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01 March, 2024
I could use a little help. Or a lot of help.
University of Florida Fires All DEI Employees
March 1, 2024
□ [“Leftist Activists and Illegals Storm Seattle City Council Meeting Demanding More Free Housing"]
This is just weird. They're already getting what they wanted and they're demanding more, chanting “no more money for the police” and “we need housing now.” I get that their ultimate goal is to overthrow the government - and put themselves in charge - but this seems like such a pointless waste of time.
Which suggests that they're just following orders and are probably paid to not give the matter any thought. Whoever's telling them to do this knows that they need to keep the masses busy or they'll get bored and leave. For all intents and purposes, these are military forces, and the people in charge probably have experience there. They need to keep giving new tasks and if they have to invent a stupid reason to protest, here they are.
But they're back to 'defund the police,' after spending the last few years pretending they'd never wanted that. It's quite possible the same people are involved - did Seattle have the same riots in 2020? - but this isn't even trying to lie about it. This is just childishly pretending to support something you pretended to oppose yesterday and supported the day before.
This all shows that not only are these people not really serious, but whoever's in charge knows this. They're working for the rulers and don't even know that, they think they're some sort of resistance movement, even as they publicly harass the city council so it has an excuse to ban the public from their meetings. Not sure how they'll keep illegal immigrants out, but they'll find a way.
Border Patrol Union Chief Goes Off on Biden Over Border Visit Location During News Conference
March 1, 2024
□ [“The Numbers Are In For The Damage Bud Light Boycott Did to Anheuser-Busch"]
$1.4 billion lost and it hasn't even been a year yet since they insisted on promoting transgender beer, sales down 9.5%. You'd think they'd at least have the decency to announce how glad they are to get rid of their customers, the ones their marketing executive said she wanted to get rid of.
But we can tell, as far as the well-paid executives are concerned, they did nothing wrong. There is absolutely nothing they would change about the last year, no matter how much it costs the company that pays them so much. As far as I can remember, they haven't even mentioned this great decision. The female marketing executive was kept on the payroll for a long time afterwards and might still be there.
This mindset is running all through big businesses and probably a lot of smaller ones, at least those that can survive as parasites on other companies. At least when the Edsel and New Coke were failures, the company admitted it. But they had tried to introduce a new product the customers didn't want. These companies are showing that customers are irrelevant except as subjects who must follow orders and you're going to believe in these made-up genders whether you like it or not.
There was some recent news about the trans creature that was paid very well to promote Bud Lite. It seems he's not doing well, which is understandable since he doesn't realize he's a he. Got plenty of money so that's not the issue. By now he could even get his penis chopped off if that's what he really wanted to do. Anyway, he's no longer getting all the attention he thinks he deserves, so he's very unhappy about that. Like he wasn't already.
“So We Get No Say?” – Wealthy Elites in Sanctuary City Boston Outraged Over Migrant Shelter Plans
March 1, 2024
Still paying a lot more attention to the movie industry than I've given their movies in a long time. Ticket sales have come out for February, where 2024 was slightly worse than February 2022, which was slightly worse than February 1991. 1991! That's not counting for inflation, theaters had to sell a lot more tickets back then to make this much money, and IIRC, February isn't considered a great month for movies. [Although looking it up, I saw four of those movies in theaters and five more on HBO or wherever, although some of most famous ones, I've never seen to this day.]
Theaters were closed because of some pretend virus in February 2021, so that's one of the lowest years on record. Above 1991, there's 1996-1999, then 2023, and rest of the 2000s which did even better. There's blaming the virus, but 2023 obviously had fewer problems, but Hollywood doesn't seem interested in figuring that out. Easier to blame the audience.
I think they really do see themselves as elites. They expect everyone to cates to their whims and never seem to realize that they are not remotely essential to other people. No matter how big of a movie fan someone is, there's already far more movies than they'd be able to watch in their lifetime, they don't need more. Whatever urge they have to see new movies probably comes mostly from following the latest trend than anything in the movie itself.
Hollywood has already taken itself down to the point where nobody's interested in the most popular stars, but the industry still promotes them like they did for the old-timers, which just make them look ridiculous and only drives people away from wasting two hours on a popcorn flic. Then there's the blatant need to produce propaganda... They might be considering a re-issue of older movies, as a desperate attempt to keep theaters in business. We'll see how that goes.
Female Head Found In Long Island Park by Schools - Salvadorian MS-13 Gang Is Suspected
March 1, 2024
□ [“James Biden Admits Joe Biden Received $40,000 From Hunter Biden’s Laundered China Money"]
Meanwhile Hunter is testifying under oath to Congress that he's too much of a drug-addicted idiot to have a clue if his father is sitting right next to him when he tells his Chinese business associates that his father is sitting right next to him. Is that really the right time to tell lies? I mean to his business associates, obviously he can lie to Congress and there won't be any consequences.
If there's an up-side to any of this, and there probably isn't, it's that they're basically showing how all the corruption they accused Trump of actually works. The question is if anything will ever be done about this. For that matter, it's not getting a whole lot of attention, so will anyone ever be able to figure all this out? That way, assuming we ever overthrow the tyrants, we can build a better society where people like this can't happen.
We know nothing will be done about it, they can't treat Democrats like Trump, but maybe it's providing an actual lesson about how our tyrants work. It also shows the leftist habit of projecting their own crimes onto others and using that as an excuse to seize more power. Not the sort of lesson I ever really wanted to learn, but here we are. So what are we going to do about it?
It's also showing that Biden is part of a long-running crime family. Since there's no reason to think he came up with the idea himself, we can basically take it as a given everybody else in Congress is too, or they'd have done something about it. This might even explain why they hate Trump so much, because he didn't have to join in with them.
Amid Recruiting Shortfalls, the Army is Cutting Its Force by 24K to Make Itself Stronger
March 1, 2024
Oregon Lawmakers Move to Recriminalize Drugs After Massive Spike in Fentanyl Overdose Deaths
February 29, 2024
□ [“After Targeting Beef Producer, New York Attorney General Letitia James Urges Colorado Supreme Court to Stop Christian Bakery"]
She's one of those who went after Trump and is just showing that it's a standard leftist tactic. You don't have to make laws to have control over people, just sue them so they give up and do what you want anyway. It's probably the Trump victory that's just making her show off and bring up every other case that gets public attention, 'sue these people too.'
It's things like this that show the left is really about saying how oppressive it is that they don't get everything they want immediately, and they're going to impose their will on everyone else to get it. I'm a very self-absorbed person, but I recognize that other people have their own needs and desires which are far more important to them than anything I have to offer. That's what treating others respectfully is about. But the left completely avoids that, except when they lie about doing just that. What's the term, 'sociopath'? 'Psychopath'?
It's also what children are supposed to learn at a young age, that there's others who matter too. It's probably too simplistic to say that these people just never grew up and were never learned anything from their elders, but that's basically what this is. Then there's the way that pretending to care about others is a good way to spread influence, calling anyone who disagrees with you "selfish," or all the other liberal tropes.
At least the people who do it for bribes have a rational goal, it's the ones who do it because that's just what they are that are the real dangers. Sure, they still wind up rich and powerful, but those are the sort of people who would do that anywhere.
Scientist to UN: We Have "Smoking Gun" Evidence Covid-19 Created in Chinese Lab by US-Funded Scientists
March 1, 2024
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Stain of the Uniparty
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When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother w...
I could use a little help. Or a lot of help.
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