15 July, 2023

"I will not comply"

So far they're all British but I've just seen several recent videos, ordinary citizens taking selfies to say "I withdraw my consent to be governed by any corrupt, compromised, belligerent criminal parliament or government.  I will not comply."

Good start, we need more.  We'll get more, no doubt about that, but then what?  We need a resistance and we'll probably need a sequel to the Declaration of Independence.  This goes in line with the strike I've been advocating, but it's still a question of how it will work.  As I've said before, I think our most immediate requirement is for people with senior-leadership experience to just start giving orders.

There's the 'tell us what to do' need that I've been trying to think out.  First of all, form a unit, a team, with those you work with.  Work out who's in charge, officially if not literally, a spokesman who will keep in contact with everyone on the team, including wives, children and whoever else lives with each member.  Get a list of names, addresses and contact info.  Make it a policy for everyone to text, email, visit, etc. on a regular basis to make sure they're all still alive.

I think the best method is to have a standard policy and then work out what exceptions have to be made.  That way you can figure out why this individual can't contact every day, or why they need some other form of contact, or whatever the exception is.  This is the normal rule, That is a good or bad reason why an individual can't follow it.

The next step is to figure out what skills and supplies the team has and what skills and supplies they don't have.  For the skills, how long does it take to train others on those skills?  That's where it might be helpful if children are present, because they'll need to be watched anyway, so there might be a way to teach them basic skills and training.  If a kid likes cars and is old enough, just have him start working with a mechanic.  If he wants to be a doctor, that will be tougher but start working on ways to start learning as soon as possible.

Then there's the supplies.  Everybody needs food and water, sooner or later we all need medicine.  Weapons, ammo, electricity, communication, computers, just to name a few things.  There's also just a need for knowledge about these things.  That might be one of the first tasks, just to start searching the internet for as much info as possible on these things and get a printed copy that can still be used if the internet is shut down.

So this is what the teams should be doing, organizing themselves as a formal unit.  This is who and where you are, start working out what you're going to do about it.  I come from a military background so that's where my inspiration is.  There's a commanding officer and various levels of subordinates.  Some people will have more leeway than others but you need to all agree on the same rules for everybody.

Skills and supplies are going to each have their own particular problems so start looking for who is the best at each task.  Some people take initiative, some people follow orders, some people like working on their own projects.  That's why senior leadership is needed because they've already had to deal with these differences and have learned.  It's also why I specify senior leadership.  I spent ten years in uniform, assigned to only one unit in all that time and had only two clerks, both of whom were awesome.  I might have learned something from other people's experiences but there's really nothing I can go on, especially compared to someone who actually went through senior leadership roles where you deal with different people at different levels for long periods of time and can see what goes right or wrong.

So then there's the question of how to maintain supplies, food, weapons, gasoline, etc.  That requires more people involved for transport and protection, as well as contacting other units for trade.  If we can get these teams started, I really think they will start growing.  More people will be inspired to help and they'll be able to bring in more skills and supplies.

There will be problems.  Theft is the one that comes to mind first but there will be others.  I can think of a few possible solutions such as a group of, effectively MPs, but there are obvious problems with those, how would everybody agree on the rules they're imposing and who's going to be members of that team?  And all this is without even considering what our rulers will do against us, the ones we refuse to comply with.

So the steps we need from senior leadership are:
1:  Form a team, keep in regular contact to assist each other.
2:  Determine what skills and supplies the team has and what more is needed.
3:  Get as much info as possible on skills and supplies and keep it in printed form.
4:  Develop communication, transport and protection with other teams.

And keep in mind that you're already surrounded by the enemy who thinks they're in charge and wants to reduce your population.  That's who we're here to fight, whatever it takes.

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