24 December, 2023

If you've been bad this year, Santa will give you a covid vaccine!

Pro-Palestinian Protesters in New York City Vandalize Abe Lincoln Statue with Communist Symbol
December 24, 2023

□ [“Minnesota’s Democrat Secretary of State Says Trump Will Either be on the Ballot ‘Everywhere or Nowhere’"]

Specifically he says the Supreme Court will decide if Trump can be on the ballot or not.  So my guess is that the Court's decision has already been made and it's not in Trump's favor, but I will admit that it's not certain.  I'd have said the same thing about abortion and obviously that hasn't worked out the way the rulers demanded.

It doesn't have anything to do with the legality.  No one's been charged with "insurrection" so there's no way Trump is guilty of leading an insurrection, the only excuse to keep him off the ballot.  So if it's just about the law, Democrats would be laughed out of the Supreme Court and that's that.  That's how we know that they're not counting on the law, they'd counting on who gets to decide.

But they really need to have this taken care of right away.  They're already in the vast minority of people who support their destruction of the world, and the fact that if people are permitted to vote for Trump, he's going to win hands down.  So they need to prevent that at all costs and I think they're going to go for a virus or nuclear weapons or something like that to guarantee Trump can't win.

Pro-Palestine Activists Disrupt Melbourne’s Carols by Candlelight Event While Kids Are Performing
December 24, 2023

□ [“EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell Fears Voters Will Choose Rightwing Populist Parties"]

That's the way it works, you made them afraid so they'll go with what actually helps them rather than you.  You didn't have to make them afraid but then you wouldn't have gotten what you wanted, that's why you had to grab all the power.  The only thing you can do now is take away the voters' rights.

So now they need to take away the voters' rights.  The invaders are the only ones who matter.  Borrell even make sure to cite them as the ones who actually want to live in Europe.  He also makes a point of citing Israel and Ukraine, who are not actually part of the EU.  It needs to be repeatedly clarified to the citizens that they're the least important part of the rulers' plans.

They must have plans to get rid of Europeans and replace them with more obedient servants, but the unelected rulers must be increasingly worried.  All across Europe, people are more willing to oppose them and the US isn't helping either.  They really do need to wipe us out as soon as possible and I think their plans are underway.  It's the only way to keep us from overthrowing them.

Pope Francis Faces Growing Worldwide Pushback Against His ‘Same-Sex Blessing’ Doctrine
December 23, 2023

Satanic Terrorist Cult Makes 2024 Endorsement: ‘Only Biden-Harris Can Bring About End of History’
December 24, 2023

□ [“EU Throws Away 215 Million Covid Vaccines"]

They aren't getting people who want to inject the poison?  That's a big change from the last few years and all the propaganda about how Europeans wanted their free government drugs.  That's less than one dose per person and doesn't count the fact that some nations like Germany have already thrown out their spare poison-vaccines.

This is actually kind of a surprise, that so many people just aren't putting up with these lies anymore.  Especially in Europe, given that they've already put up with these lies for several generations and have been the leftist ideal for government control.  There's also the fact that European leaders don't really have to worry about elections, so they really don't know what they're looking at.  For all they know, they could be facing an insurrection.

I would doubt it, just for convenience, although I suppose there's a chance.  Europe also doesn't know what to do without the US as support, so they could be very nervous.  It's another reason why I think they have actual plans to wipe us out because otherwise they've got no chance of surviving.  Mid-level EU officials would be giving the citizens names of who caused these problems, hoping to be let off the hook for that.

ICE Arrests 26 Illegal Alien Sex Offenders, Including Pedophiles, in California
December 24, 2023

□ [“Black Voters Aren’t Happy With Biden Campaign Outreach According To Democratic Strategists"]

I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think this will make a difference.  Democrats have always known how to handle blacks and there's no chance of them escaping now.  LBJ is known for destroying the black family, which all of leftism has followed ever since, so I don't think there's much chance of that changing now.  The family as a whole has been destroyed and black women demonstrate that there's no reason it'll ever come back.

Are black men capable of doing anything about this?  No way to know.  No matter what, the results would be too surprising for everyone.  Humanity only works if we accept what the two genders are there for, but the people in charge of blacks say there's dozens of genders and it's so wrong to treat them like blacks.  So that settles that, at least as far as our rulers are concerned.

Could this be a cult or could it be an objective look at government policies to expand totalitarianism and destroy the family?  No way to know, although I guess there's little difference between the two.  The masters have to keep their subjects obedient, and they want everybody to be like their obedient subjects.  They know best, so everybody else has to be destroyed.  But as with everything else, it's why we need a resistance movement.

Italian Church Nativity Scene Features Baby Jesus With Two Mothers
December 24, 2023

□ [“The Stigma of Antisemitism: Multiple Students Reject Harvard Early Acceptance Offers"]

Very interesting.  I'm not convinced the Jew-hatred is why they're not accepting the offers.  If nothing else, I'd expect Jew-hatred to be why these elite universities give the offers in the first place.  It might have something to do with it, but I'm not sure.  Of course I don't pay much attention to these elite universities in the first place.

Anyway, it does look more possible that they don't want to be linked with these terrorist supporters.  They also don't want to be tied down to a college that deliberately lowers the standards as much as possible.  People who go to those universities probably want security in life and they aren't going to get that from the Jew-hatred, from the people who charge lots of money to say out awful money is, from people who insist that you can't just steal other people's work for your intellectual papers, unless you're in charge of Harvard.

There's already employers saying they won't hire any Harvard graduates and Harvard obviously sees nothing wrong with that.  They'll just keep doubling down on what got them in this position, which is probably why fewer students want anything to with them.  That is something they've learned from leftist teachers, you can still be connected to people you knew decades ago, and you'll be punished for whatever the most recent accusations are.  That's what Harvard has helped to build.

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