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10 March, 2024
I'm bored with moving the clocks forward, let's push them back again.
Michigan Hospital Pays Job Applicant Who Refused Mandated Flu Shot After They Hired Him
March 10, 2024
Judge Rules Arizona Law Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Vote is Not Discriminatory
March 9, 2024
□ [“Pope Francis Says Ukraine Should Surrender, Urges Zelensky to ‘Show Courage of the White Flag’"]
Absolutely no proof for this, but my first impression is that this is another sign that something has been changed about the worldwide conflict. As far as I can remember, Francis has never said anything I could respect, ever, yet here he has clearly turned against his fellow elitist rulers. He's openly admitting that, at least as far as Ukraine is concerned, they can't win.
How much such a statement really matters to you or anyone else will vary, as is how relevant this is coming from this guy. But one thing that needs to be remembered is that even the enemy can get things right, whether it's for good reasons or bad. Maybe he's finished transferring all the laundered money to a new location, so he no longer cares what happens in Ukraine. That part matters less than the fact that he's openly admitting to the rest of the world that Ukraine has lost and they should just accept that.
Put it this way, if Biden said the same thing, would you oppose it because it's Biden so he's obviously wrong? Or for that matter, if some Russian official said Russia had totally lost and should surrender now - as our media has told us for the last two years - would any Ukraine supporter refuse to accept that as proof because all Russians lie?
Like him or not, Francis does work on a level most world leaders do not, so it isn't surprising that he might be the first one to say this scheme has failed. Just the fact that he's doing this indicates that there has been some change at the highest levels. There's still going to be a lot of resistance and victory is not guaranteed, but this is an example that the tide is turning.
NYC Crooks w/MS-13 Ties Openly Sell Fake IDs/Green Cards to Illegals; Officials Warn of Looming Threat
March 9, 2024
Nevada High School Forces Girl to Say D-Word in Graphic Sexual Assignment
March 10, 2024
□ [“UFC 299 Goes Wild as Trump Enters Miami Arena — 'F*ck Joe Biden' Chant Erupts"]
Good to hear. Another example of something that does give the sense that the tide is turning. Now granted, there probably aren't too many leftist UFC fans, and no matter how full the arena is, it's a small number just compared to Miami itself, never mind the rest of the country. Not to mention that's how it looked on Election Night 2020 until after most people had gone to bed.
□ [“Irish Airline Ryanair Chief Michael O’Leary Wants Pensioners Who Voted for Brexit ‘to Die’"]
Does that include pro-Brexit voters who aren't pensioners? Well, they'll be pensioners sooner or later, so might as well. Who knew that voting anti-Brexit was the secret to eternal life?
Things like this are happening disturbingly often these days, high-ranking people of one kind or another not even trying to hide these ridiculous remarks. Still trying to figure out how leftists really operate, because I think publicly saying this sort of stupid thing is a symptom of what's going wrong for them. Back when the world was sane - i.e. they didn't impose their will on us - they had to at least pretend not to want everyone they dislike to die.
□ [“FDNY Who Booed AG Letitia James Ordered to Surrender — Face Punishment and Reeducation"]
[Bureau of Investigation and Trials]
is investigating this so they will figure out who the members are. I recommend they come forward. I have been told by the Commissioner It will be better for them if they come forward and we don’t have to hunt them down.”
"We don't have to hunt them down"? For booing at someone. Which isn't a crime under any circumstances, but the rulers are willing to face down men who are strong and bold enough to run into burning buildings. This is another example of them just losing their own minds, and blaming others for it.
As monstrous as this is, the fact that is all coming out so obviously now is showing the world what type of people have appointed themselves to be in charge of us. Even a lot of leftists can probably see that this isn't working, or it's causing more people more problems than Trump ever did, so blaming him is really not a good idea.
I'm still worried that this might all be a fake, or some sort of trap, but I'm also starting to think that this was the actual point of Trump becoming POTUS and then having re-election stolen from him, to force the rulers to go all bonkers even as they seem to be most successful. To spread a
vaccine for as many minds as possible that we aren't going to take this anymore.
If our masters expect to win, they're going to need to bring a massive amount of death across the entire planet at once. But I think this was best described by some member of royalty, best known for not wearing a bra, that "The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."
Protestor Interrupts Biden at His Atlanta, GA “Rally” Calling Him “Genocide Joe”
March 9, 2024
Madonna Scolds Fan for Not Standing During LA Concert Before Noticing Fan is in Wheelchair
March 10, 2024
I must have needed a break, I've wasted most of the day accomplishing nothing. Even worse, I was watching youtube videos. Even worse, they were about movies I really didn't want to see. Specifically The Little Platoon's coverage of the Obi-Wan Kenobi tv miniseries. Don't even know why I picked that one. I've only made it through the first five episodes, but here are my comments:
I only know about this series what you've said here (and I'm only at 19 minutes as I write this) but it's believable that staying to protect Luke would be safer than rescuing Leia. Luke is the mission he's trained and experienced for. He knows how to keep his distance when needed, he knows the terrain, the other residents and local threats, probably has experience with threats that weren't local. He hasn't seen Leia since the day she was born and knows little-to-nothing about her life or circumstances. It's like telling a great auto mechanic to fill in a brain surgeon right now because nobody else is available.
Just a thought, not a big deal, but character whose name I've already forgotten supported the empire, or at least supported Palpatine, at the start. The republic was dirty and corrupt and filled with cgi-generated aliens. It's going to be tough, but it'll be better for everybody if we follow this heroic Senator and restore the republic we had for a thousand generations. After several years, it become clear that was a bad decision, so now overthrowing the corrupt republic becomes overthrowing the corrupt empire. Might still be a bad move, but it could be a believable character.
