13 October, 2024

It ain't over 'til a couple weeks ago.

Trump Speaks to an Estimated 100,000 Supporters in Coachella, California – Slams Kamala’s Open Borders Policies
October 13, 2024

□ [“Harris and Biden Teams Reportedly Fighting as Harris’s Campaign Continues to Falter"]

It's certainly believable.  Biden's been surrounded for decades by unelected government officials and Harris has nothing else to offer but an empty shell, a target for idol-worship.  They wouldn't get along even if they weren't leftists trying to seize power.  Or rather, their people wouldn't get along even if their masters did.

For Biden's people, they're supposed to be easily transferred from one installed-POTUS to the next and keep their status and seniority.  Harris' people prefer the flavor of the month and she's the latest fad.  She was also part of the coup, so even if Biden's forgotten about it by now, Biden's people would want revenge.  Biden even humiliated her by claiming he had spoken to Florida governor DeSantis while she was whining that he didn't call her, ignoring her like she was vice-president or something.

She also wants more people assigned to her staff, but that would need Biden's approval.  The Biden people who are assigned to her staff don't seem happy about it and, believe it or not, always assumed that she was the less-electable of the two.  I don't know if that's true but it's funny either way.

That said, this isn't a big deal.  Leftists hate each other anyway, but they always manage to forget about that when it's time to make things worse.  Lenin and Trotsky always opposed each other, yet were able to come together for the revolution, even if they weren't actually in Russia when it happened.  [Lenin anyway, I forget where Trotsky was.]  In his few years as dictator, Lenin kept seizing more and more power, murdering many people, yet somehow couldn't get rid of Stalin, who you'd think would have been the easiest to order an arrest/execution for.

Biden Lies About His House Burning Down to Hurricane Victims in Florida
October 13, 2024

□ [“Trump Will Invoke The Alien Enemies Act of 1798, Calls For Death Penalty for Illegals Who Kill Americans"]

I guess that's fair, but it doesn't sound harsh enough.  The Alien Enemies Act just gives the POTUS authority to deport any aliens he declares an enemy.  Not sure where Trump would get the authority for the death penalty, so it's probably just a claim that he won't follow through with.  Still, just saying this is not only drawing a line against the enemy, but it's pointing out the invasion being done here.

Of course leftists will become hysterical at the thought of this.  They don't side with Americans, they side with those who kill Americans.  Nobody on their side ever heard of the Alien Enemies Act.  But then, why didn't Trump enact it last time?  Is this another example that he actually planned to lose re-election to show the country what it's like without him?

It does provoke the question of what the left will do about it.  Congress could be rushing to get rid of the Alien Enemies Act immediately now that they've heard of it, but that probably won't happen.  They'd have more luck getting rid of Trump's Secret Service protection and look how that worked out.  Is the left going to hide the murderous invaders in their homes?  That could be funnnn...

I know, I'm still pretending the election theft isn't already underway, but in these dark days, we need to have something entertaining to dream about.

DOJ Fights for Illegal Aliens to Vote in Virginia
October 13, 2024

□ [“Saturday Night Live Brutally Mocks Kamala Harris in Surprising Turn of Events"]

Have they been doing this in every episode of the new season?  All these years to go after Harris and Biden and they just suddenly started?  I can't think of any reason they'd do this if it wasn't taken as a given that she's going to lose and even then, why bother?  What kind of signal are they trying to send their puppet audience?

Trump is getting into some legal issue with CBS, but I doubt that's relevant.  SNL is technically supposed to be a satire so the left would just call the producers and say 'stop doing that.'  I suppose there's also the notion that they should start appealing to more people than the *woke* with nothing better to do on Saturday night, but that would still put them in the minority of being willing to fix something.

I don't know if it's related, but the left has suddenly started trying to say that Trump is going senile.  Because they're such good judges of that.  They still haven't said Biden has any problems and they still claim he's in charge of anything, that's not something to be taken seriously.  But SNL is going after him too, maybe it's a way to attack Trump and (somehow) promote Harris at the same time.

“Joy Cometh in the Mornin!” – Kamala Harris Panders to Black Church From the Pulpit in Cringiest Video Yet!
October 13, 2024

Police in Portland, Oregon Preparing for Riots and Violence on Election Night
October 12, 2024

□ [“Walz Delivers Word Salad When Asked About Wanting to Ban 'Misinformation and Hate Speech'"]

There's always an excuse for censorship.  He'll be the one deciding what is or isn't wrongthink and will have men with guns to take down anyone he accuses of that.  But of course they'll fairly win the election, no question about that will be permitted.

□ [“Tampon Timmy in Trouble"]

We'll see if this is true, but someone says they have enough information to prove that if he's not an actual pedophile, he aspires to be.  This would be why Democrats have been so happy to promote him and probably explains why he has no clue how to act like a real man.

It's claimed that this could even be enough to get him dumped from the campaign, although these days, that's probably unlikely.  It also sounds like he'd have similar information about Harris and other elites, so if they threaten to drop him, he'll want revenge.

I really want to believe they're going to do something, but this is ridiculous.  We know the elites are into this and a lot worse.  We know a lot of right-wingers are involved.  At this point, just hope your own friends and family aren't doing this and expect it to cover everybody else.  But get it over with.

7-Eleven to Close Nearly 450 Stores Nationwide
October 12, 2024

Pro-Hezbollah Rally In Dearborn Features Anti-American and Anti-Israel Rhetoric
October 13, 2024

University of Kansas Professor Leaves School After Saying Men Who Don’t Vote For Kamala Harris Should Be Lined Up and Shot
October 11, 2024

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