19 May, 2022

We can say whatever we want, just say it's from "Hunter Biden's computer." No one will ever pay attention to it.

Hilarious! Doocy to Jean-Pierre After Jankowicz Resigns: “The Disinformation Board is Being Shut Down Because of Disinformation?”
May 18, 2022

Months After Infant Formula Shortages Started, Slow Joe Biden Invokes Defense Production Act
May 18, 2022

“Effective”? Latest CDC Data Shows FULLY Vaccinated Children Have Higher Covid Infection Rates Than Unvaccinated Children
May 18, 2022

Alberta Premier Mocks Biden for Refusing Canadian Oil: 'You Don’t Need the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet to Patrol the Great Lakes'
May 18, 2022

Health Officials Confirm First U.S. Case of Monkeypox in Massachusetts
May 18, 2022

□ [“Here We Go: US Government to Extend Covid-19 Public Health Emergency Past July"]

Tyrants never give up their power.  They never limit it.  They never even bother to explain why they haven't done anything about the problem that they used for an excuse to grab more power.  That's what the masses are there for, to serve them.  It's another example of the Platonic 'abstract' and anybody who disagrees with it must be destroyed.

If mass misery is required to expand their power, they're willing to make that happen.

□ [“He’s Shot: Biden, Mouth-Gaping, Shuffles to Meeting with Officials, Glassy-Eyed and Mumbling to Himself after 15 Minute Flight" (VIDEO)]

By this point it sounds like he's on so many drugs that he's not capable of doing anything else.  Of all the many people leftists want to die, he's not on this list?  They hate him so much that they're going to keep putting him through this.

It's like their actual belief is in the 'abstract' Joe Biden so they hate the one that's real.  What would they be doing differently if that was the case?  This also makes a negative example of how 'abstraction' works, these people are destroying their own version of reality by insisting it must submit to their beliefs, in this case Biden specifically.  Their illusion of him is far more important to them than the real Joe Biden so if he suffers, no problem.

It's possible they keep Biden around just to show the misery they're imposing, but I also wonder if there's some documents coming up that the so-called POTUS needs to actually sign in person for some legal reason and that's why they have him.

Hunter Biden-Connected Firm Given a Pass for Same FARA ‘Violations’ Trump Associates Paul Manafort and General Mike Flynn Were Indicted On
May 19, 2022

□ [“Gov. Kathy Hochul Announces Gun Control Executive Order in the Wake of Buffalo Shooting – Declares ‘Domestic Terrorism’ as Public Enemy No. 1"]

Haven't paid much attention to this shooting but I have to wonder if it was deliberate, an excuse to ban guns.  The shooter was a leftist and so far haven't heard anybody specify that he was white.  But now they've suddenly got an interest in "domestic terrorism."  What ever happened to "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter"?

□ [“Jew-Hating Democrats Introduce Resolution Recognizing 'Catastrophe' of Israel’s Founding — Calls for 'Right of Return' of 7 Million Palestinians to Israel"]

They always oppose foreigners coming into your country and taking over when it's not the US being invaded and they really don't care about the centuries of history that go on before whichever 'invasion' they're opposed to.

Why isn't Israel doing any of this evil conquest from any of the neighboring regions that produce oil?  Just think of how much more money the country would have if they did that.  But the infidel never even thinks of things like this.

Biden Refuses to Take Questions From Reporters Before Departing to South Korea – 56 Days Since Biden’s Last Press Conference
May 19, 2022

Reportedly gas prices have been going up every single day for the last week or so, literally more expensive than they've ever been.  We have to be in the last moments, this has gotta be tearing down whatever supply policies remain.

England university drops sonnets because they are ‘products of white western culture’
May 18, 2022

14 State Populations Were Miscounted in 2020 Census – Overcounting Heavily Favored Democrats
May 19, 2022

Biden Goes to War with His Tongue and Loses – Stumbles Through Presser with Nordic Leaders in Latest Embarrassment (VIDEO)
May 19, 2022

Still thinking about that 'abstract' notion.  As usual, it's really close to what I'm trying to get after, and obviously it's got a lot of historical basis.  It seems to be insisting that ideas actually exist in a separate reality which I don't get.  To the extent that the idea of a 'chair' exists, it exists here.  It seems more like a definition of a definition.  That thing you're sitting on, that's a chair.  It would be a chair whether or not you had the slightest clue what a chair was.

I don't think that's fundamentally any different for ideas like 'love' or 'justice.'  We have the language and the vocabulary, it's just a way of collectively expressing our thoughts and/or emotions.  My definition isn't necessarily the same as yours, but we can still communicate, as long as we have the same language.

We're all individuals, our concepts and definitions carry along with that.  We've known for thousands of years what a 'woman' is, now all of a sudden the people who go for this 'abstract' concept have no clue.  Really, it's them as individuals trying to impose their will upon everyone else.

NBC News: Hunter Biden Made $11 Million From 2013-2018 – Spent Millions on Luxury Hotels, Luxury Cars, Hookers and Drugs
May 19, 2022

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