31 March, 2021

"You," "me," "it together." Ok, I said it, now what?

□ [“Russia Massing Troops on Ukraine Border; US Forces in Europe Raise Watch to Highest Level ‘Potential Imminent Crisis’"]

The left complained about Russia for the last several years.  Now that they have a stolen election, they're fine with Russia expanding its territory.  After all, China's been doing that.

□ [“Numerous Convoys Attacked in Iraq and Biden Says Nothing"]

He voted for the war after all, and where are all the leftists who protested?  Well, they only showed up at one of the deployments I saw at Fort Campbell.  I had just gotten back - my unit didn't get publicity when we deployed - but the 101st Airborne was getting ready to leave and there were protestors on 41A as we were headed to Hooters.  Then there was a much larger group of supporters, but still, it was 2007 and we didn't see them again no matter where the military deployed.

Maybe they all died of old age or drugs?  They'd still vote Democrat.

□ [“It Appears YouTube Is Removing ‘Dislikes’ on Videos Because Biden Is Terribly Disliked"]

It's this sort of thing that may actually give hope.  All real people know that the election was stolen, it's only the leftists and their large corporate support that tries to impose the illusion that everything's so wonderful now.  That is how fascism works.

I finally gave up on finishing the items on this round of the "History project"  I'd made it most of the way, I think it was 2011 in "Sports" and the last eight years were all that was left, but there were basically no relevant sports there, just meaningless nonsense.  I said yesterday that I'll probably get back to filling in what's absent when I get around to it, but I decided to drop it for the time being.

So now I'm on to formatting the dates, the next requirement.  Along with that, I'm also trying to put in subject matter to assist in organizing.  Almost all of it is location but there's still over a million lines to get through.  I'm still trying to get used to the notion that I've finally finished all the previous work so I haven't done more than just go through a bunch of lines (a very small fraction) to organize the dates and add subject matter.

I'm trying to work out a better way to do this but one thing I've learned in this very long project is to not immediately jump onto a new idea.  Even without my memory problems, there's just too many different things to keep track of and most of the possible solutions I've come up with previously for a given technique usually cause difficulties for a different technique, so I try to think my way through a possible solution for a while before implementing it.

In theory, the dates should be fairly quick and easy, I would expect to be done with them in a few days if I focus on them.  This would have a good side, one less thing to deal with, but that actually has a down side, still just as much work left to do and fewer places to work at, making this long, tedious exercise even worse because I can't get tired of working on one thing and move on to another.

I'm also trying to figure out a way to improve the subject matter but that seems beyond me for the time being.

Another Black on Asian Attack Caught on Film – Man Arrested for Brutal Attack on NYC Asian Woman
March 31, 2021

Biden’s Woke SOCOM “Diversity and Inclusion Chief” Reassigned to New Duties Pending Investigation Into Anti-Trump Memes
March 30, 2021

30 March, 2021

Oh Batman, oh you came and you gave without taking, but I sent you away...

I am finally getting close to the first step of my 'History project.'  All I need to go through now is sporting events since 2006.  This will be annoying, important sports will be left out so at some point I'll have to go look those up and there's a ton of useless info about the others.  I'm really tempted to just go through and find what I can from important sports and ignore the rest.

I could be done with this part fairly quickly, it's just there's a lot a useless sports I'll need to at least look at.  But then, once everything has been dated, I'll start formatting all the dates to be the same way, completely in order.  I'll do that numerically, year/month/day in digit.  Today would be 20210330, for instance, to be between 0329 and 0331.  As I'm doing this, I'll remove duplicates and merge lines about the same thing but aren't written the same way.

Technically this could be done pretty quickly but I'm sure I'll find a bunch of problems along the way.  Then I'll finally start on the next step, connecting each line as much as possible with who and where, along with anything else that comes to mind.  That's going to take a long time.  Maybe at some point I'll even figure out why I'm doing this.

□ [“Pressure Grows on Biden to Act on Crisis in Tibet"]

It's just a show, he'll take orders from China like the other subordinates.  "Free Tibet" has been a leftist appearance for decades.  I've been wondering lately why we hadn't heard anything from it lately and, well, this is why.  China's taken hundreds of thousands of slaves from Tibet and Democrats have no objection whatsoever.  They won't this time either.

□ [“Communist Chinese Borrow a page from Pelosi’s Playbook – Will No Longer Seat All Democratically Elected Officials in Hong Kong Legislature"]

How long have they been planning this?  They're basically ruling the Indian Ocean already in only a couple of months.  I'd have to check, it may have started earlier, but Democrats are China supporters so it's not like they'd have allowed anything to be done about it.

□ [“Respect for Their Country Is Optional: US Athletes Will Be Allowed to Protest National Anthem at US Olympic Trials"]

American athletes are the only ones stupid enough to behave that way and get away with it.  This will depress the rest of the world but that doesn't matter.

Australian School Forces Boys as Young as 12 to Apologize to Girls For Their Gender
March 30, 2021

□ [“Connecticut School District Shows Second Graders Video Featuring Cartoon Erect Penis, ‘By Mistake’"]

They're going straight for this insanity.  You've gotta show your dick to children and it's even better if you don't identify as male.

Now that I have my DVD player again, I actually put on the entire Facts of Life Goes To Paris I wrote about a little while ago.  That version was online and must have been from the tv reruns, this one had a few scenes I definitely didn't see there and possibly hadn't ever seen.

It does work slightly better as a tv movie instead of a group of 20-minute shows.  Blair actually had something in the way of a storyline, being bored by the society stuff and just going out touring by herself.  It doesn't add much but it added something.  The closing credits - I'm going to keep listening to the theme song until I get sick of it and that doesn't seem to be happening any time soon - had a picture of her walking on a wall by the river before jumping off and I kept wondering why that wasn't in the actual show but now I finally saw it.  Same with the other girls, there was something that worked better being carried through a larger storyline instead of just reminding us of what happened in the previous episode and then continuing.

Some of it was baffling why it wasn't included in the tv reruns.  An opening scene that actually gave more explanation of what they were doing in the first place and after escaping from the high-school and seeing Mrs. Garrett, she actually telling them that they can't just escape from school like that.  Of course she doesn't stop them or even see them after this but at least it's something.

28 March, 2021

The world always lives up to my dreams. I just have lousy dreams.

Well, I gave up.  I finally found one of my machines that can play DVDs - it took a lot more work than it should have, but I finally found the tiny DVD player I got way back when - and started playing other Facts of Life episodes.  That's how I saw the introduction from Different Strokes yesterday.

I've still gotta say, the show is very 'of its time' and that isn't a compliment.  It's also not very good but there are some odd exceptions.  Most episodes have a couple of genuinely funny moments.  I do have to wonder how much of it is genuine humor and how much is just enjoying the girls interacting.

I did see the final two-parter.  Odd how it had almost nothing to do with Natalie, Tootie or Jo, it was all about setting up a potential spin-off for Blair running Eastland.  It wasn't horrible.  I can't really point to anything that wasn't genuinely good but it definitely wasn't horrible.  If the spin-off had happened, I probably would have watched it then and if it was included in the DVD collection, I'd probably have gone through at least one episode now.

This episode also included Pippa, the first time I'd seen her since this episode aired.  It's possible she might have worked better as a character surrounded by other girls her age, I dunno.  At some point I'll probably get back to another episode with her but I'm not planning to do so any time soon.

Another thing that surprised me was how many things the 'new kids' at Eastland got into after this show never happened and how many things they've done that I've seen.  The most obvious example is Seth Green, of Austin Powers and Family Guy, but looking up his credits, he's done more stuff that I've seen and stuff that I haven't but am not sure why.  He's now the voice of Howard the Duck!  I did see My Stepmother Is An Alien [for Kim Basinger] and Can't Buy Me Love [don't know why] when they came out.

Juliette Lewis was also in My Stepmother Is An Alien, as well as National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and Cape Fear.  She was also in Natural Born Killers which I never saw but am not sure why, it always sounded like something I would have seen when it was new.

Kathleen Freeman had a long career.  She was in the original The Fly, the original The Nutty Professor, the very original 1952 Dragnet.  She was also in The Seven Year Itch which I know I've seen but remember nothing about.  The first movie I actually remember seeing that she was in was the Dragnet remake and she's probably best known as Ma Dillon from Naked Gun 33 1/2.

