30 September, 2020

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Imposes $1000 Fines for Not Wearing Masks in Public - Rich people can ignore him.
September 30, 2020

Terrorist Group Hamas Admits Iran Supplying Missiles and Advanced Weaponry
September 30, 2020

Apparently there was a Presidential Debate last night.  Biden actually did show up and made it through the entire 90 minutes.  I never watch the debates because I'm not remotely interested and I notice that all the comments afterwards are totally biased, usually for whoever the favorite candidate is.  But not all of them, there's usually a few people who say they totally support one guy but he completely messed up in that debate.  One never knows if they're telling the truth or just lying about who they support.

I've also noticed - maybe this happens every time but since I don't pay enough attention, there's no way to remember and I'm not going to check - that the Biden supporters who say he won are also insisting he never do this again.  That's not how winning usually works.  Most people would love to see more footage of how horrible their enemies are, assuming their guy really won.

AC/DC Confirm Reunion, ‘Pwr Up’ Album on the Way
Well that's...
I don't know what I think.  I do like artists to stay productive but based on their last album, I really got the impression they had used up all the good stuff remaining.  Malcolm probably stopped recording riffs and ideas years before he died of dementia and I would assume Angus listened to everything and picked out the best of them to make Rock or Bust back in 2014.  I can understand that he wouldn't want to quit, couldn't bring in a new guitarist to replace his brother and the band's name would carry a lot of weight, but this may be trying to hard to keep something going that really doesn't need to be active anymore.

Of course if any band in the world still has fans that want more no matter what, it's probably AC-DC.  They've brought back the bass player Cliff Williams who's been with them since 1977 and the drummer Phil Rudd who was with them from 1975-1983 and 1994 to 2015.  So other than Malcolm and, obviously, Bon, this is the 'classic lineup.'

I don't know, I guess I'm glad they're working and that's about it.  Obviously I have no interest in seeing them in concert if that ever happens but I'm sure I'll buy the album because I've become an AC-DC fan in the last few years so why not?

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