The movie adaptation novels, the oldest 'expanded Star Wars,' even has something to build on, where Palpatine wasn't the emperor we've all known since ROTJ, he was just a corrupt old man installed by oligarchs. You could still use the modern version, but he'd be someone an optimistic youth could have believed in for a while. Chicks, amiright?
We're going to get rid of the Jedi, but don't put any organizations in place that might find kids who are force sensitive. Well, ok, but keep a record so we can keep track of them. We don't want them to line up with any rebellions going on. Well, ok, they can be the princess daughter of a senator in known rebellion against us, so let's call Vadar because this is the sort of thing he keeps track of. He can check the princess for her force sensitivity and will know how to keep track of her. Well, ok, ignore Vadar, that works out well for everyone else. So let's call Palpatine. These sith lords always have some obsession about there being more than two of them anywhere, so he'll want to know. No matter how small the likelihood is, someone who is force sensitive might become a major threat to the emperor.
Star Wars, to me, is fond memories based on three movies and little more, yet even I can come up with numerous problems based on this expanded universe and what little I'm learning from your videos. [not insulting your videos, just that there's not much anyone can learn from it.]
Nobody in this galaxy ever thought of putting a tracker on a ship before? Imperial or Republic police never saw a reason for that? No males in any species would have a way to keep track of their mates. No females in any species would have a way to keep track of their younglings. No one else learned anything from this that could be applied to other fields.
Or what about smugglers? Let's say I need an Uber driver, let's call him "Han Sulu," and offer him $50,000 to take me from Tatooine, Texas to Alderaan City, New York. We'll pay him the the rest when we get there, but should I be worried if he texts anybody along the way? Or his co-pilot? Or pet droids? Or the vehicle's electronics? This is just 21st century Earth technology, and I can think of several reasons death would be awaiting us when we finally reach Alderaan.
Let's keep our escape craft in a location where the doors are controlled by vents so small that only a small child or droid could fit well enough to keep them functioning, and make sure there are no available droids. Let's hope the kids are experienced electronics mechanics.
I wasn't paying close attention, but does the episode end with Ben on an escaping ship as he realizes that a hand-held radio, on the ship he just escaped from, was literally just picked up? That's how tracking devices work, the same thing black woman just invented in the previous episode.
Haiti Interior Ministry Set on Fire, Presidential Palace Attacked, PM Henry Has Mounting Pressure To Resign
March 9, 2024
Norway Goes Against Cashless Agenda; Stores Must Accept Printed Cash
March 10, 2024
□ [“John Brennan Says Intel Community will Withhold Key Info at Trump Security Briefings This Summer"]
□ [“Schiff Says Intel Community will Sabotage Trump By Withholding Intel and ‘Dumbing Down’ Daily Brief"]
One of those times I wish I'd ever had a higher security clearance than 'secret,' just to have the slightest clue what was going on. Because something obviously is. Brennan's been out of office since January 20, 2017, how would he know what they're doing now? Schiff didn't actually say "sabotage," but the same principle applies, he's not the one who gets to decide these things. Or at least he shouldn't be.
Neither of them can point to any actual crime Trump committed, because if they did, it could be used to arrest Trump. Several years ago, in fact, but we're supposed to believe that they're just being decent and honest about this. They might know what they *could* have done with Hillary and the rest of the Obama administration, as well as Mike Pence and Joe Biden for all the years he had classified documents in his garage, but that would just be speculation on their part.
The fact that they're being so hypocritical about these things suggests that this is all a scheme. It's not clear who's doing what, but I'd like to think there's actual intel agents at work. Who knows, maybe they just swap the words "Trump" and "Biden" in all their reports, so our leftist masters assume everything is going exactly the way it should.
Either the fix is in or the rulers think it's in. This could also explain the subtle change of attitude there seems to have been in the last couple weeks.
After Crushing Defeat of Irish Referendum, Government Minister Asks if NGOs “Representative of Society”
March 10, 2024
□ [“Neocon Nikki Blew $120 Million on Failed Campaign, $1.3 Million Per Delegate"]
So a basic $1 million bribe for each one would have been cheaper. But it wasn't her money, no wonder she's a Republican. But they say all the money "went to good use." Right. I'm sure Haley is wondering how she's going to pay rent next month like the rest of us.
It's only been a few days, but she has gone quiet, as have 'most others who pay attention to these things. It does look like leftists have accepted the idea that Trump will be the next opponent they need to steal an election from. Haven't paid close attention, but from what little I've seen, they're generally accepting that all the real people who voted for Biden four years ago will show up again. You can see the obvious problems with that, but that's the impression I got.
I don't have a clue how the uniparty will respond to this. Mitch McConnell was quite upfront that Trump would be the nominee and they should all support him. I'm not saying trust McConnell, I'm just passing along what he said. So what other options do they have?
Congress couldn't beat Trump even when he was in office, and have completely failed to stop him as a private citizen. They must be realizing that at some point, the more they try to stop him, the worse they look for trying. I assume assassination is a serious possibility, or riots, WWIII, some other catastrophe that'll make Trump easy to ignore.
If I'm right and more people are seriously turning against our rulers, they'll hit us even harder out of desperation. *If* we actually make it to the election, we know they'll steal it and they know we aren't going to accept that. Biden can't even get people to watch his videos, much less show up to see him for real. They would need 60% of the country to be helpless and trapped at home to believe this, and that's what Biden was supposed to fix, remember?
Crime Pays in New York: Proposed Bill Would Pay Inmates $2600 After They Leave Prison
March 10, 2024
US Deploys Marines to American Embassy in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti – Non-Essential Personnel Evacuated
March 10, 2024
White Female Student in Critical Condition with Brain Injury After Mob Beating Near St. Louis High School
March 10, 2024
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