16 June, 2022

I self-identify Joe Biden as having SADS.

□ [“Daily Caller Asked Every Democrat Senator If They’ll Endorse Biden In 2024 – Not Many Said Yes"]

It's a pose, they'll all fall into line when the time comes.  Right now they just need to pretend they're siding with the miserable people they rule.  It means nothing.

I do assume there are Democrats who are working against Biden but that's more about just being leftist nature and working in politics.  But they'll work against anybody for any reason, except their true masters.  The people in charge of Biden know that.

Leftist Activists Sue Biden Administration to Block 3,500 Oil and Gas Permits
June 16, 2022

Democrats Propose Outrageous 1,000% Tax on Manufacturers and Importers of Assault Weapons
June 16, 2022

King Hypocrite Obama to Install Massive 2,500 Gallons Propane Tank for his Seaside Home in Martha’s Vineyard
June 16, 2022

The stock market is going down, the Dow Jones is going down.  These are economic organizations that most people don't have a clue about.  But I've been wondering if those and other entities are the reason some in the media are starting to turn against Biden.  They have enough money to invest in such places and enough friends in high places to tell them about the incoming disaster.  Or at least their employers do.

They're fine with destroying other people's investments and property but they have a very different reaction when it's theirs that's being destroyed before their eyes.  They probably all had dreams that 'one day the revolution will come' and they wouldn't want their investments anymore.  But human nature overrules them when it actually happens.

Incarcerated Creepy Porn Lawyer Michael Avenatti Pleads Guilty to Fraud, Tax Charges in California
June 16, 2022

Biden to CEO of Jo-Ann Stores: “My Sympathies to the Family of Your CFO Who Dropped Dead Very Unexpectedly”
June 16, 2022

□ [“'That’s Not Science, That’s Conjecture' – Sen. Rand Paul On Fire After Fauci Admits ‘Not Enough Data’ to Show Booster Shots Reduce Hospitalization and Death in Children"]

It's about giving orders to children!  That's not conjecture, that's his right as our master to do anything he wants to anyone.  If he wants to thrust a long, hard shaft into a child's body to ejaculate fluid, it's our duty to say 'thank you, sir, do you want another?'

And Fauci was discovered to have the virus right before he had to testify to Congress?  What kind of coincidence is that?  Two years of (supposedly) being surrounded by all these people dying of the virus, getting all these vaccines and boosters (supposedly) and *now* he gets infected, right before he has to talk to those guys?

No reduction in hospitalization or death of kids, then there's no point to getting stabbed with anything.  But Rand Paul is an actual physician.  Fauci has been a bureaucrat for my whole life, yet which one gets the unquestioned adoration?

□ [“Ministry of Truth 2.0: Kamala Harris to Lead New Task Force Targeting 'Online Harassment, Abuse, and Disinformation Campaigns'"]
□ [“White House Spox Confirms Joe Biden is Moving Forward with Plans to End Fossil Fuel Despite Soaring Gas Prices"]
□ [“Biden May Declare ‘National Public Health Emergency’ If Roe v Wade Is Overturned"]

This is what they've all wanted.  Unrestrained power in every part of our lives.  It's always been their dream.  Now they're spying on everybody, taking away transportation and expanding the ruler's power at the expense of the ruled.

Biden Announces Sweeping Executive Order to Advance Radical “LGBTQI+” Agenda In Schools – New EO Bans “Conversion Therapy,” Which Now Includes ‘Suggesting’ That a Child Should Not Undergo Medical Transition
June 16, 2022

Biden Stares Blankly at Reporter Asking Why He Hasn’t Sanctioned Russian Oligarch Who Wired Hunter Biden Millions of Dollars
June 16, 2022

CDC Issues New Emergency Guidance on Monkeypox
June 16, 2022

Biden: I'm demanding more output from greedy refiners to fight inflation
June 15, 2022

EU Releases Frozen Funding To Palestinian Authority for Textbooks Inciting Antisemitism and Jihad
June 15, 2022

Still trying to figure out leftism.  It's hopeless to figure out the why, just finding various descriptions of the 'what' or 'how.'  I just ran into some comment that they think their beliefs are universally accepted truths so only the corrupt, evil or stupid could ever disagree.  As always, it's a good description of what they do.

I do think it's based on individual choice, even if that just comes down to unwillingness to think.  We just passed the 60th anniversary of the birth of the Students for a Democratic Society.  If you're going to point to something to blame for the "New Left," that's as good a choice as any, but I still don't buy it.

There's the environment, the insistence on being ruled by emotion, there's the collective belief system that encourages this, all of that builds up, sure.  There's going after kids who don't know any better.  All of this forms a perfect explanation, but the 'why' still eludes me.

□ [“ExxonMobil Fires Back At Biden After He Accuses Oil Companies Of Profiteering In Letter"]

They'll be the first targets, that much is obvious.  No one is allowed to speak out against the self-identified POTUS, punishment will be required and promoted as much as possible so everyone else will see what will happen to them if they speak out.

Food or fuel, which will we run out of first?  It's getting lower and more expensive.  I assume the shortage of baby formula is hitting women almost as much as it's hitting babies since they'll spend a lot more time worrying about their younglings.  And this was brought to them by the same people who set them up against big, strong women-with-a-penis.  Only the most insane and wealthy of feminists wouldn't see a problem with that because they'd be surrounded by people who tell them what they want to hear.

But the rest of us are going to be hit hard, all at once.  Best to assume the enemy is prepared for this, who is prepared on our side?

The people in the country and small towns will be fairly safe, they know each other and are used to such a life.  It's the rest of us who will have immediate worries.  The wealthier ones might be able to back up food and supplies before it starts, the rest of will have gotten what we can, if we can.  We'll be a lot more vulnerable regardless.

And our rulers want it this way.

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