16 December, 2023

No matter how bad the day is, I can still write about how bad things are

EU Leaders Bypass Hungary’s Orbán and Approve Beginning of ‘Ascension Negotiations’ With Ukraine
December 15, 2023

29-Year-Old English Soccer Player Suddenly Collapses on Live TV, Match is Suspended
December 16, 2023

□ [“Democrat Senate Staffer Involved in Gay Sex Scandal In Capitol Has Been Fired"]

That was quick.  No investigation, determining what they did that was illegal and he needed to be fired.  But they also don't say why they fired him.  That seems a bit weird, like saying you broke up with your girlfriend because 'we grew apart' just after a video appears online of her getting butt-f*cked in a Congressional office.  It's like you're leaving out a few details to this explanation.

There's already articles coming out about Congress getting to have gay orgies.  At least so far, it seems to be just like all the other secrets that have been leaked out for the last twenty years.  There's no outrage, just a general 'yeah, that's what we figured.'  There's also awareness that most people in Congress are very old and have been there for a long time.  It was just a few months ago when Nancy Pelosi's rich gay old husband was enjoying the young boys.

Then there's Joe Bidens sexual preferences.  Are we really supposed to believe that he's never under any circumstances raped a small boy, he's entirely limiter to small children being raped for his last half-century?  And Hunter Biden who takes a lot of drugs and gets a lot of money for Biden?  It looks like a lot of DC officials are part of this, more than ever more of this.

Chicago Has Spent at Least $138M on Newly-Arrived Illegals
December 16, 2023

□ [“Michigan Imam Calls for Muslims to Wage Jihad in US"]

So they need to conquer the world, starting with the US, and our rulers are doing everything they can to help.  This is just mind-boggling, why do our masters do this?  How?  They've got bases all across the country and if they have any ability to contact each other, they've got plans.  They'll know how to make use of all the other invaders and destroy everything.

And Muslims know this will work for them, they can seize power, punish the infidel and do everything else.  The suicide bombers will be back although I don't know if they're needed.  Just one of those things, better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.  Has this all been planned or are they just making up the plans as they go?  Either way, they've got the most advantages.

They don't even have to start fighting, it's all expected that they'll just keep expanding power no matter what.  Unless we start purging the enemy and at this point, I don't see that happening.  It's why I keep thinking of their advantages, they have everything and we don't.  Except numbers but that doesn't matter if we don't do anything.

Pennsylvania School District ‘Bans’ Christmas Decorations on Buses and Restricts Wearing Christmas Attire
December 16, 2023

Colin Burgess, original AC-DC drummer, age 77
December 15, 2023

□ [“Bill Maher Throws Down – Explains Reality of the Genocidal 'From the River to the Sea' Chant"]

I've never paid any attention to Maher, so this isn't about what he's saying.  I'm just curious if he's showing the leftist brainwashing, most of his crowd applauded.  They're still going to oppose Israel and get more Muslim invaders and higher taxes and ban guns, fuel and the rest, they're just going along with Maher because that's what they do.

How do leftists do this?  They're deliberately contradicting themselves and insisting that they know best.  Anyone who disagrees is racist or whatever.  If leftists were stupid, that would make sense, that they're just going along with what they're told, but they aren't stupid (usually.)  So how do they get to this mindless contradictory position that they want to impose on the rest of the world?

I think that might be what Maher is really doing.  Somehow, leftism can be promoted by contradictory views and that's probably what he's doing.  It's also away to attract right-wingers, giving them someone who might be on their side.  Can't figure out how, but somehow the left can work on both sides of the fence.

Human Rights Advocates Urge Biden Administration To Blacklist Nigeria
December 16, 2023

□ [“Racist Boston Mayor Wu Proudly Shares Pics of Anti-White 'Electeds of Color' Holiday Party"]

So this is where liberal racism comes down to, blacks really like judging people based on skin color.  She's not even pretending to oppose that, she's basically bragging about it.  This is how her party operates, ever since the days of slavery.  That must be how they learned to make sure blacks can never go anywhere, and why they have these token members who have chance of disagreeing with the rulers.

This is just how they operate and they like it that way.  They can even spread it across all skin colors, this mayor is asian, yet here she is.  I'm kinda surprised, I thought asians were minimized as much as possible because blacks were superior.  Maybe they just didn't have anyone available to appoint as mayor here.

There's not going to be any protests, no false promises to start including the wrong skin color.  And leftists don't even question why they're doing this.  They want the government to pick people by skin color and decide what percentages to use, regardless of quality of work.  And they do permanently own a skin color that will always go along with that.

Homelessness in the United States Hits Historic High
December 16, 2023

□ [“Bud Light Opens Up It Money-Vaults, Suddenly 'Conservative' Influencers Call for an End to the Boycott!"]

This is weird, there's no interest whatsoever in the customers, either the ones who still buy their product or the ones who stopped.  The company is only focused on the higher-ups, paying lots of money to UFC rather than making a product people actually want.  There's never any interest in the lower levels.  That's how the elites work.

Oh look, some rich celebrities have started saying we all have to buy Bud Lite.  Who is this supposed to make a difference for?  If you really want beer, there's a lot of other brands and most people have probably forgotten about Bud Lite in general at this point.  But the company is giving a lot of money to rich people so that's supposed to make a difference.

It's beer so it's for the lower classes anyway and this just looks like another example of elites deciding what's best for everyone else.  They're obviously doing this at every level, is that deliberate or just a side-benefit?  They're not even trying to promote the transgender who got them into this mess.

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