24 May, 2022

The fouls or the strikes? Let's just run home.

Australia Politician at Davos Explains that We Need a “Recalibration” of Freedom of Speech
May 23, 2022

□ [“Newsom Threatens to Impose Mandatory Water Restrictions if Californians Don’t Use Less on Their Own Amid Drought"]

A shortage that Democrats created and will punish people for not obeying.  The goal is to increase their power over everyone else, that's all.  Makes you wonder if that was the whole point of limiting the water so that everybody could be cut off.  One also wonders if illegal immigrants are being checked for their water usage or if they're just taking as much as they want because the law doesn't apply to them.

□ [“World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab at Davos Pushes Elitist Garbage 'That We Act All as Stakeholders of Larger Communities'"]

Except for that period where he worked for the Nazis, he's basically spent his entire life as a stakeholder in various businesses.  Then again, he says working for the Nazis was the most enjoyable part of his life so that does make a difference.

We're not stakeholders and we're not in "larger communities."  Just because you say so doesn't make it true and only someone who thinks they're automatically in charge of us would try.  We're not permitted to be anything other than whatever he defines us as.  The master doesn't permit the slaves to be anything else.

And none of them are people who admit to focusing on anything other than leftism.  It's their purpose for living and anybody who thinks otherwise is inferior and and enemy and must be destroyed at all costs.  The believers are rich enough to get away with that.

Woke Mob at UIC Wants To Cancel The Word “Obesity” Because It’s “Racist”…
May 22, 2022

Three Unvaccinated Air Force Academy Cadets Won’t Be Commissioned as Military Officers
May 24, 2022

15-Year-Old Freshman Student Dies Reportedly of Cardiac Arrest During Lawrence North Track Practice
May 24, 2022

Biden’s climate policies realized: New York’s ‘Home Energy Crisis’ – ‘More than a million households are 60 days in arrears on their energy bills, with an avg. of $1,427.71 in debt, & shut-offs are increasing’
May 21, 2022

□ [“Looks Like CNN and Rest of The American Media Are Growing Weary of the War in Ukraine"]

Not a surprise, it was basically just something to kill time until the world government took over.  They're also probably starting to hear from other people about the lack of food and the massive increase in gas prices, something their audience sees on a daily basis and the media has never noticed because they don't live like the serfs.

They're probably also realizing that they've reported Russia's total failure for the last several months so at some point they'd need to explain why Russia is still bothering when they don't have a chance of winning.  For that matter, why aren't these same media showing footage of Russians being slaughtered by the victors the media has supported?  Does Russia still have the air control?  Who knows?

It's like all we're doing is sending money for laundering and that's it.  Meanwhile the people here are increasingly miserable.  That's not how a war is conducted.  Did Harry Truman do that when Russia and China helped North Korea invade South Korea?  Did JFK do that when Russia and China helped North Vietnam invade South Vietnam?

Crazed Man Who Attacked Dave Chappelle on Stage Says He Was Inspired by Actor Will Smith
May 24, 2022

“Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Could Lead to Next World War – Civilization May Not Survive” – George Soros Spouts Off at World Economic Forum
May 24, 2022

□ [“DEVELOPING: Active Shooter at Texas Elementary School in Custody, Several Students Taken to Hospital"]

No idea how, but these seem to be happening more often.  Probably an excuse to ban guns although if anybody else at that school was permitted to have a gun, this shooter would be taken out quickly.  Wonder what his skin color is...

Only a few days left until the world government imposes itself on us all.  The date I originally saw was May 27-8, so that's what I'm going with, but for all we know it may have happened already.  It's not like the serfs need to be told anything important.

Over the last few days, it's looked like the traffic on the interstate I live next to has gone down a little bit.  No proof, maybe it's just my suspicion, but I thought I'd make that comment.  The gas prices are going to wipe everything out before long and I hope hope hope that everyone will go on strike before that happens.  This is going to hurt a lot of people, let's make sure it's as few of *us* as possible.

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