Others also have done some stuff I've heard of, but nothing I've seen so they don't matter.  It is making me wonder how much of this was about just trying to carry on Facts of Life and how much the original show was about churning out child slaves actors.  It's also making me wonder how 

Anyway, I obviously prefer the Eastland School years because really there's no point in these girls being together although I will admit that they were able to do more interesting things as adults.

Explosion at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Makassar, Indonesia Kills 2 Bombers and Injures 19 Christians on Palm Sunday
March 28, 2021

Trans Reddit Mod Under Fire for Inviting Minors to Their Home for Hormone Shots, Behind Parents Backs
March 28, 2021

Trans Reddit User Posted Hundreds of Pornographic Drawings of Child Characters Under 10, Mods Banned Anyone Who Criticized Them
March 28, 2021

Transgender Female Complains TSA Scanners Set Off Alarms for the 'Anomaly Between My Legs'
March 27, 2021

Far-Left DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Blames Victim of Car Jacking and Brutal Murder by Teenage Girls
March 28, 2021

Biden’s Lunatic DHS Chief Fires 32 Members of Advisory Council Including ALL TRUMP APPOINTEES — Group Was Too White
March 27, 2021

27 March, 2021

This can't last, what's going to fall apart first?

□ [“Sesame Street Forgets Own History To Be Woke"]

Elmo asks why Wes’s skin is brown, his father Elijah says "the color of our skin is an important part of who we are."

That's what they want to drill into children's heads.

And they're trying to get rid of everything, right now it's the filibuster.  Democrats always hate it when they're in charge but love it when they aren't in charge.  They used it 300 times last year alone.  No wonder, it's "racist."

□ [“Lil Nas X Says Children Are His Core Audience Before Releasing Music Video Giving Satan a Lap Dance, Selling Shoes Made With Human Blood"]
□ [“Lil Nas X and Nike Release Shoe Dedicated to Satan with a Pentagram and Human Blood in it – In a Limited Edition of 666 Pairs"]

They're going straight for this.  This is what they've been after for a long time.

Watching another show, the origin of The Facts of Life as a spin-off of Different Strokes.  I haven't watched that series in many ages and certainly haven't missed it.  But giving it a chance, this is not good.  The girls are all there to wear tight outfits, most of the main characters are there except Natalie.  I'm blanking on the name of the actor playing Mr. Crocker but he's clearly from The Bob Newhart Show and Night Court.  Jack Riley, there is is.  Mollie Ringwald is there of course.

Charlotte Rae is the only one worth watching, there's nothing else.  It must have been inspired by doing a young version of Charlies Angels or something like that.  There's no reason for personality or anything like that.  That's totally not the Blair even in the first season, much less later on.  It's specified that Tootie is 12 and she's very much not.  Is she there for any reason other than to make the other girls look more developed?  Nancy's given the closest to any part of the story, apparently she was the first actress hired for the girls.

I'm still watching other episodes, or at least playing the dvd.  I definitely prefer the Eastland years, less mature and face it, less like each other.  It's just a better set-up that the girls have no reason to be around each other but are forced to.  

13 and 15 Year Old Girls Murder Uber Eats Driver in DC, Walk Past His Body to Look for Cellphone
March 27, 2021

Baltimore Will No Longer Prosecute ‘Low Level Crimes’ Like Prostitution, Trespassing, Urinating in Public and Selling Drugs
March 27, 2021

Four Police Officers Shot in Gun-Controlled Chicago Over the Last Two Weeks
March 27, 2021

That Was Quick: On Wednesday Biden Taps Kamala to Fix His Border — On Friday Kamala’s Spokesperson Says “The VP Is Not Doing the Border”
March 26, 2021

26 March, 2021

I don't even like guns and I defend the right to have them.

Just finding some quotes and making notes about them to investigate later:

“Enter into all negro houses and search for arms.  Any may lawfully seize and take away all such arms unless the owner had a license, which had to be issued weekly."
 - Florida law, 1825 Acts of Fla. 52, 55

“It shall not be lawful for any free person of colour in this state to own, use, or carry fire arms of any description whatever.”
 - Georgia law, 1833 Ga. Laws 226

“Unlawful for any Negro, mulatto, or person of color to own, use, or keep in possession or under control any bowieknife, dirk, sword, firearms or ammunition of any kind, unless by license of the county judge.”
 - Florida law, pre-war but can't find year

That if any free negro, mulatto, or free person of color, shall wear or carry about his or her person, or keep in his or her house, any shot gun, musket, rifle, pistol, sword, dagger, or bowie-knife without a license, he or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor."
 - North Carolina, 1844, filed to the Supreme Court who overruled it.

“No freedman, free negro or mulatto, not licensed to do so by the board of police of his or her county, shall keep or carry firearms of any kind.”
 -  Mississippi, 1865, Laws of Mississippi 165

“Wherever the negro population preponderates, there [Democrats] hold their sway, for a few determined men can carry terror among ignorant negros without arms.”
 - Senator John Sherman, R-Ohio, 1871,  Cong. Globe, 42nd Cong., 1st Sess. 154

“If a police officer of the city of Richmond or New York should find a drunken negro or white man upon the streets with a loaded pistol . . . and by virtue of any ordinance, law, or usage, either of the city or State, he takes it away, the officer may be sued, because the right to bear arms is secured by the Constitution. . . .” 
 - Representative Washington C. Whitthorn, Democrat-Tennessee, 1871, Cong. Globe, 42nd Cong., 1st Sess. 337

“No person in said State of Georgia be permitted or allowed to carry about his or her person any dirk, bowie knife, pistol or revolver, or any kind of deadly weapon, to any court of justice, or any election ground or precinct, or any place of public worship, or any other public gathering in this State."
 - Georgia Law, 1870, Ga. Laws, Vol. 3, p. 42.  It was leading up to the election where blacks weren't allowed to vote and is still Georgia law.

"Can not we, the dominant race, upon whom depends the enforcement of the law, so enforce the law that we will prevent the colored people from preying upon each other?  Here we have laid bare the principal cause for the high murder rate in Memphis––the carrying by colored people of aconcealed deadly weapon, most often a pistol.  It is unspeakable that there is public sentiment among the whites that negroes should not be disturbed in their carrying of concealed weapons."
 - Senator John K. Shields, D-Tennessee, May 11, 1924, 65 Cong. Rec. 3945, 3946

“A good negro is contaminated by the possession of a weapon in a time like this; a bad negro is made very much worse the moment he places a pistol in his pocket.”
 -  Atlanta Journal, September 25, 1906

Obviously these laws don't apply to the "dominant race."  There are a few other quotes about taxes for buying guns, which of course blacks couldn't afford to pay so they had no way to legally get guns.  That sure sounds like what Democrats are doing today.  Their bodyguards sure won't give up guns.
Last Republican mayors:  Atlanta 1879, Detroit 1957, Chicago 1927, St. Louis 1949, Philadelphia 1952, Baltimore and Oakland 1960s, Newark 1953, Camden 1936, San Francisco 1964, Minneapolis 1973, Portland 1980, Seattle 1969, Compton 1963, Memphis one Republican since 1967, Washington DC 1910, Houston 1933, Milwaukee 1908.

"The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave. He who himself belongs to another, must be defended by him, whose property he is, and needs no arms.”
 - James Burgh, Political Disquisitions, 1774

Only Batman can save us. Can we self-identify as Batman or would that be giving away secrets?

Not really in the mood to say much today, at most there'll be comments to headlines.

□ [“Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Says Taxing Drivers by the Mile “Shows a Lot of Promise” and Could be a Way to Fund Infrastructure Overhaul"]

They sure do like taking money from poor people.  Of course there are a lot more of those than there are rich people so that makes sense.  It'll keep them from spending more money on food.

"Obedience is not enough.  Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own?"

□ [“They’re Coming for Your Guns: White House Confirms Biden Will Sign Gun Control Executive Orders"]

They're going straight for totalitarianism.  It's mind-boggling how they aren't even pretending to do anything else, they'll have all the power and get whatever they want.  Really is reminiscent of 1984.

"One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard the revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship."

And how hard will it be to find examples of the "Inner/Outer Party" in their methods?

