21 September, 2020

Black Lives Matter Quietly Deletes It's "What We Believe" Page Calling For The Destruction Of The Nuclear Family
September 21, 2020

The destruction of the family is something I think leftists have wanted for a long time and possibly wanted more than anything else.  The question is whether it's about destroying the family itself for its own sake or increasing government intervention in its property.  Because that's definitely what it is, government ownership of everyone and everything possible.  I don't know if the concept existed before Lenin's Russia but he was definitely trying to have the government know everything about everything which basically explains how communist nations work where people have to pretend to go along with government rulers.

It possibly did exist because I suspect what we know as leftism has always existed but it possibly didn't because they had never had such absolute control of a nation that they'd have even thought that far in advance.  They never expected to permit private business or the Eastern Orthodox Church until something came along after they were in charge which they couldn't get by without what they'd banned.

Government control is obviously their main desire but it's quite possible removal of men underlies that whether or not they're aware of it.  Obviously this demonstrates the gender difference and why humans don't work on the same level as every other animal.  It's also obvious that this is what the left has been doing to blacks for generations.  They want their property to obey without question and getting rid of the men is how they've done it.

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