17 June, 2023

I can't think of anything to put here. You got any ideas?

So Far in 2023, Illegal Border Crossers Outnumber the Population of Eight States
June 16, 2023

Climate Change Cult Protests at Oil Fountain Inside Bristol Cathedral in England
June 17, 2023

□ [“New Jersey Department of Education Reports 4,200 Percent Increase in Students Claiming to be ‘Nonbinary’ in Four Years"]

The goal is to impose their insanity directly into children.  These kids are either mindlessly obedient or they're just going along with what they're told.  No idea which or what percentage is choosing each side.  What I don't get is why there isn't a universal resistance, parents just coming forth and demanding this abuse stop.

Obviously I don't have a clue how this operates but you'd think it would be simple, every parents group across the US getting in contact with each other to speak up and put an end to this.  Every city will work differently but could it really be that hard to work out?  And it is starting to look like most parents are totally opposed to this.

There is the argument that 'most people don't pay attention to this stuff' which would account for parents doing nothing.  I've always tended to disbelieve that approach but I do have to wonder how much of it is actually true, because what other alternative is there for any parents who disagree with this monstrosity?

Put this out to all the parental organizations that they need to speak out and refuse to take part in this any longer.  Their children are being perverted every day that nothing is done about this.  Fight back or just admit that you've lost permanently.  There is no other option.

Laughlin Air Force Base to Host “Pride Parade” With “Parade Route Around Base Housing”
June 17, 2023

□ [“Spotify Parts Ways With Harry and Meghan After Paying Them a Reported $20 Million for 12 Podcasts"]

Why would you give this much money to people who don't do anything or have any real fans?  I have to wonder if this is just funneling money like Ukraine or bit-coin or something like that.  If there's a safe way to move money like that, it would be connected to British royalty, but keep in mind these two aren't British royalty anymore, assuming they ever were.

Yet somehow they're leftist icons, despite getting so much money for so little work.  How many mansions around the world would they have to have to stop whining about how oppressed they are?  We should get a time machine and go back to show Winston Churchill clips of these two and tell him 'this is what you're fighting for.'  That would have ended the war in a hurry.

At this point in the internet's existence, why would anybody be stupid enough to pay 20 million dollars for any form of web content?  The customers aren't going to pay for any of this crap so what other options are there?  Fortunately I know nothing about streaming services but although they might have ways to move money around beyond the basic concept of sales, that wouldn't do much good for anybody, yet Spotify handed over this much cash for nothing?  Even if it had been genuinely popular, it couldn't be used for anything.  This just makes no sense.

Fetterman Speaks Complete Gibberish as He Introduces Joe Biden in Philly
June 17, 2023

□ [“DC Comic Book About Gay Superhero Couple Features Sex Scenes, Child at Pride Parade"]

All these decades of knowing that corporate-owned comics were just propaganda and this is what it's come to.  No one can sell these comic books but the point isn't to sell them, it's to maintain company property.  They're also probably used to develop ideas for movies, tv shows and cartoons which are much more expensive to produce, but might have an audience somewhere.

At least I got to grow up to a point where I wasn't really interested in the superhero genre anyway and what affection I still had was mostly limited to stories that meant a great deal to me when I was younger.  And this was all *before* most people had ever heard of these intellectual properties.  Now they're all common and that's not even counting their use as leftist propaganda.

Do the people who run these companies all hang out at gay-orgies so they can, um, interact without putting this on the record?  That seems unbelievable but given the world we live in now, it also seems quite likely.  Hollywood, the music industry, the Muslim world and other foreigners.  I'd like to be wrong about this but what are the odds?

Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Utah City Must Allow All-Ages Drag Show in Public Park
June 17, 2023

□ [“DOJ Moving to Silence Trump – He Would Be Unable to Speak Out on Case Materials Under Potential New Order"]

They're just going after him with anything they can.  No way to know if this will work or if Trump and co. have a back-up plan ready.  We have no way to know how much of a chance either side has although as always, I'd bet on the bad guys.  But that's just how I roll, you might be different.  And something about this just doesn't come across as blatant tyranny winning everything, although I'm not sure what to point to specifically.

We've had enough of this.  That's really a meme that needs to be spread everywhere, that we refuse to put up with this any longer.  Our rulers want us to be completely submissive and we need to show them that won't happen.  I'm surprised Civil War 2.0 hasn't started in the streets yet but it's coming soon.  Is there going to be some major event that makes it start - Trump being imprisoned? - or will it just happen somewhere on some street in some city and spread from there?

The rulers are starting to go after disarming the populous.  The IRS and ATF sent armed agents into a gun store in Great Falls, Montana and grabbed all the Form 4473 used to get info on every customer.  They'll start doing that everywhere in the country to get all our data on file.  Because they said it was "IRS business."

Massachusetts College Tells Students to Avoid Using “Gender Specific” Words Like Mother and Father
June 17, 2023

I was a little worried that the Flash movie might actually be successful but there's almost a 0% chance I was wrong about that, based on opening night.  It made $24.5 million, less than half of the opening night for that Spider-Man cartoon movie, about 2/3 of what the Little Mermaid remake and just over half of what Ant Man 3 and Guardians of the Galaxy 3.  Of those four movies, only two were remotely successful in theaters.  We've long since left the era where people will hear about this great movie that's in theaters and will eventually turn it into a hit.  Nowadays, opening weekend is the best it will ever do.

The only real interest I have in paying attention to this is that the Barry Allen Flash was the one who set off the Silver Age of comics.  As the Flash, I always preferred Wally West and Jay Gerrick, and even there, I was never a huge fan of the characters.  He also set off the multiverse in "The Flash of Two Worlds" which appeared just a month or so before Fantastic Four #1.  But seriously, whatever merits the Flash has as a character, he's really not that important or interesting.  He's just another guy in tights with unrealistic abilities.

Then there's cult-leader child-rapist Ezra Miller who can make up his own gender so of course he's promoted as the hero.  That's another example of people not willing to put up with this nonsense any longer and another reason why the people in charge of these companies hate us all.

There's also the fact that people are just plain tired of superheroes.  It's ok when you're young, but you're expected to grow out of it in a few years and only us devoted comics fans were able to last.  They've already wiped out the comics medium so it's spent far too long with few other genres or attention given to any work.  An amusing fantasy to waste a little time with, ok, but they don't add anything to our lives and the very nature of the genre is to insist that they're the most important.

Uganda: Militants Tied to Islamic State Storm School and Murder At Least 41, Ask Muslim Students to Identify Themselves Because They “Don’t Kill Fellow Believers”
June 17, 2023

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