□ [“Peter Doocy Asks Psaki If Joe Biden Was Supporting a “Relic of Jim Crow Era” When he Defended the Filibuster in 2005 as a Senator"]

And power is the only desire.  What they say today is means just as much to them as what they said yesterday or the day before.

□ [“Bill Gates Says He Knows When the World’s Coronavirus Crisis Will Be Over – Not This Year"]

We'll have beaten EastAsia by the end of 2022.  Count on it.

Beyond Parody: Kamala Harris and Epstein Pal Bill Clinton Host Event on ‘Empowering Women’
March 26, 2021

Chinese Bombers Simulated Attack on US Aircraft Carrier in South China Sea Three Days After Biden Inauguration
March 26, 2021

25 March, 2021

"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."

I'm starting to wonder if 1984 was indeed a training manual.  The left is totally down with "Freedom is Slavery" and "Ignorance is Strength" and they sure don't object to War like they pretend to when a Republican is in charge.  Even worse, Trump stayed out of War as much as possible, no wonder they hate him.

I finally found my copy of 1984 and we'll see if I have any reading ability anymore, but that lept out at me.

□ [“Pelosi Says It’s Her 'Right' to Seat and Unseat Any Member of Congress – As She Moves to Unseat Iowa Republican"]

The elite gets to purge whoever they want.  Sucks to be the peons.  Or just anyone who doesn't agree with them.

□ [“Cuomo Family Received Special Treatment On COVID Testing Early In Pandemic"]

The rules they impose on everyone else don't apply to them.  They didn't get to this point with "equal treatment."

□ [“Biden: 'There’s Not a Single Thing a Man Can Do That a Woman Can’t Do as Well or Better – Not a Single Thing']

See?  There's no pretense to any equality.  He actively wants inferior government, that's why he's appointed so many men with penises.  He would have totally ditched the woman with a penis he just appointed if she still believed to be male.  He obviously hasn't been paying attention to any of the sports records in the last several centuries, to say nothing of those in the last year or two.

Why do we only see men out in hot days at construction sites if women can do it so much better?  And cheaper?

Obviously the media is dropping any complaints about the recent Colorado shooting.  After all, they totally support Colorado's laws requiring universal background checks, "red flag" gun seizures, banning high-capacity magazines and all the support Colorado has gotten from leftists for those laws because they work so well when a Syrian whose country we're attacking wants to shoot people.  It's like they just want to expand criminal cartels and black markets, making criminals out of people who don't want to shoot anybody.  But on the bright side, it'll expand the expense of the the legal system and let them ignore real criminals.

After two and a half months of stolen-office sitting, Biden finally had a press conference.  Obviously I didn't pay attention to it but the reports I've seen indicate it was quite typical, he only picked active supporters and they probably had to send in the questions before hand.  I've also heard he had an earpiece to send in instructions on what to say so he didn't have to do any thinking.

□ [“WTF?? Biden Says Republican Voter Integrity Initiatives 'Make Jim Crow Look Like Jim Eagle'"]
□ [“Biden Slams Trump on Uyghur Persecution When He Defended Uyghur Genocide as 'A Chinese Cultural Norm'"]

I'm going to have to try to re-read 1984.  Just flipping through the last part, obviously it shows what the left is doing and why.  I thought there was a specific quote about ignoring gravity but haven't found it, just the line about walking off the roof and floating if the party wanted it.  "Reality is inside the skull."

Oakland Mayor Announces Program to Give $500 Per Month to Low-Income Families – But Not If They’re White
March 25, 2021

Black Leaders Tell Democrats They're 'Racist' for Not Supporting End of Filibuster
March 25, 2021

24 March, 2021

There's a hold-up from the Bronx, Jo and Blair broke out in fights...

Well, keeping up the depression that has led to me watching more movies and tv - it must be depression, why else would anyone do it? - I have added an episode of Car 54, Where Are You? to the list.

I assume I saw every episode many times back when Nick-At-Night existed but I don't remember any of them anymore.  So effectively it was a new episode.  It definitely wasn't filmed like more modern programs, there were some very obvious edits from one camera shot to the next.  A character was clearly looking different from the previous moment to the close-up.  I've never known much about film-making and have probably forgotten what I did know, but that used to be present in earlier works.

Anyway, I picked "The Loves of Sylvia Schnauser" because obviously Charlotte Rae has been on my mind of late.  Looking it up now, it was one of the very last episodes ever.  I'd picked it because I thought it as Sylvia's first and obviously it wasn't even close. [ba-dump bump]  The show only ran for two seasons but Wikipedia says she was in 11.  I guess I'll have to go see if the first one was available.

This one wasn't bad.  The story was ok, once in a while it was funny.  Charlotte Rae didn't stand out much but she was fine and occasionally fit in with the silliness of the story.  Gunther and Toody didn't have much of a role, it was mostly about Sylvia and her husband Leo.  I'm still surprised they never had Al Lewis guest-appear on Facts of Life, probably dressed as Grandpa Munster.

The show was just looney, that much I remember.  There wasn't much attempt for realism, just goofy characters doing goofy things and then restarted the next episode the same as before.  I'd say that is where my television interest peaked, Night Court and Married With Children still being my favorites, shows like NewsRadio not far behind.  They were entertaining wacky stories, essentially live-action cartoons, and that's what made them work.  Obviously that's not the only way to tell a story but as far as a reason to stare at a tv set goes, it's at or close-to the top.

The other episode, "The Courtship of Sylvia Schnauser" was along the same lines.  A little funnier, Charlotte Rae did a better job, otherwise it was basically the same.  It did show why marriage doesn't work and probably helped promote the next decade of feminism.

The show was actually filmed in the Bronx, back before Hollywood ruled everything, in what used to be DW Griffith's Biograph Studio.  Joe E. Ross was anything like Officer Gunther Toody, he was crude and eagerly offensive.  Al Lewis was a known-leftist and the episode included the first appearance of known b-star/unknown-gay Charles Nelson Reilly.  I am trying to ponder what conspiracies have been going on in Hollywood for all these decades.  Dunno why, it's not like I've ever paid a lot of attention to it and even less now, never-mind my memory loss.  I doubt even a major historian could really follow this through.

Begun the Clod Wars have...

□ [“Kamala Harris’s Niece Meena Harris Slams All White Men After Colorado Shooting — Then Quietly Deletes Tweet After Shooter ID’ed as Muslim from Syria"]

You have to wonder what kind of person feels the need to delete expressions of their true beliefs.  He hates white people, he's going to attack them no matter what and has no interest in facts or truth, so why not put that out to all their supporters?  They're going to agree with him no matter what.

Even if, for the sake of argument, he doesn't want to attack white people for any excuse he can find, a thinking person would want to keep it on record that they just did exactly what they claim to oppose.  "Boy, did you see me do this?  I was really stupid and no-one should listen to me.  Now let me talk about how horrible white people are and you'll believe everything I say."

They could at least apply this to the gun laws they want everyone to have.  Colorado has the strictest laws in the nation, why not tell everybody how well that worked for them?

□ [“Over 200 Chinese Vessels in Line Formation Sighted in Philippine Sea within Philippine Exclusive Zone"]

Well, China's already been moving against other nations in the Indian Ocean in the last two months, even in Africa, might as well add one more.  North Korea just tested a nuke for the first time in a few years, I guess they're looking for a way to protect themselves too.  Is it safe to assume that there's going to be a war starting soon?  And no Democrat will complain.

□ [“GAO to Determine Whether Joe Biden Broke the Law by Freezing Money For Border Wall in Violation of Budget Rules"]

It's a nice thought but it's not going to go anywhere.  They're all in on the election thieves, they aren't going to be bothered by ignoring the law.

□ [“DC Increases Price Of Monthly Batman Comic, And Others, To $6 Each"]

This has to be intended to shut down comics as we know them and as they've been for decades.  No one's going to pay 6$ (not counting tax) for a 20-something page story.  I could see it as keeping the comics just to develop movie properties but in that case, have the movie companies pay for it.  They can't be selling that much anyway.

Lessee, a $4 comic, half the money goes to the retailer, that's 2$ left.  If it sells 50,000 copies - and I doubt very many comics come anywhere near that these days - that's $100,000 total profit.  It's one thing if the comic is made by handful of people but DC is a major company.  It has a lot of employees.  If the entire crew, writer, penciller, inker, letterer, colorist and editor get paid $50-per-page total, that's a big chunk of the profit going to them, not counting staff, offices, printing or transportation.  This is a little simplistic, obviously the editor gets a salary, not a page-rate.  Also obviously, the creators cost more than $50 a page.  Advertisers would take up some of the cost, I've never been sure how much they pay.

