11 May, 2023

And in the end, the content you download is equal to the content you provide...

Well today's the day.  The invasion had already started, it's frankly been going on for years, but this is it.  Over 700,000 are expected to move in immediately, a lot more forces than Russia sent into Ukraine.  Can't find specifics but it might be more than the Russian and Ukrainian militaries combined, at least in the invasion.  Russia has about 1.5 million in its total military, Ukraine has 200-and-some thousand.

Anyway, we're still nervous about what will happen.  Immense invasion and destruction or a slower movement and takeover?  I don't get why there aren't resistance forces coming together already, I cannot believe that 100% of the population is this apathetic.  But if they exist, where are they?  How do we get in contact and support?

This is what Democrats have always worked for, they expect to stay in charge when it happens.  That's not what the Chinese military is planning.  The leftists might stay there as pets but they'll have to know their place and never challenge it.  Even then it might not work for long, China probably expects some competency in its servants.  The Democrat leaders who made this happen didn't get there through competency.

Biden Creeps on Children in the Rose Garden: “All the Kids Under the Age of 15 Come on Up Here”
May 11, 2023

□ [“'Mercy Rule': CNN Abruptly Cut Trump Town Hall Short by Twenty Minutes"]

This must have been aired last night while I was writing, there were a lot more articles much later.  That's how little attention I had been paying to this.  He was obviously prepared and certainly knows how to be entertaining.  I go back and forth on that, he can be fun to watch but, at least in his brief political career, I did tend more towards the 'stop behaving like that' mentality.  Not criticizing his accomplishments, just not interested in the behavior that made him so famous.  It's obviously worked for him so it's not like he'd listen to my complaints.

But CNN had to cut him out?  What did they replace him with for the rest of the expected 90-minutes?  They had to know what was going to happen, had they never heard of Donald Trump?  Of course all the other propagandists are outraged, showing them to be the wusses we all know they are.  None of them are standing up and saying give them a shot, they're tough enough to take on Trump.

Or Biden, for that matter.  Trump didn't even get lost when trying to find his way off stage, you know they'd have gotten that on video.  But they asked Trump about classified documents, they wouldn't dare ask Biden.  CNN even denied that Biden had any in Chinatown which Biden's own assistants have told Congress they do.  That's what they call "news."

But ok, that was a quick little bit of entertainment, now back to the mass suffering our rulers impose on us.

Feinstein Shows Up 90 Minutes Late to Judiciary Committee Meeting
May 11, 2023

□ [“Debt Ceiling Meeting Between Biden and Congressional Leaders Postponed"]

I thought they just had a meeting, was this supposed to be another one?  Biden can't handle two whole meetings in a week, unless there are children there he can feel up.  What else does he have to do with his time?  What else does he have to do regarding a debt crisis?

At the moment, my guess is that Biden will give in.  It's unclear if Republicans will also give but I can't even finish this sentence.  At best, they'll manage to keep the crisis going a little while longer, but it's possible even that won't happen.  Everything I see indicates the crisis is much bigger and much more immediate than anything we've ever seen before.  It's deliberate so all the rulers need to do is hold off for a little while longer and they'll be able to seize everything.

Biden has deliberately avoided dealing with Congress about this for months, so that's probably something he learned in the Senate at some point, and may even still remember.  I'm sure they have officially approve dealing with each other on a given subject and they've long known ways to avoid that rule.  Just a guess.

Biden's also going to spend whatever he wants, or at least his people will.  They have no incentive not to, it's not like there's any fair elections coming up or they have a duty to follow the Constitution.  They're all about destroying it and they'll spend all our money to do it.

Democrat Leader Hakeem Jeffries Says Republicans Are Creating “A Fictional Argument Around What’s Happening at the Border”
May 11, 2023

□ [“Biden Regime Green-Lights Release of Illegal Aliens into the United States with 'Legally Questionable' Memo"]

Seizing power, breaking the law, replacing actual Americans with people they *think* will be more obedient, in accordance with China and the NWO.  They had to steal elections to get this far, but those elections were American so they needed to be destroyed.

Democrats say that America is oppressive, so why do these immigrants want to come here in the first place?  Democrats are in charge and complain more about global warming, homophobia, sexism and racism now than they did a decade ago, or two decades, three, four, five...  This is the result of them being in charge, so of course the oppressed want more of that.  Or they made it up as an excuse to seize power, which has worked out well for them.

The House has passed some bill to claim they'll try to stop this, we already know the Senate won't bother with it, so that's worthless..  If we survive, and that's a big "if," the survivors are going to be very devoted to building walls and forbidding unpermitted entry.

Congress to Take Legal Action Against Corrupt Secretary of State's Refusal to Turn Over Afghanistan Withdrawal Memo
May 11, 2023

□ [“Biden’s White House Closet Swings Wide Open – Back Room ‘Explosions’ Come to Light Over Border Inaction"]

Anonymous sources, so make of that what you will.  It's believable though.  He complains that nobody tells him anything, like he'd remember it if they did.  He's also the one who chose these people to handle Homeland Security and the border, but he's not going to say 'the buck stops here.'  Blame someone else, that's his policy.

He's also spent the last couple years being told what he wants to hear, even more than as Senator or Veep, so it makes sense that he'd get angry very quickly when he sees anything he doesn't like.  He even tops it off by not have a plan to fix the situation, he's just going to attack people who self-identify as his subordinates.

He's supposed to be in charge of the military, he could order them to seal the border right now, shoot anybody who tries to get in.  But that would solve the problem, which he's not permitted to do.  Or at least it would make more space to come up with a better solution, but this is their ideal choice so that won't happen either.  He's not even going to look at why the people he chose won't tell him the truth but that's too much like work.  Just give him some children to toy with and he'll go along with what happens, no matter how bad it gets.

Southwest Pilots Vote to Authorize Strike Ahead of Busy Summer Travel Season
May 11, 2023

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