point of telling yet another very expensive story about her? They could add a plot, maybe that would help.
It's also amazing how much credit the prequels are now getting. Hate to admit it but they did have an actual story. The characters had goals, they faced problems. Thinking about it, they didn't really change, Anakin grew older in between the first and second but otherwise he was ready to be Darth Vader pretty early on and just needed an excuse. But still, there was actually something going on which are not happening in any of these later movies, at least the few I've seen.
Disney can pump out product but they aren't producing anything that makes it worth watching, and only devote fans even bother to see it once. It's not just them, this seems to be happening across pop culture these days but it still makes no sense. That's not how to great a good movie, or any art form for that matter.
Rutgers Study Reveals Shocking Increase in LGBTQ Intimate Partner Violence During COVID-19
April 9, 2023
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