It's still workable for a small group of people putting out a regular book but again, that's not how DC has operated.  That goes back to the beginning, Seigel and Schuster had a large staff, Bob Kane got one as soon as possible so he didn't have to do more than approve his name on the title and that was all long before they were purchased by Warner Brothers, much less became a bit-part of AOL/Time-Warner.

What do they think they'll get out of this?

BLM Mob Traps 100 Customers Inside Rochester, NY Grocery Store: ‘We’re Shutting S*** Down!’
March 24, 2021

Psaki Brushes Off Reporter Asking Why Hunter Biden Received $3.5 Million From the Mayor of Moscow’s Wife
March 24, 2021

You Just Can’t Make This Up: Democrats Argue Removing Dead People from Voter Rolls Is “Voter Suppression”
March 24, 2021

“Ron, Who Am I Turning This Over To?” – Joe Biden Gets Confused Again – Chief of Staff Asks Press to Leave the Room (VIDEO)
March 24, 2021

23 March, 2021

I just had one of my mediocre ideas. Boy, was that a mistake.

Well, I still haven't stopped watching The Facts of Life.  I've finally found a website that had the Goes To Paris tv movie.  I didn't watch it all but I did see more than the Reunion a couple weeks ago and let it play when I wasn't watching.  How did I get here after being obsessed with Guns'n'Roses and before that, the Avengers movies?

I'm really coming to the conclusion that most of the episodes aren't very good.  There are some exceptions but even those have some obvious problems.  Really the only thing that sells it is watching Mrs. Garrett and the four girls.  I'm not particularly interested in watching the "very special episodes" and this show pushed those a lot.

The Paris movie is a good example of the problems with the show.  The five characters all had stuff to do but not much, especially compared to what they could do in a half-hour sitcom episode.  Filming in France added a lot of screen time - one assumes part of the deal was a commercial for tourists - but that was about it.  They didn't have much to do with each other except at the beginning and end so much of the fun part of character interaction was missing.  They added the extra footage and removed the laugh-track.

I don't mind the laugh-track myself.  I'm sure I'd be annoyed with it if I actually started watching tv again (like I'm not already doing that) but I never had much of a problem with it.  A laugh-track can certainly be loud and obnoxious, but so can a live audience.  I paid a lot more attention to the characters and stories than to what other people thought was funny.  I am annoyed when there's applause or 'awww's.

Mrs. Garrett had a basic plot at a cooking school and Charlotte Rae was always fun.  Her variety is a big help, going from stern to ditzy to angry to over-the-top in whatever emotion she was portraying at the moment.  Rae had to play the adult on the show, the anchor to set everything straight.  The girls were sent to a strict school - why all four of them but no other student from Eastland? - where they quickly escaped.  Not from what you'd expect from teenage girls, Jo wanted to go to La Mans but instead had a romance, not too different from what Nancy McKeon already did.  Natalie and Tootie went sight-seeing until they ran into Frank Bonner of all people who played a character different from how we know him, Herb Tarlek of WKRP in Cincinnati.

Kim Fields and Mindy Coen didn't really do anything but give us more of the pair we liked.  I have to wonder how much they were really acting.  Obviously if they think one way but the script says something else, they get paid for acting, but I do wonder how different Natalie and Tootie's characters really were from them.  Then there's Lisa Whelchel who had probably never been to France, there's really no point in setting up anything Blair might really be believed in doing, just do a few scenes with her in a room with some other people, then go out and film her as a tourist.  Just call her "Blair" instead of "Lisa" and that's about it.  Write the script so Blair likes going around and seeing famous sites by herself.  Probably the easiest of the subplots to write.

I did immediately recognize Kim Fields' mother Chip which surprised me.  I had recently seen the episode where she plays Tootie's mother, here she's just a bit character.  Not a shock, her daughter's going to Paris, she can go along and also fill up a role, probably best for everybody.  Kim was the youngest member of the cast.  Looking it up, I see she'll turn 52 years old in May, almost the same age Charlotte Rae was when Mrs. Garrett was created, turning 52 in April 1978.

One thing I would do if I had any authority in Hollywood is try to recreate the series.  As a cartoon and yes, the four actresses would have to voice their roles.  Then again, I'd also want at least one take of them recording each of other three roles and decide who was best at each of the three roles they aren't known for.  Use it as a dream sequence or just a bonus track for the video.

For that matter, I am genuinely surprised that there hasn't been any attempt (that we know of) to actually show the four of them together again.  The reason I started watching these episodes again was the news that Cloris Leachman died - so far I've only seen one episode she was in - and obviously Beverly Ann and Edna would be at the end of their lives if not already gone.

The neat idea, which I might as well write here because where else will it ever happen, is that they don't even need to be physically together.  A couple of weeks ago, I actually found myself writing a page or two worth of dialogue.  My idea is that they probably have very little to do with each other anymore - the actresses probably have see each other much more often - but they do belong to a website for Eastland School Graduates.  Since they had more history with each other, they created a private group, probably called "Over Our Heads" or "Edna's Edibles."  That's where the news that Mrs. Garrett has died comes out.

Basically, the actresses would just be recorded in character like they were looking into a computer and responding to each other.  It would be creatively iffy on when each one of them is there, they might change clothes at various points if one of them has been gone for a day or a week.  The actress would recite whatever she's typing at a given time.  The one line of actual dialogue I imagine is Jo reading Blair's news that Mrs. G. has gone and, broken up by it, screams "Will you shuddup!!!"  Since it's not an actual dialogue, Blair continues delivering the news without noticing.

I don't see a whole lot of plot beyond finding out what the girls are doing these days.  I have no ideas for Jo, my ideas for the other three are probably quite a twist, but all centered around what Mrs. Garrett brought them.

Blair has basically become her mother, she's now on her third or fourth marriage, and her kids - adoption was cited in the Reunion - want someone who's actually there for them, just like Mrs. G. was for the young Blair.

Natalie gave up on her attempts to change the world.  Being a wife and mother shows much more success and she still writes, even more now that her kids are in school.  I think she'd be the happiest of the four.

I actually found a way into this story when I started trying to figure out how or why anybody could call Dorothy "Tootie," even including a line where Natalie tells her 'we should have stopped that by the time we graduated high school.'  Dorothy is probably the main storyline, her most-recent marriage is falling apart, her kids are in trouble, she's doing less acting then ever, being mostly in production now, the news of Mrs. G. hits her hard and makes her think that she hasn't been so happy since everyone called her "Tootie" and really misses that sense of hope in her life.  It could be a plot-point where she's basically demanding to be "Tootie" and everybody forgets that because obviously it's been decades since that was normal.  The only other idea I have for Jo is her response when she logs on and finds out, just asking 'has the world gone insane?'

Anyway, that's as far as I've written.  Blair reporting the news, keeping very reserved.  Natalie and Tootie catching up on what's been going on and remembering Mrs. Garrett.  Can't write more until I figure out where Jo is coming from these days and haven't had Blair do more than this yet.  But it's a lot of fun to try to envision the girls.  I'm pretty sure the series is still part of my basic mind and I haven't lost that part.  And it's interesting to picture how such an event would be filmed, obviously the actresses can record each part on their own and then just edit the footage together.

If I were running the show, have them all do it in the same room but that's probably not doable.  I'm just thinking of one episode, roughly as long as one of the episodes, just to catch up on them.  And since I'm imagining this, have one clip of the four together, hopefully in character but regardless, even if it's just for the closing credits, I think we'd like to see them together one more time.  They probably caught up on each other when they joined the website so there wouldn't need to be a lot of exposition or remembrance except for occasional comments.

The facts are all we can hope for.  Let's do something about it before time runs out.

They're just toying with this, how long until it's outright dictatorship?

So apparently there was another shooting yesterday.

□ [“Ten Dead, Including Police Officer During Shooting at Grocery Store in Boulder, Colorado"]

Naturally leftists immediately blamed white people and demand that guns be banned.  Of course you can see where this went.  He's from Syria and the FBI already knew about him because last year he intended to shoot up a Trump rally.  He supported ISIS.

