06 August, 2023

If we can't get the sharks with lasers on their heads, let's send Casey up to bat!

Mainstream Media Silent as Biden Purges 442 Reporters From White House
August 6, 2023

Wells Fargo Customers Rage Over Missing Deposits From Bank Accounts
August 5, 2023

When are they going to remake Bambi Meets Godzilla?

□ [“She Who Must Not Be Named:  Seattle Museum Scrubs Author JK Rowling From Harry Potter Display"]

I've never understood the need to purge creators from their work.  Even without political correctness, it just seems stupid.  This museum makes money from Rowling's work but refuses to acknowledge that because she has the wrong skin color or whatever the current excuse is.  They don't question that, they can't even see anything wrong with it.

It's like the work that they're going to take people's money to let them see just magically appeared one day, with no human involvement.  It's barely distinguishable from the notion that women just somehow become pregnant without any man.  It's Seattle so it's safe to assume they're fundamentally opposed to the use of money, which is why they charge money for customers to have any access to work by the creator they've purged.

That's the real lesson they're teaching, that they'll erase anyone from history for any reason.  If they pick some other reason in six months or five years, they'll still be as devoted to the purge.  After all, there's no chance of it happening to them because they never create anything.  They're the parasites who devour the host.

Woke U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Suffers Earliest World Cup Exit Ever After Kneeling to National Anthem
August 6, 2023

□ [“Democrat Rep. Connolly Says Americans Aren’t Buying ‘Bidenomics’ Because Joe Biden is 'Too Modest to Take Credit'"]

It's easy to find quotes of Biden demanding credit for the economy.  What he doesn't do is accept the blame.  The real reason no one is buying Bidenomics is because we don't have any money and that was obviously the point.  But we're the ones you're ignoring, as we can see by this guy sucking up the the people in charge about how wonderful everything is.

Are they deluded about the economy or just lying?  Probably both, but they're doing everything possible to remove the Dollar as the global currency.  I don't know enough about economics to know exactly what will happen, other than it will be bad, but this is what our rulers want.

It's just going to keep getting worse until we get rid of all of them.  There's no other way to put it.  The economy itself probably wouldn't be hard to repair, at least at a local level, if we have competent people, but it's not going to help if these people are any part of it.  We need to break away from them.

Doctor Coalition Sues California Medical Board for Insisting ‘White Individuals Are Naturally Racist’
August 6, 2023

□ [“PBS NewsHour Rolls Out ‘Climate Psychology Therapist’ to Help Calm ‘Climate Anxiety’"]

They've been manufacturing this problem just to damage people so badly that they have no other options except this government intervention for an imaginary crisis and an imaginary cure.  This has to be totally deliberate, causing this sort of damage.  Is this how an abuser behaves?  Something about this just seems familiar to all the other tropes of tyranny but I'm not sure which one.

This is also part of the cult, it's like they're trying to form an official government-based religion out of it.  They've been trying to build this for over 50 years now and there's been nothing to stop them.  Not even promising that the environment is permanently gone, nothing can be done, just go on with your lives.

It's not clear how this pseudo-religion works but whoever's in charge of it are responsible for the "new world order" where we're all required to be so damaged that we're helpless without this government-provided mental brainwashing.  It's another scene taking from 1984, where we can't get through a day unless we stare at the television to watch this show.

Trump Demands Recusal of Obama-Appointed Judge in Jan. 6 Case, 'No Way I Can Get A Fair Trial'
August 6, 2023

□ [“‘New Era’ Dawning as Joint China-Russia Warship Fleet Aggressively Approaches Alaska Coast"]

WWIII continues.  Are they going to send in more balloons or another virus?  It's not like our masters will have any objection, they're probably willing to give Alaska back to Russia without even getting a refund.  Don't recall if Russia and China have been doing any joint naval training recently but they're probably planning more.

□ [“War in West Africa: ECOWAS Ultimatum Expires on Sunday, May Prompt Military Intervention in Niger"]

It's also spreading in Africa.  Niger is asking Russia for help, which of course will further oppose whoever's running the US.  We're doing that in Syria too, which the US invaded in 2014 with no liberals complaining.  Then there's Taiwan which we're waiting for China to finally get around to invading.

The weird thing is that our rulers don't even admit this is going on, which basically guarantees that our side will lose.  My theory is that it's the "new world order" causing problems in every nation so that we have no choice but to obey them, but that's still not clear.  There's no declaration of war, there's not even an admission that WWIII is what they're doing, they're just keeping it happening without any mention.

NJ’s New ‘Equity Rules’ Place Children in Sex Ed Class Based on Gender Identity, Not Biology
August 6, 2023

□ [“Mitch McConnell Endures 5-Minute Heckling During Speech: ‘Retire’ and ‘Ditch Mitch’ Chants Overpower the Senator’s Address"]

This won't make a difference.  He's obviously part of the uniparty and doesn't need to pay attention to any voters.  He'll probably give up public speaking though, just to keep things like this from happening.  If you don't need voters, you don't need the public to see you at all.  Just say he'll freeze again for a speech, the public just has to obey.

He won't be retiring though, he'll stay in that seat until he's dead.  Just because he's old and weak doesn't mean it'll happen any time soon.  Everyone in the Senate will continue to support him, at least as long has he agrees with Joe Biden.  They don't work for us, you can tell just by watching McConnell.

What we need to acknowledge is that we don't obey them.  The same reason we have a Declaration of Independence, we do not submit to these tyrants.  The fact that nobody is pushing this does appear to be evidence that the populous is actually brainwashed somehow.  We're all pissed off and clearly only a minority actually support the rulers, so why aren't we standing up and getting away from them?  Don't just heckle McConnell, ignore him entirely.

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