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03 March, 2024
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Washington Post Blames Retail Theft on Capitalism and Says That America is Built on Stolen Land
March 2, 2024
“Outrageous Abuse of Power” Biden Used Taxpayer Funds on Student Voter Scheme on 2024 Campaign
March 3, 2024
□ [“Big Name CNN Hosts May Be on ‘Chopping Block’"]
Interesting. CNN's ratings are horrible but their big names are still paid a ridiculous amount of money. Not sure how they would fix this. Not the ratings, they're garbage and couldn't possibly improve unless CNN did something worthwhile, which they won't and wouldn't be believed even if they did. But what do you do about these very expensive leftists everyone ignores?
Not sure how they'd solve that. On the one hand, you'd think CNN would be able to cancel this sort expensive salaries if they were going broke, but on the other hand you'd expect big names to be able to negotiate that they're getting paid no matter how low their viewership gets. It's the sort of thing you have to deal with to be part of a giant corporation, which leftists claim to oppose.
At a guess, I'll say they're planning for A.I. in the near future, so they won't need such expensive worthless celebrities saying whatever they're told. Just to get paid as much as they did, these hosts probably had to sign over their visual image in all mediums, so in that sense, CNN can continue with them anyway, but there's still the problem of getting viewers.
To the extent I pay any attention to this - very little - I assume most-if-not-all media are having these problems. Only the mindlessly obedient could possibly trust them, and not just CNN and not limited to their AOL/Time-Warner corporate empire. They're just an updated version of
, profitable until they aren't.
Deadly Texas Wildfires Scorch Over 1 Million Acres, Kill Thousands of Livestock, Destroy Crops
March 3, 2024
□ [“Neocon Nikki Rows Back on Pledge to Endorse Trump, Could Stay in Race Until July"]
Anybody shocked? She doesn't need to win any elections and even if she did, she's willing to break her word whenever it's convenient. Ok, that makes her a better politician than you might expect, but still... She might as well endorse Biden now just to save time.
At this point, I wonder why the uniparty doesn't just announce itself. Probably because it would be harder to figure out if they did that, but you'd think it would just make it easier for them to work together instead of pretending they're on opposite sides. That's why I think that's part of whatever the conspiracy cult they're part of, effectively to signal whether they're a 'dom' or 'sub.'
You can tell she's protected because no one even asks her if she's ever going to win a single primary. If it was Trump losing, the media would be all over that. He'd be losing his popularity and might as well quit now to avoid being humiliated. But somehow a woman can't be treated that way.
□ [“Neocon Nikki Haley Takes Her First 'Victory' in D.C. GOP Primary"]
That is genuinely a surprise, but I didn't even know D.C. had a primary. No wonder she doesn't have any interest in those 50 worthless states, she's focused on where all the power is. And of course there's a lot of Republican voters there. She may have needed two whole phone booths to hold all the voters. No wonder she was just endorsed by uniparty members of Congress.
“It’s Because I’m Black!” Trans Philly City Employee Fights State Trooper in Traffic Stop After Husband is Detained
March 3, 2024
□ [“Drag Queen Mogul RuPaul Building ‘Fortified Compound’ in Wyoming to Prepare for ‘Civil War’"]
Because this creature is so well trained to hunt, fish, garden and protect the compound from anybody else. Right. Totally believable. Wouldn't everybody want the world to know exactly where they'd hiding for protection and storing all their supplies?
It obviously has money to waste but that's not really a benefit when things collapse. But it's not the only rich leftist buying this sort of location that, at least theoretically, is a good idea. If I had the money, I'd be trying to get one too. But then, I don't support "population reduction" like these rich leftists do, but they're exempt from their own rules.
Of course the elites are exempt from everything they want, even biological gender. This interview was conducted by Ronan Farrow, the only biological child of Woody Allen and Mia Farrow, who's obviously been deep into this stuff his whole life. They know something is coming and they think they can get protection from burning in hell for eternity, but the best way to make that happen is to keep everybody else ignorant of what's about to happen. That's why the rich are setting up compounds and keeping the media distracted.
British Troops Directing Air Strikes in Ukraine – Germany Discusses Blowing Up Crimea Bridge
March 3, 2024
□ [“MSNBC Says Democrats Need to ‘Scare the S**t Out of People’ Over Trump in 2024"]
Fear is the way to keep power, that's been known for a long time. That also means expecting people to be ruled by their emotions, because otherwise they'd be able to respond rationally and, well, you'd be out of power if that happens. Civilization was built by men who weren't ruled by fear, which is what leftism has always opposed.
□ [“'Donald Trump is Dangerous to Women' – Jill Biden Launches Attack on Trump"]
This only works on people who can't think. That doesn't apply to anybody who can remember three years ago when we could afford food, weren't threatened with nuclear war and the rulers didn't just pretend they could make up money. Sure, the executive branch is making false propaganda to pretend the economy is doing ok, those of us who have to rely on our own money to survive know otherwise.
□ [“Merrick Garland at Alabama Church: Voter ID Requirements and Ballot Drop Boxes are 'Discriminatory'"]
Until proven otherwise, I'm going to assume that they already have the stolen elections ready. We may not even make it to November, but if we do, they're covered. But that requires them keeping everybody ruled by emotion so that they don't see the obvious reason [!] these requirements exist, to prevent election fraud. That's what they're relying on, it's all they have.
But I still don't think we'll make it to November. There's just too many people too pissed of at the 'new world order.' My guess is that's probably why Ukraine is a test, given that no leftist has the slightest objection to banning media, religion or opposing political parties, then just cancelling elections altogether. Because something about "freedom." That's really why they need people controlled by their emotions, so they don't think of things like this.
New York Governor Kathy Hochul Now Pushing for Illegal Immigrants to Take Government Jobs
March 3, 2024
I'm roughly a third of the way into Leviticus. What I've been through so far, I knew it would just be step-by-step instructions for all the varieties of animal sacrifices, not exactly fun to go through. The part I haven't gotten to yet will get more into overall laws and not religion-specific, although it'll probably be just as tedious.
One thing that is interesting is trying to work out how these people operated back then. Most of us have learned at least the basics of protection from disease since we were young, and common-sense notions like 'wash yourself.' Of course we also have working indoor plumbing. But those at the time had neither. I'm still a bit skeptical of how much of scripture is specifically the "word of God," i.e. we'd know nothing about it if He hadn't told us, and how much is putting down knowledge from God or someone else, so that future generations can make use of it.
Which brings up one of the confusing aspects, the use of the word "issue." I get how it's used for genealogy, but that's not how it's being used here. Both men and women can have "issue" from their bodies, leading me to suspect it's just the best definition they had at the time for the various fluids that can exit some part of us, even if we don't want that.
Some lines clearly use "issue" as women having a period, ok, that makes sense. But other lines specifically refer to men and their "seed." Still other lines aren't clear at all, which is where I came up with the notion that it's various type of fluids, probably including blood or anything else that comes out when your head gets bashed.
So it's not really workable in a modern sense, but as a medical practice from the dawn of civilization, it's the best option, and one that can be shared with the entire nation. For that matter, it may have been the priests' job to handle this problem until medical care became too complicated, thousands of years later. There weren't that many separate professions people had to be trained for, so who else would you rely on?
“Two Sides of the Same Extremist Coin” – UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Equates Islamist Extremists to the Far Right
March 3, 2024
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Stain of the Uniparty
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