21 December, 2022

If you want a green hat, call now! Operators are standing by!

Virginia Democrat Mayor Orders Crew To Dig Up Body of Confederate General AP Hill
December 20, 2022

Taliban Bans Women From Afghan Universities
December 20, 2022

Brazil’s First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro Leads Patriots in Prayer – “Camouflage Santa Coming for Christmas”
December 21, 2022

“It’s a Crisis” – Massive Increase in Norway Deaths Forces Funeral Homes to Store the Dead in Garage
December 21, 2022

□ [“Biden Admin Used Taxpayer Money to Pay Foreign Reporters to ‘Promote Climate Alarmism Around the World’"]

Are they bribing foreign media because domestic media will do that for free?  So does this say that our media is real cheap or that foreign media isn't stupid enough to fall for this?  Probably the former, the other media falls for enough as it is.

It at least keeps them from asking questions like 'why do you use so much earth-killing fuel to travel around the world when you could be staying home?'  Or 'why don't you just invent fuel sources that don't depend on China and Russia to provide everything?'

The rulers are obviously using US money to fund their organizations around the world and it's probably not limited to things like these.  They've gotten away with complaining about global warming for half-a-century and have never had to give up their own use of fossil fuels, why stop now?

Biden Announces Additional $1.85 Billion in Military Aid to Ukraine as Zelensky Arrives to Red-Carpet Welcome
December 21, 2022

Britons told to avoid "risky activity" as ambulance workers strike
December 21, 2022

□ [“Marine Corps Could Axe 'Sir' and 'Ma’am' Over Gender Neutrality Worries"]

And nobody was ever afraid of the Marine Corps ever again.  The end.

What would it take to set up an alternate military force?  It would have to be done on the cheap and quiet, but given how hard the armed services are finding re-enlistment, it probably wouldn't be hard to find volunteers.  It might take a while but hell, even Afghanistan was able to beat us, so it can definitely be done.

At the same time, they're trying to get to war with Russia.  It's like they think it's all a video game.  That's not how a military works and it never will be.

["China's Crematoria Are Overflowing but CCP Authorities Say Only Seven Were COVID Deaths"]

And this is how our rulers want it here.  They can kill as many people as they want and lie to themselves about the cause of death.

Here's some speculation, just for the fun of it.  Pretend, for the sake of argument, that yes, the virus and vaccine were all deliberately planned to kill people.  Would it be possible to have secret agents in place to make that happen who could aim it at the very people who support massive decrease in population?

It would probably be impossible to confine the deaths only to leftists, but think about it.  Who's most vulnerable to the virus?  Fat, old, unhealthy people.  Can't throw a dead cat without hitting fat unhealthy leftists [try it sometime, by the way.  It's fun!] and they're all going to get old.  Near as I can tell, it's not just being fat or old or unhealthy, it's a mix of the three.  So ok, there's some targets for the death plans.

And then who's the most devoted to the vaccine?  The same liberals who pushed it in the first place, especially once they could get all these different models and boosters and show how proud they were of themselves for going along with it.  Meanwhile everyone else might reluctantly get one, if they would even do that much.  They'd be the smarter and healthier ones, more likely to survive the poison.

It's not that the problems would be solved, it's that the biggest problems would eliminate themselves by promoting what they believe is the winning formula.  The secret agents would probably help them seize so much power that they essentially suffocate themselves.

I know, I made all this up, but it's still fun to think about stuff like this.

“Unexpected”: MRNA Vaccines Increase Risk of Contracting COVID-19; Each Booster Shot Raises Risk Even More in Study of 51,000 Cleveland Clinic Workers
December 21, 2022

Biden Regime Forbids US Border Patrol Officials from Releasing Total Daily Illegal Alien Apprehensions on Social Media
December 21, 2022

Zelensky Arrives to DC in Red Carpet Welcome; Preparing to Tell Congress That the $45 Billion in New Aid is “Not Enough”
December 21, 2022

□ [“Biden Forgets Russia Invaded Ukraine in 2014 During Joint Presser with Volodymyr Zelensky"]

“We’ve never seen a major invasion of a European country since World War II.”

Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, after World War II!  Was that the previous biggest invasion of a European country since World War II?  Where was Biden in 2014 that he'd pay so little attention to what was going on in Europe?  I guess it wasn't a big deal, just ignore it, that's what he did.

If he wasn't getting paid for it, Zelensky wouldn't want anything to do with Biden.  As the saying goes, he ain't leaving here in six hours without the money.  This probably applies to everybody else around him.  But because they're getting paid, they have no intention to say how idiotic he is, to his face or to the media.  Probably applies to the little girls who are always around him, they're getting something from it, if you know what I mean.

This isn't even counting the 78 days the US spent bombing Serbia only a few decades ago.  Guess Biden doesn't remember that either.  For that matter, how come none of the lectures about Ukraine include the dozens of brand-new genders who aren't being represented, or the covid virus that they aren't vaccinated for?

NAACP President: All I Want for Christmas Is Donald Trump in Handcuffs
December 21, 2022

Appeals Court Rules Biden Regime Cannot Enforce Covid Vaccine Mandate on Federal Contractors
December 21, 2022

□ [“McConnell: 'Providing Assistance For Ukrainians to Defeat the Russians is the Number One Priority for the United States Right Now'"]

This is just another example of the uniparty-in-action.  I just passed through another article where McConnell is talking about how wonderful Mitt Romney is.  I don't know how or why but these are people who are totally involved with our leftist rulers and they're the ones pushing for World War 3.

The Number One priority for the USA is taking care of the USA which our rulers are destroying.  You are completely ignoring that insanity and tyranny and misery, all to focus on two countries that have been fighting each other for hundreds of years.  They aren't the problem, you are the problem!

Why won't you just put 'war with Russia' up to a vote, since everybody in Congress agrees on this and that's what you're doing anyway?  That would at least show whether this is a New World Order front or if you actually mean it.  Otherwise you're just driving people away and stealing their money.

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