17 May, 2023

You throw like someone who self-identifies as a girl!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland
May 17, 2023

□ [“Anheuser-Busch to Produce Bud Light Bottles With Camo Print in Desperate Attempt to Recover"]

This is just stupid.  It doesn't remotely look like camouflage patterns but they're pretending it is, and that's somehow going to make people want to by Bud Lite again.  They've changed the brand logo, which is actually clever, so it says "America" but a quick look at the design tells you what company makes this, and there's a "Budweiser" logo on the bottle as well, in case you missed it.

They're not going to turn around on this insanity.  Their ESG score is far more important to the people in charge than selling a product to customers who want it.  It's like they exist in a hidden world which only leftists can see and therefor ignore everybody else, except as enemies, and that includes their customers.  And we're watching other companies join in.

□ [“Adidas Unveils Homely Male as Company’s Newest Women’s Swimwear Model"]

I think the goal is to force everybody to buy this stuff because there's no other options, especially cheap ones, and just the effort of keeping track of what products are made by which megacorporations who pull this stunt is an enormous headache.  It's the sort of thing leftist activists brag about, being wealthy enough to pick-and-choose what to buy from which companies when most people would just want a cheap, efficient product and then go on with their lives.

We'll need to work out local production of as much as possible, as well as how to produce as much as possible.  Does anybody know how to make shoes of any kind?  What about running shoes or tough workboots?  How about cloth to make shirts or pants?  Dishes for serving food?  We're going to need to work out a way to learn how to do that as soon as possible from people who still know.

Biden Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: “I Also Wanna Thank my Buddy Kamala, Who I Work For Up in the White House”
May 17, 2023

□ [“Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland"]
□ [“House Speaker McCarthy Considers Removing Serial Liar Adam Schiff from Congress After Durham Report Released"]
□ [“Democrat Lawmakers Reintroduce Bill to Pack the U.S. Supreme Court, Add Four More Liberal Judges"]

They're all going in on this, trying to tear apart the other branches.  I'm not sure if it's distraction or if they're actually trying to get something done before the collapse.  Maybe a little of both.  But Civil War 2.0 is almost here.

Don't know if it's true but I've seen a report - can't remember where - that about 24 states run by Republicans have all decided to send their National Guard to help with the southern border.  Hopefully that will help.  It's also a sign that more states are willing to work together and turn against our tyrants.  That's going to lead to more troubles but it's a start.

I'm really surprised that more people have just been going bonkers these days.  There's headlines and stuff on fights and shootings and so on, but you'd think nearly every city would be rioting and we'd been seeing corpses everywhere in the streets.  Maybe there are and I just don't see it, I'm not very sociable, but it does show that some Americans are capable of restraining themselves, even in hardships like this.  Or they're just brainwashed into silence, I dunno.

National Archives Claims Evidence May Undercut Trump’s Claim Documents He Took to Mar-a-Lago Were Declassified
May 17, 2023

□ [“NIH Begins Testing of Clinical Trial of Universal Flu Vaccine Based on mRNA"]

They've just invented this all of a sudden.  All those decades of trying to figure out how to stop the flu and they suddenly figured it out, just like Covid.  Ok, their vaccine doesn't stop covid either but they promise this one will actually work.  And even if it doesn't, everyone will be forced to take it.  And ignore any deaths from "suddenly" that happen afterwards.

They're getting fifty whole people into this test for Phase 1, age 18-49, that'll tell them everything they need to know.  The FDA has probably already approved the drug, they just need to do a few official tests and then it's ready.  Wonder which company bribed enough people to be the manufacturers.

I still can't figure out how they've taken over all the medical fields.  How can anybody become a doctor if they aren't smart enough to question this blatant contradiction of everything that makes medical science work, like not killing people with this injected poison?  There must be doctors who see this is wrong, why aren't they willing to stand up?

Ukrainian Supreme Court Chief Justice Arrested for Accepting $2.7 Million Cash Bribe
May 17, 2023

□ [“Taxpayer Funded $1.1 Billion U.S. Patriot Missile System in Ukraine 'Likely Damaged' After Massive Russian Attack"]

What a surprise!  They might have killed US service members in the bombings, but that probably wouldn't be reported.  They're cheap to replace, a lot less than a patriot missile.  And no liberal will complain that the money used for these could provide jobs and homes for veterans, or walls to keep out invaders, they'll just want to send more missiles.  Maybe someone somewhere will even know how to use them.

Seymour Hersh has released another article, which is of course unverified, that Poland and the Baltics are tired of pretending they support Ukraine, given that they've been invaded by Ukrainians.  It also says that even some American rulers don't like it.  CIA director William Burns is complaining about how Ukraine's corrupt leaders are helping themselves to US money.

There's also the point that Biden isn't getting full, accurate information.  That's believable but I could see several options.  For one thing, his people know he's not capable of handling much so they wouldn't bother to tell him.  For another, they could quite possibly be lying about what they do tell him.  For a third, he's Biden so he'll make up his own nonsense.  And that's not counting other possibilities, like the people briefing Biden being lied to by their subordinates, or Biden just obeying what he's told by his masters.

‘Trauma Lives in the Black Body’ – Cori Bush, Dem Reps Call For $14 Trillion in Federal Reparations to Compensate Descendants of Enslaved Africans
May 17, 2023

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