11 October, 2024

I wanted to be a great failure, but that didn't work out for me.

Ethel Kennedy, widow of Robert F. Kennedy, age 96October 10, 2024

New Zealand’s Female Defense Minister Denies That Lesbian Captain to Blame for Vessel Running
October 11, 2024

□ [“Obama Admits Black Men Don’t Like Kamala – Blames Their Distrust on Misogyny"]

Then why the hell did they vote for Hillary?  I don't mean in 2008, obviously nobody wanted anything to do with her and they helped you beat her face into the ground, I mean in 2016 when they voted for her.  Was she not a woman at the time?

Because if she was, and they voted for her back then, that means you're ignoring the truth.  It means they have actual reasons not vote for Harris and you want to stay ignorant of that.  You get to enjoy owning several mansions and hanging out with friends like P. Diddy but most real men don't do any of that.  Yet here you are, just telling them what to do.

Obama's just out there to nag the field... hands... until they obey.  He gets to live in the house so just do what he says.  Whatever speaking ability he used to have seems to have gone away, probably from lack of practice.  But Harris had to send him out for this because they have nobody else with any appeal to black men.

But doing that will make some of them ask when he's going to get around to helping blacks?  Life in the slums is even worse and they're all competing against illegal immigrants.  They'll be punished if they don't use the correct genders for people who obviously aren't missing any meals or rent payments.  All their praise for Obama just went to the left and they just demand more.

20-Year-Old Woman Stabbed to Death in Pamplona by Moroccan Immigrant
October 10, 2024

Mr. Kamala Harris Doesn't Deny He Forcefully Slapped His Ex-Girlfriend After Booze-Filled Night in France
October 11, 2024

□ [“Univision Accidentally Shows Kamala Harris’s Teleprompter Live On Air During Town Hall"]

Another attempt to pander.  The teleprompter was suddenly shut off as the camera was scanning around her from behind.  It wouldn't surprise me if private agreements had been made with Trump to let her have a teleprompter during their debate.  But then, it wouldn't surprise me either if some people at Univision deliberate made sure the viewer saw this happen.

It's the internet, so no clue if these are real people or 'bots, but basically all the commenters are negative about her.  She can't answer questions, she just lies, there's that fake accent which she's suddenly added for some reason.  Do female politicians do this or is it just her and Hillary who got the attention.  But even there, why?  Who thinks they aren't doing enough pandering, so a fake accent will fix that?

To the extent polls are ever accurate - and I don't think they are, at least not deliberately - I would assume the campaigns themselves look for the most accurate they can get.  If I'm right about that (and it's about polling, so your milage may vary) it sounds like the Harris campaign is really seeing problems, even more than official polls are showing.

It sounds like, if Harris is actually ahead in any polls, her lead is less than Biden's four years ago and Hillary's eight years ago.  

Rep. Byron Donalds Destroys Kamala Harris on Hurricane Response “She’s Cosplaying as a Leader”
October 11, 2024

□ [“Disney’s ‘Star Wars’ Unveils First Transgender Clone Trooper – Adorned With Pride Flag"]

How does a "clone" decide it can have a different gender?  Who was the original, aren't they all from Boba Fett?  If these are all clones, I'm going to assume he was a clone of his father whatsisname in the second prequel movie.  Reproduction is obviously not taken very seriously in this franchise.  And how does a galaxy far away decide a long long time ago to have the exact same slogan with the exact same meaning of modern-day *woke* earthlings?

Apparently this is being done for one of the books, which I have very little experience with, thank you very much.  I'm not sure how relevant the books are to anyone anymore, but I would assume the franchise does use them for development for potential toys, movies, video games, whatever else they do.  On one hand, I'm surprised they haven't done this already, but on the other hand, why now?

Ok, I do think the elites and their megacorporations have all timed these things to happen around the same time, it's just...  Stop.  You can't have half the ship working to dodge an iceberg while the other half is pushing forward at all costs.  Yet they're still doing that.

Just a random thought, but I've been wondering if this was the real purpose of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement that happened in 2011.  It was about aiming the *woke* agenda at big business, particularly those with leftists in charge.  The bigger, the better, so they'd be encouraged to hire OWS supporters.

Then, after a decade or so, those who lasted would have been promoted high enough to make a difference like this, and whoever's in charge of them would have scheduled it to happen all at once.  I have no proof obviously, maybe I should look back on my coverage of that event.  Nearing the end of Obama's first term, the timing does make sense, given what we've had to put up with since then.

DOJ Sues Virginia For Removing Noncitizens From Voter Rolls
October 11, 2024

Some Dems Already Signaling They May Not Vote to Certify 2024 Election if Trump Wins
October 10, 2024

□ [“Jimmy Kimmel Writer Puts Out Ultra-Cringe Pro-Kamala Harris Ad Targeting ‘Real Men’"]

Jolly good, chaps.  Let's celebrate our respect for women with an alcoholic beverage and watch a popular sporting event where men wear tight pants.  We can talk about which of our female candidate's boobies are the cutest and nobody will be ashamed if they start masturbating during the discussion.  Then after that, we'll fuck all the bitches and they can pay for their own abortions.

Someone looked into it and yes, they're all leftists, actors and most of them are openly gay.  The ones who aren't don't seem to have ever met a woman in real life.  They're not all that different from the other high-ranking so-called males in the Harris campaign, like her husband and veep.  Those are not the sort of people real women are attracted to.

At this point, basically everything the campaign does is something we need to ask if it's real or is someone making a joke.  Maybe this is just funneling money, getting the campaign to fund some actors who can't get work anywhere else.  The fat one just comes off as a modern version of Dan Schneider, noted Hollywood pedophile.  The rest aren't much better.  And the campaign wonders why it has such problems.

Dozens of Thieves Ransack Freight Train in Chicago
October 11, 2024

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