At this point I have to wonder if the left actually plans for these events so they can get out all their 'hate whites/ban guns' rhetoric regardless of the facts.  The media obeys them so it's not like they'll get in trouble for it.

□ [“Barack Obama Blames Boulder Shooting on 'Disaffection, Racism and Misogyny' – Calls For Gun Control"]
□ [“Psaki Says Joe Biden Considering Executive Action on Gun Control in Wake of Mass Shootings"]

If they had any brains, they might recall that they lost big-time when they tried to ban guns in 1993.  Republicans took the House of Representatives for the first time in a generation.  Of course they know they can steal elections now so it's no surprise they're immediately going after that.

You'd think that at some point they could point to all the blacks being shot by other blacks and demand blacks have their guns taken away, that would get them so much support from the "racists," right?  Even the NRA who went out to train blacks how to use guns would go along with them, right?

Well, only some lives matter, I guess.

□ [“Kamala Harris Must Think That’s Amusing!” — TX Lt. Gov Dan Patrick Goes Off — Child Sex Trafficking Up 1,967% at Just One Border Sector"]

When have Democrats ever opposed bringing in slaves?  People with the freedom to leave aren't allowed.

□ [“Biden Administration Caves, Releases Video Showing Deplorable Conditions for Immigrant Children"]

And no one will care, just as they didn't when Obama did it.  It's like they're actively trying to show that their own rules don't apply to them and of course their supporters totally agree with it.

“We Need to Ban Assault Weapons!” – Biden Calls For Gun Control After Boulder Shooting – Then Walks Away, Ignores Reporters
March 23, 2021

Caught on Video: FBI and DHS Attempt To Recruit Former Green Beret to Infiltrate and Spy on Oath Keepers, Proud Boys – But He Recorded The Conversation!
March 23, 2021

Angela Merkel Puts Country Into Extreme Lockdown For Easter Week -- Not Even Grocery Stores Are Allowed to be Open April 1 to April 6
March 23, 2021

Photojournalist: The Biden Policy Keeping Photographers From Covering The Border Crisis Is Unprecedented
March 22, 2021

Democrats Introduce New Green New Deal Bill Calling Fossil Fuels 'Racist'
March 22, 2021

21 March, 2021

It's a mystery why people don't pay me for thinking.

It occurred to me that this anti-Russia approach could possibly be direct orders from China.  They've had major disagreements with Russia for about 50 years now.  Or maybe they're working together because they've got a puppet.

The more we pay attention to politics, the more we find that we'll never actually get to see.  I've been wondering if Hollywood is actually into human sacrifice.  I started thinking of that after noticing that two actors (blanking on their names and not bothering to look them up, they played the Joker and the Black Panther) both died right after their big hits.  I've even seen comments that the Black Panther must never be played by anyone else.  Sure didn't say that about the Joker that respect.  Would they say that nobody should create Black Panther comics other than the creators or does this only go one way?  Well, it probably does, I doubt Nick Fury is ever allowed to not be black again like he was for the first several decades.

And what sort of mentality does it take to say that only one person is allowed to portray a fiction character who existed a decade before he was born?  That's someone who doesn't have a clue what actors do for a living.

Anyway, that starts coming to mind when someone famous dies young.  We probably should expect the media reports to be false no matter what, but I've been wondering what could be going on.  Human sacrifice seems possible, and of course leftist schools are now teaching the greatness of the Aztecs who were always big on that and started raising the quota just before Spaniards arrived.

Then again, it could be Muslims letting the infidel rip themselves apart.  Or China.  Maybe the famous people didn't really die, they moved to Mars.

SWAT Team Moves In As Spring Breakers Commit Violence, Destroy Restaurants…City of Miami Beach Declares State of Emergency
March 20, 2021

COMPLETE CHAOS Breaks OUT IN BRISTOL, UK: War Against The Police – Vehicles Torched, Station Ransacked, K9s Hit with Mortar
March 21, 2021

Female Chicago Police Officer Shot During Firefight – 3rd Police Officer Shot in One Week
March 21, 2021

20 March, 2021

We're almost a quarter of the way through 2021 already.

Finished the "movie awards" section.  It started to seem strange, why are there so many movies about real people?  And they all seem to be winning awards.  At least with fiction, an actor gets to pretend to be someone who never existed.  Pretending to be a real person with real records, what's the point?  At least going back a few centuries removes most of the records but the "biographies" I noticed were all people in the second half of the 20th century.

I saw this a few years ago with the Freddie Mercury "biography" which was blatantly false.  I never had the slightest interest in seeing the movie but what little I'd heard was ridiculous.  You can watch the real Freddie in videos, why the hell does anyone want to make them up?

I wrote the above several hours ago, hoping to add something else.  Haven't thought of anything.

24 More Charged in North Carolina Voter-Fraud Probe including Nearly 20 Illegal Aliens Who Voted in National Election
March 20, 2021

19 March, 2021

First there is an essay title, then there isn't, then there is

It's individualism that they're opposed to.  America has been horrible from the start because it was about individual rights.  Anything they don't like is racist.

Well, today's big news, Biden fell down not once, but three times on one trip up into Air Force One.  It wasn't that long ago that he lied about Trump, "Look at how he steps, and look at how I step. Watch how I run up ramps and he stumbles down ramps. OK. Come on!”

We can watch the video, he's clearly not running.  He has multiple problems just walking.  The White House spokesman blamed the wind, saying she couldn't have made it up the stairs either.  Maybe that's because she's stupid, wind doesn't really knock people over, particularly not several times a minute.

Not sure how much writing I'll do this weekend.  I know I always say that, but I'm getting very close to the end of the first step on the "History project."  I don't know if I'll get it finished this weekend but I expect to be close.  I'll finally have basic dates for everything I've listed so far.

Boy am I getting sick of looking at the stuff about movies.

□ [“White House Blames “Wind” for Joe Biden’s 3 Falls Boarding Air Force One — But Weather Channel Shows It Was Only a “Light Breeze” Today"]

Canadian Father JAILED for Violating a Court Order to Use His Trans Child's Preferred Pronouns
March 18, 2021

"It's good to be white when you're doing crimes" writes "journalist" about Capitol rioter ... not realizing the subject of his article was in fact black.
March 19, 2021

Black woman slams Ohio school board for critical race theory indoctrination of students
March 11, 2021

‘The US Does Not Have the Qualification to Speak to China From a Position of Strength’ – China’s Top Diplomat Humiliates Biden’s Team on American Soil
March 19, 2021

Biden’s Military’s Number One Focus – Not China – Not Iran – But Promoting the Rights of LGBTQ Around the World
March 19, 2021

18 March, 2021

If everything is hate speech, then nothing is. But if nothing is hate speech, then everything is.

Biden’s Army Won’t Return Medals to Soldier Pardoned by President Trump For Killing a Suspected Afghan Bomb Maker
March 18, 2021

Former President of Milwaukee Drag Queen Story Hour Foundation and Children’s Court Judge Arrested on Seven Counts of Child Porn
March 18, 2021

“Go Home – F*ck China!” – Enviro-Conscious Vandals Write Anti-China Hate Messages in Hay in Seattle Church Parking Lot and On the Lawn
March 18, 2021

Elitist John Kerry has responded to public awareness of his not wearing a mask in public:

"Feels like there's some St. Patrick's day 'malarkey' afoot on Twitter. Let's be clear: If I dropped my mask to one ear on a flight, it was momentary. I wear my mask because it saves lives and stops the spread. It's what the science tells us to do."

The mask is clearly not on "one ear" in the picture because his head is leaning forward and it would be visible.  Science doesn't say you must take off your mask that saves other people because you're turning a page on a book which means you can kill them all without hesitation.  He is sitting in first class so maybe they get a different kind of science than the peons.  I'm amazed he wasn't on his private plane.

□ [“Michigan Judge: Yes, the Democrat Secretary of State's Illegal Order to Accept Dodgy Ballots Was Illegal"]

Yes, the election was stolen.  So what do we do about it?

□ [“At 'anti-racist' University of Iowa workshop, guest declares he doesn't 'teach White authors'"]

Determining how to treat people based on their skin-color is only racist if it's a certain skin-color, according to the people who are all about opposing racism.

