04 June, 2022

We never see A together with A. I wonder if they're the same person.

19-Year-Old UMass Amherst La Crosse Player Dies “Unexpectedly”
June 3, 2022

Pizza Hut Features Book About “Drag Kids” Aimed at Children in Pre-Kindergarten
June 3, 2022

Country Music Association Bans ‘Confederate Flag Imagery of Any Kind’ from CMA Fest in Nashville
June 4, 2022

□ [“Children Invited on Stage to Perform with Drag Queens in 21+ Gay Bar in Dallas"]

Who's giving the orders?  There is no chance whatsoever that all these teachers across the country woke up one morning and decided they absolutely had to take all these children to gay strip clubs and not a single one of them thought getting parental permission was a good idea.  This cannot be a coincidence, it is entirely deliberate, so who's giving the order to do this?

They were doing it for quite a while before this 'gay month' so that didn't start it, although it possibly inspires more teachers to stick it into kids.

New York Teacher Charged With Groping and Sexting Students
June 4, 2022

It’s Official: Gas Prices Have More Than Doubled Since Joe Biden Took Office
June 4, 2022

□ [The Hill.com:  “The unpalatable truth in Ukraine"]

It's coming out a bit more, Russia didn't have much chance of losing in the first place and the media didn't do anything to stop them.  They're a lot bigger, a lot more powerful and Ukraine hasn't bothered to vaccinate against Covid.  They also haven't bothered to set up any connection to allies since the 2014 Russian invasion.

Ukraine lost that invasion eight years ago, there's been lots of opportunity to stop and ask 'what did we do wrong?'  Learning from that loss might help out in case Russia invades again.  But no, they found something else to do in all that time.  So now the media has to realize that they either don't have a clue what they're talking about or they've been flat-out lying to their audience who knows that.

□ [“U.S. Officials Admit They Have Lied About Ukraine Success and Russian Failures"]

Back in March, we were told that Russia was getting ready to use chemical weapons.  Over two months later, we're told there was never any evidence of that.  We're also being told that Russia wasn't actually retreating as they'd claimed before, there are strategic reasons to reorganize during the attack.

We're also told how hard the Russian economy has been hit but they've never pointed to anything except sportscars, fancy boats and other accessories for the very rich.  Russia doesn't need to import very much, they make most of what their nation needs and even export it.  It's not hard to find countries that want food and oil, if you're willing to sell it, which Russia doesn't need to do.  They build their own vehicles, they can fuel them, they work as tanks or planes.  It's the sort of economy the US used to have before leftists took over.

Biden says Ukraine might have to give Russia land in ‘negotiated settlement’
June 3, 2022

Ben & Jerry’s Puts Up Billboards Across Multiple States Supporting ‘Trans’ Kids
June 4, 2022

Mexican Cartels Are Handing Out Wristbands – They’re Organizing the Invasion
June 4, 2022

Thinking about individualism, a common leftist tactic when hearing something they don't like is to say 'you got that from Fox News/Rush Limbaugh/whatever they're into now.'

This removes the very concept of thought, they can only believe someone is saying what they were told by someone else.  This makes it convenient to ignore whatever was being said, but it also denies the very notion that people can think for themselves and reach a similar conclusion.  

It's definitely projection, they're the ones who are saying what they were told which is what they accuse others of doing.  They probably do think for themselves, whether they like it or not, but they deny it at all costs.  Lucky for them they all reach the same conclusion, whatever they were told to think.

By dismissing the very concept of individual thought, they guarantee they can never perceive everything that exists, neither can their masters.  This guarantees their failures and probably encourages them to believe reality is whatever they want it to be.

I always use basic examples of reality.  If belief is all that defines reality, why don't people just believe they're never hungry?  That would save a lot of money on food.  There's no point of banning guns, just believe they don't exist and they can't hurt anybody.  You could go up to the roof and declare that you don't believe in gravity, then start walking.  Nothing bad could happen if you don't believe in it.

Reality is too complicated for us to define it but the closer we get, the better off we are.  We are all individuals so we're all going to have different perceptions and thoughts, that's why there's human conflict, as is the fact that so many people want to deny reality.

This is an unsolvable problem.  To a large extent, we can't tell who is denying reality and who is actually thinking.  We can't read each other's thoughts and we often can't accurately communicate our thoughts to each other with full comprehension.  Those who acknowledge thought and reality have something to work with, those who don't, don't.

I am definitely on the side of individualism.  As a bonus, I get to include ten years of military experience where it really became clear how the armed forces are *NOT* about individuality, but because they have to recognize reality - it's part of their job - they handle it as best they can.

That's one reason the policy is to solve problems at the lowest level, so judgement and policies are implemented by those who are familiar with the individuals they're dealing with in these specific cases.  Doing this supports the unit and the mission and the individuals involved.  Doing it some other way wouldn't work as well.

□ [“White House Postpones Joe Biden’s Trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia – 'Reason for Delay Wasn’t Immediately Clear'"]

My guess is that either Biden's health isn't good enough to make the trip or that he'd have to openly oppose a flight going between Israel and Saudi Arabia, given that Trump set the precedent.  He either has to admit that Trump was right or that Israel's existence must not be recognized by Saudi or any other Muslim state, and it's probably easy to find quotes of Biden saying they should do just that.

Bidenomics in Action: Midwest Braces for Rotating Power Blackouts This Summer
June 4, 2022

Gov. Noem Says She Will Sue if Biden Cuts Funding to States That Don’t Allow Biological Males to Play on Girls Sports Teams
June 4, 2022

Here We Go: California County Reinstates Indoor Mask Mandate Due to ‘Rising Covid Cases’
June 3, 2022

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