01 May, 2023

You can't have May Day without the government, and the government can take it away!

Black Students at Texas High School Brutally Beat White Assistant Principal Sending Her to Hospital
May 1, 2023

□ [“President Trump to Hold CNN Town Hall Next Week"]

But why?  I get the idea that he thinks he can go anywhere, and the courage it would take to go on enemy turf.  It just doesn't seem remotely sensible.  I would expect them to have a dozen set-ups, from questions to throwing a naked underage girl at him.  They only need to catch him once.

There are some obvious benefits, assuming they don't successfully rig a trap.  Biden obviously doesn't have the courage to take whatever the media can throw at him.  Trump is going to be asked a lot tougher questions than the few Biden ever actually receives.  CNN is obviously going to get huge ratings for the show, again demonstrating how few people have the slightest interest in looking at Biden, who somehow got more votes than anybody in history.  As a promo, it's a good idea, nothing wrong with it.

I just really don't see any reason Trump should trust any media, especially CNN.  Almost all the viewers will be there for him, not because they'd watch CNN under any other circumstances.  He could just go on a few youtube channels for all the sense that it makes and that's not counting whatever traps they set up.

Federal Judge Rules That Pennsylvania School District Must Host After School Satan Club
May 1, 2023

□ [“North Carolina’s Leading Medical Institutions Offer ‘Transgender’ Treatments to 2, 3, and 4 Years Old"]

This is more than worshiping demons, these people must be literally under control by demons, because what else would keep any of them from thinking there must be something wrong with this?  None of them are saying that first they should find out if mutilating children ruins them for the rest of their lives.  The sheer number of suicides should stop any sane person.

But instead they want more of that.  A two year old doesn't know anything, but you're going to push this on them?  I'm willing to vote for the execution of anybody who remotely supports this sort of thing and I'd bet I'm not the only one who thinks that.  I'd also bet that our side would have a lot more experience with fighting and shooting people than the child molesters do.

This is just normal for all those leftists who think anything they've made up must be imposed on the world, but how can there be so many who do this?  I don't see any way to explain this except actual demons lurking around inside the bodies of their victims, trying to spread the disease to every other body.

Karine Jean-Pierre Claims Illegal Immigration is Down 90% Because of Biden
May 1, 2023

□ [“Hunter Biden Appears Before Judge For Hearing to Lower Child Support Payments"]

Like this will go anywhere.  Sure, we'll find out more about how much money he's bringing in but it's not going to make any difference.  Leftists won't care that he abandoned his child, he's rich and white, he can do that.  I don't pay much attention, was this his brother's wife or some stripper, assuming there's a difference between them?

So ok, we'll get a bit more info about the sleaze he lives by, following his father's example, but what will that matter?  At some point there needs to be an end to investigating to just go after him.  Make it public or not, that doesn't really matter, but teasing for years that something *might* be found out and *might* lead to *some* legal action in the unforeseeable future is utterly pointless.

It occurs to me that this is a reflection of the nonsense the left always threw out against a Republican POTUS, 'we know he's guilty, just get on with it!'  Not sure what there is to say to that, it happens to be true.  Just another sign that this country is broke and, no matter how hard we fight or how successful we are, the country we loved is never coming back.  So what are we going to do about it?

DEVELOPING: US Military is Tracking Another Mysterious Balloon Crossing Hawaii Headed For Mexico
May 1, 2023

□ [“Shortages In Weapons Manufacturing And Skilled Labor Puts US Military Readiness At Risk"]

This is one of the slightly longer-range plans of the Russia/Ukraine thing, getting the US and Europe as disarmed as possible.  That makes it easier for Russia and China.  They have a lot more freedom to take over nations when their traditional enemies have thrown away all the useful weapons unless they're willing to go nuclear.  It's a very plausible explanation of why Russia has taken so long to handle Ukraine.

And notice that absolutely none of the Ukraine supporters are bothered by this.  They could be pointing to their tweets and posts and videos for the last year that the US and Europe need to start manufacturing more weapons and hiring more skilled workers.  But no, they're all on the side that Russia is easy to beat, and China, Iran, the rest of BRICS...

That's not how war works.  If you want to win, burning coal and fossil fuels are the way to go.  Setting through endless classes on imaginary genders who will punish you for using the wrong pronoun is not the way to go.  But that's where the Ukraine supporters all stand.  If anybody of them actually disagreed with this leftist nonsense and they cared about Ukraine, they'd be pointing out that their own fellow Ukraine supporters are causing more and more problems.  But no, it's only those who aren't all-in with them who are the bad guys.

□ [“Biden Administration Announces End to Federal COVID Vaccine Mandates"]

Have they got another virus ready to go or just planning to impose the poison-vaccine in everybody with other methods?  They're the ones who said it was required to everybody or we'd all be in hidious danger.  But as far as I know, they're finally ending it because they can't legally let illegal immigrants in otherwise.  There's probably also an intention to look like Biden actually did something useful to help promote next year's campaign.

What we do know is that there's not going to be any reaction to this, asking why they insisted everyone get this stupid drug to keep their jobs and be permitted to go outside if they're just going to drop it despite all of us who weren't foolish enough to go along with it.  And what was all the point of the countless booster shots people were supposed to get?  That's a lot of taxpayer money going to waste, just to destroy the economy and poison as many people as possible.

Will they at least keep the exceptions to the vaccine?  Congress didn't need to take it.  Federal workers didn't need to take it.  We were never even told why they were so special.  How come they weren't the first people in line to get the poison?  And then promise that it will keep anyone from getting the virus.  And that it will keep the virus from spreading.  Yet somehow they didn't even need to take it in the first place.

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