How did they even get this far?  Democrats have ruled blacks all these centuries, do they know something about blacks that they're not willing to publicly admit, that blacks are stupid enough to fall for this?

I've been meaning to look at an article on "Critical Race Theory" for a while and I guess I'll get around to it now.  The theory calls itself a movement which isn't how theories work but it is what leftists do, pretend their current ideology is proven facts that must be obeyed.  Everything is defined in marxist terms, or ignored if it goes against their wishes.  As LBJ said over sixty years ago, they'll keep blacks where they are for another two hundred years.

"Critical Race Theory" came out of "Critical Theory" which was invented by leftists at the Frankfurt School in 1930s Germany.  They based their work on Marx and Sigmund Freud who were white people.  Funny how that works.

"Systemic Racism" is about removing individuals from the picture.  They're part of society so they don't count and society must be destroyed.  I can't find any source for its origins.

In other news, I've done something I never expected to do, watched the Facts of Life Reunion.  Well, I didn't really "watch" it, but I found the whole thing was on Youtube and let it run for an hour and a half or however long it was.  I did watch some of it and kinda paid attention throughout to the dialogue.

I did try to watch it when it came out, November 18, 2001.  I don't remember how long I lasted that time.  For one obvious reason, Nancy McKeon wasn't in it.  It shouldn't be possible to conceive of a reunion without Jo.  Apparently she was working on some other tv show and too busy to appear, I've also found some quote on the internet that she'd thought it was just too soon for a reunion, and not the right time.  The filming started on September 10, interesting timing.

For another reason, it was basically a sitcom plot stretched out for a full movie.  I guess it's not a horrible idea but I didn't see it working.  At one point they made a brief visit to Eastland and although the set looked good, they were filmed from angles we had never seen the characters at before.  It's the wrong way to go about reenacting the old times.

Otherwise, the plot certainly wasn't interesting.  There were a very few slightly amusing references to the series but if they had changed the characters' names, there'd be nothing worth watching for its own sake.  Face it, once the girls become adults, they have no real reason to associate with each other.

But I have still been watching some of the original episodes.  Mostly from the third season which I own all of but some others as well.  I may say more about them later.

17 March, 2021

John Galt is on first base, now stop asking who's on first!!!

Individuals have their own thoughts and viewpoints.  Collectivists can only see what their group tells them to see, regardless of reality.  Of course they are individuals themselves, whether or not they admit it, and obviously can't perceive the way a group does. [I have no idea if "groups" actually exist as beyond a gathering of individuals but let's leave that aside for the time being.]  They're just trying to copy other individuals, usually higher-class.

This lines up with the leftists' explicit denial of reality.  We see this with how they focus on skin color and call anyone who thinks differently "racist."  If they don't hate men, they're "sexist."  They oppose mansions but are keeping theirs, private jets, guns...  Look at all the people ordering everyone else wear masks and then get caught without their own.

The same ones who complained about an election for the past four years now try to prevent anyone from pointing out they stole an election.  There's not even a 'people have a right to think and say what they want,' they're in charge and no disobedience is permitted.

I have been meaning to look into the first post-invasion elections of Iraq because I have often wondered if part of the point was showing Iraqis what they get when they vote for modern Islam.  This was the reason for post-9/11 invasions and obviously they weren't going to make Afghanistan the ideal, not with Baghdad, Beirut, Jerusalem, Cairo and other states in the region, not to mention Mecca.  LTC Miller was there to help over-see the follow-up elections and about the only way I see any hope is that this was all part of a larger plan, to let the enemy take over and show how they really are which would be re-enacted here at home.

Liberal Hypocrite and Biden Climate Envoy John Kerry Flouts Federal Mask Mandate on American Airlines Flight
March 17, 2021

Smug Jen Psaki Announces Any 10-Year-Old Slave in the World Who Makes It Across the US Southern Border Will Be Allowed to Stay Here With His Owner - She didn't actually mention slaves
March 17, 2021

More American Troops Entering Syria – What Is Biden Doing and Does He Know He’s Doing It?
March 17, 2021

Russia Recalls Ambassador After Joe Biden Threatens Vladimir Putin and Calls Him a ‘Killer with No Soul’
March 17, 2021

8-Year-Old Social Media Star ‘Dating’ 13-Year-Old Influencer — With Her Mom’s Blessing
March 17, 2021

Doctors Forced to Provide Cross-Sex Hormones Under Equality Act Could Send Teenagers Into Premature Menopause
March 17, 2021

16 March, 2021

This is the day-est of all days.

I notice gas prices are up at least 20 cents/gallon.  I don't drive much these days but others do.  Then there's the plan to raise income taxes, probably not the only taxes going up.  And all the Republicans supporting the stolen election wanted it.

Just a note on the "History project," I'm passing through 1994 movie awards and noticing a couple leftist themes sweeping the Oscars, Golden Globes and BAFTA.  There's Steven Spielberg showing how evil Nazis are, there's Tom Hanks fighting AIDS and there's Robin Williams dressing like a woman just a decade after Tootsie (which also won awards.)  The Crying Game came out that same year, which was only known for being about a man pretending to be a woman until he shows off his vagina penis.

Men are women, sex leads to horrible disease, anyone who disagrees is a Nazi.  This generations' Democrats were raised on stuff like this as Bill Clinton took office.

I haven't seen any of the movies I've referred to but we sure heard a lot about them.

□ [“Fundraiser set up for Meghan and Harry to raise £7.1m to pay off mortgage on mansion"]

Just making a note on this one, people who hate their nations still want those nations to pay for their large mansions.  Presumably that includes paying for the cooks, maids, gardeners, repairmen, security and such.  The people in charge are so oppressed...

□ [“Democrats Shift From ‘Coronavirus’ To ‘Climate Change’ For Power Grabs"]

Also just a note, I've also wondered if the "global warming" nonsense has always been their main push for power.  Yeah, they hate money and demand to control everyone for everything, but "global warming" might be where they really came out in the open on it.  They'll keep their mansions and private planes though.

NYC Judge Removes 6-Year-Old From Mother Because She Didn’t Wear a Mask While Dropping Her Off at School
March 16, 2021

Family Kicked Off Las Vegas Flight Because Four-Year-Old Autistic Son Wouldn’t Wear Mask, Despite Note From Doctor
March 16, 2021

California Shut Off Power to Restaurant for Refusing to Comply With Shut Down, So They Are Using Generators to Stay Open Anyway
March 16, 2021

Columbia University to Host Six Graduation Ceremonies Based on Race, Sexuality, Income Level
March 16, 2021

Dem Senator Caught on Hot Mic Admitting Democrats Will Ram Through Trillions in New Spending without GOP Support
March 16, 2021

Portland Mayor Who Coddled Anarchists and Defended Violent Demonstrations Now Says City Is “Sick and Tired” of the Violence
March 16, 2021

Noted Biblical Scholar Don Lemon Says God Not About Judging People
March 16, 2021

15 March, 2021

Nobody ever dies saying they wished they'd watched more television but does anyone die saying they should have watched more movies?

Another day closer to death.  Having problem with the "History project" today but I have gotten through the daily goals and hope to do more after I finish typing this.

It's strange going through the 'movies.'  I'm mostly down to the awards for each year and for one thing, it's amazing to note that I barely recognize any of the recent years.  I just haven't paid attention for a long time.  For another thing, even a lot of the winners I've never seen ever.  It's not a case of not remembering if I've seen it, I know I haven't.  Network, I don't know if I've seen it, I think I might have watched part of it once.  Taxi Driver, I think I have but don't remember, as I recall I found it boring.  Jaws, SerpicoBonnie and Clyde, The ExorcistA Star Is Born, never and never had the slightest interest even though they're well-known hits.

I am wondering if movies are part of a larger conspiracy, getting people to waste their time watching and doing nothing else.  The theory is probably that films can brainwash people to think the way their masters want.  I think this also distances them from dealing with real people.

Why has Hollywood made A Star Is Born so many times?  Looking it up - because it's better than seeing the movie - it seems to be a generic love story that ostensibly goes behind the scenes in the movie business, essentially a love story to itself.  I do wonder if Judy Garland was the prime example of Hollywood manufacturing their own children which may explain why she was in the 1954 version.  Not sure why they would pick Barbra Streisand for the 1976 version but it makes as much sense as anything, and Lady Gaga was in the 2018 version.  There was also a 1951 tv version but I don't see anything about that, but it was hosted by a movie-star, Robert Montgomery, whose show remade movies and just looking at his life gives a hint of the family-business the industry was.  His daughter Elizabeth was Bewitched.

