10 June, 2022

Only the anti-woman can say what a woman actually is.

The gas prices will officially hit $5/gallon any day now, if it hasn't already.  Our masters are so happy about that, you'd think they invested in oil companies.

□ [“'Flash' Star Ezra Miller Accused of Child Trafficking and Abusing Minor for Four Years"]

I did check, it's not just someone who's a character on the tv show (or movie or whatever it is) it's the one who plays The Flash.  He got the leading role and he molests kids, in this case kidnapping a 12 year-old.  I guess this guarantees an Oscar for whatever the next movie is, maybe even an Oscar from Earth 2.

California State Senator Wants to Mandate “Drag Queen 101” in K-12 Curriculum – Same Democrat Who Proposed Bill to Relax Sex Offender Punishment For Sex Crimes With Minors
June 10, 2022

Families of Trans Kids Are Suing Texas To Halt Child Abuse Investigations For Providing Sex-Change Therapies For Minors
June 10, 2022

Biden Officially Ends Covid-19 Test Requirement for Incoming International Air Travelers
June 10, 2022

Florida City Funded Lewd Pride Parade With Scantily Clad Drag Queens
June 10, 2022

□ [“Bidenomics: U.S. is Now Experiencing a Shortage of Tampons"]

That's hilarious.  Because you have to be a biologist to know what a woman is, now those who self-identify as women don't have away to stop the blood from leaving their vagina.  If they have one, that is.  If they don't, they're probably buying a lot of extra tampons, just in case.

You've already made the point that sissy-girls-with-vaginas are worthless at sports compared to the big strong women-with-penises, now they have to piss blood for a week every month and there's nothing to keep it off their clothes.  What else can we do to take women down?

There sure is a benefit to being a gender that doesn't have to put up with this in the first place.  One day I hope to find out what that gender is.

Anyway, this is the only article I've seen on the matter yet so we'll have to wait a while to see what comes out.  Officially it's because tampons require cotton which requires fertilizer which comes from Russia and Ukraine.  We'll see how that goes.

Figures. US Chamber of Commerce Handed Out “Made in China” Goodies in their Summit of the Americas Swag Bags
June 10, 2022

□ [“'We Have Laws Against Child Endangerment': DeSantis Fires Warning Shot At Drag Show Groomers"]

There are more stories about this coming out.  It does have to be one of the most fundamental parts of society, your kids are yours, nobody else's, but the people who disagree uniformly pretend to shove made-up genders into them as early as possible to get their way.

One has to wonder if their main goal is to destroy the concept of 'family,' and everything else is just a step on that path.  We'll never know and they're not capable of comprehending what they're doing but what would they be doing differently if that *was* their goal?

I can't even see the appeal, everybody trapped in these massive rooms to be raised and you can do whatever you want to any kid because they aren't yours in the first place?  Government agents never need to pretend they don't anything, they believe they own everything, so the kids are their property.  And they can never point to any kids who grow up healthy and competent as a result of this, they always stick with the 'it's never really been tried' motif.

American Actor Jack Wagner’s 27-Year-Old Son Found Dead in Los Angeles Parking Lot – Cause of Death Still Under Investigation
June 10, 2022

Popular TikTok Content Creator Cooper Noriega Dead at the Age of 19 – Hours After Posting in Social Media About Dying at Young Age
June 10, 2022

Leftists are becoming far more open about violence, they're going after the Supreme Court now.  Some of them then claim it's hypothetical but they're only kidding themselves.  I noticed that one twitter was saying someone with a terminal illness should do it, showing that they're trying to get suicide bombers.  We've dealt with those for the last 20 years, now the left wants more.

And who's siding with leftists?  Islam.  The leftist infidel is trying to suck up to them anyway - as seen by their giving Iran everything they can to make it nuclear ASAP - and they've learned from this, everything except learning the truth.

‘Transgender’ YouTuber With Over 1 Million Subscribers: ‘Childhood Innocence’ Is A ‘Bullsh*t Fantasy Made Up By Adults’
June 10, 2022

□ [“With Border Cities Completely Overwhelmed, Biden to Begin Bussing Illegals Deeper into the US"]

And they're supporting the invaders.  Why didn't Ukraine think of this?  Because their rulers are supposedly trying to help them, ours aren't?  Got a better answer?

□ [“Biden Downplays Inflation, Falsely Claims Americans Are Seeing 'Better Pay'"]

It's not like our self-appointed master has a clue what's going on.  We're not making more money, we're spending more just to keep from falling too far behind where we were before he took over.  Why do you think credit cards are getting used so much, setting historical records two months in a row?  That's not going to last too long, the companies won't be able to handle the debt.

And then what?  You think wiping everything out is going to work?  Or rather, the people who tell you what to do think that's going to work?

Oh, but he justifies it, "every country in the world is getting a big bite and piece of this inflation worse than we are."  Sure, you only amputated one of our legs, you amputated two from everybody else, that's so much better.  We owe you so much.

It's not like it's going to hurt him.  Dead people can't drive so they don't notice the prices, he won't lose their votes.

The Invisible Man: World Leaders Completely Ignore “Summit of the Americas” Host Joe Biden As He Stares Off Into Distance
June 10, 2022

Texas Power Grid Operator Braces For Extreme Temperatures – Energy Rates DOUBLED!
June 10, 2022

Oh, Canada…: Fresh Off Handgun Ban, Tyrant Justin Trudeau Says Using a Gun For Self Defense Is “Not a Right That You Have” In Canada
June 10, 2022

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