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07 January, 2025
You're going to blog so much, you'll get tired of all the blogging!
Trump Ultimatum to Hamas: “All Hell Will Break Out in the Middle East” if Hostages Not Released Before Inauguration
January 7, 2025
□ [“Macron Deflects From French Crises by Lecturing Other Countries — Says Ukraine Must Be ‘Realistic’ and Cede Territory"]
Not sure what this is about because I'm not French, but this just comes off as being about something that's not France. The point is made that he's trying to distract the French, but it just looks to me like it's something important to him. In this case, Ukraine. He also criticizes Elon Musk but that he just seems to have become the leftist target now. It's been a while since I've heard any leftist say that Putin's in charge of Trump, they've been told to focus on Musk now and obeyed without hesitation.
I don't focus on billionaires so I barely had a clue who Musk was until he purchased twitter, which I didn't pay much attention to either. I'm not going to limit my posts to 150 characters or whatever the rules are, so any interest I might have had was gone. How can you limit your thoughts to that level? Anyway, that's when the left seems to have gone nuts on him, and even that doesn't make sense. Who cares who owns twitter? You post what you want to post. Other than promoting censorship, there's no reason to stop, regardless of who owns it.
For me, it was Facebook. Similar problems, also owned by a billionaire. I knew they were getting into censorship, but I stopped posting because they were making stupid changes to the structures of posts themselves. I'm getting off the topic here, but it shows how annoyed I am by the leftist obsession with f*cking social media on the internet. I live in a town where the government has yet to clear the roads after the snowstorm two days go, twitter has nothing to do with the problems that causes.
But Macron wants to ditch the problems the French are having and go after Musk and Ukraine? He's the one troubled by these, probably the leftist obsession with twitter on the former and his own financial investments and laundering for the latter. Who cares if Ukraine keeps their land as long as they've got his money secure? Maybe Ukrainians but they're as irrelevant to Macron as the French are.
Kent State University Professor Calls Oct. 7 Terrorist Attacks on Israel ‘Miracle after Miracle’
January 7, 2025
□ [“SoCal: Evacuations Underway From Massive 772-Acre Wildfire in Pacific Palisades"]
It's part of Los Angeles, a lot of rich people live there. This might be a good time to try burning some "evidence" so the government can't find it. They say it started as a brush fire. Maybe that's even true, who knows? Anything can happen these days. It probably wasn't started by an illegal immigrant though, these are gated communities who wouldn't let unwanted people in.
There's also the fact that we're just in for a season of disaster. Things have already been breaking down for the last several years, but it's going to get worse. It's one of those things where we could believe it's deliberate, that other people are doing this for whatever reason, or it's just coming from a higher power. The government is run by leftist activists, they'd let the woods become a tinder box.
But whether it's deliberate or incompetence, there's really no reason to think it's just a coincidence. There could be other weird reasons, China wants to clear out space for its new headquarters. It might also depress the rich leftists, they can't beat Trump and now they're at risk of losing their homes. It's fine when that happens to other people, but they can't be treated the same way. Pretty sure few people will feel sorry for them. The government can handle everything, that's why they vote Democrat.
UC Santa Barbara Offered Over $400k in Salary for DEI Role
January 5, 2025
Prince Andrew Reported To British Police for Using False Name to Register Shady Companies
January 7, 2025
□ [“Trump Will Rename the Gulf of Mexico to the 'Gulf of America – What a Beautiful Name'"]
Really? Is he trolling? It's hard to believe there's any legitimate reason for this. Maybe there is, if Biden banned oil refineries in the "Gulf of Mexico," Trump might have the authority to restart them under another name. But so far he isn't giving any explanation, so it just comes off like Trump at his worst. Is this really a priority right now?
It's similar to taking over Greenland, which he's still pushing for, and Canada, which he might still be pushing for. It's not like he campaigned on this because it would have gotten publicity if he did. He would have also been required to provide a serious reason for this, beyond 'it sounds like a good idea.'
At least the Panama Canal makes sense, that's undeniably important and we can blame Jimmy Carter for losing it. Now it's effectively Chinese territory, like the rest of Central and South America. Arguably Greenland is a similar issue, it's just that no one ever thinks about it. But Trump's not really going into detail.
To Trump's credit, he avoids going into detail when asked about what he'll do with Iran.
“The US launching a preemptive strike on Iran. You said you don’t want to answer that.”
“I don’t talk about it. It’s military strategy.”
“But it is a legitimate question.”
“Only a stupid person would answer. It’s a military strategy, and I’m not answering your questions on military strategy.”
There are reasons to keep these things secret but at least identify the subject matter this applies to. Like the canal, Iran is a definite issue. We need to do something about it. Trump has reasons to not reveal what he's going to do. That's fair. But saying we need to annex Canada and Greenland? That comes off as a distraction as much as anything else.
BBC Panel Suggests US-UK Relationship Will Suffer Unless Elon Musk Shuts Up About Rape Gangs
January 7, 2025
□ [“‘Let Canadians Take Back Control of Their Lives’: Opposition Demands Snap Elections at Once"]
Now this might be a better reason for Trump's comments. Even Canada is finally starting to wake up to what our masters have been doing to the world. I would still worry that they're not really going to do anything about it, but they're starting to get riled. Trudeau's sudden announcement to resign when he gets around to it was basically stupid in every way.
If you're going to quit, start getting ready to go. Don't make it clear that you'll wait a better part of a year and have elections eventually. It sounds like he wants to pick his replacement but avoid being blamed for anything until then. Canadians are supposed to shut up about it because they'll just criticize Trump's recent statements.
They're dealing with the same problems the rest of us are, although it's probably in ways specific to Canada as a nation. For instance, Quebec might suddenly announce that they're leaving, or at least demand a vote on it right now. I don't know why they'd do that but it's Quebec, do they really need a reason?
I still hope that's what Trump is really doing, pushing some nationalism in places that really need it. It's similar to what he did with his rallies in New York and California, and hopefully what he's going to do with his rally in DC on January 19. He's on a winning streak, showing the people that we're the ones who really matter. The globalists and collectivists need to stay on the run until the end. Canada has done far too much to push that agenda and are probably one of the biggest external enemies to the US. I don't want them to become the 51st state, I do want them to be restored to civilization, instead of what they've been doing.
□ [“China Cuts Undersea Internet Cables to Taiwan"]
That's an obvious way to keep most people from having contact with Taiwan or vice versa. Can't send out pix of what the Chinese are up to. China always moves at its own pace, regardless of what the rest of the world thinks, but this is a signal that they're getting ready for something. Maybe they're just jealous of all the attention Russia has been getting.
Last week, they banned the export of rare metals, to keep other nations from being able to produce certain chips and semiconductors which are required for our computer technology. This could make it difficult for Taiwan to maintain internet on their own, or at least the equipment that has access to it. It also relates to their trade disputes with the west on other issues.
This was always an iffy part of the war because it's so dominated by economics. Their control is vast, but they're also China, so it seems limited. How much can they actually give orders to other countries, especially outside of Asia, and how much are they just increasing the chaos for the rest of us? For that matter, how much damage is this doing to their own economy? I don't know, I don't pretend to understand China, I just don't expect anything good to come from this.
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