Joe Biden to Propose First Major Federal Tax Hike Since 1993 to Fund Multi-Trillion Dollar Plan to Tackle Climate Change, Infrastructure
March 15, 2021

14 March, 2021

If you can't find a way to mock Joe Biden, you're not black.

It would be more accurate to say 'he'll send men with guns out to get us if we make fun of him.'

The media knows who they work for.  Look at the guy on tv who had his brother Andrew Cuomo on his show 70+ times last year and suddenly isn't capable of making any comment about the guy because they're related.  Why would such an untrustworthy host even have this guy on his show?

The media people want to be government stooges.  It's not about informing the public, it's about enforcing the rulers' viewpoints over everything onto everyone.  One thing I will give the internet is that it allows individuals to express their own viewpoints.  We'll see how long that lasts.

This message is sponsored by Rococo Coffee.  They pay me to say this.

Activist Attacked On The Streets Of Montreal For Campaigning Against Giving Puberty Blockers To Children
March 14, 2021

Vandals Destroy Presidents Circle Gravestones of James Monroe and John Tyler at Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia
March 14, 2021

Pentagon May Reverse Gender-Neutral Physical Fitness Test of US Army Soldiers
March 13, 2021

13 March, 2021

Just another manic Saturday...

Not much to say, I've been working on the "History project" all day.  Since I last wrote, I got two of the remaining sections finished, two of the biggest ones even.  Now there's only three sections left, "movies," "movie deaths" and "sports."  The first two are rather short (less than 10000 lines total) but very tedious to format.  The latter is rather long, but not remotely as long as others have been and nowhere near as tedious as the other two.

I really would like to get through this part of the project and get back to formatting the dates so that there's a long list of everything that's ever happened.  Of course even there, it's not complete.  Just in "sports," I'm still missing a lot of things that happened in the 21st century, and that applies to other sections as well.  I'm sure previous centuries aren't complete and even there, it's not like I get every single thing that's ever happened in history.  I'm definitely putting limits on how far I'm going.  I just erased a bunch of music awards that I'd never heard of and really don't care who won.  I wouldn't mind applying that to sports, movies and everything else, and those are some of the things I'm currently missing.  Oh well...

Despite all the work, I did check for headlines earlier today.  Didn't find any, not finding much now.  Obviously I'm not paying much attention to this other stuff.

It's going to get worse.  The left is lowering every standard it can find because standards are "racist."  They're actively trying to remove guns from everyone except their own forces and speech is going out too.  And slave-owners have free-entrance to the nation.  Don't worry, they'll vote Democrat as always.

Biden’s National Park Service Denies South Dakota Request for July 4th Fireworks At Mount Rushmore
March 13, 2021

South Texas Migrant Facility at 729% of its Legal Capacity, Children Are Going Hungry and Only Showering Once a Week
March 13, 2021

Utah Jazz and Gates Foundation Offer Non-White Scholarships Only
March 13, 2021

British Columbia Father Faces Arrest and Jail Time For Trying To Stop Doctors From Transitioning His Middle School Daughter To A Boy
March 13, 2021

12 March, 2021

The secret of life is not wearing that shirt with those trousers. Now you know.

Well, I got a present-to-me today.  Face it, I needed one.

I mentioned a few days ago that I was wondering if society would collapse at any time, so the best thing I could think of was to the next few books in hard copies.  I did and they just arrived.

It's a nice feeling even though lots of the material is still first draft.  I'd always tried to make a point of getting my books to the fourth draft before I was willing to get a proof copy but more and more, I haven't been doing that.  To be fair, I'm running low on material that has been edited multiple times, but I didn't even format the stuff.

So now I have three more books and a lot of stuff that I don't remember anything about, particularly the fiction.  That's not going to make it easy to edit.  But if I had it all edited and finished tomorrow, I think I'd be basically out of material that had been typed up and was ready.  So my theory is that, however long it takes me to edit these things, I'll write more in the process and the formats of the three books will radically change, never mind the actual content.

Still, although these are not remotely finished and barely qualify as my books, it still feels very nice to suddenly have three brand-new hard copies that I didn't have yesterday.  As miserable as things are, there are a few good points once in a while.

Of course I'm still focusing on the "History project."  The first step is the longest and (hopefully) the hardest, getting everything in history and formatting it into basic dates.  I'm actually getting close to done with this step, it's just that what's remaining is the longest and most tedious, and that's saying something.

I'm wondering if I can set myself to doing, say, a month from each section every day.  The remaining sections would start getting finished and I could spend more time on the others and hopefully it wouldn't take too long before this part of the project is done.

□ [“Schumer and Gillibrand Call on Cuomo to Resign Over Sexual Harassment Allegations"]
□ [“AOC, Nadler Call on N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo to Resign"]

I'm not paying much attention to this stuff but I am wondering what's going on.  A few months ago, he was a universally-adored Democrat star.  It's possible that he just behaves like a typical Democrat who knows he can get away with anything, but something about it seems fishy.  They had the plans to steal the election for quite a while so there's no reason to think they didn't make other plans in the process.  They might be turning him in just to get rid of him or, now that Biden's accusers are silenced, they may be trying to re-start "Believe All Women."

At this point it wouldn't surprise me if this was all part of the plan and he was in on it from the beginning.  It's not like they need to worry about elections anymore.  But it also wouldn't surprise me if he's got the desire to be a dictator that I think is common among the left and wants to prove it.  They can't both be right - other leftists would want to be the dictator, for instance - but it does stand out.

Just under one year ago on March 16, 2020, the New York Times wrote an article titled "Andrew Cuomo Is the Control Freak We Need Right Now."  How did he become a control freak?  Maybe they should have given him orders on how to behave as a control freak.  I assume the writer, Ben Smith, is totally wanting Cuomo to resign too.

Human Trafficking: Cartels are Selling Kids for $3,200 a Head at Joe Biden’s Open Border with Mexico
March 12, 2021

Pelosi Re-Appoints Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell to Intel Committee Despite His Sexual Relationship with Chinese Spy Fang Fang
March 12, 2021

11 March, 2021

The dog self-identifies as a writer, a WWI flying ace and "Joe Cool," but never as female. That's so evil.

□ [“Manhattan Private School Encourages Students to Stop Using Words Like 'Mom' and 'Dad' to be More ‘Inclusive’"]

I do think that one of the main intents of leftism, if not THE main one, is to remove the concept of gender from humanity.  Notice how they never apply this to dogs and cats, much less any other animal on the planet.  It would never work and they'd look incredibly stupid if they tried.  It's just easier to claim they consider animals as equals.  That's how they treat people anyway.

One of the many things I've been meaning to look up when I get a chance is the origins of the urge to destroy heterosexual marriage.  That came from human nature, therefore it's bad.  Women want to mate with an attractive male, men want pussy.  Putting the two together is part of the purpose of life and the best way to make it work is to limit it to 'one man, one woman, til death do us part.'

That's the best option and it's what the left has been trying to take down for the longest time.  But it didn't work until 20th Century technology entered the picture.  Women would have always been willing to go for it but they can't provide as much or shelter as men can, now that was no longer needed.  Men no longer have to provide a ring to get pussy so there's no interest in that.

I do have to question how much 'one man, one woman, til death do us part' was actual reality and not just an ideal.  Either way, the best way to keep people down is to get rid of ideals, that way they have nothing to work for.

□ [“Biden Signs Executive Order to Make Transgender Surgery Free for Military on Taxpayer Dime"]

There you go.  What ideals can a military have when they have to spend time and energy pretending women-with-penises are common soldiers?  That's not what the military is for but it is how leftists remove ideals.

CA Gov. Newsom: ‘We’re Not Going Back to Normal’ After Pandemic Since ‘Normal Accepts Inequity’
March 11, 2021

Federal COVID-19 Bailout Prohibits States From Cutting Taxes
March 10, 2021

Misfired Hamas test rocket hits Palestininan fishing boat, killing three; propagandists at the Palestine Information Network claimed it was Israeli shelling, something not even Hamas is claiming.
March 8, 2021

10 March, 2021

The less you consider individualism, the fewer words you need. Who will question your assertion that 'this group hates that group.' Bonus points to using skin color.

