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03 July, 2023
Ray! When someone asks you if you want Rococo Coffee, you say YES!
BlackRock and JPMorgan to Collaborate with Ukrainian Government Establish Reconstruction Bank for Massive Private Investment
July 2, 2023
□ [“Macron Wants Platforms To Delete Riot Content, Blames Social Media and Video Games For Riot Spread"]
As with Ukraine, there's always an excuse for censorship and no leftist has the slightest complaint. The white man in charge gets to censor what he wants and everyone else just has to obey. Seriously, video games? People don't burn down buildings because of video games and this is deliberately avoiding their actual reasons. We saw that with BLM, which leftists totally supported.
One thing that's obvious is that our rulers really believe everybody else is a puppet who is easy to manipulate. That suggests their followers are exactly that and they assume everyone else is as well. Unfortunately they do have a sizeable number of real-life supporters, not just 'bots, so the question from there becomes what the percentage of that kind really is.
This would also explain the eagerness with which they project their own beliefs onto others, insisting that the people they hate are the ones who actually believe these evil things. Then there's the instant acceptance of totalitarianism everywhere. You know, what they accuse their enemies of wanting.
It just seems like it should be easy to determine who is or isn't one of these people. Who actually thinks banning video games is a sensible idea that will work for, well, anything? You think they'd just immediately start lying, 'no, of course I don't want to ban video games' [social media, political parties, religion, elections, etc.] but how would they work themselves into such a view that contradicts what they just supported? How would they explain it to themselves?
I don't think I'll ever come up with an answer to these questions but I'll keep trying. Someone has to.
Outgoing CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Delivers Final Message: ‘Be on Guard Against Misinformation and the Politicization of Science’
July 3, 2023
□ [“After 6 Days of Rioting and 700 Injured Cops, Patriots Take to the Streets in France: 'Blue, White, Red: France Belongs to the French!'"]
And cheese belongs to cheese-eating surrender monkeys, what's your point? The French leaders have had almost a week to stop the riots and haven't bothered. They're not interested in preventing the violent rioters or punishing anyone who burned down buildings. It's the French men and women opposing this who will be punished.
They can't vote their way out of this. The only way this is going to work is if they're really willing to fight and, come on, this is France. I was expecting Brazil to stand up for liberty a few months ago and that didn't work out. Then there's the way Americans haven't been willing to fight the tyrants. But France has been at the heart of the European Union for our entire lifetime and that's not counting the precedents.
So as much as I'd like to hear about the French revolting against their masters, I don't have high expectations for this. That said, I do expect this to start happening on a major scale at some point, so I'll be happy to be wrong and find out this was it.
Furious Airline Passengers Rage at Pete Buttigieg as They Face Holiday Travel Nightmare
July 3, 2023
□ [“Poland and Hungary Oppose EU’s Immigration Plan – Countries Demand All Decisions Be Made Unanimously"]
They do know how actual tyranny works and they don't like it. Especially multi-nation tyranny. Their experience comes from their next-door neighbor, the same country that the EU is so eager to fight right now. That's not a good look for the EU, and it doesn't help that they're so eager to replace their citizens with more subservient types.
This causes some problems, how can the EU force nations to obey? Or for that matter, are Poland and Hungary actually protecting their borders to make sure the wrong time aren't getting in? Given the Paris riots, every nation in Europe must be worried about what might happen if they don't conform to their conquerors' demands. It's not like they have a major record of permitting the citizens to be armed.
Requiring decisions to be made unanimously is just another form of collectivism, they aren't going to work, they waste time and gives everyone the chance to work out the real plans in secret. America's founding fathers had to work that out and, whatever criticism to make of their decisions, they did work out how their successors could get the most use out of majority/minority votes. Obviously the EU hasn't really learned that yet and it looks like the lesson won't be coming any time soon.
Robert De Niro’s Aspiring Actor Grandson Found Dead at 18 In Luxury NYC Apartment
July 3, 2023
□ [“Bud Light Glass Bottling Contractor Forced to Shut Down Plants Due to Tanking Sales, Leaving 600 Employees Jobless"]
We're still watching all these companies double-down on going broke. These are just the big companies with the most publicity but it sounds like a lot more businesses are having the same problems. I get the need to keep their "ESG" score high but seriously, how can none of them see the obvious problem here?
Business and marketing are all college graduates so they're devoted to *woke*? Ok, that's actually pretty believable. None of them started out in the lower-class jobs so they have no experience there, they paid for a piece of paper and then went straight to making decisions for the whole company for a big paycheck. I'm simplifying the description a bit but that's basically it, right?
It all comes down to 'just make a product that people won't pay for,' whether we're talking about the gay beer or Lucasfilm, the people in charge are unanimously in favor of doing this, no matter how many low-class employees they have to fire. The public opinion is getting further and further into the 'I don't care if these companies are destroyed' mentality and there's probably a significant amount of 'let's make sure they're destroyed, personally.' That's why going on strike is the best option because the companies will have nothing to rely on except being *woke* which does nothing for anyone.
UFC Fighter Anthony Smith Reveals He Developed Blood Clot Following mRNA COVID Vaccine, Claims His Mother Died After Pfizer Booster Shot
July 3, 2023
□ [“Pete Buttigieg on Recent Flight Cancelations: 'Most Passengers Understand That No One Can Control the Weather'"]
Most passengers also remember when airlines were able to handle weather and still keep the planes operational. Then you took over and that went away. Most passengers realize that there's a connection between these two things but not you, you'll ignore the obvious so you can justify being in charge and getting well paid for abject failure. Weather has existed for a long time but you know nothing about that.
Of course he believes that we can somehow change the climate and nobody dares disagree with him on that. The people in this administration are even working on a plan to block the sun to, well, change the weather, among other things. If that isn't control, what is it?
How long until basically all long-distance transportation shuts down? Sooner or later, they're going to force us to stay at home, at best with walking-distance to move around, so when can we expect them to do this? I would assume they'll have to do it everywhere at once, otherwise a resistance movement would have a chance of, well, moving. That needs to be nipped in the bud so the question is when are they going to do it?
AI Companies Negotiate Landmark Deals To Train Chatbots On MSM News
July 3, 2023
Jen Psaki Tries to Scare Muslim Parents Who Oppose Transgender Ideology
July 3, 2023
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