19 June, 2023

The law will apply to you unless you get vaccinated!

Maryland Governor Claims That Keeping Sexually Explicit Books From Children is ‘Castrating’ Them
June 18, 2023

45-Year-Old Houston Rapper ‘Big Pokey’ Drops Dead on Stage During Live Performance
June 19, 2023

□ [“'We Do Not Support Taiwan Independence' – Tony Blinken Gives Green Light to Chicoms to Invade Taiwan"]

Well, that's game and match.  The only way it could be more official is if President Trump said this himself.  I assume that's one of the reasons he made the visit, to get instructions on how to tell the world that Taiwan is Chinese property and that's not going to change, regardless of what Taiwan thinks.  It's probably still unknown when China will move in but they'll decide that whenever they want.

So Taiwan is probably desperate, looking around for any allies that might actually stay with them.  Not sure who that would be, except maybe Japan who already has an idea of what China is like to deal with.  The US military must not be willing to give weapons and equipment to those non-white people when it's actually required to defend them, we've only do that for Ukraine.

We can take it as a given that leftists aren't going to get all supportive of these non-whites either.  They don't complain about China slave-mining in Africa to provide materials for solar powered devices.  Biden even promised to send troops in to defend Taiwan less than a year ago.  Nobody's going to believe him and only leftists will pretend they do.

Other California Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: Dianne Feinstein Should Not Resign No Matter What Because We Need Judges Confirmed
June 18, 2023

Several People Killed, Dozens Injured as Juneteenth Celebrations in North Carolina, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio and Washington Turn Bloody
June 19, 2023

□ [“American Medical Association Claims BMI is 'Racist' and Should Not Be Used Due to Its Origin in 19th Century White Body Standards"]

Everything is racism.  This is just another example of that, in this case as an excuse to make non-whites as fat as possible.  The people in charge of doctors want that to happen, everybody else has to obey.  Science is whatever they make up and anyone who disagrees is "racist."

The medical industry hasn't been damaged enough yet by pretending there was a virus and only cloth masks on our face could protect us, so why not go all the way?  And they're telling us that certain skin colors are stupid enough to believe this, just like white liberals.

I don't get the point of destroying the medical industry.  Nobody's going to want the medics who are stupid enough to believe this and they're going to have to get rid of anybody who isn't.  But what I really don't get are why anybody is going along with this, other than the standard leftist policy to make anything that works untrustworthy and force everybody to go along with what doesn't work.

Democrat and Ranking Member of the House Weaponization Subcommittee Slips Up, Says the Quiet Part Out Loud, “Trump Needs to Be ‘Shot’ …Stopped”
June 18, 2023

Russian General Says U.S. Preparing to Use Mosquito-Filled Drones in Ukraine
June 19, 2023

□ [“Fake News MSNBC: Biden Isn’t Campaigning Because he 'Doesn’t Have a Serious Challenger'"]

That's because the people in charge won't permit anybody else.  The fix, as they say, is in.  What you are saying is that Democrats, unanimously, are too weak and timid to dare taking a chance on anything, no matter how many decades they've spent saying they were great at their jobs and deserved to be POTUS.  This basically shows that the orders were given and everyone must obey.

□ [“Biden: 'I’ve Committed that by 2020, We Will Have Conserved 30% of All the Lands and Waters'"]

This is who they're sticking with.  Despite the (completely reasonable) suspicion that he's replaced by an impersonator at times, things like this show us that it's highly unlikely.  There's just no reason to do that and not make the copycat at least slightly more coherent than the real Biden.  I'm sure it happens and I've long suspected it's probably Secret Service policy, but it's clearly not being done on a regular basis.  What I'm surprised at is that this speech is in California.  Has he gotten that far across the US at all in the last two and a half years?

□ [“Democrat Rep. Physically Pulls Biden Across the Stage After His Speech"]

But they have show that he's not even capable of doing that.  He has no idea where he's going or what to do, so someone needs to grab his hand and lead.  Biden just obeys.

NPR “Honors” Fathers By Celebrating Pregnant Dad Story
June 19, 2023

□ [“U.S. Director of National Intelligence to Declassify All Information on Covid-19 Origins by Sunday as Required by Law"]

This article came out a few days ago so, if the law was followed, this information should have come out yesterday.  No idea if that happened, I haven't heard anything.  This was another reason to destroy the medical industry, since they obviously showed they weren't trustworthy there.  But at this point, we don't even know if this info is worth trusting.

That's the real damage they've done.  Once upon a time, they used to follow a saying, 'What do we know, what do we think we know and what don't we know?'  This was a way to distinguish the facts and analyze what remained to find its purpose in manipulating the facts.  But that's what our rulers have wiped away so really, we don't know anything.  That's the way they want it so they can increase their power over everyone.

Then there's the countries we're at war with who have access to our foreign biolabs and have given that info over to the UN.  This is the sort of thing that would make rational people want the whole truth put out immediately so that it can't get any worse from there, but that's not how our rulers operate.

Situation in Israel and Middle-East Deteriorating
June 19, 2023

□ [“Scale of Bidens’ Illegal Payment Scandal Triples Overnight"]

More scandal, nothing will be done about it.  It's another example of how they should just release all the info immediately so that someone might be able to make use of it.  Otherwise it's just wasting time and we already know the rest of the government is totally in on this sort of thing.  It's sounding like Trump wasn't and *that's* why they all hated him.

We're told that over a dozen tapes have been released showing Hunter and his father speaking about the bribes they're getting.  I don't know if the tapes have come out to the public or if they're just being moved around to people in certain offices who describe what's on them.  Don't much care.  Once again, just put it all out there.  Let the Biden supporters admit that they don't care if he took bribes for decades, at least he's raised taxes and got us into war so that's all that matters.

That's why the uniparty is going on this 'the law applies to everybody' nonsense, because they know full well the laws don't apply to them and they can show that off to the world.  I don't get the point of the elite showing off their superiority to the rest of us but they obviously do.

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