27 September, 2020

Can you believe there are countries that say Israel exists?

Democrat Colorado Secretary of State Mails Postcards to Illegals and Dead People Urging Them to Vote
September 27, 2020

I have assumed this is their plan.  There are probably other possibilities but this has been the main goal.  I've been suspecting for a long time that there are fewer Democrats than they've every been willing to admit because their target voters doesn't want to do anything, hence the promises that government will do everything.  Voting is handled by the counties and even the smallest state has too many counties to just fake a 500% increase in votes for one candidate so I think the idea has been to basically lock people up at home and make them mail the votes in so they can keep faking more and more.

I'd like to think that there are plans to catch these attempts in advance and make them public to show what Democrats are doing now but obviously there's no way to predict that, much less set my bets on it happening.

MOMENTUM TRUMP – THIS IS NOT EVEN A RACE – Trump with Over 240,000 Attendees at His Rallies to Biden’s 84(!) Since Labor Day!

The quantity is a given, nobody's wants to go see Democrats, but the reason I wanted to check this was just to get a record of how many times Biden actually went out to see anybody.  13 events since September 4th over 7 states + Washington DC.  Trump has had 24 events in 11 states + Washington DC.  Obviously the number of attendants is more important but keep in mind that Trump also has a day job.  He's doing way more for more people in more places over the same time frame as Biden who pretends to want the same job.

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