California’s Proposed “Ethnic Studies” Curriculum Urges Students to Chant to Aztec Deity of Human Sacrifice and Cannibalism – Calls For “Counter-Genocide” Against White Christians
March 10, 2021

Psaki Laughs When Asked Why Border Facilities for Migrant Children Are Fully Open But US Schools Aren’t
March 10, 2021

Biden’s Handlers Announce Hastily Planned Road Show to Prop Up Kamala Harris as Joe’s Dementia Becomes Impossible to Conceal
March 10, 2021

LA Teacher Warns Union Members Not To Post Vacation Pics While Classrooms Are Still Closed
March 9, 2021

Been trying for a couple hours to think of something to write.  I've been pondering the concept of 'government property.'  It is slavery but left loves it because it's government so in theory it has nothing to do with the individual.  In reality, everyone is an individual, hence the resulting absolute ruler which leftists also love.

There's a quote from Lenin on the state controlling everything, I think he was ordering one of his subordinates to measure and quantize every brick and nail, something along those lines.  I don't remember the quote and I can't even guarantee it was from Lenin himself, but I'm going through the biography by Dmitri Volkogonove trying to find it.  So far no luck - I still don't have much reading ability and probably haven't gone through this book since before I enlisted, a long time ago - but I am seeing a lot of stuff that looks very current.

As an example, while typing this I just notice that exactly 98 years ago, Lenin was undergoing serious health problems.  A lot of money was spent on him, including bringing in doctors from other countries because high-class care wasn't possible in Russia.  The people didn't vote on the matter, they just had their money spent on medical care that communists would never permit for them.  Of course the people weren't actually told yet, it was March 6 when he was paralyzed and March 11 before any public reports were made.

I gave up on finding the quote.  There's a lot of them that are relevant today but not the one I was looking for.  Even before looking at this book, I had been wondering for a while how long the media would take to tell us if something like that happens to Biden.  Then there was that internet article today that Kamala Harris is following him around, probably to be ready to take over any second.  Then there's purging the kulaks, going after the Romanovs, we can look forward to doing the same thing in the near future.

It's been pointed out that leftists have just changed "class" to "race" and that's pretty clear.  I think it goes deeper than that, possibly even deeper than eliminating individualism although at our level we can't see all that entails.  It's the source of marxism, leftism, fascism and on a day-to-day basis, feudalism, where those who live in mansions and palaces get to pretend they're doing it for everybody and can send men with weapons to impose their will and keep society in that place forever.

09 March, 2021

No-one ever sees Dorothy and "Tootie" together at the same time - is that too subtle a reference?

A random thought about movies, I'm wondering if one main reason for their popularity and obsession from their fans is how they have to interact other art forms.  People who think that way would see them as inferior minor pieces of a whole.

Music is part of the soundtrack, a huge percentage of stories come from books or plays, actors certainly came from theater and comedy.  Paintings are part of the set design and coloring while comics are used as storyboards.  You can see the effect, people from all those fields moved to Hollywood to find work there.  Music depended on videos for a few decades, not entirely a movie influence, television in general needed to crank out as much as possible and at its peak was certainly a clever form of entertainment in its own right.

I am irritated by how comic books have become basically about making movies-on-paper, specifically the way they've eliminated thought balloons and captions as much as possible.  If there are captions, it's a character narrating and I'm boggled by the outright elimination of what each character is thinking at a given moment.  Books don't eliminate thought and comics shouldn't either.  It enhances the stories, shows the characters, demonstrates them saying one thing and thinking another.  Movies can't do that by their very nature, why be more like them?

There are valid artistic reasons to do so on a given project.  I would probably blame Alan Moore and Frank Miller for it in the first place.  I just flipped through Moore's early work and Swamp Thing and Miracleman were the only ones who used captions as narration, not just a character speaking off-panel.  Even then it wasn't used that often, at least not in what I looked at.  V For Vendetta and Watchmen only had captions as dialogue.  Dark Knight had no thought balloons and didn't seem to have much in captions that weren't Batman speaking.  Looking through Daredevil, I was surprised to see a fair amount of both, probably had fewer than other Marvel comics of the time but that's just Miller's style.  He certainly had to go along with Jim Shooter's policies.

Anyway, I can't figure out where such thinking comes from but it seems quite obvious that people would see movies as a superior art form and part of the reason is that because they made use of all the lesser-arts.

I'm also trying to figure out how to describe how movies work in the first place.  If comics are art-in-space, movies are art-in-time.  There's obviously something appealing about watching people who operate in some similar ways to theater but have different camera angles, mechanical effects and multiple opportunities for the same incident being filmed.  I'm even less of a theater fan than I've ever been of movies/tv so that's where my speculation runs out.

I'm beginning to think actors are fundamentally flawed people although emphasizing different aspects of personality and following direction are natural human traits.

□ [“Biden Implements Obama’s Insane Middle East Policies – Approves the Release of Billions to Iran But Then Vows to Protect Saudi Arabia After Iran Attacks Saudi Oil on Monday"]

I'm assuming we're going to eliminate the embassy in Jerusalem before too long.  Biden may have been one of the 76 Senators co-sponsoring the 1995 law to move the US embassy there but he's definitely not about following his own laws, only little people have to do that.

We now have troops in Syria on the ground.  The report seems to be that we're fighting Iranian-backed militias but I'm skeptical, Biden and Obama were huge suck-ups to Iran.  They eagerly supported Iran having nukes.  At least several thousand more troops are also being sent to the Middle East in general.

Obviously Israel is going to be attacked, it's just a matter of time.  Muslims have had a lot of time to plan this and they didn't like Trump.

Otherwise, they're in the process of making election-theft permanent, one of Biden's executive orders specifies skin colors as having no limitations on voting whatsoever because they're such helpless creatures that only Democrats can tell them what to do.  And of course they're also threatened by "misinformation" which Democrats are the sole judge and prosecutor of.

□ [“Democrats’ ‘COVID Stimulus Bill’ Erases San Francisco’s Debt for Speaker Pelosi and Eliminates New York State’s Fiscal Year Budget Deficit for Senate Leader Schumer"]

By an amazing coincidence, they do not include other places that get their financial problems fixed to fight a virus.  Only these two areas where the leaders came from will get anything, everyone else is screwed but at least their money is taken away to pay for this.

This is basically how feudalism works, the monarch provides for the barons who support him and they run their own regions.  And they want Washington DC to be the same way, even more than it already is.  I do assume they'll change the name before too long.  They wouldn't permit East Texas or North California to have those rights though.

□ [“People are starting to use Lefties' nonsensical language against them and it’s absolutely beautiful"]

I'm just making a note of this, people have finally found a way to react after several months of watching the fall.  You can now self-identify yourself as "Super-Straight," a brand-new sexual orientation of only being attracted to cisgender men or women.

It makes sense, why would there be people who aren't allowed to be only sexually attracted to people born in a certain gender?  Everybody else gets to pick their preferences, that's so unfair.  But now they can unite and fight for their rights to be treated like everyone else, the very people who silence anyone that disagrees with their oppression.  There's so much slander and hatred coming from the left.

What are they going to do, say you can't pick your own sexuality?

Party Leaders Move the Money and Quit after Democratic Socialists of America Candidates Sweep All the Top Democrat Party Slots in Nevada Elections
March 9, 2021

“The Guy That Runs That Outfit Over There” – Joe Biden Forgets the Name of the Pentagon and Name of His Secretary of Defense
March 8, 2021

A Day After "Adopting" Two Rescue German Shepherds for the Public Relations Value, Biden Abandons Dogs After One Supposedly Shows "Aggression"
March 9, 2021

After Defunding The Police, NYC First Lady Wants New Yorkers To “Defend Their Neighbors” As Crime Spikes
March 8, 2021

WOKE: PepĂ© Le Pew Cut From ‘Space Jam 2’ For Sexually Inappropriate Behavior with Female Cartoon Characters
March 8, 2021

Dutch PM demanded eurozone exit clause in huge blow to EU: 'You can never leave'
March 8, 2021

Chinese Regime Tells Biden to Reverse Trump's "Dangerous Practice" of Supporting Taiwan
March 7, 2021