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31 July, 2023
We'd do better without President Trump if you bought some Rococo Coffee. But you don't. This is all your fault.
Pee-wee Herman, actor, age 70
July 30, 2023
Devon Archer Testifies Joe Biden Was Put On Speakerphone Over 20 Times During Business Meetings
July 31, 2023
□ [“Annual COVID Shots Expected, Much Like Flu Shots, Says New CDC Director"]
How do these people get so brainwashed to fall for this without hesitation? Nobody noticed Swine Flu and that was a "national emergency" too. That was 2009, what changed in the next decade? These viruses are basically only dangerous if you're old *and* fat *and* unhealthy. There's no excuse to inject untested chemicals, but these people have been demanding that must be done to everyone. They don't like others having consent either.
Doesn't have the slightest interest in all the young, unhealthy people dropping dead, which didn't happen before they got the vaccine. They're making it official policy and it's unlikely they're going to tolerate dissent like with the flu shots. They can do whatever they want to government property and that's what you are.
Haven't heard anything from the people who didn't want the shot but only got it because they didn't want to be fired or otherwise punished. Unfortunately, that's probably how it will go. A lot of people just go along, whether or not they agree with what's being imposed. I'd like to think there's a point where they'll stop and take sides, but it's unlikely. But I'm more interested in the people who didn't get involved. I hope they're organized and I wish they were vocal, because they're the ones we'll all rely on soon.
Dancing Shirtless Man Pumping Gas in New York Stabbed to Death by Offended Muslim
July 31, 2023
□ [“White House Scandal Spox Calls on Republicans to 'Drop These Stunts' After Devon Archer House Committee Interview: 'Evidence-Free Wild Goose Chase'"]
Just another way to say 'fire the prosecutor or you aren't getting the money.' I still assume this won't go anywhere but it might really be demonstrating who is stupid enough to believe this administration, and everybody else who knew they were scum before all this came out, and it's only getting started.
Five or ten years ago, did anybody think of Joe Biden as the head of a criminal family to rake in money? He's too stupid for that. The Clintons, sure. Obama, probably. Probably a few others although I'm blanking on any definite names we'd have thought of, at least back then. But now all of this is coming out and it's just one guy testifying about one family member of one politician. There's absolutely no way Biden the only one taking part in this, especially given how rich congressmen get *after* they get to DC.
So of course nothing will happen. This is probably just a distraction, although there's a chance it's about getting this sort of info out to the public. The uniparty members will all die in their mansions, it's the rest of us who get to suffer.
Unvaccinated Green Beret Pressured to Leave the Army
July 31, 2023
□ [“Biden Gets a New Script: 'I have 7 Grandkids! Every Day, I Either Text Them Or Call Them!'"]
No he doesn't. He couldn't even name the ones he's accepted, he probably wouldn't know if a day has gone buy without any contact with them, there's no chance he knows the name of the one he'd rejected for her entire life. We all appreciate that she didn't have to put up with him in any way but it's still just a stupid lie he's pushing out to the media.
I assume it's for publicity reasons. He looks really stupid for not acknowledging her existence in the slightest up until now. Child-support was agreed on two and a half years ago, half the girl's life, yet that didn't change anything for him. Hunter sued last year to reduce the payments but that's not the same thing. There were only six stockings on the fireplace last Christmas in the Biden family's pix.
But the media just goes along with it. It sorta makes Biden look bad to have no interest in any family member who doesn't bring in money. He's not being asked when he'll meet her for the first time, much less a question about how long it's been since Hunter did cocaine. That's completely irrelevant to this healthy family.
“Kill the Boer…The Farmer!” – South African Political Leader Calls for to Execute White People - Massive Crowd Dances and Echoes His Cries
July 31, 2023
□ [“NBC News: Only a Crazy Person Would Believe You Can Change Your Race By Wishing It So and Putting on Different Clothes"]
I've wondered how long until this started happening. If you can make up your own gender, you can certainly make up your own skin color and the only thing that could stop people from doing that is the fact that Democrats need the black vote. Given how eager they are to eliminate whites, there's a lot of incentive for people to start switching their skin color. We've seen that for the last several decades with their desire to eliminate men.
It's believable that people are going to try. On the plus side, there won't be any new world records set in sports, but the statistics for blacks in school will rise quite a bit. And nobody's going to be stupid enough to go the other direction, although there will always be people like Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren.
Pretty sure the media isn't just making up this nonsense to kill airtime. There are people who see this as their best option - for a job maybe? - to pick a different skin color and anyone looking at them can see they aren't. So they're going to need to stamp it down before it gets too far. But odds are, that's just going to give it more publicity and there's a lot of desperate people out there. Soon there will be people trying to get into the 'blacks only' sections and that's going to cause problems.
Raw Vegan ‘Influencer’ Dies of Starvation Caused By Her Diet
July 31, 2023
□ [“WSJ: Climate Change Alarmism Is ‘a Real Mental Disorder"]
Well, yes. It's as far as collectivism can get. If we'd had a working space program for decades and were growing colonies on other planets, there would be some brand-new problem that did the same thing. "Solar cooling" where our spaceships were making the sun run out of energy too soon and we'd all die in ten years if we didn't stop using them and convert to the new ones invented by A.I. Gore.
This is the most extreme form of self-obsession and delusion. We all live on earth and so we'll say that's more important than anything else and everybody else who lives here needs to agree with me. It's also a way of separating oneself from one's inferiors, i.e. everybody else. I know best so I'm going to use fossil fuels to go around and say nobody else can use them.
Then there's just the fact that they have to put up with all these inferiors every single day. Al Gore just announced that there needs to be less farming, insuring more people die of starvation. It's not like he has to go without. He's old, rich and white so naturally he's superior to the rest of us.
So in the meantime they'll focus on imposing their will upon everybody else through every possible means. Schools, employment, what products we're required to buy. Every tyranny needs their subjects to be obsessed with the rulers and that's what they've been able to do with this earth-worship. I think it really comes from the same source as worshipping demons but "mental disorder" qualifies as a convenient similar term.
Distributors Have Given Up on Bud Light Ever Recovering From Dylan Mulvaney Debacle
July 31, 2023
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