25 September, 2022

How did we get here? Well I'll tell you, it started when I met this girl...

Spanish Minister of Equality argues that children have the right to sex with whomever they want regardless of age
September 24, 2022

□ [“Italy Elects Its First Female and Populist Leader in History – Giorgia Meloni"]

A point for the right wing, but obviously I'm skeptical.  I'm sexist, we shouldn't be having women do this.  If there's a benefit, it should be that it inspires men to do a better job.  As individuals, women are capable of doing things, I guess, but so few of them aspire to be individuals and Europe has spent a long time taking advantage of that.

But this does cause another problem for Europe.  Her party won parliament too.  Assuming this isn't a puppet-show, there's now another nation standing up against the EU.  It may not be much as an economic power but it's Italy, there are levels where very few nations can compete.  Egypt, China and maybe parts of Greece are the only real competitors in what Italy has brought to civilization.

It's definitely a victory as far as drawing a line and saying "No more of this!"  We need more of that line drawn.  One thing our opponents have in common is the desire to destroy the very concept of a 'nation.'  By an amazing coincidence, they always seize power in nations and silence any opposition so even though they never govern the world the way they aspire to, they get to rule their nation.  That's what we need to fight.

So now Europe and the United States are headed towards a winter of suffering for everybody who isn't in charge.  They're going to hit us as hard as possible, what are we going to do about it?

Italians Tell EU Leader Ursula Van der Leyen to Pound Sand – Reject Her Threats and Globalist Poison and Vote in Giorgia Meloni
September 25, 2022

Still trying to work out what those of us who live in cities should be preparing for when the crisis hits.  There's back-up supplies and there's an ability to run away but those can't really be combined.  Most vehicles can't hold enough food to get you through the winter and that's without including water, weapons, back-up power supplies or enough gasoline to fuel the vehicle more than once.  Without a vehicle, you'll be able to carry even less and will be stuck wherever you are.

So what are the best plans to make?  How can you set up an alliance with all the strangers in your apartment or neighborhood?  If you don't set up that alliance, what will everybody be doing when shit finally hits the fan?

I get to cite military experience and use that as an example of how people should organize but it's just a fantasy that would put me in charge, and I'd be the first to vote that I not be the one in charge.  Working for the guy in charge is different, I'd be good at that.  But what if it turns out that you're surrounded by strangers with no military or police experience?  That's going to happen more than we want, so what's the best way to handle it?

How much chaos will there be?  Well we don't know, do we?  And this might actually be a time where assuming the worst will happen wouldn't be the best decision because if the worst doesn't happen, then thinking it would means we've screwed ourselves over permanently.

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