23 February, 2023

You could have done this nice and easy, but now... You have to order some Rococo Coffee...

Youngest Canadian doctor dies suddenly at age 25, was forced to take three Covid vaccines in Medical School
February 21, 2023

□ [“Pete Buttigieg Sneaks Into East Palestine at 7 AM"]

Did he spend all this time biking or did he use earth-killing fossil fuels to get there?  Just a couple days ago, he said he was taking "personal time."  How did that work out?  Did that personal time finally give him a clue what he could to do help?  Because he said a while ago he'd actually bring in help when he finally got around to visiting, not like Trump.

But he does keep focusing on that 2015 congressional law which is somehow responsible for Republicans making this happen.  My guess is that the rulers used the near-strike by railroad workers to force the workers to obey, now they say the companies owe them.

□ [“White House Says Biden Has No Plans to Visit Ohio Derailment Site, Despite Having Plenty of Time to Visit Ukraine"]

Three weeks later, he's only now getting around to claiming he'll set up some group to provide aid.  How many have died while waiting for him?  He's just waiting for the NWO to take over, he already answers to them anyway.  Russia and China can see this.

Seattle Rethinks ‘Defunding the Police’ as Homicide Rises by 24 Percent
February 22, 2023

NY Times Editorial Board Member Questions Free Speech on Internet: ‘I don’t think we can allow it to go on’
February 23, 2023

□ [“Fashion Designer Whose Luggage Went Missing in Washington DC, Then Saw Sam Brinton Swanning Around In Her Hand-Made Clothes"]

This is getting some attention.  Not sure it'll do any good, but at least it's a bit of entertainment before the world collapses.  Brinton stole a black woman's clothes in 2018.  He'll get away with it because that's what he does.  The woman contacted the FBI who haven't done anything whatsoever to help for five years, why would they start now?

How many other creatures has Biden appointed who can just take whatever they want?  That's example they want to set, so there's probably a lot of them.  Some of them may even self-identify as a real gender, or even know what a "woman" is.  Ok, not many, but I'm sure a few do.

But they can't all be acting like small, stupid children every minute of the day.  Some of them must know better, and they're the ones filling the ruling class with these creatures.  What we can be certain about is that, no matter how many of these things get caught stealing from us, none of them will ever regret it.  There will be no public statement that they were wrong to do so, no shame, no learning experience.  He might send back the stolen clothes, just to avoid future lawsuits, but that's about it.

Travel Hell: More Than 1,600 Flights Canceled Amid Winter Storms… Blizzard Warning Issued For Los Angeles!
February 22, 2023

“Can’t Even Follow Simple Walking Directions” – In Poland Biden Wandered Off Again – Had to Be Redirected
February 23, 2023

Train Plows Through 18-Wheeler In New York State
February 23, 2023

Five Environmentalists Flying to Ohio Die In Plane Crash – Worked For Company Testing Water In East Palestine, Ohio
February 23, 2023

□ [“Hunter Biden Misses Midnight Deadline to Turn Over Business Records to Oversight Committee – Subpoenas Coming"]

Big deal, this won't make a difference.  The rulers have made it very clear that laws don't apply to them and they can ignore any order they want.  They don't even have to claim this is being made-up by evil right wingers because Hunter's business dealings, drug and sex addiction and family problems have been known for a long time.

It's quite possible that this is just leftists who self-identify as Republicans are pretending that they want to do something about this.  Maybe there are some actual Americans pushing for this but they're a small minority.  They'd have to actually do something for this to be relevant.

If the world doesn't fall apart soon *and* the tyrants don't continue to expand their power *and* everything else continues as normal, this will go on for many years.  Eventually Hunter will have to give up something but that'll be enough for Congress, no matter who runs in.  He'll spend the rest of his life in mansions with drugs and children, only taking breaks to get more money from Ukraine or China or whoever.

□ [“'This is a Nightmare': New Brazillian Law Would Imprison Those Who Refuse Mandatory Covid 'Vaccination'"]

Which the NWO will love and immediately impose on the rest of the world.  They've got full-info on everyone who got the poison, so they'll know who didn't.  Sure, they get full access to all computers so they'll know everything about the rest of us, but you get my point.  They'll know who the targets are and they're looking forward to imprisoning anyone who doesn't comply.

It's basically 'kill or be killed.'  Why are more people not standing up for this?  It's not going to go any better.  Another term that comes to mind is 'street justice.'  That's going to happen no matter what, the question is who's on which side?

That's why I keep pushing for a resistance movement, and pointing out that going on strike is the best way to start, so that those of us who want freedom can recognize the others and see who to work with.  They want us in chains and jails to the extent they don't want us dead, so we need to push back.

Trump Blames Obama Administration for Launching the Ukraine Coup in 2014
February 23, 2023

Has something happened to concert ticket prices?  I have finished my time going to those, but from what I hear, new tours from any name are ridiculously expensive.  Haven't actually checked to be sure but the anecdotes I've heard make it sound quite bad.

They really really need to keep poor people from getting in.  Even the cheapest seats are out of their range, and that's not counting snacks, parking, taxes, etc.  All this so you can hear a decades-old song about being a poor man making his way in the world?  What kind of people are stupid enough to go with that?

There's very few acts that I can get the point of saying 'I went to see them just to say I did.'  I assume other people have different preferences, but the prices are still ridiculous enough to make that pointless.  You could just watch them on the internet for a lot cheaper.

In fact, why don't they do that?  Less expenses and travelling.  Why not just put a 5$ price for a video of a concerts where everybody's in the front row?  The effect would be the same and probably just as profitable.

They're probably making up some money for not touring the last couple of years but that also means they didn't have to spend money on equipment, transport, employees, etc.  I am wondering if part of the reason is that they're funding money to the NWO.  I've also noticed that they have the exact same excuse Bernie Sanders is using for his ticket prices, "I have nothing to do with it!"

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